Valis' sideshow gallery

Well it's late and I'm lazy, so I'll learn about cleaning this up and turning it into line art's the messy first sketch....her hands are still too small.

It's really good, I must admit that the hands and feet are a little short, although you have better eyes than I do...

When you color it, will you shade the jacket? it seems like it's had a bit too much starch. I understand that it's hanging, but there'd be a few ripples in the bottom from the "open-ness". since it'd be flat when closed, it'd be a bit like a curtain pulled back from the cloth bunching up...

sorry if I'm being too blunt...
No to be brutally honest it's quite terrible, I can't draw hands, clothes, nor chests, but I am working on it, and for the record lots of details are missing. Her cross-hair eye, the lines on her face, the buckles on her jacket, problem was things were getting too messy and I couldn't get the buckles to look right, I'm sure I'll get it down properly soon though.
This is actually not too horrible at all. I can definitely see a decent grasp of anatomy here. A couple of things I'd like to point out:

>Hands suck. That is just they way they are. They are never any fun at all to draw. As a rule, one hand should be wide and tall enough to pretty much cover the half of your face. (Hold your hands up to your face now to see how this works -- I won't use them to smash your nose in, honest.)

>I'm imagining that you intended the belt buckle to be in the centre of the waist. If this is true, it looks like it's off to one side right now -- try scooting it over a little to the left to give it an illusion of being in the middle of the body.

>The legs are short. Lengthen them slightly. I kind of just eyeball it, but as a rule, I think they should be at least a head or more longer than the torso.

>The arms are also just a tad long. When you're standing straight with your hands flat at your sides, your fingers will go to about halfway between your hip and your knee. As they are, if they were straightened out, it looks like they would reach the knees.

This is really not bad. The only real way to improve is through practice, though. I expect to see lots more stuff posted up here. :0
oh really? my rule of thumb for hands is they are the same length as the fore arm, and equally divided between fingers and palm...