A cool breeze blew, as Rei traversed the streets staring into his PET. It was about time for him to finally get himself some practice in operating his navi better, especially in battle situations. As he thought about his meager selection of battle chips, and his inevitable broke financial status, he let out a sigh.

"Whats the matter Rei? We'll do fine. We don't need fancy battle chips to survive, you just watch. i'll show you the power of Curseman, nyaa." Curseman tried to reassure his Op as best he could, while he was itching for a good battle or two online. he was confident, if not cocky, and he had to get that urge out of his system now.

"Alright Curseman, we're going for it." Rei extended the plug from his PET and hooked it into nearby street light.

"Jack in, Curseman! Power up."