Bugman and Teethman

((Yes, we relate it very well))

Teeth grabbed Bugman in his enamelly grasp and hurled him toward the trio of Metool and the Mafioso. The tiny multicolored projectile sailed through the air and landed soundly, smashing against the face of the Vulcan totting Mafioso. (20 DMG) Bugman plopped to the ground and stood face to face with the Metool he had risked everything to save.

You speak Mettan? Metthew asked. his pips sounding surprised. Look, don't worry about us. The girl is important. Far more important than you know. However... He paused as if considering his options. If you can somehow get us to her safetly, we would appreciate it.

"Wha' da 'ell?" The injured Mafioso sputtered as he gazed down at Bugman. "'Ittle 'astard. I tink 'e broke mah nose."

"What's going on here?" The shotgun Navi asked.

His answer came in the form of gunfire from behind the rubble. The NetPolice were taking advantage of Bugman's appearant diversion by opening fire on the three Mafioso. However, they didn't particularily care what they hit and Bugman and the Metool were very much within their line of fire. The Mafioso returned fire, explosions of sound accompanying the release of their gunfire.

"A freelance, eh?" The shotgun Navi shouted over the gunfire without even looking down at Bugman. "Good on ya. Let's take care of these pigs."

The little girl, heedless of the gunfire passing back and forth between the two groups. She weaved her way toward Bugman and the three Metool. She was attempting to scream over the sounds of battle, her voice drowned out by the rapid explosions of gunfire. Eventually she got close enough to Bugman to speak, her words coming out as small squeeks and pips that sounded like perfect Mettan.

Come on guys! We gotta go before the bad men hurt you. Please? We gotta go! Tears brimmed her eyes as she gestured for the Metool to follow her out of the path of gunfire.

A stray blaster shot smashed into the girl's chest and she fell over. Luckily Teethman's barrier had activated just in time and protected the girl from harm. The Metool peeped in outrage, but where prevented from lending aid by a hail of gunfire that landed around them. Metthew turned to Bugman once more.

We have to help her. Use me as a shield and get her out of here. Metty and Mettilda could use your help as well.

The girl seemed to understand what Metthew was saying and gave a short command in Mettan that Bugman could not understand. Metty and Mettilda immdediately locked hands and formed a sphere, their helmets interlocking to form an impenetrable golden ball. Perhaps Bugman could roll them away from the battlefield without any real trouble.

Teethman, however, had his own troubles. If Bugman helped the Mafia, would the NetPolice and MustacheMan turn on him?

Goon1: 180 [VULCAN'D!]
Goon2: 160 [SHOTGUN'D!]
Goon3: 200 [CANNON'D]

RubbleA: 50
RubbleB: 75

-Behind RubbleA-
MustacheMan: 250 [???]
NetPolice1: 100 [CANNON'D]
NetPolice2: 100 [CANNON'D]

-In middle of Mafia goons-
Metty: 40 [BALL'D]
Metthew: 40 [Can be used as a shield]
Mettilda: 40 [BALL'D]

-Unprotected and off to right side of battlefield-
???(Girl): 100 [50 HP Barrier]

-Behind RubbleB-
TeethMan: 160
BugMan: 120

Terrain: Normal - 70%, Cracked(In between Mafia and Rubble) - 30%
"Proceeded... proceeded he voice..." Teethman muttered, barely audible to any save his operator. "... He seems leaving toward group the...?" At his comprehension of what might be about to happen with his supposed ally, Teethman froze up momentarily. Had he too quickly decided who his friends and foes were? Did this character have the right idea...? The Netpolice had quickly opened fire without regards to this young girl...

"Teeth," Hal called out, dispelling the confusion that had begun rapidly to build up inside his Navi. "Don't worry. You and I both know what we have to do. Besides, maybe we misheard? Look at it this way: there are so many groups against each other here. Who knows how to interpret 'I'm joining you guys!'" Hal smiled, flipping back the bangs of his short hair again and causing Teethman to flinch. Was this some new idiosyncrasy of the new, improved Hal...? "You know what I'm saying, and we both have our mission. The NetPolice are firing but only because everyone's in the way and they have their priorities. The faster the NetMafia goes down, the faster this little girl gets out of here safely. We go on the offensive!"

