Sabrina Jetto's Homepage

Aside from being a large square of blue panels, there's currently not much to this homepage. However, a small, generic looking terminal near the entrance allows any user to see the various chips Sabrina and SplashMan have acquired. In one of the far corners, however, is a second terminal that only SplashMan or SplashLady can access, capable of changing everything about the homepage in a heartbeat. Thus far, however, it has never been used; the genericness of the rest of the area makes that fact pretty obvious.
Library (#-A)

[ ] AirHockey1 / AirHockey2
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] AirShot1
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] AntiFire / AntiWater / AntiElec / AntiWood
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] AntiDamage / AntiSword / AntiBreak
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] Aqua+20
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] AquaDragon1 / AquaDragon2
[ ][ ] ???
[ ] AquaNeedle1 / AquaNeedle2
AquaKnife / AquaSword / AquaBlade
[ ] AquaTower1 / AquaTower2
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] AquaWhirl1 / AquaWhirl2
PanelGrab / AreaGrab
[ ] Arrow1 / Arrow2
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] Attack+10 / Attack+20
[ ] AuraHead1 / AuraHead2
[ ][ ] Avalanche1
Library (B)

[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] BambooKnife / BambooSword
[ ][ ] Barrier
[ ][ ] BigHammer1
[ ][ ] Binder1
[ ][ ] BlackBomb1
[ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] Blizzard1 / Blizzard2 / Blizzard3 / MightyBlizzard
[ ][ ] BlizzardBall1 / BlizzardBall2 / BlizzardBall3
[ ] MiniBomb / LilBomb / CrossBomb
[ ] Boomerang1 / Boomerang2
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] Bubbler / Bubble-V
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] BubbleStar1
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] BurnSquare1 / BurnSquare2 / BurnSquare3
[ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] BusterSword / BusterPunch / BusterBomb
Library ( C)

[ ][ ] CactusBall1
[ ][ ] Candle1
[ ][ ] CandyBomb1
[ ] Cannon / Hi-Cannon
[ ][ ] Wrecker
[ ][ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] CircleGun1 / CircleGun2
ClusterShot1 / ClusterShot2 / ClusterShot3
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] CobraEgg1 / CobraEgg2
[ ][ ] ColdPunch
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] ???
[ ] CornShot1 / CornShot2
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] Counter1
[ ][ ] CrackBomb
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] CurseShield1
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
Library (D-F)

[ ][ ][ ] DashAttack1
[ ] DBLBeam1 / DBLBeam2
[ ] DollThunder1 / DollThunder2
[ ] DoubleBomb / TripleBomb
[ ] DoubleNeedle / TripleNeedle / QuadNeedle
[ ][ ] Drain1
[ ][ ] DrillArm1
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] Elec+20 / Elec+30
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] ElecDragon1
[ ][ ] ElecPulse1
[ ] ElecReel1 / ElecReel2
[ ][ ] ElecShock1 / ElecShock2
[ ] ElecKnife / ElecSword
[ ][ ][ ][ ] ElementFlare / ElementIce / ElementLeaf
[ ][ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ElementalRage1 / ElementalRage2
[ ] EnergyBomb / MegaEnergyBomb
[ ][ ] Fanfare / Discord / Timpani / Silence
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] Fire+20
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] FireBomb1 / FireBomb2
[ ][ ] FireBurn1
[ ] FireHit1 / FireHit2
[ ][ ] FireKnife
[ ][ ] FireTower1 / FireTower2 / FireTower3
[ ][ ] BronzeFist
[ ] FlameLine1 / FlameLine2
[ ][ ] FlameScales1 / FlameScales2
[ ][ ] FlashBomb1
[ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
Library (G-K)

[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] Gaia1 / Gaia2
[ ][ ] ???
SlowGauge / FastGauge / FullCustom
[ ][ ] Geddon1
[ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] GolemHit1
[ ][ ] GrabStop
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] GravityHold1
[ ][ ][ ] ???
Guard1 / Guard2 / Guard3
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] GutPunch / GutStraight / GutImpact
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] HammerToss1
[ ] HardBody / StoneBody
[ ] HeatBreath1 / HeatBreath2 / HeatBreath3
[ ] HeatDragon1 / HeatDragon2
[ ] HeatShot / Heat-V / HeatSide / HeatCross
[ ][ ] HeatSpreader1
[ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ] HolyPanel
[ ][ ] HotBody1
[ ] ???
[ ] IceBall1 / IceBall2
[ ][ ] IceCube
[ ][ ] IceSlasher1
[ ][ ] IceSeed / IceZone
[ ][ ] IceWave1
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] IronShell1 / IronShell2
[ ] IronShield1 / IronShield2
[ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] Katana1 / Katana2
[ ][ ] Kunai1
Library (L-M)

