Teksqp Blackmailer's Bathhouse

"Hrmmmmgh," Boss Oni's voice responded to DragonierMan, like a sort of snarl. On one hand, that was just the way the mafioso's guttural voice always sounded. On the other hand, it was hard not to assume he'd expected a little more advance notice. "Very well. Safe travels." The masked women stood perfectly still, not seeming to watch as he retreated far enough away to stay out of sight, but keep an eye on the dome.


On Aya's side, the further down she lowered herself, the better her visibility would be through the fog, though presumably, the less her cloud cover would become. It seemed that entering through the highest point of the dome had put her over the hallway that Suzume had entered as well, but also provided her a slight view into each of the other rooms. She'd see a dark room with tall cages and a sort of gallery, two rooms that Suzume had yet to lay eyes on, which were immediately to the left and right upon entering through the main gate. She'd see another dark room, which, from this angle, would be hard to tell anything about, but she could infer it was the room full of women she'd heard of earlier. She'd also see a kitchen area, identifiable by the glow of a fire inside and several high shelves along the walls. It looked like a series of narrow, tiled walls was on the right center. Judging by other curtain rods hanging, it might have showers of some kind. Most importantly, she'd spy a large, single room on the opposite side, the left center... the walls were ivory white and even damper than the rest of the bath-house, but what really mattered was the voice of the bath-house's owner coming from inside, chortling genially. That was probably where the meeting was taking place.

Suzume would probably spot Aya as she raised herself upward. Other than that, the first room she'd get a look at was the kitchen. Inside, a mountainous gray navi, clad from head to toe in a skinsuit with a large, worker's apron over the front, was carrying around dishes of strange, bubbling brown liquid, which ran over the sides and onto the floors. It was a very, very messy kitchen, though the mess seemed somehow confined only to the kitchen. It was likely because the women in the masks served the dishes while he only prepared them. There were many cooking implements inside, although the large, several-decker oven on one side appeared to be the only tool getting much use at the moment. The room was orange colored and rather dark. The cook was also wearing a welding mask, on closer inspection, which seemed out of place.

That obviously wasn't where she needed to be, so Suzume might scooch further to the right. Doing so would allow her to see inside the main bath, where the fog was thickest of all in the house. Even with the thick fog, it was possible to make out two large figures. One, standing up from the bath, was clearly Boss Oni, based on his girth and his pitch-black skin, which was hard to miss even in the mist. Thankfully, as he lifted himself out of the bath with great effort, most of his features were obscured. "I'll return with refreshments," he cooed; Suzume managed to hear that much, but couldn't hear if there was a response. The other figure would grab her attention as well: Neo-ShogunMan, sitting in meditation nearby, but not inside, the bath. It looked like there was also one other figure in the bath, though it was hard to make out who they were from this distance.

They might want to take more time to understand the situation, or they might want to "strike while the iron was hot" and enter the room as soon as Oni exited it. The bath-house seemed to shake as the fat man moved to the wall opposite Suzume and grabbed a towel, wrapping it beneath his huge gut. Suzume would likely want to drop down behind the wall, possibly even in the kitchen, to be less visible as he moved to the door and walked out. Then again, for what they were going to do, now might be a decent time to try to convince Oni to be on their side... Subduing Neo-ShogunMan could be easier with Oni's support. Of course, that was assuming he found the coup agreeable to begin with.
<I see the Shogun,> Suzume stated in her mind as she moved over to look into a steam-shrouded room. <She is with Oni in a white-tiled room. I am on the other side of the wall. And Oni is moving towards my position,> she continued. Aya peered through the fog and moved to try to be over the thickest shroud of the white-tiled main bath. <I am moving to be over the location as I speak. It might be prudent to make for the steam as well,> Aya added through the internal link. Suzume nodded a little and waited until Oni left the white-tiled room, then hopped the wall into the foggy room, hanging off the wall like a spider. She then, hugging the wall up, rose silently into the cloud-cover above.

<I will head to the top of the dome and await your extraction. Take your time and observe the situation. We don't want the Shogun to disappear too quickly or Oni will get suspicious. We need to wait it out and strike when they are close to being done,> DragonierMan said as he began to rise into the sky. He would make sure he was high above the dome's height before he flew towards the dome. <Sending coordinates to where my infiltration point in the roof was,> Aya said as a marker appeared in Drago's vision. A waypoint to guide him towards the hole in the glass roof. If he made it to the roof without incident, he would drop down from the sky, and alight on the roof near the hole to wait. Meanwhile, the twins were trying to find a good spot to hide within the heavy steam, somewhere where they couldn't really be seen from what was going on below, but could at least hear what was going on below. This would probably blind them to what was going on below beyond any big moving shapes.

