Intelligent Labs

As suddenly as it appeared, the aura around the virus's sword vanished...only to follow by the entire blade turning purple. It raised it high above its head, and performed what looked like a single powerful swing...but if anyone listened closely, they would've heard four separate cuts. The rended air spread out, each seeking a Navi or SP. The ones towards Anyis and Magna sailed true, both slicing them to the brink of EJO...fortunately, they both remembered to wear underwear today, so neither actually did. Which raised the question of how Magna even wore underwear, but such was a tale for a time when a barrage of sonic booms of death wasn't putting everyone in serious peril. As for MeleeMan...his WindRacket only hit the sword, but WindRacket DID succeed in messing up the shock waves enough to completely miss him and Damascus, as well as blow it back right into some stray rain, which finished it off, and sent it packing.


MeleeMan: 420 HP
Anyis: 1 HP

Damascus: 70 HP
Magna: 1 HP

- MeleeMan: WideBlade BattleChip data, 4000z, 18 BugFrags, 6 FXP
- Anyis: LongBlade BattleChip data, 4000z, 18 BugFrags, 6 FXP

"Hmm...looks like it could use some endurance training or something." As the unknown virus dissipated, everyone's (least) favorite scientist Navi reappeared before the Navis. "Still, it certainly packs a punch, doesn't it? Speaking of which..." In what was undoubtedly a move to endear himself to MeleeMan and Anyis, NervousMan went over and partially opened their reward data. Fortunately, he didn't actually take anything. "Hmm, interesting. Well, you earned it, so it's yours. Oh, before I forget, there's something I want the two of you to have. It's a small way of thanking you for assisting my research." Something materialized inside his 'hand'...and it was small. So small that they probably couldn't even tell it was there if it wasn't so shiny. "Oh, right. I need to remove the data compression...there!" The thing suddenly enlarged, and set on the floor...turned out it was actually a pair of Blue Mystery Data. "I'd like each of you to take one. I'd been using them to research mystery data, but I can always find another. Go ahead! And don't worry, I'm already taken the liberty of Untrapping them, so you won't need to worry about battling in a weakened state." He took a couple of steps back, so if anyone decided to act on their urges and punch him, they'd have to go out of their way to do it. That might be worth it for sheer catharsis, but then again, who could resist the shininess of mystery data?

Or at least, they would've, as NervousMan noticed just how bad the purple half of the team was, and walked over to inspect them. "Hmm, that desperation attack was quite strong, wasn't it? Perhaps I should alter the parameters so that it can use it with less of a delay, or maybe even let it use it at will...what do you think? Any feedback would be quite helpful, of course."

MeleeMan was glad to see that the WindRacket had more or less worked out, but his mood was sour when NervousMan showed up. "Enough screwing around; if you've got that thing anywhere close to Anyis, you've got it as strong as it needs to be or is ever going to get. Piss off, already," he complained, walking forward and grabbing up the data with one hand while pointing the index finger of the other forward threateningly. He wasn't quite sure if he'd be able to get Anyis' thoughts across, but he hoped he at least wasn't as far off the mark as usual. "Don't keep treating your pet project like it's ever going to be a match for fighters like us. She's a tournament semi-finalist and I'm the greatest navi in the world. I'd say your virus is about as good as he's ever going to be."

Damascus went over to help out the other two while MeleeMan continued, first lifting Magna off of Anyis. While the shield probably helped at the time, certainly a heat-producing core and confined, sweaty space weren't good for the health of an ice navi in the average case. "You're still a shield for her, even at a time like this... I wonder if I would do the same for my master," she murmured, narrowing her already narrow eyes with a thoughtful frown.

"You know why we were sent to retrieve you? Because people don't know what the hell you're up to. Now we go through wave after wave of these things like some kind of game, smashing every one, even smashing the best one you've got, and all you can talk about is how you've gotta make him better! Better viruses! Well you know what? It's a waste of your time, the NP's time, and everyone else's damned time! Pull your brain-head out of your nerve-ass and get back to the Tech Department where you belong, doing something useful with your time," he ranted, shaking his finger in NervousMan's face (frontal lobe) as he talked.

"If you piss him off, he's not going to want to go back... he might even have a stronger virus to throw at you," Rania warned her navi. "Besides, you got the reward and he's going to follow up with the NP."

