Tournament Coverage! Pre-Game Analysis

"Hey folks, this is Donald Murdoc, doing a little freelance reporting to break my chain of commercialism as of late. I think we all know about the upcoming tournament being held in the netbattle Colosseum. With many special rules to balance competitors in terms of folder strength and with its motivation and prizes veiled in mystery, you'd have to be blind not to be keeping a sharp eye on it. There's a good chance you may have even entered it, if you're reading this entry. If that's the case, you'll value this report detailing the lives of some of the fine navi competitors in this exhibition. Joining me today to commentate, taking time off from his busy NP schedule, is my very own navi, DimensionMan."

"Any service that I can do for the people is synonymous with my duty as a Netpolice officer, Don. At any rate, you don't think it's a little unfair to be detailing all of the strategies of the competitors?"

"Pfft, any netbattler who knows what they're doing ought to know their competition. It's just like any other circuit of competitive play; there are always aces that we keep our eyes on. As a reporter, it's my duty to keep up with these people so that we can discuss them at times like this. But anyways, don't think we're only covering the bigshots. Our plan for this coverage is to start at the top and work our way down. We're not really going into strategies anyways..."

"Well what are we waiting for then? Let's see who's first!"

"Fine. First is uh... Miyu.EXE, a level 10 elec/wind navi. Personally, I'd place her about mid-tier amongst the powers of this tournament. She has a connection with that one guy you used to work with, right?"

"You say 'used to work with' so lightly Don! Don't forget that SoulMan died honorably in combat to protect us during the Sunshine Conflict."

"You're right, sorry. Anyways, she's just a little girl, right? She's quite powerful to have such a form as that."

"Size means nothing on the net! You'd be surprised how many little girls we have in this tournament. I'm confident that in the end it will be the one with the most conviction that triumphs! How about you, little Miyu? Will the spirit of your father spur you on to victory in this challenge?"

"Now now, it's not good to expect too much of little kids. Let's move on to another competitor... Koumori.EXE, operated by Kedamono Kodarashi. That's quite a mouthful, I'm glad I can abridge this in our typed conversation."

"Ha ha ha!"

"Koumori is a level 3 navi, normal/recovery. She's probably to be put pretty low rank, expectation-wise."

"Hey, can't count anyone out this early! Remember, one's true strength cannot be measured so simply as through mere numbers, classifications, and nomenclature! One must never count their chickens before they hatch!"

"Uh, remind me to amend that last part before I put this conversation online. Okay, so, let's see... Koumori's like... a bat, right? I really don't have much of anything about her at all. Gathering info on newbies is hard."

"So cold, Don!"

"Well sorry if we can't all run on Justice Juice and Sunshine like you do. Okay, let's hurry up and move on, alright?"

"Don't worry, Koumori! DimensionMan cheers you on even if no one else is there to support you!"

"Let's take a look at Djinni.EXE. A fire/cursor navi, Djinni is level 14, putting her into the higher tiers of tournament navis. She'll be a formidable challenge for anyone in the tournament and have you seen her pictures?"

"Careful, Don, Kate might be listening! She doesn't have legs either, you know!"

"What? No legs... Crap, you're right. Okay, uh, anyways... So Djinni. Pretty good odds, I think."

"With encouragement like yours, I'll bet she wishes nobody had an eye on her at all, ha ha ha!"

"Alright, well, why don't we take a break here for now? We'll be back later with more pre-tournament coverage of the many exciting competitors. Stay tuned... Well, okay, not radio, so not tuned. But uh, keep watching this board, and try to remember why I'm rated higher than my competitors!"

"Are you?"

"Uh... I think so... I guess I'll be getting mail about it tomorrow if I'm not."
"Okay, let's return to our pre-tournament coverage. Kate's urging me to get home earlier today, so I've got to talk fast. Luckily I can keep this online and go back through and touch it up later. The internet's really so convenient, I can't believe I went without a net navigator for so long."

"You were just waiting for a great idea to come along, ha ha ha!"

"Don't be so egotistic. Okay, today we're looking into the next three names on the list, starting with DruidMan. A lot of you may have heard of this guy; he's in the very highest tier in terms of stats amongst the tournament navis."

"Level 19, Wood/Normal, you don't wanna mess with that guy without packing some heat, if you'll pardon the expression."

"Not pardoned. Anyways, have you seen the guy? Somebody needs a haircut. Seriously, women aren't in to the rugged look any more. If I don't groom my goatee and keep the rest of my face shaved, Kate won't let me out of the house."

"Well, I'd grow my hair out too if it weren't for this helmet. I think it looks pretty heroic!"

"Sure, whatever you say, DimensionMan. At any rate, with a long history of tangling with cybeasts and all sorts of tough situations... I'd say DruidMan's one guy to keep your eye on come the day of the tournament. With him out of the way, let's go ahead and move on to DNR. What's that acronym for anyways?"

"Hmm... Dunno."

"Well, at any rate, he's another high tier navi. Level 14, Elec and... Sword? Isn't he a doctor? I would think a doctor would be healing people."

