Mission: The used...undergarments...

As Timmy exited Soryu's chip shop, he began to wonder around ACDC town, looking for a house which might yeld the undergarments he needs to fulfill the electopia side of the mission, though he began to think... "Why did they have to hire someone that wanted to be paid in lady's...undergarments? And...Why me?" he thought, as he took out his PET and saw Siren sleeping soundly, sighing, he made sure to keep her that way.
The fool aint gonna find no panties in the streets. Hobos don't wear normal underwear, let alone the ladies'. Nearby, though, there's a small apartment complex. Perhaps he'd have better luck in there?
"Ugh...I was HOPING for something closer to ground level, but I guess it will have to do..." Timmy thought as he began to walk up to the apartment building, hoping there was an easy way to get the panties.
He walks up to the apartment.


Perhaps something would happen if he picked out a floor and then a door. Just standing outside won't do anything for him.