[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] LavaCannon1 / LavaCannon2
[ ][ ] LavaSeed
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] ???
[ ] LilBoiler1 / LilBoiler2 / LilBoiler3
[ ] LilCloud / MediumCloud
[ ] LineOut1 / LineOut2
[ ] LockOn1 / LockOn2
[ ] MachineGun1 / MachineGun2
[ ][ ] MachineSword
[ ][ ] MagBolt1
[ ][ ] MagBomb1
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] MagnetSeed
[ ] Magnum1 / Magnum2
[ ] MarkCannon1 / MarkCannon2
[ ] MaruBlaster1 / MaruBlaster2
[ ][ ] MetaGel1
[ ][ ] MetalGear1
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] Meteor9 / Meteor12
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ] Mine1 / Mine2
[ ][ ] MistConvergence1
[ ][ ] MokoRush1
[ ] Mole1 / Mole2
[ ][ ] MoonBlade1
[ ][ ] MudFlop1
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
Library (N-R)

[ ][ ][ ] Navi+10 / Navi+20
[ ][ ] NeedleCannon1 / NeedleCannon2
[ ][ ] Needler1
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] NumberBall1
[ ] ???
[ ] PhoenixShot1 / PhoenixShot2
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] PileDriver1
[ ][ ] Pillow1
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] PowerBolt1
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] Pulsar1 / Pulsar2
[ ][ ] Quake1
[ ][ ] QuickBoomerang1
[ ] RageClaw1 / RageClaw2
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] Ratton1
[ ][ ] Recover10 / Recover30 / Recover50 / Recover80 / Recover120 / Recover150
[ ][ ] RedFruit1
[ ][ ] RedWave1 / RedWave2
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] RemotePlug1 / RemotePlug2 / RemotePlug3
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] RiskyHoney1 / RiskyHoney2
[ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] RockArm1 / RockArm2
[ ] RockCube
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] RollingLog1
[ ] Rope1 / Rope2
Library (S)

[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] Satellite1
[ ][ ] SeaSeed
[ ] SeekerBomb1 / SeekerBomb2
[ ][ ] Sensor1 / Sensor2
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
Shake1 / Shake2 / Shake3
[ ][ ][ ] ???
ShockWave / SonicWave / DynaWave / BigWave
[ ][ ] ShootingStar1
[ ] Shotgun / V-Gun / SideGun
[ ] SideBamboo1 / SideBamboo2 / SideBamboo3
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] Skully1 / Skully2
[ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] SnowFort1 / SnowFort2
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] SolarSeed
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] Spice1
[ ] Spreader1 / Spreader2
[ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] StarArrow1
[ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] SummonBlack1 / SummonBlack2
[ ][ ] Sunshine
[ ][ ][ ] Sword / WideSword
[ ][ ] Synapse1
Library (T-Z)

[ ] TankCannon1 / TankCannon2
[ ][ ] Team1
[ ] Thunder1 / Thunder2
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] TimeBomb1 / TimeBomb2
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Typhoon / Hurricane / Cyclone / Tornado / Twister / Blower / Static
[ ] Totem1 / Totem2
[ ][ ] TrainArrow1
[ ][ ] TreeBomb1
[ ][ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] TwinFang1 / TwinFang2 / TwinFang3
[ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] Varitails1
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ] ???
[ ][ ] Vulcan1 / Vulcan2
[ ] WaterLine1 / WaterLine2
[ ][ ][ ] Wave1
[ ][ ] WaveArm1
[ ][ ] Whirlpool / Vortex
[ ][ ] WhiteWeb1
WideShot1 / WideShot2 / WideShot3
Wind / Fan
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ][ ] WoodPowder1 / WoodPowder2
[ ] WoodTower1 / WoodTower2
[ ][ ][ ] ???
[ ][ ] Yo-Yo1
[ ] ???
ZapRing1 / ZapRing2 / ZapRing3
[ ] ???