"... Hears as you possess a schematic," Teethman replied, apparently with reconstructed confidence. "Determining that exists method we were embarking toward achieve it, input me any snacks."

Hal gave a nod in response, beginning to select the battlechips they'd use to accomplish their task. "You have to keep light on your feet as you get this off... but I have a new skill for you that should make that easy. I added some functionality with these skills in areas that were formally just for show. And, I'm sure you'll be glad to know, it won't wear you down at the least. Try running Pattern 1 for your Internal Vibrator."

"... Internet... Vitalizer... May... Mayhaps we might vary that..." Teethman muttered in a cold sweat at the name.

"Haha, don't worry about not being able to pronounce it, Teeth!" Hal reassured him. "For now, the Internal Vibrator is a great and appropriate name for that function. Now, set it to Pattern 1 and feel the fun begin!"

Teethman suppressed a rising in his throat, though he had to acknowledge he had bigger fish to fry at the moment. Hal had given him the battlechips, and it wasn't hard to see what had changed with the pattern caused by his new program. The first thing Teethman noticed was his line of sight rising and falling slowly at first, and then at a rapid rate. He realized this was because his torso had begun the chattering motion associated with the technique. The noise in itself was outstanding, but the vibrations being created even moreso. He could feel the waves rippling around him and distorting the air. Even more amazing was that he could control the aspects of the waves as though by a new instinct: he felt this offered him a whole new dimension to the diversion of enemy attacks. At the same time, a steady head would keep his own shots from going awry.

"The greatest method to proof my novel ability is a proximity battle sample," Teethman noted to himself. Hal must have thought the same. The capping block to Teethman's remaining arm opened at the end to allow a beam of blue energy to zip out. The energy quickly solidified into its form as a sword. Teethman whirled his arm, cutting through the tense waves in the air experimentally. "Quite fine... I shall never depend on mine guard. Concerning this test, I shall rely solely on mine technique." With this, Teethman began running toward the NetMafia goons with the sword at his side. It would be best if he could make his way around. That way, Teethman could hopefully make the MafiaNavis take the brunt of the shots from the NetPolice... he was fairly certain they wouldn't stop firing just for his sake. In fact, he felt now that running in was a silly thing to do.

Was there a silly Teethman, who enjoyed running in and doing these kind of reckless things? The one that ate Cacty and spent hours cleaning his teeth, or the one that made snacks of the equipment of his allies? Was he stronger or weaker than the Teethman forced to fight for what he believed in?

No... there was only one Teethman. And that was the one now hurtling himself into the fray to prove his own abilities. Teethman dashed to his position... if he hadn't miscalculated, he would now be behind the enemies, sandwiching them between himself and the NetPolice firing squad. "Accuracy proceeds never calculate... rapidity, fast extensions, withholding onto my toes! That exists which this seems concerning... Owing I fashion it thus!" Indeed, there was no method to Teethman's strike. His one arm, energy sword grafted to the end by the earlier chip's data, now lashed out like a serpent as it whipped in two quick strikes against the Mafia goons. The Navi wasn't aiming for well-placed hits... for his first time using the ability, Teethman's prime focus was manipulating the wave of disruption now surrounding himself to allow the sword to travel through the disturbance with speed. If he could still deliver devastating blows in this state, he would be reaffirmed in the new abilities Hal had given him.

-Chatter- 2 Dodges
-Tactical Action- Close distance, get behind
-Sword to Goon3 [80]
-Sword to Goon3 [80+10(NPBoost)]
<<Buggy! Hey, Buggy, you alright? Those police jerks are shooting at you!>>

"EH!? This is getting dangerous!" Bugman cried as shots zipped past the small group. He scattered a shifty look across the broken terrain, distinguishing a small enclave among the remains of two collapsed websites, away from the mafia and opposite the netpolice.

