Support Programs

DragonierMan, Magistrate, Suzume, and Aya

Gender: Female
Element: Null 
Subtype: Team 
Level: 34 [Upgrade: 34]
HP: 150
Active and Passive
Passive: Tag Along: When a Teleport effect is activated, the user can take one ally along if the user and target are touching each other. Can also be used if this ability is called by the ally. This ability can not be used without the consent of both the user and ally, and can not be stacked or chained for more than two people.
Ability: All for One: The SP may transfer a Battlechip from the Navi's folder to herself or any allied target as a free action. Note: SPs with this ability may receive one Battlechip directly from the Operator each turn. (Once Per Turn).
Actions: 2
Buster Element:
NullBuster Effect: Disarm Shot
Attack has a high chance of breaking a target's weapon or knocking it from their grasp. Excellent RP may well land the weapon in your own hands, but the RP sample in question would have to be extremely good. Critical failures are possible.
Buster Damage (Attack): 50
[11] Hit Point+: v11
[8] Damage+: v8
[1] Buster Effect: Disarm Shot
[3] Flight: Planeswalking
[5] Flight: Fly
[3] Second Chance
[3] Chip Preset
Special Abilities
Flight: Planeswalking
As FloatShoes: Ignores effects from panels except broken/missing.
Flight: Fly
As OmniShoes: Ignores effects from panels, including broken/missing. Allows user to fly freely through the air.
Second Chance
As Undershirt: SP is protected from fatal hits, causing her to drop to 1 HP instead of EJO. Does not work when at 1 HP.
Chip Preset
Allows an SP to use a designated chip directly from the Operator. The preset chip can only be changed when jacked out.
Signatures 600/600
Magistrate's Aegis 1: 20HP Barrier + 20HP Casing + Teleport. [3 TCD].
Magistrate's Aegis 2: 20HP Barrier + 20HP Casing + Teleport. [3 TCD].
Magistrate's Aegis 3: 20HP Barrier + 20HP Casing + Teleport. [3 TCD].
Magistrate's Aegis 4: 20HP Barrier + 20HP Casing + Teleport. [3 TCD].
Magistrate's Remedy: Small-Area Terrain Effect (Broken) + 30 Healing + Status Cure + Dodge. [3 TCD].

Gender: Female
Element: Null 
Subtype: Team 
Level: 34 [Upgrade: 34]
HP: 150
Active and Passive
Passive: Tag Along: When a Teleport effect is activated, the user can take one ally along if the user and target are touching each other. Can also be used if this ability is called by the ally. This ability can not be used without the consent of both the user and ally, and can not be stacked or chained for more than two people.
Ability: All for One: The SP may transfer a Battlechip from the Navi's folder to herself or any allied target as a free action. Note: SPs with this ability may receive one Battlechip directly from the Operator each turn. (Once Per Turn).
Actions: 2
Buster Element:
NullBuster Effect: Disarm Shot
Attack has a high chance of breaking a target's weapon or knocking it from their grasp. Excellent RP may well land the weapon in your own hands, but the RP sample in question would have to be extremely good. Critical failures are possible.
Buster Damage (Attack): 50
[11] Hit Point+: v11
[8] Damage+: v8
[1] Buster Effect: Disarm Shot
[3] Flight: Planeswalking
[5] Flight: Fly
[3] Second Chance
[3] Chip Preset
Special Abilities
Flight: Planeswalking
As FloatShoes: Ignores effects from panels except broken/missing.
Flight: Fly
As OmniShoes: Ignores effects from panels, including broken/missing. Allows user to fly freely through the air.
Second Chance
As Undershirt: SP is protected from fatal hits, causing her to drop to 1 HP instead of EJO. Does not work when at 1 HP.
Chip Preset
Allows an SP to use a designated chip directly from the Operator. The preset chip can only be changed when jacked out.
Signatures 600/600
Suzume's Aegis 1: 20HP Barrier + 20HP Casing + Teleport. [3 TCD].
Suzume's Aegis 2: 20HP Barrier + 20HP Casing + Teleport. [3 TCD].
Suzume's Aegis 3: 20HP Barrier + 20HP Casing + Teleport. [3 TCD].
Suzume's Aegis 4: 20HP Barrier + 20HP Casing + Teleport. [3 TCD].
Suzume's Remedy: Small-Area Terrain Effect (Broken) + 30 Healing + Status Cure + Dodge. [3 TCD]..

Gender: Female
Element: Null 
Subtype: Team 
Level: 34 [Upgrade: 34]
HP: 150
Active and Passive
Passive: Tag Along: When a Teleport effect is activated, the user can take one ally along if the user and target are touching each other. Can also be used if this ability is called by the ally. This ability can not be used without the consent of both the user and ally, and can not be stacked or chained for more than two people.
Ability: All for One: The SP may transfer a Battlechip from the Navi's folder to herself or any allied target as a free action. Note: SPs with this ability may receive one Battlechip directly from the Operator each turn. (Once Per Turn).