"I don't do anything half-assed," MeleeMan defended, although that certainly wasn't always the case; it really depended on his own attitude towards tasks on a case by case basis. "It's no good to him or the NP if I send him back with a hard-on for waste-of-time virus weapon projects. Time to wipe your nerd board, NervousMan. Back to square one: focus on making us officers stronger or focus on making the viruses we protect the net from weaker. Something useful."

Rania decided to step in so that they didn't get a reprimand from the NP or something. She opened up a viewscreen near her navi and gave a short bow. "I'm sorry, he gets really fired up after a battle and says whatever is on his mind... I know we don't understand everything about your virus research... But you know, the NetPolice really are looking for you. It's got to be in everyone's best interests if you at least report in, right?" she reassured him. She didn't give much thought to the fact that she was still wearing a nurse cosplay getup.
Lifting someone of Magna's stature was an insurmountable task for even Damascus's strength, but she at least managed to pry the golem from his master. The supervirus's final attack went straight through Magna's complete embrace and hit Anyis despite, a strange feat no proper Navi could replicate, and as a result both of them were about as worn and ragged as it could get. Anyis was right out cold at this point, her emergency systems having reduced her to a ragdoll state as soon as the cutting wave struck, leaving her wounded self flat on the ground after her SP let go. The attack also hit Magna directly on his left arm before the second wave snuck through, and the supervirus's raw power was quite evident based on the deep cut in the golem's heavily armored bracer. His core energy was spewing out with a hiss as if it was a pressurized fluid, but true to his incomparable endurance, Magna was still fully conscious and seemingly not concerned about the... fuel (???) leak as he continued to stare at the Mother Unit even after Damascus pushed them apart.

The rush of the last few moments had finally passed, though, and unless NervousMan opted to be a huge jerk, everyone was likely out of danger. Despite his relative silence during the ugly turn of events, Mill was quite focuses as he sifted through the piles of warnings and error notices on his PET stemming from the crash of Anyis's damage renderer and the following emergency shutdown. After finally closing the last popup and giving his brain a moment to process the massive influx of information, he tilted his head back against his seat and sighed. "Wasn't expecting that... I guess she still isn't completely stable after the patch." Mill was mostly muttering to himself after understanding that Anyis's massive reformatting didn't go as conveniently smooth as... well, no one would realistically expect. A few seconds later, though, he realized that appearances were much more dramatic than the truth, hastily adding for all those concerned, "Oh, uh, but she'll be fine. This is just something I'll have to fix at home later."

"Should I not attempt to reboot the Mother Unit, Operator?" queried Magna, still on his knees and looming over Anyis.

"No, just let her rest for now. I can't repair that kind of damage from here, so it'd just be difficult for her to move with those cuts. You're really not much better off either Magna, so can you just carry her until I jack you two out?" requested Mill, who had severe reservations about someone with Magna's level of delicacy attempting something as precise as rebooting a Navi after a forced shutdown.

"Understood." nodded Magna before scooping up the Mother Unit in his hands. Both he and Mill seemed awfully composed considering the sheer violence committed against Anyis. Regardless, he shifted her limp body over to be cradled in his right arm only, as his left arm was still spraying orange energy out with a furor and would probably be quite harmful if it made contact with anything. With that in mind, Magna stood up and approached NervousMan, keeping a safe and friendly distance from MeleeMan and Damascus while the fistfighter told off the scientist. Malicious intent? No, of course not, no sir. Magna, despite his permanent and unmoving poker face, was not the type for ulterior motives. Not at all.