Total: 290
Stats of SplashMan and SplashLady

WideShot3Damage: 110 + Wide Attack
Accuracy: A
Description: Fires a wide wave of water that can hit up to three enemies, depending on circumstances.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Wide Attack: This attack hits a line of targets perpendicular to the direction the attack is launched in. Unless otherwise specified, a wide attack can hit up to 3 targets, max. Once a target is hit, the attack ends, thus all targets must be hit at roughly the same time.
Trader Rank: B

WideShot2Damage: 90 + Wide Attack
Accuracy: A
Description: Fires a wide wave of water that can hit up to three enemies, depending on circumstances.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Wide Attack: This attack hits a line of targets perpendicular to the direction the attack is launched in. Unless otherwise specified, a wide attack can hit up to 3 targets, max. Once a target is hit, the attack ends, thus all targets must be hit at roughly the same time.
Trader Rank: C

WideShot2Damage: 90 + Wide Attack
Accuracy: A
Description: Fires a wide wave of water that can hit up to three enemies, depending on circumstances.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Wide Attack: This attack hits a line of targets perpendicular to the direction the attack is launched in. Unless otherwise specified, a wide attack can hit up to 3 targets, max. Once a target is hit, the attack ends, thus all targets must be hit at roughly the same time.
Trader Rank: C

AquaDragon2Damage: 150 + Ground Attack + Medium Area Sea Terrain Change + Terrain Changer
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a WaterDragon that attacks enemies as it glides across the ground. Changes terrain to Sea as it passes.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Terrain Changer: Ceases attacking when the Terrain Change effect is completed (once 25% of the terrain is changed).
Trader Rank: C

AquaDragon2Damage: 150 + Ground Attack + Medium Area Sea Terrain Change + Terrain Changer
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a WaterDragon that attacks enemies as it glides across the ground. Changes terrain to Sea as it passes.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Terrain Changer: Ceases attacking when the Terrain Change effect is completed (once 25% of the terrain is changed).
Trader Rank: C

MediumCloudDamage: 90 + Wide Attack + Drop Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Cloud moves up and down three enemies, raining on them for two turns. Enemies can move out from under it if possible.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: C

MediumCloudDamage: 90 + Wide Attack + Drop Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Cloud moves up and down three enemies, raining on them for two turns. Enemies can move out from under it if possible.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: C

AquaBladeDamage: 100 + Slashing + Long Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a twin bladed sword imbued with a storming, aquatic aura, long enough to effectively use long slashes. Can hit up to 2 targets per slash with good RP.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 swings.
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: B

AquaSwordDamage: 80 + Slashing + Wide Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a sword imbued with water energy, and capable of effective wide slashes. Can hit up to 3 targets per slash with good RP.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 3 swings.
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: C

MightyBlizzardDamage: 160 + Large Ice Terrain Change + Extended Cone Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 9 enemies with a cone of freezing breath. Changes terrain to Ice and has an increased chance to Freeze targets on all forms of Aqua Terrain. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: A
WaterLine2Damage: 130 + Ground Attack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: A wall of water gushes from the ground, drowning up to 3 targets.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: C

MetaGel1Damage: 90 + Slow + Drop Attack x 3 Targets
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons three Metagels to drop down on three different opponents. Causes Slow on contact.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D

GreatWaveDamage: 160 + Line Attack + Ground Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Sends a narrow, but long, shock wave rolling in front of an enemy. Slow, but difficult to jump over due to its length. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: A
HeatCrossDamage: 130 + Spread 4
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots a fireball whose explosion penetrates enemies to hit up to four enemies diagonally from it, as if forming a X shape.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: A

LilBoiler3HP: 1
Properties: Light
Object Damage: (160 Aqua + Damage Absorbed) + Blast 3
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: (160 Aqua + Damage Absorbed) + Blast 3
Accuracy: E (thrown) / B (trigger)
Description: Throws a boiling kettle 3 panels ahead that boils over when hit once, dealing aqua damage to everything around it without regard to who or what that may be. The damage of the attack that strikes it is added to the blast.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Wood
Special: Time Delay: Upon taking damage, there is a 2 action time delay before the attack triggers.
Special: For the purposes of Elemental Bonuses, this chip is counts as Aqua Element.
Trader Rank: B

SideBamboo3Damage: 140 + Long Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Kilbo virus to the field that stabs the enemy from the side with a long lance, then silently vanishes. Can hit up to 2 targets.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: B

GutsImpactDamage: 160 + Impact + Knockback + Break
Accuracy: B
Description: Punch forward with large fist. Invokes knockback. Can knock objects into enemies. Breaks shields.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks after 3 swings.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B

QuadNeedleDamage: 50 x 4 Shots
Accuracy: B
Description: Fires four sharp spears at the same target.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B

