
Name: CurseMan

Gender: male

Element: Fire

Type: Cursor

Appearance: CurseMan's outward appearance is a somewhat animalistic-looking demonic armor (a moderate to light plated armor, opposed to a large heavy style armor), with similarity relating to that of a black cat. Curseman's helmet resembles that of a feline (think megaman man gregar mode helm, but less hardcore and more feline), two silver tiger like stripes on the back of each cat-like ear, and green colored feline eyes and fangs coming from the side of the mouth. In the center of Curseman's forehead, is a third eye of crimson color, which usually remains closed. A spike protrudes from from Cursemans left shoulder armor, slightly curved and heading upwards, as well as a smaller spike on the end of each elbow. Curseman also has two somewhat slender tails as well.

For the most part, Curseman's armor is black, however he wears a Dark red pair of claw-like gauntlets on each arm ending halfway between the wrist and elbow. In addition to that, he wears a pair of dark crimson greaves going halfway up to his knees, shaped in a clawed foot fashion. Curseman's body also has a purple, semi-visible flame located on certain parts, which he refers to as ghost fire. it's locations are: the ends of each gauntlet, the tips of each tail, and the tips of each ear (small amount), and the backs of each heel (small amount). the symbol upon Curseman's chest depicts a crimson colored eye, surrounded by purple flames.

Personality: Curseman is a bit of a joker, a bit sarcastic, but over all fairly friendly and loves attention. In general he likes to hang around and be somewhat lazy, but when it comes to virus busting he's very reliable, and tends to enjoy himself more in battle then anything else. Being a fire type navi himself, he can't stand the stereotypical fiery personality and anger problematic navi's, and depending on how much of it he is exposed to may even want to fight it out to "cool them off" so to speak. Curseman is also the type to help any he considers a friend, as well as any navi belonging to a friend of his Op, not matter their relation.

Custom Weapon: Curseman's weapon is that of paper talismans covered with his ghost flames, which expload in a fiery blaze of ghost fire when thrown or attached, upon Curseman's command.

Signature Attack: Cursed Breath.(40 dmg, 2 turn CD, 10 life drain, fire element) The fire upon Curseman's body grows rapidly, before Curseman fire's a large stream of ghost fire from his mouth, burning anything it touches.