With Magna's stance decided, Mill joined Rania in opening a view screen to add his notes. "Surely a researcher of your caliber can reach a good conclusion on the data you've obtained, NervousMan. Our Navis and SPs are just fighters, so you won't get much advice of any scientific value from them." Without Anyis awake to offer a rebuttal, Mill found himself refreshingly free to speak. One thing that had been concerning Mill since the start was how NervousMan would spin his report if he was left on his own, but there was one little thing the Navi said before that Mill remembered about testing casualties and funding cuts. "Oh, but... We should probably come with you to HQ. I can't repair my Navi and SP until later, so seeing them in this state when we report own mission in might create a... bit of a stir over what actually happened here. That's more trouble than I really want to deal with, so if you could help us set the record straight..." Were Mill and Magna mad? Truly, honestly, no. Mill's always this candid when Anyis isn't around. Really. Passive aggressive? No such thing.
"Yes, I saw parts of that tournament. Truth be told, I didn't enjoy it. It was too...flawed." Was NervousMan going to elaborate on what he meant? Of course not, it didn't involve his research. Besides, MeleeMan was up in his face, or what passed for it, anyway. "Worry not, I haven't forgotten our agreement. You've more than fulfilled your end, so I'll check in shortly. But, I'd hardly say it was a waste of's showed that it is indeed possible to reverse engineer viruses, which in turn means that every last line of coding is capable of being fully analyzed, and better counters to virus attacks can be devised. Isn't that precisely what you want? But, the applications of this research are in fact nearly endless..." The brainy Navi suddenly froze, almost like even his own body was telling him to shut up. Fortunately, it appeared that he finally was ready to listen to somebody (even if it was himself), and stopped right there.

And so, he looked over at Mill's pop-up, and in a rare moment, listened with absolute silence. Though, by the end, he almost looked...confused. "I can't say I follow you. Can't you simply report without any visuals? The NetPolice mission board is quite accommodating about that." With that, he looked down, noticing that part of the floor was covered in...whatever it was Magna was leaking. In what was probably not a completely unpredictable move, he materialized a small test tube, and scooped up a sample. After all, anything that potentially served as research material couldn't be ignored.
"Dammit, you're lucky I don't-!" MeleeMan started upon hearing NervousMan's criticism of Anyis' tournament, before realizing that, truth be told, he probably knew a lot less about that tournament than NervousMan did. They'd won a tournament together before as a team, but it was small potatoes compared to the one Anyis had been in... and yet, at the time, Rania hadn't let him anywhere near the contest. That was a bad time for him... he still remembered the weakness that had resulted from his period of downtime. Not just being rusty, but the sort of crippling illness that had taken him. If nothing else, NervousMan's tests were probably helping him ward that off for a bit. Regardless, he wasn't well qualified to take on the scientist's claim that there was something wrong with the tournament. "Anyway, I get it. Know your enemy and all that crap! Fine," the big navi surrendered, throwing his hands up. "A guy like me doesn't need that crap because he beats all his enemies regardless. But sure, I guess some other navis might have something to gain from that."

He crossed his arms and listened to Mill, then NervousMan. "Hey, all that aside, how do we know you're even going to report in? You held yourself up in this place for long enough for them to ask us to drag you out. Now that you got your research, you're going to send them a Christmas Card and then hope they forget about you again? I mean, I wanna believe you're going to do it, but you know what I think when I hear you yammer? I think you're going back into that lab and shutting the door for another few months. I think we'll be lucky if you even send that Christmas Card, let alone show them yourself again. Would it be too much to ask that you accompany me and metal-head over there back to report this in, face to brain? Y'know, for peace of mind."

"Piece of mind? A pun?" Rania asked, frowning in an unamused way. Unfortunately, her screen was still on, so everyone could see her being distracted and leaving the heavy-lifting on this to her navi.

Damascus watched NervousMan scoop up Magna's liquids and glowered. "You should ask permission before touching someone else's fluids," she warned him, slowly moving her eyes off of him to look aloof again.

"All I know is I'm taking this mystery data, Anyis is going to go get her repairs, and then you and me are taking a walk, Brainface. Otherwise, the least you're doing is writing that Christmas Card right now... and I'm going to stand here and breath down your nerve ends till I see your signature, down to the last 'N,'" MeleeMan threatened, pointing his giant finger into NervousMan's personal space again. That said, mystery data was kind of exciting for him now that the rest of the situation had calmed down a bit, so he grabbed it up with one hand (trying not to look too enthusiastic) and gave it a tap. That, of course, did nothing. He scowled and then turned his eyes, hidden behind his visor, back to his operator. "Little help?"

"Oh, right. Thank you for the gift," Rania muttered, waking up and decoding the blue mystery data. "I can do yours, too, if you're busy with Anyis, Mill."
"Wait, don't touch-"


"... Do not touch that." warned both Mill and Magna in similar terms as NervousMan opted to collect some of the golem's leaked energy. The sample collected made into the test tube well enough, but not more than a few seconds later the bottom of the glass vial was completely eaten through. Having escaped, the energy dripped back to the ground before evaporating into nothingness with a hissing sound.

