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2 kills: 400z, turn-in available
5 kills: Spreader1
10 kills: 1600z
15 kills: 2400z
20 kills: Spreader2
30 kills: 4000z
50 kills: Your choice of: HeatSpreader1 (Rare), OR Spreader2 + 3000z
She would only mutter to herself as she looked over the list in front of her, with the picture to the left of the bounty kills and their respective rewards. We get everything -under- the kills we make, so we could afford a speed upgrade if we really wanted to go for the fifty kills and take the extra Spreader2. He would explain, his netop grumbling under her breath as she couldn't argue with the eventual results. Sigh...you made your point bunny boy. We're not gonna do this all in one run though. God knows how long finding fifty of them would be. Plus those don't look very friendly to wood navis. She said with concern. He would respond with a shrug. Eh. At least I'm with a Netop again. I won't get deleted most likely, so I'm not too afraid of it. I'm more afraid of the police finding my bunny ass. Anyways, we're in Yoka, so while you enjoy the water, I'll enjoy the third degree cyber burns. He shrugged, the netop couldn't disagree with that, so she would point him at a point to jack in at and let him go on his way.