He glanced behind him to check that the mafia were occupied by the barrage of gunfire, yelling, loading weapons and handling some sort of wierd device. He muttered a few words under his breath. The mirror atop his crown seemed to do the opposite of glowing, instead making the small area directly in front of it darker. The glass bulged outwards, a black, shapeless mass of a warm, shiny substance oozing out. It reached the ground, squashing into and around the golden metool ball, suckered onto the round surface.

With his left hand Bugman picked up Metthew by the foot, holding him close like a shield. With his right he held the girl's wrist, helping her to stand.

"What I need you to do is hide in that." he whispered to her, indicating the sheltered portion of the rubble. "Stay in there untill we're finished. And don't worry about your friends..." he added, smiling,

"Not even a cybeast can break their armour of courage."

Once she was moving away, Bugman turned his back on her to face the goons.

"Roy, i'll need the Gut Buster."

<<Just as long as you don't do anything stupid.>>

The data that bubbled on his right arm became the comfortably heavy, triple-barreled shotgun he'd come to like very much, a gift from one of Roy's old friends. Bugman watched the closest goon fumble around with his own shotgun weapon. He recalled how the fiend had been kicking around the prince of metools like some screwed up ball of paper. He let the irritation turn to anger, and then to violence.

"Oy! Mafia Bastard! Try picking on someone slightly taller!" he snarled at the foe, punching the Gut Buster into his unsuspecting back and pulling the trigger.

The force of the weapon made him stumble back. After regaining his balance, he retreated a little and positioned himself sideways with Metthew's helmet pointed at the mafia. The dark grip from Bugman's head moved the metool ball to a place that covered as much of him as possible from retaliatory fire.

1,2,3- Shotgun to Goon2
4- Dodge
((Sorry for the crap mod, but I don't even remember what I was doing with this battle...))

And chaos ensued...Teethman charged into battle, his sword held high, and went toe to tooth with one of the Mafia Goons. The Goon tried to fire back with his cannon, but the fiesty flouride fighter flipped and flew about the battlefield. However, Teeth's dodges exposed his back to the counterfire of the NetPolice and a cannon shell exploded into his enamel armor.

Bugman did a complete 180 and started firing shotgun blasts wildly into the melee. Luckily, his shots missed Teeth, but Bugman was too close for the spread of buckshot to be effective crowd control. Still, one of the mafia goons was going to feel like crap in the morning...If he lived that long.

The vulcan toting goon fired at the NetPolice, but the spray of bullets did little against the rubble that served as cover for the oportunistic NetPolice. MustascheMan returned fire, but the nimble goon dodged out of the way. One of the NetPolice officers tried to shoot Bugman, but the bullet riccocheted off of Metthew and penetrated deep into the officer's shoulder. The other officer was too busy dodging or something to attack...Yeah.

Meanwhile, the girl was moving toward the rubble that Bugman had pointed out. I'm sure she'll be fine.

Goon1: 180 [VULCAN'D!]
Goon2: 10 [SHOTGUN'D!]
Goon3: 30 [CANNON'D]

RubbleA: 15
RubbleB: 75

-Behind RubbleA-
MustacheMan: 250 [???]
NetPolice1: 40 [CANNON'D]
NetPolice2: 100 [CANNON'D]

-In middle of Mafia goons-
TeethMan: 120

-Unprotected and off to right side of battlefield-
BugMan: 120 [SHIELD'D!]
Metty: 40 [BALL'D] [BugMan'D!]
Metthew: 40 [SHIELD'N]
Mettilda: 40 [BALL'D] [BugMan'D!]

