Stanley Court Mall

Aha, a pod. That had to be it, especially since she saw some lab coat inside. No time to stop and think things through, this was a time for action. Fortunately, Leslie was better at action than think things through logically, so without delay, she raced over, and tried to sneak in the door. And then, if she was successful, she'd be able greet him with a nice, friendly, "'Sup, asshole?"
She was indeed successful with getting inside the pod; there could not be a slower shutting automatic escape pod door in existence. "Dammit!" Will cursed; it was very cramped in there with two people, such that they were nearly nose to nose (and were chest to chest). "You're crazy, you know that?! I could have killed you if I had really been trying. You're half naked and you're covered in enough aphrodesiac to make a thoroughbred stallion hump a rock. You could have fallen to your death or simply had your bones slapped out of place. You're... absolutely mad!" he stuttered. In one sense, at least, he was probably right about her being absolutely mad. "At the same time, it was quite a feat. I found it rather exciting, watching you go against my octopus like that!" A feeling near their uncomfortably pressed together lower bodies confirmed as much. He was talking a mile a minute to get out everything he had to say. "Now before you do anything hasty: 10000 zenny. I will give you ten thousand, just to let me escape in this pod. That's on top of whatever prize Cornelia is going to grant you. You'd be foolish not to accept, right?"
Yes! She was in! And now, to repeat the process, only it would only be her fist, and instead of a capsule, it would be Will's face. Leslie clenched her fist, trying to figure out the best way to inflict maximum pain in such a small, confined area...of course, the octopus obsessed scientist did what he did best; emitting words. "'If you had really been trying'? Is that really the best excuse you could think of? Oh, and don't worry. That soap's definitely working...after this is all over, I'm going home, take off my wet clothes, and screw rocks until I physically can't anymore!" Around this time, she realized just how 'excited' he had been to watch her...and her comments certainly weren't going to make that go away.

And then, he had the gall to try and bribe her. 10000 was a lot of zenny, but...considering there was the whole 'trying to kill her' thing, it'd need at least another zero before she'd even start to think about accepting. "Huh, that's a lot of cash. And I sure could use some...but I told you before. It's the duty of my family to use our abilities to fight crazy people like you. So, I'd kindly like to tell get fucked!" With that, the martial artist reached her conclusion on how to make him hurt the most, and executed her attack: a swift knee straight into his groin...

Martia had actually reappeared in her PET not long after Leslie had made it into the capsule, but remained silent. Mostly because she was too busy processing exactly what was going on at the moment. Why were they in an enclosed space? Why was Leslie not wearing a bra anymore? Why was she telling other people about touching herself? So many things left unanswered...but since she couldn't ask at the moment, she settled for switching back to her regular outfit.
As most men know, the only thing worse than being struck hard in the balls was having the same done while sporting an erection. The evil super scientist made an expression of pain and self-pity as he, unable to shield himself, took the attack at full strength. Being a martial artist and a woman who believed in just revenge, Leslie had hammered him pretty hard... so hard, in fact, that he passed out. This was convenient in that it meant Leslie didn't have to listen to him cry, but bad in that he just sort of clumped on top of her. Worse, there appeared to be no way out. As the pod took off for some unknown destination, Leslie was robbed of her hearing as well due to the blast of the pod's thrusters. For a while, she was like a kid trapped on a busted amusement park ride; what had been fun was now an annoying captive ride, with no ability to get comfortable and no way to gauge how long one would be stuck.

Luckily, after just a few minutes, she felt the pod slow down. It finally fell still, but the sounds of active machinery continued just outside. For a moment, she could easily harbor the dreadful premonition that she had embedded inside a wall miles away and might not be found for days, but thankfully,the machine noise was just a pair of robotic arms working to open up the pod. Of course, it was designed for just one person standing with their very upon the floor and his back against the wall. Leslie had her feet twisted up with Wilhelm's and her back resting against the pod door, so she promptly spilled out with the mad scientist on top of her. He wasn't able to enjoy it, being out cold.

He was a lot easier to get off now that they were both grounded and in the open... Well, more open. They had landed inside an underground laboratory, containing many machines made out of a purple, shiny-painted metal. She spotted an octopus motif here and there; mad scientists were all about brand recognition, after all. A large, empty chamber near the back looked like just the place to keep an octopus robot, when one wasn't busy terrorizing women with it. She also saw a ramp leading upstairs, large enough for a full-sized vehicle or robotic octopus to proceed up to the surface.

Almost as an afterthought, she spotted a black beetle buggy approaching with its headlines on, clattering up and down against the tracks. No doubt it was the detective from earlier. Confirming as much, the detective slowed the car to a stop, then got out on the driver's side. As a bonus, Cornelia exited from the passenger's side, carrying her white coat in her arms.