TwinFang3Damage: 130 x 2 targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Launches two fangs. Hits cannot be stacked on one opponent.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B

Shake3Damage: 130 + Wide Attack + Break
Accuracy: C
Description: Throws a dumbbell that slides through enemy lines for two turns. Can hit up to three enemies twice, second time having a 50% chance of hitting.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B

BambooSwordDamage: 80 + Slashing + Wide Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a sword made of solid wood, and capable of effective wide slashes. Can hit up to 3 targets per slash with good RP.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 3 swings.
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C

Boomerang2Damage: 90 + Group Attack (Arc)
Accuracy: B
Description: Throws a boomerang at enemies
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Group Attack (Arc): This attack may hit between 1 and 4 enemies on average, perhaps more depending on the situation. This version of Group Attack hits in an arc that loops back to the attacker. If attempting to hit too many targets with poor RP, you may also hit yourself, so be careful.
Trader Rank: C

ElecSwordDamage: 80 + Slashing + Wide Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a sword made of electrical energy, and capable of effective wide slashes. Can hit up to 3 targets per slash with good RP.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 3 swings.
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: C

Gaia2Damage: 130 + Ground Attack + To-All-Clause (Others)
Accuracy: C
Description: Creates a massive shock wave that devastates all battle participants except the user, including their own allies. Due to its lack of width, it can be leaped over with great timing. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B
CircleGun2Damage: 120 + Seeking
Accuracy: A
Description: A highly accurate cannon attack that can see through invisibility. Can fire 4 times before being expended. Rare
Duration: 4 Uses
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B
Mine2Damage: 240 + Ground Attack
Accuracy: S
Description: Lays a field of small chain mines in a location, unknown to everyone, on the battlefield. The minefield covers 10% of the battlefield, giving anyone who takes a move action a 10% chance of detonating it with every move and dodge they make. The individual who set the mines cannot set them off just by walking on them. Mines cannot be placed on Broken, Trap, or Missing terrain. Up to 90% of the field may be covered in mines.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: +10% Mined Terrain
Trader Rank: C

MachineGun2Damage: (50 x 9 Shots) + Spray Fire
Accuracy: D
Description: Creates a machine gun that fires 9 shots at a single enemy. While inaccurate, its missed shots are capable of hitting others.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Spray Fire: If a shot from this attack misses its primary target, it has a chance to hit something near the enemy instead of completely missing. Good RP increases the chance of triggering this effect.
Trader Rank: C

CurseShield1Damage: (1 Hit Shield) + (Counter(160): On-Hit)
Accuracy: A
Description: Blocks one attack, teleports to face the attacker, and then charges the target to deliver a crushing bite attack. Break attacks will pierce the defense, but only Impact will stop the Dominerd's Counter.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D

Recover150Recovery: 150 HP
Accuracy: S
Description: Heals 150 HP.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B

WindRacketDamage: 100 + Northwind (On-Hit Only) + Microburst (On-Hit Only) + Gust + Wide Attack
Accuracy: A
Description: Description: Creates a fan to smack enemies with the power of wind. Destroys barriers and auras and sends enemies flying on contact, or just to manipulate their position. Hits up to 3 enemies with good RP.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Wind Type: This chip counts as Wind Type for the purposes of Wind triggered effects, such as traps and terrain.
Trader Rank: C

StoneBodyEffect: StoneBody
Accuracy: S
Description: Turns the user to Stone, which reduces Non-Break damage to 1 point per hit, but also prevents them from Dodging.
Duration: 2 turns
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B

PickpocketDamage: 0
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bandcoon to steal from opponents before vanishing.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Success and quality of theft affected by RP quality and luck.
Trader Rank: C

AreaGrabEffect: Teleport + Accuracy UP
Accuracy: S
Description: Allows the user to teleport to any spot on the field, and raises the accuracy of the next attack by 1 Rank.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Accuracy UP: This effect raises the accuracy of the next attack by 10%, and is stackable with all other Accuracy buffs. In the case of AreaGrab, this replaces Teleport's RP-based accuracy bonus.
Trader Rank: D

Attack+20Status: Attack UP 20, Stackable
Accuracy: S
Description: Adds 20 Damage to all hits of a selected attack chip, before any external environment-related or target-related damage modifiers apply.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C

Folder Count: 34/34
Extra Chips
Aqua+20Status: Aqua Element UP 20, Stackable
Accuracy: S
Description: Adds 20 Damage to all hits of an Aqua Element attack chip, before any external environment-related or target-related damage modifiers apply.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: D