Actions: 2
Buster Element:
NullBuster Effect: Disarm Shot
Attack has a high chance of breaking a target's weapon or knocking it from their grasp. Excellent RP may well land the weapon in your own hands, but the RP sample in question would have to be extremely good. Critical failures are possible.
Buster Damage (Attack): 50
[11] Hit Point+: v11
[8] Damage+: v8
[1] Buster Effect: Disarm Shot
[3] Flight: Planeswalking
[5] Flight: Fly
[3] Second Chance
[3] Chip Preset
Special Abilities
Flight: Planeswalking
As FloatShoes: Ignores effects from panels except broken/missing.
Flight: Fly
As OmniShoes: Ignores effects from panels, including broken/missing. Allows user to fly freely through the air.
Second Chance
As Undershirt: SP is protected from fatal hits, causing her to drop to 1 HP instead of EJO. Does not work when at 1 HP.
Chip Preset
Allows an SP to use a designated chip directly from the Operator. The preset chip can only be changed when jacked out.
Signatures 600/600
Aya's Aegis 1: 20HP Barrier + 20HP Casing + Teleport. [3 TCD].
Aya's Aegis 2: 20HP Barrier + 20HP Casing + Teleport. [3 TCD].
Aya's Aegis 3: 20HP Barrier + 20HP Casing + Teleport. [3 TCD].
Aya's Aegis 4: 20HP Barrier + 20HP Casing + Teleport. [3 TCD].
Aya's Remedy: Small-Area Terrain Effect (Broken) + 30 Healing + Status Cure + Dodge. [3 TCD].
MagistrateBackground: Magistrate began life as an administration program for DragonierMan's operator, Destin Obscura, and ran the day-to-day operations on the NET. This included running the shop and interfacing with DragonierMan in the field. Later, after the success of Suzume and Aya in the field, a suitable SP core was found for Magistrate. Given additional functionality, Magistrate was linked to DragonierMan's core data, and became a fully-fledged SP to further help DragonierMan in the field.
Personality: As she is considerably older than Suzume and Aya, she considers herself the elder sister of the three. Because she was originally created as an administrator and go-between, and not as a servant of DragonierMan, she does not share the same mentality towards DragonierMan that Suzume and Aya hold. She views DragonierMan as a partner and co-worker, nothing more. She is a staunch ally to DragonierMan, but her loyalty is foremost to their operator. She also continues to exercise her independent mindset to the navi she is now linked. And similarly to when she administrated DragonierMan and now linked by their cores, she can telepathically communicate with all those linked to DragonierMan, including Suzume and Aya.
Suzume and Aya continue to be terrified of Magistrate due to past experiences with her and her administrative functions. Having been manipulated like puppets on occasion. Magistrate possesses an administrative and analytical mind, but not a benevolent one. Her primary purpose is to further her operator's goals, regardless of whether someone becomes uncomfortable with the process. As such, she can tend to rub people the wrong way. Attaching an SP core to her and linking her to DragonierMan, and by extension Suzume and Aya, has changed her personality slightly and lightened her up. However, though she will admit now that sometimes care must be taken to achieve one's goals, she still remains mission driven over any humanitarian efforts.
Appearance: As the elder sister to Suzume and Aya, she retains the golden hair, gray eyes, and a fair Netopian skin tone with just the hint of a tan. She stands between 5'7" - 5'9" in armor. Her nose however is a bit more pronounced and hawkish. She is more broad-shouldered than Suzume and Aya, with similar strong musculature, and a larger c-cup bust. Long, toned limbs with small, sharp nails at their ends round out the package. Moving from administrative to a front-line fighter, she sports similar armor to DragonierMan. Wearing full scaled plate with chain mail underneath. Her armor combines aspects of all three of her allies and tends toward the more ostentatious display. She even wears her hair up in a bun with large, ornamental-looking, sharp steel needles that she can use as weapons. She also has DragonierMan's stone tower Navi symbol emblazoned on her chestplate.
Custom Weapon: Magistrate's primary weapon is her own body. In melee she use her arms, hands, legs, and feet (i.e. punching, clawing, kicking, striking with their elbows and knees, etc.). She is proficient with all the weapons that DragonierMan is proficient in, including the ability to draw on his Battlechips. She has also inherited his signature dragon breath.
Suzume and AyaBackground: Suzume and Aya are twin Support Programs (SPs). They were born from DragonierMan's core data and are linked in turn.
Personality: Both sisters think of DragonierMan as their master and creator. And as such, are protective of him, seeing it as their duty. They are his dark shadows, clinging to his form, before jumping out in ambush. They are independent minds to the navi that spawned them, but they are linked to DragonierMan by their cores. As such, they can telepathically communicate with each other.
They are both physically active, and can always be found in some form of training or another. They bicker amongst themselves occasionally, as sisters are want to do, but in their duties they are usually silent and work together to ambush targets. They tend to focus their efforts on whomever is weakest after DragonierMan has at them, attempting to dispatch them quickly. They also flirt occasionally, and understand how to use their feminine wiles to get what they want, whatever it is at the time. The lack of clothing they usually wear, helps.
