What have YOU eaten today?

Breakfast: Good ol' cereal. If you wanna know, they were Organic Shreddies with pure maple syrup drizzled on them.
So far I've had cheese grits, miniature ham-and cheese roll sandwiches, a chocolate chip cookie, Cherry Coke, a meatball sub, fries, and Pepsi.

Erk... this is Heat again... >>;
Wow, you're a healthy eater.[sarcasm]
1800: 2 Slices of Bologna
1900: A Bowl of Noodles and a Cup of Black Cherry Mouse Yogurt
2000: A Half of a Potato, Fried and Sliced, and a Bratwurst
2100: A Black Pretzel
2130: A Miniature White Chocolate Reese's Cup Egg
2300: A Cup of Vanilla Yogurt and a Fudge Reese's Cup Egg
0200: A Cup of Maruchan Cup Ramen, Shrimp Flavor
0545: Another Bratwurst

Woo! That's about what normal people eat a day, I think. I just need some vegetables and fruit in there and, hey, who knows! I might be healthy!
For dinner, I had some V8 and 5 plain slices of bread.

I was working at a homeless shelter in downtown Seattle, so don't think I'm anorexic.
Its 8:31 am and im at school right now, so nothing too special. So far, I've eaten 3 bowls of ramen, and had two bottles of Bawls. (Yes, its a caffiene drink for those who dont know.)

Sweet, sweet coffee.

It's what god would drink if he/she/it had to wake up early.
Cap Ten Crunch.

We'll have more breaking news at the hour (of 12:00.)
wheat free, milk free pancakes with almond butter...

the same thing i've had for the past 8 years...

Today was the Day of Eating Multicultural Things at my school.

I have largely no idea what the hell I had today. Some manner of Asian noodles, things that might have been perogies, something that might have been called butter chicken...(I got some of the last in my hair, and it still smells like it now.)

I'm also working on a box of cookies now. :'D