And then they waited.
One advantage of the hiding place the girls had spoken was that Oni had no real reason to look up at his ceiling, so even if they were not quite invisible there, they were safe as long as they were somewhere no one would look. The big man lumbered slowly, oh so slowly, out of the room, clad only in a lower body towel, which covered him short even though it would be large enough to wrap around most of an average person's body. Presumably, he had free reign to walk around his own place naked without upsetting anyone. Well, other than the girls, perhaps, but he had no idea they were there.

DragonierMan came to join them, while Boss Oni was out of the room. They remained up there until Boss Oni returned. Even once Boss Oni returned, the shape of Neo-ShogunMan's armor stayed right where it was. From the best hiding spots, it wasn't possible to hear their whole conversation, but they were able to pick up bits and pieces...

"So what you want... Teksqp... cooperation, necessarily, but... range of movement..." the big man's voice began, very distinct.

A woman's voice came up next... reaching back into his memories, DragonierMan would remember it as Hime's. "You're misunderstanding... don't need... all I've actually got to have... technologies that can help us to-"

"Hm hm hm! Well that's something I'll have to pull... acquire, but I'd be willing to... if you were to offer me..."

"No, I believe we're... arrangement is sufficient, so... do is keep the current..." There was a large splash next, making it hard to understand what came next. It seemed Boss Oni had moved significantly in the bath. "I said I'm done! Why can't you just be like... like you used to be!" Hime's voice finished, loudly. Hime quickly moved out of the bath and over to her armor.

"Wait, you! I am the same man! Are you judging me?! I'll have you subdued!" Oni bellowed. It sounded like if DragonierMan and crew waited any longer, they were going to risk, at the very least, Hime leaving, if she or Oni didn't end up fighting instead. From their angle, the ninjas and DragonierMan would see several of the masked guards beginning to march towards the bath, down the hallway.
DragonierMan floated down to join the two girls as they listened in on the conversation below. They couldn't hear every word, but they heard enough that the general flow of the conversation was understood. What shocked the three was that it wasn't the Shogun who was supposed to be in the bath with Boss Oni, but Hime. However, the Shogun's armor was right there near her. Putting two-and-two together meant that the only explanation was that Hime was Neo-ShogunMan! What's more, she seemed to have some sort of history with Boss Oni. That was something, among many other things, to ask about when they were done extracting her from the area.

Drago opened up the silent, mental communicator again. <I'm going to BlinderEffect: Blind 1 + To-All-Clause
Accuracy: S
Description: A flash of light blinds all, even you. This reduces all affected character's accuracy by 50%.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Affects entire field.
Trader Rank: C
the area. You two refresh and bind Hime, then head for home. I will grab the armor,>
he said as he pulled forth a small grenade-shaped device. Suzume and Aya brought out the faintly glowing rope and stretched it between them. <Roger that.>


With that, Drago primed the device and then let it drop. As it just exited the cloud of steam, it exploded in a blinding flash of light. Drago and the girls folded their wings and dived. The three used their patented signatures to heal and remove the blinding effect so they could see for the next few seconds. They didn't need to heal, but they felt quite refreshed regardless. Suzume and Aya swept out of the cloud of steam towards Hime, and began to circle her with the rope. Suzume flew clockwise around Hime, and Aya moved counterclockwise. When they got a good binding on her, Suzume tied the final knot, while Aya bound her mouth with another scrap of cloth. Hime's words would come out muffled if she were to scream after the binding was done. Then the twins grabbed her from both sides, spread their wings, and took off toward the ceiling hole.

Drago meanwhile took the moment of blinding light to try to grab as much of the Shogun's armor as he could, tossing it into one of his loot sacks. He then spread his wings and took off for home before Boss Oni could recover, the sack of armor over his shoulder like a reverse Santa. The dragons sped through the steamy air and attempted to exit the building with their ill-gotten gains in tow. If they managed to have pulled off the heist, they quickly flew up and away from the bathhouse, trying to gain considerable distance before they exited the Homepage.

