I'm sick of this...

Attention. I'm sick of how long this event is taking. I want everyone caught up as soon as possible. While we're working on the event itself, I know that there are a couple of people who have been effected by this indirectly. I want this finished, I want this done, I want people to actually want to come and RP here again.

So, ANYone that is stuck because of this event (But not actually in the event itself.) PM ME. I will PERSONALLY get you out of whatever you're in, and get you back into a regular busting mode. I want this done and over with, so that people can get back to having fun.
You know what? I'm REALLY sick of this. The whole event, everything. It's gone on for freaking ever, and not many people are very far.

Long story short: Unless I receive a PM from you telling me not to within the next three days, I am ending this event.

I will personally get every single people out right away. I'll even give you proper rewards for if you had finished it. I just want this DONE. I want everyone OUT, and I want us all to move ON.

Twi-edit: As a sidenote, I've told him to do this because I, too, am getting bored. :'D

EDIT: This is a list of people I've received PMs from. These people will be the only ones left in the NetWar area after 3 days, so if you aren't on the list, you're outta there.

It is done.

I want to point out the last part to the last few people still in the event. I'm going to end your guys topics by June, regardless. I want everyone free to do whatever they want this summer, while the Mod-Cave goes back to the drawing board to stop something from this happening again.