"He's got a big scalpel in a lot of the pictures. I'll bet he specializes in swordplay using that as his weapon.

"You serious? That's pretty grizzly. I wonder where the electricity comes in? He's like Doctor Frankenstein or something. Dr. Freakenstein, more like it."

"Don, don't call the tournament navis weird names."

"Alright, alright. Weird or not, he's one of the biggest contenders in this tournament, so I'd be careful fighting him. Highly... unpredictable. That's a good word for it. Now that we're done with him, let's cover Enigma. With a name like that, I guess I'm not likely to have much information on him, right?"

"That's a poor excuse. What are the guy's stats?"

"Level six, I'd put him between mid and low tier. He's normal/recovery, so I guess he's designed more for helping others than fighting on his own. He might have a hard time fighting in this tournament. Appearance wise, hell, I can't make out a thing. It looks like I took a picture of a different guy each time. He's one of those shapeshifters."

"Ooh, sounds dangerous! Let's not count him out just cause of his stats. Shapeshifting sounds like a pretty scary technique!"

"If you say so, DimensionMan. Anyways, that's all the time I have for now, but join us next time when we'll cover many more exciting navis and provide you with the most up-to-date tournament coverage or... really the only tournament media I can find. Can't argue with that, right? It's us or nobody."
"Welcome back, folks. It's been a while since my last pre-tournament coverage update, but I'm back for a little more. Soon this pre-tournament's going to turn into mid-tournament coverage, seeing as the beginning of the battles is now close at hand. My own navi, DimensionMan, is here to help with me cover the exciting competitors. Well, DimensionMan, who starts our list for today?"

"Looks to me like we should start today off with VoltMan. Some people might recognize the navi's name from long ago. He's been around for a lot longer than most of these tournament navis."

"Indeed. Well, uh, he's a sword navi with the element of electricity. Awful lot of elec navis in this tournament, I might say. The elemental navi has seen a sharp uprising since we were back in virus busting, eh?"

"Sure has, Don."

"The guy's level 19, which definitely puts him in the upper tier of tournament navis. He's been through a lot over the years and has amassed an extensive collection of chips. Of course, the chips won't matter much, but you can't discount his speed and the impressive abilities open to him as such a high level navi."

"You know what I've noticed though? From all the observations we have of him... He's kinda weird acting, eh? One of those people who acts completely different from occasion to occasion. It reminds me of those people who think that I'm a jerk because they accidentally caught Alternate DimensionMan at an autograph signing instead of me, ha ha ha!"

"Uh, not quite the same thing. He's one of those guys with multiple personalities. Weird intentional personality faults like that are all the rage nowadays, with people trying to differentiate their navis from the norm."

"That's a little baseless if you ask me! You can't say he's an attention grabber without really knowing him. Maybe some kind of bug caused it, perhaps?

"Eh, who knows? Navis with weird quirks like that just tend to piss me off. But anyways, that's just my opinion, let's not deter anyone else any further with it. Let's move on to SummonerMan. As his name suggests, SummonerMan's primary function is to summon objects in combat. He's also the navi of the good Miss Rose Dunrae, whom several of you might recognize from her newspaper."

"Ha ha ha! A healthy interest in public affairs. That's the duty of all citizens!

"Anyways, the guy's got interesting attacks, I'll give him that. He seems to summon just about everything under the sun to aid him in battle. It'll be exciting to see how he handles his opponents. I wonder if even I have seen all of his repertoire? Let's hope all of his matches go as well as his fight against Koumori, eh?"

"I wonder if he can make any giant robots? I've been wanting to try having a giant robot battle for a good, long while now!"

"Kinda doubt it, DimensionMan. Anyways, let's hope we'll see Miss Rose show up at the tournament before she's DQ'd, eh? I've heard there's a couple of fighters who are still no-shows at this point!"

"Well, luckily, SummonerMan isn't one of them; his fight's not till later. Still, guys, get there and give us a good fight, okay? You can't let the fans down when they're expecting an exspectacle! Specting a spectacle... Inspecting a spectacle?"

"Whatever, just drop it! Next is another normal/normal, Capuchin, a level 13 navi familiar to many for her involvement in battles with important figures such as the now-deceased SoulMan. I hear she's been doing some partnering with SoulMan's son, SoulMan Jr. Her operator is Aida Ambridge. I'm guessing Capuchin will be around middle tier in this tournament, but she's going to need all of the strength she can get to go up against some of the navis in her early bracket."

"Best of luck to her! You know, I'll bet her monkey kung-fu style and martial arts make her a formidable opponent from any range."

"Indeed. She's so cute though, you really think she'd be a bitch in combat?"

"Something tells me she could be. At any rate, I wouldn't drop my guard!"

"Sure, sure. Anyways, that's all the time I have for this right now, I've got to stop by the donut shop on the way home and so forth. But uh, you guys take it easy and I'll try to bring you more up to date coverage at the very next opportunity I seize."