Meeting with the employer

Blue nodded, seeming satisfied that he'd humbled himself to apologize to her. She was still very upset though, he noticed, as he took his distance. The bushy mustached navi seemed to ignore him, walking up to the DimensionGirls with a stern expression. Raider turned on his radio to listen to what was being said between the NP officer and the two NP SPs...

The brass-skinned navi set his eyebrows stern, coughing into one of his trombones and then beginning to speak. "Inexcusable, harumpumpum. Blue, I must reprimand you for allowing DimensionGirl Red to carry out such a hair-brained scheme at the expense of the safety of these civilians. Red, I believe you know how I feel about this whole excursion of yours, harumpumpum. No paper-work, no correspondence with Netpolice Administrators... What do you have to say for yourself?" he asked the red-suited DimensionGirl, crossing one arm over the other and glaring, despite his lack of eyes.

"With all due respect, Officer BrassMan, we managed to take out all of Idol's forces with no civilian injuries. The civilian opinion of the NP has no doubt improved as a result of this success and Idol will no longer be a threat to anyone. Isn't that worth the risks we took?"[font=ar cena][/font] DimensionGirl Red responded, holding a salute but frowning.

"Not at all, Red. Listen to me, harumpumpum: you must never put the lives of unoperated navis at risk, never! Under your watch, harumpumpum, a civilian just killed an unoperated navi. Have you taken into account how he'll feel, with that blood on his hands? You've acted utterly without thought and created mistakes far greater than those benefits you mentioned, harumpumpum," the navi scolded her, holding firm. "You know I don't like to be severe, but learn from this: in hoping to help the civilians but acting outside of authority, you have committed serious errors. Do not act without our knowledge or misrepresent us again."

"Yes sir..."[font=ar cena][/font] she replied quietly, keeping a dutiful at-attention stance and a firm salute.

Blue crossed her arms and glared angrily at BrassMan."Hey, tell AlchemyMan we're real thankful for having to take care of his monster. We never got Libertine's sword back, but you know, she and her prototype weapon were acceptable losses, I guess,"[font=ar cena][/font] she spat, looking furious.

BrassMan sighed, his eyebrows dropping to a sorrowful expression. Crossing his arms behind his large back, he turned around and teleported off of the net. Blue grumbled something Raider could not make out over the radio, then teleported off as well. Red was left alone and dropped her salute, looking stricken with worry. Finally, she turned her head, looking at Raider with a startled expression and seeing him using the radio. Putting two and two together, she mentally scolded herself and ran to meet him. "I'm uh, sorry that you... Please, disregard anything you heard. It's nothing you need to concern yourself over. I... I've acted outside of authority,[font=ar cena][/font] she sighed, staring at her feet as she took the radio back. "Don't feel badly about that navi you killed. A man named AlchemyMan killed him a long time before you got to him."[font=ar cena][/font]

As she and the last of the NP forces jacked out, Raider was left alone with a cheery, talkative crowd of civilians, all oblivious to the inner turmoil of the Netpolice that had shown itself to Raider following the battle.
"So ... CravenMan is ..."
"Over" - he was looking at the liquid on the ground - "He couldn't escape. He was not a virus, he was a navi like me, and now all his remembrance, experience and acquaint is gone ... If I'd knew, I'd have tried to stop him, instead of deleting him ... That feels bad ... Deleting virii or forcing navis to jack-out is one thing, but this is different ..."
"I know, but he was attacking the guys who didn't have the chance to escape either, and we got to act quickly"
Raider looked at the crowd.
"Yeah ... At least they're in safe, at the moment"
"Hey, come, let's cheer up somewhere"
"Agreed. Soldier, let's go"

The duo disappeared in a screeding flash, leaving a weak sparkling behind.