The man and his unfitting moustache walked slowly over. "Well gosh! You already caught him. Excellent work, ma'am!" he congratulated her. "I just hope he's still breathing so he can pay for all of the mess he's caused. And how the hell he snuck a laboratory down here in the abandoned public railroad station is beyond me..."

"I see what he is now, but in some ways, he really was a genius," Cornelia sighed, sounding depressed. Even if he had been a jerk, he had been the only person shedm had been in consistent contact with for the past... who knows how long. Coughing, she settled back into her old voice and speech. "'Speaking of those who are not what they appear to be' Cornelia slyly whispered, ' do you know who our would-be savior is? He has a dark secret!'"

"Whatcha mean? You don't think I had anything to do with this, do you? I'm a detective!" the guy complained, raising both arms in an exaggerated shrug. As he did, the famed comic writer reached out and yanked the moustache off. "Hrk! That hurt..." he sobbed.

"Cornelia revealed that the detective was, in fact, also a woman! Although that probably wasn't much of a shocker to Leslie given the questionable quality of the disguise..."

"M-My navi is a little better at it... It's hard when you don't have navi powers," she muttered, now holding her cowboy hat in both hands. "I'm really just a tipster and a vigilante.. I'm not even a real detective."

"As evidenced through her comics, Cornelia was never one to complain about additional pretty girls," the writer chuckled.

The other looked at the floor and stayed bashfully quiet, for a moment... then curiosity got the better of her. "Wait. if you like girls so much, why are you a hermit?"

"She answered simply: 'Because they are too distracting!'"

"Oh... ah, well, I'm sorry for the ordeal you both went through. But I'm going to make sure this man is punished. Thank you both for your assistance... Leslie, I want to repay you for your help. You should know there might be a bounty for this guy. If there's something you'd like, just name it." The cowboy-dressed woman stood with her hat in her hands, a refreshing picture of earnest decency after being in a cramped space with Wilhelm.

"Warp reported to Cornelia that Martia played her role splendidly, so you will also be receiving a reward from me, of course. A recovery chip is what you wanted, correct?" the author asked. Understandably, Leslie was free to negotiate her terms a bit, since the mission had gone a liiiittle different than anyone expected.
One shot to the crotch, and he was out like a light. Sure, she kneed him hard and all, but one hit? Luckily, Leslie was managing to hold him at arm's length...or at least as far away as she could possibly keep him. "I guess it was the shock of a girl touching him there that KO'd him. I think I'm actually disappointed a little that he couldn't take more..."

Before she could continue her train of thought (or before her Navi could let her know she was back), the pod made its escape, the noise keeping her from thinking of anything other than it being really, REALLY loud. At least it didn't last too long, and it quieted down. Sorta. "Great, what's that noise? Don't tell me I've got more work to-" Once again, Leslie's mind was interrupted by machinery, this time by the pod's door opening, causing her to fall over due to leaning against it. Not that it mattered to her, she just needed to do some fancy footwork, and-


...In one last act of unconscious defiance, Will's feet had tangled with hers without her noticing in time, resulting in Leslie being unable to do anything but watch herself fall on the floor, acting as a cushion for the scientist to boot. Naturally, his face ended up square on her cleavage, but even if he was around to enjoy that, it wasn't for long, as she pushed him over and stood up, and looked around. "...Yeah, this is that freak's base, all right...oh, wait a sec! If he's out cold, then I should be able to jack Martia out now!"

But before she could pull her PET out and see that Martia was in fact already there, a vehicle pulled up on the tracks. The martial artist stared at it in disbelief for a moment, as if going 'NOW what?!', but softened a bit as Cornelia and the guy from earlier got out, and not in that order. Phew, apparently it WAS over, after all.

"Oh, don't worry, I just knocked him out. One knee in the balls was all it took. So yeah, not only was he an evil crazy scientist, he was also a total pussy!" Leslie was half-tempted to give him a kick in the ribs to punctuate herself, but eh, he wouldn't feel it until she was long gone. "Anyway, glad you're safe, Miss Craft!" Eh, a dark secret? All right, Cornelia succeeded in piquing her curiosity...owww, that ripped off mustache looked like it hurt. ...Wait, ripped off mustache? She took a good look at 'his' face..."'re a woman?? Did NOT see that one coming..." As it turned out, questionable disguises were still good enough to completely fool her. "Well, I, for one, think you're a lot cuter without the mustache!" Cornelia apparently agreed.

And suddenly, just like that, reward time. Honestly, she didn't need any of the bounty - the groin attack was all the reward she needed - but since the cowboy girl was offering..."Uh, I guess some extra spending cash would be nice! Though, above all else, I'm just happy Mr. Freak Job over there is about to learn a lot more about small spaces."