Although this was the best-case scenario, that everything they envisioned worked as plan. It was possible that things didn't go as swimmingly as they thought.
Things became chaotic quickly as Hime was targeted by DragonierMan's ninjas, their capture attempt beginning by dropping a blinding flashbomb into the room. It was hard to tell if it got her, but it certainly got Boss Oni. "Braaaah! What was that?! You'll pay for attacking me in my own bath!" he growled, thrashing around noisily in the water. The first couple of dolls who'd entered the room were holding still as well, either being blinded or otherwise unable to guide themselves while Boss Oni was.

When the girls managed to get closer to Hime, it became clear she was blinded as well, given how her yellow eyes were squinted painfully. She was also stark naked, and rather well built, slender but with some definition befitting a martial artist, which DragonierMan at least might appreciate if he was nearby. She was still trudging towards the exit, but the two ninjas managed to get two chains wrapped around her legs to stop that movement. As if now realizing what was happening, Hime grabbed hold of the two chains and pulled them hard, breaking the chains free of the hands of each girl (but thankfully, not breaking the chains themselves). The chains remained around her thighs, however, and her coordination was not such yet that she could figure out how to get free of those. Obviously, gagging her wasn't quite a possibility yet.

As it turned out, tossing the armor into a loot sack would be impossible. Not only was it extremely unwieldy, but it didn't actually separate; on closer inspection, the whole thing was plated on top of a cloth suit that was padded to hold a shape. It was really more like a robotic shell that it was armor. The back was currently opened, revealing a cockpit that one could step inside, though only by lifting their legs high. It'd probably even fit an adult male... the legs would keep the illusion of remaining the same height, but the length of the arms and legs appeared to be adjustable by some mechanism inside. There would be more time to investigate that later.

The chains around her legs alone would prevent Hime (or the Shogun, if DragonierMan preferred to think of her that way) from jacking out, but they only had the simplest wrap made so far, and those were the only chains they'd brought. Either the girls or DragonierMan himself were going to need to get a hold on those chains again and resume the capture, but the Shogun was deceptively physically powerful, so much so that one had to wonder if the armor was more of a handicap than a help in battle. Hime still had her eyes squinted, but her fists were clenched, as though waiting to lash out at anyone closing in, rather than struggling with the chains. She'd probably have a hard time gathering those up before she got her sight back regardless.

In a moment of bitter irony, DragonierMan would receive a personal message:

Quote (NeoShogunMan)

Need help, under attack at central bath of Boss Oni's bath-house. I've notified just you and Yasu. Top secret. Please come with only the two of you.
Well that could have gone better.

Hime was apparently stronger than she looked. Her armor was also a lot heavier than it looked. It made one wonder why she has a mechanized suit when she was so strong already. It wouldn't be super hard for her to just have bulky armor on. Anyways, DragonierMan had been put in a bad situation. He hoped he could have gotten both Hime and the ShogunArmor out all at once, but plans had to be adaptable. They could always get the armor from Boss Oni later, assuming they could get away with Hime without Boss Oni finding out who it was that just attacked them. As such, Drago would have to help Suzume and Aya get Hime out of there now.

Drago sent a reply to both NeoShogunMan and Yasu:

Quote (DragonierMan)

On my way to assist. This should be over soon.

So Drago flew at Hime from her front, while Suzume went high and Aya went low from behind. The three tried to tackle her, Drago and Suzume going for her arms, while Aya went for the chains at her legs, trying to trip her up. If they managed to get a hold, they would try to continue the binding as they all three tried to lift Hime into the air, heading for the roof. Silencing her would be secondary to getting her arms and legs bound. She was strong and they would struggle, but she was still temporarily blind and disoriented, and they outnumbered her. It would be a hard fight to get under control and out of the bathhouse before Boss Oni acted. But they had to put everything on the line now or they would fail.

Why couldn't anything be easy?

Drago also sent a personal message to Yasu alone, as he struggled to capture Hime:

Quote (DragonierMan)

Hime is stronger than she looks. We got a blinding drop on her, but she is not in custody yet. Standby.
Yasu's response was quick. It might be interesting to know if she was also speaking to Hime now, but if she was, there was no indication as to what she was saying.

Quote (Yasu)

Do not fail, DragonierMan. If we lose control of the situation now, we won't get another chance.

Nothing helpful was in the message, but at least it didn't sound like Yasu had cold feet about the plan. That was a good thing, because DragonierMan was in deep on this now. Hime's eye-sight would slowly be returning to her and with DragonierMan at the front, his identity wouldn't stay hidden much longer. Oni, in the mean time, was still stumbling around in the foggy central bath, so it wasn't likely he was getting a great look at the situation. The soldiers hadn't started advancing again yet, but that would likely change once Oni got his own vision back.