-Moving Toward RubbleB(1 turn to arrive)
???(Girl): 100 [50 HP Barrier]

-Behind RubbleB-

Terrain: Normal - 70%, Cracked(In between Mafia and Rubble) - 30%
Bugman watched in horror and shock as his opponent collapsed onto the ground, barely alive. His anger turned to guilt. The flickering body was going to die because of him. He was no killer. Hell, he was supposed to be the opposite, keeping people alive. He'd destroyed plenty before, but this was far different from some animal-like virus. There was a net-op involved, who probably had a great friendship...

This wasn't right... He needed to think about this.

"Roy... I, I don't want to kill him.", he mumbled to his net-op, "This isn't right..."


From his bench in Electown, Roy LeGorn Steams produced a small, wooden toothpick from his breast pocket and used it to dislodge a stray piece of breakfast from his molars. He wasn't quite sure why he was fighting in this war. His grudge had nothing to do with the mafia or the police. Was it because of Bugman's viral research, or did he just want to be stronger? Whatever the reason, he now had three sentient shields and an innocent civilian girl to protect... A slight blush invaded his face, drawing him back out of the scrupulous daydream. ((And from that line of thought. <.< ))

"Focus, Buggy.", he reminded his digital counterpart, "This is an escort mission. Routing isn't the only victory condition. Just keep the enemy from killing the targets and you're done."

He pushed his tinted glasses up back into position with a single finger, smiling at a new thought.

"Besides, he'll have a backup somewhere. All you're doing is removing him from the fight."


Bugman hadn't thought of that. He wouldn't really be killing, as the enemy was locked safely away in a foreign data packet.

But he wouldn't last long rushing in for a fight. He needed more information to come up with a plan.

"Beam Study." he muttered.

Bugman closed his eyes. The central glass part of the Gut Buster glowed a bright scarlet. A bubble of red gridlines appeared, surrounding the weapon. Pointing it at the general area of commotion, he caused the bubble to expand outwards, washing over the floor, the mafia, the other navi and the rubble. After passing the farthest object, the gridlocked lines collapsed into a tangled mess that seemed to get sucked back into his custom weapon, the red light dieing out with a single, loud, high-pitched beep.

As he opened his eyes, the light-based scanner gave a readout on the battle scenario. Two members of the mafia were on the floor, one cursing quietly on his front and the other on his knees flashing graphic problems. The third was focused on riddling the netpolice full of holes, whilst the cops themselves were holding out behind their rapidly crumbling defences. The only one he could rely on was the large dental nightmare, who had also single handidly reduced one of the grunts to a flickering mess. He would leave the vulcaneer to him.

"I've got a green, Roy. I'll need something to take care of this guy first.", informed Bugman, motioning at the shotgun'd goon with Metthews helmet.

<<Cannon on the way.>>

At the third tone, the Gut Buster will be replaced by a cannon. Nuuuuuu! It was leveled at the mafia goon's head, ready to fire. Just a simple clean kill...

Bugman hesitated. It was still killing... It's just not right...

He heard a grunt from the broken thug. He saw him reaching for his dropped shotgun. He panicked. And he fired.

The recoil made him shudder. Surprised, he stumbled back. What did he do? Had he killed? Was he a murderer now? Will people still think he's cute?

<<Hey! Focus! There's still stuff to do!>>

Bugman blinked away the regretful thoughts. Right, there were still people to protect.

The spent cannon warped back into the Gut Buster, glowing a violent emerald. Eight strands of green, waving light burst out of the weapon in a symetrical sphere-arc. Four headed straight for the kneeling mafia's back. The rest went for the one still standing, each aiming for a seperate limb. Should they miss, they would curl around in a snake-like fashion and try to grab something to strangle. He thought the attack might cause the remaining goon to retaliate, so he threw something extra to keep him busy.

Once done, he slowly backed his way towards the rubble he'd sent the girl too. He held one shield at the mafia, the other two in the police's direction, just incase they believed him to be a target.

"Stay strong, guys.", he encouraged the mettaurs, "We'll be safe in a bit."

1- Cannon to Goon2 (-40)
2- Distortion Compression to Goon1 (-40) and Goon3 (-40)
3- Cactball to Goon3 (-3x20dmg, wood)
4- Dodge (Met defence)


Watching the resulting events, Roy recalled something from earlier.