And now for Cornelia. The soap on her was begging her for a certain 'something extra', but she somehow still had the willpower to resist what her entire body was crying out for. "Well, something really strong would be appreciated, but other than that, I'll leave it up to you. ...Wait, Warp? Then that means..." She finally whipped out her PET, which, while a little slimy from soap residue, was otherwise in perfect working order. And to her relief, there Martia was, waving at her. Though, thanks to the soap, she was basically staring at her Navi's rack by default. "Hey Martia! Glad you're okay!"

"Hey Leslie! We can swap stories in a minute...but, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, what?"

"Could you, um...stop staring at my breasts? It's a long story, but I've had enough of that for one day..."

"S-Sorry...long story here, too..." The martial artist looked back at Cornelia, square in the face. She was NOT going to look down at her breasts. Her large, soft looking breasts, barely restrained by that tight turtleneck...
"Ah... money... well uh," the unofficial detective muttered in response, turning out her pockets. "The vigilante / informant business isn't too lucrative for me nowadays... but once that bounty turns up, maybe? I'm sure there's a big payout on him. The cops have been trying to pin him down for a long time now!"

"Seeing the desperate situation unfold, Cornelia offered to pay the cash. After seeing the detective's car, she knew that money must be tight," Cornelia chuckled.

"W-what? I put a lot into keeping it clean!"

"Cornelia explained herself: she had been referring to the mini-grill and boxes of Chinese food in the back, as well as hanging shirts in the front seat."

The other girl gasped, looking upset.

"The bra in the front seat was a pretty good indicator that she was either a swinging bachelor or a woman. As for her panties-"

"Shhh! Who's the detective here?" the girl pleaded, neglecting the earlier stated fact that she wasn't actually a detective either.

"Ho ho! At any rate, Cornelia knew that Martia and her operator had wanted a recovery chip, and offered a reward of Recov80, along with 5000z. She also wouldn't mind if Martia wanted to add on any extra stipulations, but she wasn't about to say that aloud," Cornelia said aloud. Even if Leslie was avoiding staring at her employer's boobs, her employer wasn't according her that same luxury.

"... I can get you a shirt if you want, Leslie," the other girl offered.

*Leslie received 5000z and Recov80!*
Well, that was a profitable end to things. Leslie took a look at it, noting that its design was pretty simple compared to everything else, what with it having a '+80' instead of a virus. Unless there was a virus with a +80 on it she didn't know about. Either way, it helped make sure she didn't look at Cornelia; if she saw that she was staring at her chest, she'd probably jump her right then and there.

"...A shirt? Why would I need one of those?" Really, the girl shouldn't be TOO shocked that she was fine as-is, considering she had been standing around in front of her with a fully exposed rack, all while thinking at the time she was a man. "Man, I don't even remember the last time I wore a shirt...gotta be years by now!" Even if it was cold, she usually just closed up her jacket, and wear a regular jacket if it was really chilly.

"Yeah, you haven't worn one since I became your Navi. Seriously, you'd think you'd suffocate if you didn't show your belly button!"

"What? Too much clothes is bad for flexibility, and in my profession, that's a huge problem!" The martial artist stretched...causing the soap still covering her body to wreak more havoc. "Ahh...u-um, I probably should head home now...where's the way out of this place?"
"Cornelia had never had the tone to pull off a bare midrift with a casual outfit. She couldn't help but be jealous!" Cornelia sighed.

"Ah, well... the exit is just up that ramp there. Of course, if you're on foot, it's going to be quite a jog from here to the metroline. I was about to drive Cornelia back to the mall, but you're welcome to come with us if you like," the fake detective offered. Although, it looked to Leslie like there wasn't room in the back for any extra passengers... So unless one of them planned to sit in Leslie's lap...
It wasn't surprising that she'd have a nice stroll back to the Metroline after all that happened, but Leslie knew that if she was cramped up in a car with two other women, things wouldn't end especially pretty...unless one thought that two girls doing it in a car was pretty, in which case it'd be nothing short of beautiful. "That's okay, I don't mind a little extra exercise!" Since apparently, scaling a giant tentacle monster robot wasn't enough for one day. "Well, nice meeting you two! If you need my help again, don't be afraid to call!" While she overlooked the fact that she didn't give either of them her address, there weren't too many Electopian households with the name Battle that ran martial arts schools. If they really wanted to get in touch, she wouldn't be overly hard to find.

"Take care!" And with that, the martial artist took her leave, running up the ramp that was helpfully pointed out to her...though unintentionally giving everyone one last nice display of bouncing, soaped up breasts as she did so. Good thing she wasn't shy about her body.
((Martia gained 14 Warp FXP and 4 Incognito FXP. Martia lost all Mindroot FXP.))