For now, the DragonierMan and Suzume each got a hold of an arm; that wouldn't be too difficult, since, strong as she might be, she was currently robbed of her vision. Just as importantly, Aya seized the chains around Hime's legs to stop her from either freeing herself or moving. Sure enough, there was little Hime could do to stop herself from being tripped and falling to the wet bath-house floor, landing on her knees and hunching forward.

Struggling on the floor, she lashed her wet, white hair around. She wanted to push back up to her feet, but without the leverage of either her lower legs or her arms, doing so was impossible. "Who are you? What do you want?" she asked, her voice proud, but also rueful. It was clear that she wanted to negotiate or even talk her captors out of their attack, but without being able to see them or knowing anything about them, she had no idea where to start. "You must release me!" she warned them. DragonierMan had a tight hold on her arm, but she managed to yank her other arm in a bit. Once it was close enough, she headbutted Suzume hard, which would cause the SP to see stars herself. It was a no-holds-barred blow, but it also was surprisingly not a chip attack or even a lethal move. Hime either didn't have access to weapons right now or otherwise wasn't using them. Still, DragonierMan would see Hime had essentially freed up that arm now and would need to react. Aya still had a good position, unseen from behind and holding the chains, so she'd need to react quickly as well.

"You there! Whoever you are!" Oni growled groggily, managing to push himself up so that his tremendous gut cleared the side of the bath's low wall. "Apprehend her and bring her to me! I'll reward you!" Bringing Hime to Oni hadn't been part of the deal, of course, but it might be worth considering what the big man would be willing to do for someone he was indebted to.
They were losing control of the situation quickly. As such DragonierMan had one recourse, the use of chips to subdue her. He hoped he didn't delete her in the process. <Scatter!> he yelled into his mind-link. The twins jumped away from Hime, Suzume holding a hand to her bruised head, and took to the air in a mad dash as Drago brought to bear WoodPowder2Damage: 90 + Medium Grass Terrain Change + Confusion + Cone Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 4 enemies with a cone of miasma breath. Changes terrain to Grass and causes confusion on contact.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C
. The gassy cone exhaled from his mouth and was aimed to only strike Hime, sprouting lush green grass all around her, and altering her perceptions. Inhaling so much noxious poisonous gas would do a number on the Shogun's body, but should have been just enough damage to make her succumb without deleting her. If the confusion being forced upon her held for the length of the blindness, causing her aches and coughing and not fighting back, then she should be easier to kidnap.

<Now!> he commanded again. The three hurled themselves at the Shogun again. As they tried binding her again and dragged her to to her feet, Drago delivered a punch to Hime's gut without chips or buster, hoping to further throw her off with a sudden jab in the ribs to take her breath away. Aya and Suzume scrambled through the pain to yank Hime's arms behind her and finish the binding of her arms and legs behind her back. Then if they could "jack-out" with her in tow through the opening in the dome they created, they would transfer to the Shogun Camp area they left from. If they couldn't, they would try to fly out first.
Whether he knew it or not, DragonierMan had hit a weak point in Hime's fighting strategy. Most navis didn't think much about their breathing, if they even breathed, but meditation and steady breathing appeared to be essential to Hime's martial arts technique. Robbed of that, as well of her eye-sight, she was more or less disabled. The woman coughed violently, then coughed harder as her stomach was punched in. "Enough," she coughed, barely able to get the words out. She went quiet, breathing heavily, her mind either on the pain or elsewhere. Another private message would be sent out to DragonierMan as the girls went about tying the Shogun's arms behind her back.

Quote (Hime)

I've been attacked. Jackout function is disabled. I am either being taken or they plan to kill me. I will respond again when I can. Tell the generals.

I may not make it. If I don't, Yasu, you're in command. Find someone new to take the armor. We can't let anyone believe that the Shogun has perished.

I'm sorry for being careless. The enemy's affected me, I can't think clearly. Thank you for everything, Yasu, my irreplaceable friend, and be safe.

With the woman's arms and legs bound, there was no further resistance she could offer. Grass had sprouted up where bathhouse was formerly, something that Oni would no doubt he annoyed about later. On that note, he was still raving. "Good, now bring her here! Bring her to me!" he bellowed. Unfortunately for him, DragonierMan did not intend to do that. Instead, he moved out with Hime in tow, to a destination of his choosing.

((Leaving for Public Neo-Shogun Camp))
((DragonierMan gets the following FXP:

Boss Oni: 2 FXP
Hime: -4 FXP))