AntiBreakDamage: Trap((Negate Attack) Then (200 + Break)): Break, Blast, Nova, Spread, Splash, Cracked Terrain Change, Broken Terrain Change, Chip Break, and/or Object Erasure
Accuracy: A
Description: Negates one Break-type attack and counters with God Stone.
Duration: One Attack, or until overwritten or destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: (Trap(Effect): Trigger): Trap effects are sprung when Trigger conditions are met. Traps do not trigger and cannot be triggered by other Traps. Traps are negated on contact by the Nullify effect, and do not trigger against attacks that include the Nullify effect. Traps do not trigger against Allies. Only one Trap may be set by an individual at a time, and setting a second will overwrite the first regardless of type. Traps remain in place until triggered, overwritten, or destroyed.
Trader Rank: B

BlizzardBall3Damage: 120 + Line Attack + Ground Attack + Object Absorption
Accuracy: C
Description: Rolls a giant snowball at enemies that absorbs obstacles. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Object Absorption: If this attack hits an object, it adds half of that object's HP to its damage.
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: A
BubbleStar1Damage: 20 + Bubble Trap x 3 targets
Accuracy: D
Description: Three Bubbles trap enemies
Duration: Once, Trap for 1 turn
Element: Aqua
Special: Bubble Trap: Encases the target in a bubble for 1 turn that makes them vulnerable to Elec Damage. Trapped targets suffer from Hold, and their attacks cannot penetrate the bubble from the inside. Any attack that hits the bubble from the outside instantly breaks it, freeing the victim.
Trader Rank: D

Bubble-VDamage: 70 + Spread 2
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots a bubble blast whose explosion penetrates enemies to hit up to two other enemies behind and to the side of it, as if forming a V shape.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: C

ClusterShot1Damage: 10 x 4 Shots + Variable Targeting
Accuracy: B
Description: Launches a volley of four plasma spheres at targets designated by the user.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Variable Targeting: Allows the user to select a target for each individual hit of an attack. This means they may strike the same target multiple times, multiple different targets, or a mix of the two as they wish.
Trader Rank: D

ElecShock1Damage: 70 + Medium Solar Terrain Change + Stun + Cone Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 4 enemies with a cone of lightning breath that stuns. Changes terrain to Solar.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D

ElecShock2Damage: 100 + Medium Solar Terrain Change + Stun + Cone Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 4 enemies with a cone of lightning breath that stuns. Changes terrain to Solar.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: C

FireBomb1Damage: 60 + Burn(10) + Blast2
Accuracy: C
Description: A bomb that bursts into intense flames on impact.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Burn(10): Deals 10 Fire damage per action to the victim starting the turn after this attack hits. This effect stacks with other timed damage effects, including other Burn effects. Can be cured with Status Cure.
Trader Rank: D

FireBomb2Damage: 90 + Burn(10) + Blast2
Accuracy: C
Description: A bomb that bursts into intense flames on impact.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Burn(10): Deals 10 Fire damage per action to the victim starting the turn after this attack hits. This effect stacks with other timed damage effects, including other Burn effects. Can be cured with Status Cure.
Trader Rank: C

Geddon1Effect: Full Stage Cracked Terrain Change
Accuracy: S
Description: Cracks the field. Even Metal Terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C

Guard3Effect: (1 Hit Shield) + (Reflect(up to 200 + Piercing + Line Attack): On Hit)
Accuracy: S
Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a hyper-fast damage ray.
Duration: Until broken or overridden.
Element: Null
Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact.
Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: B

HardBodyEffect: HardBody
Accuracy: S
Description: Toughens the user to withstand damage. Reduces all Non-Break damage by half.
Duration: 2 turns
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B

HeatBreath1Damage: 80 + Medium Lava Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 4 enemies with a cone of fiery breath. Changes terrain to Lava.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D

HotBody1Effect: Adds +20 Fire and Nova3 to Charged Buster Attack
Accuracy: Buster Accuracy = C
Description: Blasts the surrounding area with a nova-like explosion from your Charged Buster attacks.
Duration: 6 Uses.
Element: Fire
Special: Overrides Buster. Disables Buster Shot.
Trader Rank: D

IceBall2Damage: 160 + Break + Small Ice Terrain Change
Accuracy: C
Description: A bomb that changes the ground it lands on to Ice
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C

