The Lazy Man's Fundraising

One of the bats threw its wings, though Stringer was actually relieved: this allowed him to dodge around them and deliver a slash it couldn't block. The remaining bat attempted to do the same, but was instantly shot down by on oncoming blast.

SeedbatA: DELETED!
SeedbatB: DELETED!
SeedbatC: DELETED!
SeedbatD: DELETED!

Stringer: 85

Reward: 270 zenny.
After picking up the zenny, Stringer brushed his hands off, saying proudly, "Heh, no damage all battle."

"A fluke," countered Donell quickly. Shrugging, Stringer looks around for some more virii to fight.
((Remember battle number!))

Stringer would be quite lucky for the same fluke to happen twice.

SpikyA: 90
SpikyB: 90
SpookyA: 50
SpookyB: 50
CannondumbA: 50
CannondumbB: 50

Stringer: 85

Battle 3 Start!
"You just had to say it, didn't you, Donell?" groaned Stringer, looking at the intimidating group of viruses in front of him. He quickly ran back a bit to put a enough of a space between him and the virii to be safe for a bit. Suddenly, his right arm morphed into a Shotgun.

"Huh... I guess you're starting to get the hang of this too, Donell," said Stringer in a suprised tone. Donell just looked at the screen with that same lazy look.

Stringer raised the Shotgun up to the Canodumbs, figuring it'd be fairly easy to pick them both off due to them being stationary. After locking on to one of them, Stringer let off a round.

1) Create distance.
2) Aim.
3) Shotgun @ CanodumbA (50 damage, splash)
Both of the Cannondumbs were taken down, but putting space between himself and the viruses became difficult. The Spikies closed in, and one released a fireball into the Navi's face.

SpikyA: 90
SpikyB: 90
SpookyA: 50
SpookyB: 50
CannondumbA: DELETED!
CannondumbB: DELETED!

Stringer: 55
Coughing and waving smoke away from his face, Stringer saw an opportunity, as did Donell. The hand he was dispersing the smoke with suddenly turned into the Bubbler, ready to pick off the two fire virii that had picked the wrong Navi to blast. Stringer locked onto the two Spiky virii in front of him, and shot the Bubbler right at them.

"Wow, I guess it was a good thing that you bought this Aqua chip over something else, after all," chuckled Stringer from behind his now-charred helmet.

"I guess," replied Donell in a very flat tone.

Knowing that the Spookies were still around, Stringer took up a defensive stance, waiting for the next move.

1) Aim.
2) Bubbler @ SpikyA (50x2 damage, splash, Aqua)
3) Prepared dodge.
The bubbler took down its targets due to Stringer's careful aiming and tactics, but there wasn't a precise way to dodge the Spookies. He readied his defenses and managed to escape one's tongue, only to end up in the face of another.

SpookyA: 50
SpookyB: 50
CannondumbA: DELETED!
CannondumbB: DELETED!

Stringer: 40
Stringer groaned as he watched more saliva slide down his visor. Stringer had decided at that point that he really didn't like Spookies. Anyway, seeing another close-range opportunity, Donell slotted in the Sword, and Stringer quickly made a horizontal cut at the Spooky whose saliva was dripping off his helmet.

After that, Stringer pointed his Sword at the remaining Spooky as an intimidation tactic. Stringer dashed forward, ready to end this battle with one slash.

1) Sword @ SpookyA (80 damage, Sword)
2) Point Sword at SpookyB (Intimidate?)
3) Sword @ SpookyB (80 damage, Sword)
The viruses were ready to teleport, but Stringer defeated them through sheer impatience. He was done putting up with their nonsense.

CannondumbA: DELETED!
CannondumbB: DELETED!

Stringer: 40

Reward: Recov10, 240 zenny.
Stringer picked up his rewards, smiling at his newly-acquired recovery chip. Still, Stringer sighed and said, "Jack me out, Donell. There's so much junk on my visor now that I can't see 2 feet in front of me." Stringer shuddering as he tried looking through the gross mixture of ash and saliva on his visor.

"I'd be kind of funny to see you try to go through a battle blind..." thought Donell aloud.

"Just jack me out..." groaned Stringer as he sat down and waited to finally leave.

(Battle 3 completed)