Quote (The Mysterious Metgirl)

My mommy says that I have the prettiest curly hair. D'ya think its pretty, Mister? My mommy says that I'm just about the prettiest thing she's ever seen.

Did she mean an operator?

Dragging his PET's screen with the unused end of his toothpick, he rotated his view of the internet to face the rubble, double-tapping on the icon for the girl. He selected the "Properties" bar to see if there was anything suspicious about her.
((Your call on this stuff, Zan.))
((Yo, you sure you wanna continue? Steve's giving you all a pretty big out. Also, Heat hasn't pmed Steve, so you may end up in this alone PC-wise. If you wanna continue, pm me. I'll work on the mod post tonight and try to get it up tomorrow before class.))
((Crappy post, but whatever. I gave Heat all dodge for this turn...))

The battle raged hard and fierce, bolts of sizzling energy flying back and forth between the NetPolice and the trio of mafia members. The rubble shielding the ambushing NetPolice was shattered by sustained fire from the mafiosos and one police officer fell. Two of the mafia goons fell soon after as Bugman rejoined the fray. The ratatatat of machine gun fire barked across the battlefield and one police Navi fell to his side, his weapon sliding out of his grasp and across the ground.

"Nononono!" The girl cried. "Stop hurtin' eachotter! We havta get outta here!"

MustacheMan responded to the girls words by firing a shot at the Metool ball rolling in front of Bugman. The shot hit the golden ball and riccocheted off to smash into the back of Teethman. The enamel clad Navi fell to the floor, stunned, as the battle raged around him. The girl screamed and began to shine with a golden power...

Goon1: 140 [VULCAN'D!]

RubbleA: SMASH'D!
RubbleB: 75

-Behind RubbleA-
MustacheMan: 220 [???]
NetPolice1: DELETED!
NetPolice2: 50 [UNARM'D!]

-In middle of Mafia goons-
TeethMan: 50 [STUN'D!]

-Unprotected and off to right side of battlefield-
BugMan: 120 [SHIELD'D!]
Metty: 40 [BALL'D] [BugMan'D!]
Metthew: 40 [SHIELD'N]
Mettilda: 40 [BALL'D] [BugMan'D!]

-Behind RubbleB-
???(Girl): 100 [GLOWIN'!]

Terrain: Normal - 70%, Cracked(In between Mafia and Rubble) - 30%

((Forgot to mention that Roy's attempts to find a NetOp end with failure. His PET goes dark for a second and then static blares for two more seconds before things return to normal. Once again, sorry for the crap mod. I promise the next turn will be pretty awesome.))
((Also crappy post, but I just want to see what's up with this plot, and hopefully other plots concerning the mets.))

As Bugman made for the remaining mafia grunt, the receptors on the back of his headpiece began to recieve some worrying signals. Stopping to glance behind him, he realized what was causing the massive energy surge. T'was none other than the being who had requested their help in the first place. Her innocence had withered, timid face covered in flowing lines and a glowing aura surrounded her floating body. Something big was about to come from that little girl.

And it looked like it'd be coming his way. Both the mafia and the netpolice had been harassing the little metools since the fight had started, and Bugman was now between them and the big, bright light which screamed "GTFO". With a quick snap to open his wings, he extended the dark hand that carried the metball from his headpiece, curling it around his ally's waist. With his free hand, he equipped his reserved Heatshot cannon and aimed it perpendicular to the area between the metgirl and everyone else.

"Hold tight, everyone!", he cried, firing off the battlechip in hopes of propelling Teethman, the metools and himself away from the line of fire.

1(Heatshot),2,3,4: For the love of Christ, DODGE!
((Gah...So much built up crap at school. Essays and what not. I'll get to this as soon as possible...And it'll prolly end the battle. So, we'll be able to get this taken care of.....Wednesday?))
((Heat, Lego, please look here.))