LavaCannon2Damage: 120 + Lava Panel Boost(+40)
Accuracy: B
Description: Fires a blast of magma from a cannon. If the user is standing on Lava terrain at the time of use, this chip's power is boosted by 40.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C

LilBoiler1HP: 1
Properties: Light
Object Damage: (100 Aqua + Damage Absorbed) + Blast 3
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: (100 Aqua + Damage Absorbed) + Blast 3
Accuracy: E (thrown) / B (trigger)
Description: Throws a boiling kettle 3 panels ahead that boils over when hit once, dealing aqua damage to everything around it without regard to who or what that may be. The damage of the attack that strikes it is added to the blast.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Wood
Special: Time Delay: Upon taking damage, there is a 2 action time delay before the attack triggers.
Special: For the purposes of Elemental Bonuses, this chip is counts as Aqua Element.
Trader Rank: D

LilCloudDamage: 70 + Wide Attack + Drop Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Cloud moves up and down three enemies, raining on them for two turns. Enemies can move out from under it if possible.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D

Needler1HP: 60
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 60 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 30 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: D

PileDriver1Damage: 40 x 2 Melee Attack + Impact + Break + Knockback + Piledriver
Accuracy: B
Description: The Navi summons a rapidly pumping jackhammer that occupies one of their appendages. Bearing down on an immobile target will deal greater damage.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Piledriver: If the first hit connects with Knockback and the second hit also connects, the second hit deals double damage.
Trader Rank: D

RockArm2HP: 75
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Damage: 150 + Stun
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a Crasher to the field. The following turn, it will leap and crash, causing a massive stunning earthquake for all ground-bound enemies, and send a shockwave towards a line of targets.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Null
Special: Attacks the turn after summoning only.
Trader Rank: C

Rope2Damage: 70 + Hold + Ground Attack
Accuracy: A
Description: A vine sprouts from the ground to grab and damage an enemy for three turns. Can be destroyed with Slashing or Fire attacks, or other RP-based solutions. Destroying the vine instantly ends its effects.
Duration: Three turns
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: C

Satellite1Damage: 60 + Impact + Object Orbit
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Sparky virus and sends it across the field on a hard-to-avoid zig-zagging path. If it hits an enemy, it explodes into a ball of plasma. If it hits an object, it begins circling around the object and can damage near by enemies repeatedly.
Duration: Once, or up to 2 turns, if orbiting.
Element: Elec
Special: Object Orbit: The Satellite will orbit any object it comes into contact with. This chip cannot damage Objects, including Casings.
Trader Rank: D

SeekerBomb1Damage: 80 + Seeking + Homing + Blast 1
Accuracy: C
Description: Throws a grenade that automatically seeks out the enemy it's intended for.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Sensor2HP: 100
Properties: Anchored, ElecBody
Object Damage: 100 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 130 Elec + Beam Attack + Stun 1
Accuracy: S
Description: Summons a Killereye to search for enemies. Fires an eye-beam when it detects them. It can see through invisibility.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Elec
Special: ElecBody: Immune to Elec damage. Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: C

StarArrow1Damage: 50 + Carry
Accuracy: B
Description: Fires an arrow that hovers still in the air for a moment before rocketing forward. If anyone grabs the arrow at any point before it hits something, they are sent flying along with the arrow.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Carry: If anyone, user, ally, or foe, grabs the arrow at any point before it hits something, they are pulled along by it until it either hits something or they let go. This does not affect the arrow in any way.
Trader Rank: D

StarArrow1Damage: 50 + Carry
Accuracy: B
Description: Fires an arrow that hovers still in the air for a moment before rocketing forward. If anyone grabs the arrow at any point before it hits something, they are sent flying along with the arrow.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Carry: If anyone, user, ally, or foe, grabs the arrow at any point before it hits something, they are pulled along by it until it either hits something or they let go. This does not affect the arrow in any way.
Trader Rank: D

StaticDamage: 20 x 8 Hits + Bug Spreader
Accuracy: (Special)
Description: Attacks the enemy with a whirlwind of noise. Its range is improved by glitches. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: The accuracy of this attack is entirely dependent upon RP quality and current batle conditions, and it cannot be affected by stats boosts and nerfs.
Special: Bug Spreader: The number of targets this attack hits is increased by 1 for each bug or glitch the user has.
Special: Wind Type: This chip counts as Wind Type for the purposes of Wind triggered effects, such as traps and terrain.
Trader Rank: S
Team1HP: 200
Properties: Light
Object damage: 10
Damage method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 10 + Seeking
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a Twin virus, that shoots a strange ball at an enemy each time the user is hit by an enemy.
Duration: 3 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Wave1Damage: 50 + Ground Attack + To-All(Others) + Sea/Onsen Terrain Boost 50
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a tsunami to drown everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is already water in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: D

