Operating Area: Abandoned Park

Sarah hadn't found a key. Either she had missed it, or it wasn't here. And that was a bad sign.

Either way, she had found some interesting other things. She found a weapon that they could use in defense, which may finally put them on equal grounds with the armed opponents. She also found some papers that appeared to have belonged to the Fireman who had come to save them before deciding to kill them. There was something interesting about it.

She was going to look through it, but she was interrupted. All of a sudden the Firetruck and the two crazy murderous homeless people were soaked. She laid the clipboard and ID down in the seat next to her and peered out her window to see what the cause had been. The water covered window obscured her vision, but she could make out a human shape. She figured from the size and colors that it was the boy with the bomber jacket.

He had bigger issues though. While the presence of the murderers on the hood and at the door had worried her, she had some very thick glass and metal keeping her safe; the boy who just distracted them had nothing of the sort. He was in danger.

Sarah tried to think quickly. She didn't have much time, so she went with the first thing she thought of; she was in a vehicle, so she could beep the horn.

So she did.

She practically jumped up and pressed her palms and all her weight upon the horn, hoping that the prolonged loud noise would annoy, distract, or bother the crazy men, just enough to save the bomber jacket boy. She didn't let up. The button was staying down, as it was all she could think of at the moment, and she wasn't going to give up just because she had no better ideas.

Besides, it could work.

[Distract Check - Use FireTruck's Horn to bother Joey and Hosed Bums]
Pocketing the key and picking up the handlebar, Mike quickly turned to the Fire Truck and ran to it, as fast as possible, wielding his weapons in case he was attacked.

(run to the firetruck, ready to protect self and counter attack if attacked)
"Finally picked up on the real threat, have we?" Michael said rhetorically under his breath. He wasn't too worried; using the hose from close range didn't seem to present any sort of problem. He was pressed for time, though. Stepping back a bit, Michael pointed the hose at the zombies once again. As usual they didn't look like they cared much. Michael was prepared to change that, shifting the nozzle in his hands and planting his feet again.

It felt like he had been spraying these resilient zombies with a hose for days despite the whole exchange only taking a short while. All too eager to send the zombies flying, Michael braced himself and pressed down on the hose with the intent to stop the two hostile targets from getting closer. After maintaining the assault for a few seconds, Michael let up on the nozzle and retreated back more. He was still wary of the threats. Of the people in his own group, the hoodie girl was still safe in the truck and the kid had essentially disappeared. Probably for the best at this point, Michael thought.

Off to his side, the big guy he'd saved before was now heading towards the truck. It was nice to see something had gone right today, but Michael wouldn't be happy until he wasn't being attacked by knife-wielding zombies.

(Use hose on approaching bums)
Ix got distracted by the horns resounding, and just lie flat on the top of the truck.

((Mike pocketed Bike Handlebar and Fire Truck Key.))

Amazing, despite honking the horn, Sarah found that the two shibito she'd intended to distract were solely focused upon her unfortunate ally outside of the truck.

Ixbalanque easily hid himself once again, losing the attention of the shibito.

Mike, collecting the useful tools around, him, began to head back towards the truck. Before he had time to worry about the shibito there, however, Michael had defeated them both using the fire truck's hose, knocking the two flat on their backs just past the front of the truck. Mike got a nose full of the awful stench as they rolled past him.

All three shibito now seemed to be unconcsious. This could be the proper moment for an escape.


Objective: Escape in the Fire Truck.

DIRECTIONS: From the sandbox or the front of the park, the fire truck lies dead ahead. From the gazebo, one may either approach the back of the park, the front, or the sandbox area.

Sarah, Michael, Mike and Ixbalanque are together at the fire truck. Ixbalanque is hidden.