Suzume is the older sister to Aya. She is the songbird of the twins, her voice smooth as silk. She is very graceful, and as such, her movements and mind flow like water. She is the more talkative of the two, generally praising and giving compliments to put the heart at ease, but she occasionally weaves her words with deceit and double-meaning. She lives by the motto "Death by a thousand cuts," and is very merciless and cruel under her white smile.
Aya is the younger sister to Suzume. She is the hunter and scavenger of the twins. Living by the motto "Death by a single stroke," Aya attempts to size up her target before sweeping down on them to deliver a coup de grĂ¢ce. Aya is the more athletic, tomboyish twin and enjoys games that test her skills. She doesn't like drawn out conversations, which quickly bore her to no end, and prefers to let her actions to speak for her. Though she laughs heartily and drinks with the best of them.
Appearance: Suzume and Aya are identical twins, roughly around 5'2" - 5'4" in armor. Golden hair, gray eyes, a button nose, and a fair Netopian skin tone with just the hint of a tan are their trademarks. They are thin and lithe, with tight abs and glutes, and a b-cup bust. Long, toned limbs with small, sharp nails at their ends round out the package. As frontline fighters, the twins sport similar armor to DragonierMan. Wearing full scaled plate with chain mail underneath. Suzume likes bright gray with golden highlights, to highlight her flowing hair. Aya prefers dark colors, remnants of her time spent in the shadows, with feathers in her helmet. Both have DragonierMan's stone tower Navi symbol emblazoned on their chestplates.
Custom Weapon: Suzume and Aya's primary weapons are their own body. In melee they use their arms, hands, legs, and feet (i.e. punching, clawing, kicking, striking with their elbows and knees, etc.). They are proficient with all the weapons that DragonierMan is, including the ability to draw on his Battlechips. They have also inherited their progenitor's dragon breath.
GMOs by LevelNinja.GMO
The SPs take off their heavy armour and instead wear hardened, dark gray leather thigh-high boots, short skirts, tank-tops, and shoulder-length gloves. Giving them a modicum of protection while their movement is unhindered. They also sport a variety of small, concealable weapons, preferring dagger-like weapons to most others. The only real difference between them in this form is how they wear their hair. Suzume usually lets her hair flow out, while Aya binds it into a braid.
White (Suzume) and red (Aya) turtleneck sweaters, along with matching black miniskirts. Aya wears black tights beneath and Suzume goes bare legged. They also both wear fashionable, black, strapped sandals. Black choker accessories and bracelets, for left (Suzume) and right arm (Aya), completes the look. The outfits looked attractive, but perhaps not as flashy as one might expect.
Suzume and Aya shows their inner beasts, taking the form of two huge dragons (but not as big as DragonierMan's DragonForm.GMO). They both sprout large leathery wings, fanned ears, horns on their head (Suzume has a single, unicorn-like horn. Aya has a set of curly, ram-like horns.), and a long tapered tail. Unlike DragonierMan's DragonForm.GMO, they don't have a lavish mane of course hair. Instead they have no hair whatsoever. And, they both have two parallel rows of fins going down their back, starting from their head. They continue to sport the coloration and metallic sheen of the armour they wear while in their 'human' form though.
Suzume and Aya's medieval-style, scaled, plate armour becomes sleeker, rounder, and more futuristic looking. The seams and trim of the armour also glow with a golden-white (Suzume) or purple-black (Aya) light. Their helmet starts out as a torc around their neck. When commanded, it unfolds itself from the torc to form around their head in a similar sleek and futuristic draconic-style helmet. The back of the helmet has an opening that allows their golden hair to flow out behind it. Their cloaks are holographic and project out of generators on their torso and back. Aya also generates holographic feathers out of her helmet. Several other circular, glowing generators adorn their armour at key points, such as shoulders, elbows, and kneecaps. Their attacks are more likely to come in the form of guns, grenades, and laser-swords while in this .GMO.
GMOs GivenSpoiler
With these .GMOs active, both Aya and Suzume look very similar with a few slight differences to tell them apart. Their attire consists almost entirely of white medical gowns and bandaging tape, both stained and burnt to a slightly lower degree than DragonierMan's clothing. The gowns fit loosely and certainly don't provide the protection their normal armor provides, but thankfully they wrap entirely around their bodies (as opposed to having open backs). They have very short sleeves and the gown only extends just above their knees, but wrapped tape on their thighs and upper arms suggest there's an additional layer of material beneath the gown.
Their skin is lined with dark stitches and medical staples, outlining various limbs and variable-sized patches of skin, each with slightly different hues as if they were assembled from a myriad of different bodies. Even their eyes are different colors, Aya has one red and one hazel eye, while Suzume has one blue and one purple eye. Their golden hair looks mostly uniform, but Aya has a long diagonal line of stitches across her face from the left side to her chin up to the right side of her forehead, so the eyebrow over her crimson eye is black instead of gold.
Suzume has a pair of tarnished silver bolts with oversized hex heads screwed through her medical gown and into the midpoints of her collarbones, while Aya has a pair of identical bolts screwed diagonally into the sides of her shoulders. Said bolts are firmly secured, incapable of spinning or rocking; that's probably a good thing for Aya and Suzume's sakes.