Yo-Yo1Damage: 40 x 2-3 + Slashing
Accuracy: C
Description: Yo-yo hits up to three enemies, two twice and one three times at max, and blocks frontal projectile attacks. User is immobile during usage and lowers their dodge for the turn. This chip counts as a Sword Chip.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Yo-Yo can be destroyed by Break attacks with 40 or greater power.
Special: If two yo-yos collide with each other, both are destroyed at the same time.
Trader Rank: D

- MiniEnergyPack: 4/5
- SmallEnergyPack: 5/5
- EnergyPack: 5/5
- LargeEnergyPack: 0/5
- FullEnergyPack: 0/5
- SneakRun: 0/5
- Escape: 1/5
- Untrap: 5/5
- Bookmark: 2/5
- SPRevive: 0/5

= Active Bookmark: Hades Isle (Normal), Battle 10 Clear
Look up, you silly person
Basic Information
LV 49
Element: Aqua
Subtype: Ground

Subtype Passive: Pathfinder
Subtype Active: Geomancer

-Attack LV 5
-Rapid LV 5
-Charge LV 5
-Speed LV 6 (6 actions)

-Buster Damage: 50
-Charge Damage: 200, Aqua element
-Buster Effect: Break
- UnderShirt (10)
- MegaFolder2 (25)
- MegaFolder2 (25)
- HP+200 (20)
Total: 80/80
Spare NaviCust Programs
Signature System 3.5
Buster Shot: Splash Buster
- SplashMan: SplashMan's right hand becomes a generic Navi buster, and fires an ordinary energy shot.
- SplashLady: SplashLady's left hand becomes a generic Navi buster, and fires an ordinary energy shot.
= 50 damage
Charge Shot: Water Splash
-SplashMan: SplashMan charges some of his internal water into his back cannons, then releases it in a single, potent blast.
-SplashLady: SplashLady summons water from the air, then fires it as a single, potent blast.
= 200 Aqua Damage + Break
Reserve Tank R
- Both Navis: SplashMan and SplashLady draw upon their inner ability to create a large amount of water in a very short amount of time, allowing them to use Water Splash in less time.
= Buster Charge (Passive)
Reserve Tank L
- Both Navis: SplashMan and SplashLady draw upon their inner ability to create a large amount of water in a very short amount of time, allowing them to use Water Splash in less time.
= Buster Charge (Passive)
Flood Cannon
- SplashMan: SplashMan places water in his cannons under high pressure, then fires it, creating a small explosion once it touches something. After the attack, the remaining water pools and creates a terrain change.
- SplashLady: SplashLady condenses water in the air to create a tight blob of water, then shoots it, creating a small explosion once it touches something. After the attack, the remaining water pools and creates a terrain change.
= 100 Aqua damage x Blast 3 + Large Area Sea Terrain Change
+ 9 TCD
Aqua Ram
- SplashMan: The bottom parts of SplashMan's cannons begin to blast water, propelling him forward for a water powered tackle attack.
- SplashLady: SplashLady cannot use this sig move, as she lacks the bulky physique needed for the attack.
= 150 Aqua damage + Break + Impact + Knockback
+ 5 TCD
Ocean Lance
- SplashMan: SplashMan cannot use this sig move, as he cannot focus his water shots well enough.
- SplashLady: SplashLady stabs the air with her trident, causing a nearly laser intense beam of water to shoot forward. Few defenses can properly defend against it.
= 100 Aqua damage + Slashing + Break + Impact + Phasing
+ 4 TCD
Sig Points
- Total Points Available: 1020/1660 (points acquired/max points possible)
- Spare Points Available: 0
- Reserve Tank R: 40 passive points = 160
