Name: Sabrina Christine Jetto
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Sabrina is a fairly attractive girl from Netopia, standing at a nice, average 5'5". She weighs 125 lbs., but ask her that and suffer the consequences. She enjoys sports, particually softball, giving her a bit of an athletic physique.

She has long brown hair, that extends down to the bottom of her shoulder blades. Sabrina usually keeps it in a loose ponytail, held together by a blue hairband. Her blue eyes often give off an exuberance that she demonstrates whenever she charges into something...and is usually accompanied with just a hint of idiocy.

Sabrina usually keeps her clothes fairly simple, as demonstrated by her plain, turquoise colored, somewhat loose fitting tank top. She possesses surprisingly few accessories to accent it; her lone extravegance is a black wristband on her right arm, which she had customized to include her Navis' emblem.

Her simplicity extends below the waist as well, with a simple black skirt that extends to approximately 2 inches above the knee. A plain blue pair of nondescript boots complete her ensemble, which she likes to think of as 'simple, but classic'. Her friends vary in how much they agree with this.

Kept across Sabrina's skirt is a fanny pack, fittingly blue in color. It is here where she keeps her NetBattling devices, including her battlechips and PET. She also keeps a few extra things on hand, including a jacket for when things get cold, a hairbrush for those bad hair days, among other things, and a bag of non-battle, potato based chips, for when supper is just a tiny bit too far away.

Personality: Sabrina is a very kind person, albeit a bit self-centered at times. She enjoys helping others, and isn't afraid to drop everything just to assist a friend. Even when they don't want her help. And while intelligent, she can be incredibly dense when it comes to some things, particually if they involve a lot of math.