Start out small
Holy crap they're takan ova
So I decided to make a Shimeji of Eternalis. What's a Shimeji, you say? Well, they're- um, actually, just go look at those screenshot links up there. Yeah, just those two. Don't mind the distractions elsewhere.
I'll be making more eventually. These things take forever to make, though, like a week or something. I'll probably make MeleeMan next, so feel free to look forward to copious amounts of manly invading your desktops soon.
Download link.
English Shimeji website, a fantranslation.
Interesting thread about them, contains info on how to make your own.
An interesting one with a few cool packs.
Original moonrune website.
How to get them lil' buggers:
1) Download from either the Healbot link or the English client above. You can also use the Jap client from the original moonrune website if you're inclined to for some odd reason.
2) For the healbot link, just unzip and run Shimeji-ee.exe inside. For the English client, you can install or unzip, whichever you chose to download. Run Shimeji-ee.exe.
Installing packs:
Just put the folders containing the shimeXX.png files into the /img folder, and run the client. It'll automatically be added.