- Reserve Rank L: 40 passive points = 160
- Flood Cannon: 100 x 3 + 40 = 340
- Aqua Ram: 150 + 20 + 20 + 10 = 200
- Ocean Lance: 100 + 0 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 160
= Total: 160 + 160 + 340 + 200 + 160 = 1020/1020
VoulgeCross (LV 3) (Fire/Guts)
+20 to Fire Chips
+40 HP
+1 Action
Subtype Passive: Resilient
Subtype Active: Gatling Attack
Buster Shot: Voulge Buster (50)
Charge Shot: Burning Javelin (200, Fire, Break)
Signature Attacks:
- Macula Fervens (Fire, Large Area Lava Terrain where it hits)
- Effluo Incendia (60, Fire, Break, Imbue Fire x 2)
- Contego Aestuo (1-hit shield) (Passive)
Total: 240/240
EternalisCross (LV 1) (Aqua/Recovery)
+10 to Aqua Chips
Subtype Passive: Medical Mastery
Subtype Active: Panacea
Buster Shot: Eternalis Buster (50)
Charge Shot: Avalanche Shot (200, Aqua, Break)
Signature Attacks:
- Healing Flow (15 Heal) (Passive)
Total: 80/80
VoltCross (LV 1) (Elec/Sword)
+10 to Elec Chips
Subtype Passive: Sword Mastery
Subtype Active: Riposte
Buster Shot: Volt Buster (50)
Charge Shot: Spark Cannon (200, Elec, Break)
Signature Attacks:
- Thunder Spear (20, Elec, Slashing, hits 4 times)
Total: 80/80
PhotoCross (LV 2) (Normal/Cursor)
+15 to Non-elemental Cursor Chips
+20 HP
Subtype Passive: Marksmanship
Subtype Active: Snipe
Buster Shot: Photo Buster (50)
Charge Shot: Snap Shot (200, Break)
Signature Attacks:
- Range Finder (Take Aim) (Passive)
- Lens Flare (10, Stun, Nullify, Slashing, Self Slow)
- Tri Precision (Accuracy Enhancement, 2 turns)
Total: 160/160
SummonerCross (LV 1) (Normal/Summon)
+10 to Non-elemental Object Chips
Subtype Passive: Self-Destruct
Subtype Active: Crafting
Buster Shot: Summoner Buster (50)
Charge Shot: Summon: Heavy Object (200, Break)
Signature Attacks:
- Summon: Great Wall (120 HP Object, Self Slow)
Total: 80/80
BinaryCross (LV 1) (Normal/Variable)
+10 to Non-elemental Chips
Subtype Passive: Debuff
Subtype Active: Buff
Buster Shot: Binary Buster (50)
Charge Shot: 100 Strike (200, Break)
Signature Attacks:
- Data Flow (Strengthen 80)
Total: 80/80
Voulge: 150 FXP (LV 3 Cross)
PhotoMan: 87 FXP (LV 2 Cross)
ViralMan: 49 FXP
SummonerMan: 46 FXP (LV 1 Cross)
Eternalis: 40 FXP (LV 1 Cross)
VoltMan: 33 FXP (LV 1 Cross)
Binary: 31 FXP (LV 1 Cross)
DruidMan: 10 FXP
Armor: 7 FXP
FeilongMan: 6 FXP
Enigma: 5 FXP
Anyis: 4 FXP
Strum: 4 FXP
Jury: 3 FXP
Holoβ: 3 FXP
Djinni: 2 FXP
SoundMan: 2 FXP
Cuffs: 2 FXP
Washburn: 2 FXP
Exorcist: 1 FXP
Skins: 1 FXP
Upgrade List
HPMemory: 12
PowerUP: 12/12
Speed Upgrade: 3/3
NaviCust Expansion: 8
Process Upgrade: 24/48
SubMemory: 1/4
Support Programs
LV 22
Element: Aqua
Subtype: Guts
Subtype Passive: Vigor
Subtype Active: Intimidation
- Speed: LV 3 (3 actions)
- Attack Damage: 30
- Buster Effect: (none)
Special Abilities: (none)
Hit Point +: 8
Damage +: 4/18
Speed +: 2/5
Key Items
- PET (Sabrina's PET. SplashMan is currently installed as its NetNavi.)
- Pearl (A beautiful pearl whose shine gives off the colors of the rainbow. Acquired deep in Yoka Net's waters.)
- PhotoKey (A cyberkey that permits access to PhotoMan's homepage.)
- SkarabBone (A finger bone from a Skarab. The exact use for it is unknown.)
- Turban (A turban swiped from an Elemperor2. Why SplashMan kept it is a mystery.)
PvP Win/Loss Record: 0-1
Navis Defeated: (none)
Navis Defeated By: MachMan

SplashSabrina - 100/100 HP - 4860z
- SplashMan - 540/540 HP
- Blub - 140/140 HP - 70 BugFrags