Passive Caps Rules Clarification

Proposing adding the following changes to the topic "Signature Attack System 3.5" in the rules:

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Passive sigs are converted for a cost of 4 sig points for every 1 passive points, or, in short, passive sigs cost 4 times as many points as active ones. So, for instance, a 20 cost passive would cost 80 points out of your available pool. Passive sigs are basically sigs that require no action to be used, and are used automatically. They may be turned on and off at will, however.

Players may build their sigs from their pool of points. There is no limit to the number of sigs you could make, except the number of points you have. When building your sigs, no single sig can exceed the caps set by your level. The caps are simple, and change every 5 levels. This cap applies to your Navi, and to any Support Programs they have, regardless of the level(s) of said SP(s). Please note that passive caps refer to the cumulative point value of the effects used in the signature, before the 4 times multiplication.

These two lines should clear up a haziness that was currently in the topic. Currently, the understanding I had (which I've now realized was mistaken, but nonetheless, I did have) was that when the 1:4 ratio multiplied the number of points your sig required due to its effect, that point value was what was capped. In actuality, it's the value of the effects used in the sig that is capped. This, of course, makes much more sense. After all, there are practically no combinations of effects in the list that you could make if the spent point cap was 15 for passives at level 0-4. Furthermore, the example in this very rules topic, a 20 effect point passive costing 80 points, would be impossible since the ultimate passive cap is lower (70).

Point being, I see how it works and see how you can reason it out, but I think slipping in that text I've edited would clear up a potential avenue of confusion for newcomers to the system. Feel free to change the language if need be.
Logic noted and edit made.