He wears a large black coat with many pockets, white pants with zippers on the sides that nearly reach the ground, a green shirt that is a little tight on him, black shoes and a small birth stone ring with a ruby in the middle and a pair of glasses with a silver frame, green eyes and black hair. he's about 5'9 and is about 170 pounds.
Personality:nice, careing, he pays attention to the most miniscule details in the things he carries around and is kind of a maniac with battle chips and won't let them go easly, he is a cat person, likes to play around like his navi but likes to read quietly when no one is around to interupt him.
PET modifacations:The PET is colored grey with a thin white trim around the edges and it also has a music player that alows Tmmy and Siren to music whenever they want