A pause of awkward silence ensued, before Rania offered a timely change of subject. "Oh, sure, thanks Rania. I can't really load the MD myself with Anyis unconscious, and with Magna leaking energy like that... yeah." The change in subject didn't last very long, having arrived right back at his SP's incinerating fuel. Mill gave a pleading look to Magna to just explain the deal to NervousMan, before the scientist tried to extract anything manually.

Obliging as he always would, Magna elaborated. "My core energy is plasma in default state, not liquid. Liquid energy is a rare byproduct during a leak, as in normal conditions the expelled plasma will convert into gas when exposed to an outside environment and dissipate." The golem made an example of this, lifting his free arm to show the leaking cut, hissing quietly as the plasma turned into harmless, invisible gas. "This is strictly an application of states of matter, a basic foundation of chemical studies that any scientist should be well aware of. Collecting samples is unnecessary."

"So he says." punctuated Mill, letting the book close on that matter. "Anyway, our mission orders were to get you to report in and back to regular work. If you want to continue this virus project with all the funding needed, you should probably report in face-to-face and explain to the NetPolice brass how valuable your research is, right?" Mill suggested, internally agreeing with MeleeMan's thoughts that NervousMan wouldn't be beyond mailing a postcard back to base and holing himself up for another 3 months.
"...If it's that important, I suppose I have little choice but to accompany you. The data will keep, as should the-" NervousMan looked over at his test tube, only to notice that it'd been eaten through. "...You'd really think I'd remember to get rid of those blasted glass test tubes. They never manage to contain what you really want them to..." It was hard to figure what was more eyebrow raising: his nonchalance when dealing with extremely volatile substances, or that he was apparently well-experienced in things capable of eating through glass with little to no problem. "No matter, it was just a passing curiosity."

With that, Rania opened up the shiny mystery data, netting additional shininess!

MeleeMan GET: MudFlop2 BattleChip Data
Anyis GET: 6000z

"Hmm...the viruses should already be undergoing auto-repair, and all data has been stored either in the lab's database or my own memory banks, so it seems I'm ready to depart whenever you all are. And for reference, my projects here have no NetPolice funding whatsoever, unless you count what I use from my salary. They're merely personal projects I wish to pursue." And with that, there was involuntary twitching to go with the leaking and the unconsciousness breaking the silence.
"... I don't think a plasma powered robot is basic science for anyone," Rania muttered, listening to Magna . Damascus nodded with a thoughtful expression. MeleeMan continued not listening, because Magna could be filled with cotton candy or cream cheese now and he wouldn't really be surprised. Who could explain how things worked when it came to Anyis or her SP?

"Good, finally! Let's get going," he sighed, letting his arms fall to his sides. "Alright, get Anyis healed and I'll talk with her some other time. I've got to make sure this guy doesn't get distracted by some mysterious strain of virus mushrooms that only grows in the subspace between net warps. Come on, Braniac."

With NervousMan hopefully in tow, MeleeMan headed back to the GNA's NP recruitment kiosk. "I wish you both expedient repairs," Damascus finished with a bow, then left as well.

((Headed back to kiosk))

"You can cover for us on the report? Huh... thanks, though." responded Mill, surprised by MeleeMan's willingness to deal with NervousMan for more than another second. "They'll both be back up to speed tomorrow, so don't worry much about what happened here."

"My status will not deteriorate further in non-battle situations, Operator. I can continue basic function once the Mother Unit has been secured." corrected Magna quickly, downplaying the compromises in his energy lines.

"I'm more worried about everyone else. You're a public hazard leaking energy like that." explained Mill flatly.

"... Understood." replied Magna, having no rebuttal to offer. "Thank you for your concerns, on behalf of the Mother Unit. We will see you another time." he added with a nod to MeleeMan and Damascus, before Mill pulled the plug on his beaten and bruised Navi and SP.

(Jack Out)

Anyis/MeleeMan: 15 FXP
Anyis/NervousMan: 0 FXP

MeleeMan/Anyis: 15 FXP
MeleeMan/NervousMan: 0 FXP