Mike Almega: 4/10 Vitality
Sarah Taylor: 7/10 Vitality
Michael Barre: 10/10 Vitality
Ixbalanque: 10/10 Vitality

The 4 players detect each other and three people nearby, all identified:
Hosed Bum @ Fire Truck: Unconscious
Bum "Joey" @ Fire Truck: Unconscious
Fireman @ Sandbox: Unconscious
Sarah saw the murderers fall, which totally distracted her from the fact that her silly strategy had totally failed. She figured this was a good chance to make sure everyone got in. The large guy, who looked awfully bloody, was running over, the guy with the bomber jacket was close, and she figured the boy couldn't have gotten too far away.

So she dashed, figuratively, into action. She quickly unlocked the door next to her, and then dove across the cab to unlock the other one, too. She opened both doors, leaned out from the driver's seat and shouted. "C'mon! Get in, hurry!"

She leaned on the door and beckoned for the men to get in.

She wasn't sure what they'd do once they were in. But they could figure something out. Maybe they'd find the keys after she had some people helping. Or maybe one of the guys knew how to hotwire a fire truck. It was possible. And anything was better than being out there and killed by murderers.
"...and stay down. Bastards," Michael cursed, relaxing his body a bit. His short moment of calm was interrupted by the hoodie girl calling for him to get in the truck. He gave a quick nod to indicate understanding before turning to examine the hose and where it was coming from. He wasn't too confident of his ability to properly store the hose, but if it could be achieved quickly enough he would try.

Once he was finished with the hose, Michael glanced around for the bottle he'd discarded before. It wouldn't hurt to keep a weapon close by. Despite only tossing it a few minutes ago, he wasn't sure where he had left it before confronting the zombies. "Anything else I can use around here..?" Michael mumbled to himself, his eyes darting around in the early morning light.

After his search, Michael looked around again. The big guy seemed like he was making out fine, and the boy was still out of sight. Weapon or no weapon, Michael ran to the front of the truck to the driver's side door. Seeing the hoodie girl occupying that seat, he grunted and sprinted around to the other side of the truck. On the other side, Michael grabbed a handhold on the fire truck and hoisted himself into the passenger seat of the truck. He made a quick side note that he hadn't actually spoke to any of these people yet. Well, time to make a good first impression.

"You have any idea how to drive this thing?" he asked the girl in the the driver's seat.

(Attempt to stow hose on truck, skip if unable)
(Spot check for discarded bottle or new weapon, grab first found if any)
(Enter fire truck on passenger side)
By the time everything seemed to settle down, he could hear the girl shouting for them to get into the truck.

... Might as well.

Thankfully, he was unharmed from the ordeal. Survival was tops on his own list of things now, and he had a nagging feeling that his beer bottle was not going to last long. Whichever the case, they should escape from this place first... Provided if someone knew how to drive.

He got down cautiously from the truck, backtracking his steps to the back of the vehicle and climbing down from the ladder. He didn't even use most of the ladder steps-- he jumped down as soon as he got a secure footing of the lowest one he could reach.

Once on the ground, he made his way towards the passenger side of the cabin to climb into.

[[Geddown from top of truck]]
[[Climb into cabin]]
Quickening his pace, Mike quickly ran over to the driver's side door, seeing it open, as he placed the key in the ignition, turning it in a vain attempt to get the Fire Truck to move and get them the hell out of there as he climbed into the cabin, pushing his compatriots over as he put the fire truck in reverse, closing the door as he did so, and put the pedal to the metal, hoping they could get out of there right here, right now.

(start fire truck with key, get into cabin, put truck in reverse, GTFO OF THE PARK)
((Michael acquired and equipped a Fire Hatchet.))

Michale dropped his hose back onto the truck and collected the fire ax Sarah had seen earlier. Better to be armed just in case they ran into more of the gruesome men.

The four park-dwellers, finally together, got into the truck together, the smaller being forced to move to the back. Using the keys, Mike started up the truck for their getaway. With a little bit of maneuvering, they managed to get out of the park, leaving it behind as quickly as they could like a bad memory. Unfortunately, getting the truck wouldn't end their problems. The group would face increasingly more terrifying situations as the day continued, but for now, their road was clear.


((All gain trait: "Hopeful." Note that the definition of "Hopeful" has been revised.))
((Please wait for next area to be readied...))