Alright. You thought my Arena ideas were crazy BS? You have seen nothing. I know this will be a ...

I kinda like this idea. It's eerily similar though to a set of combos I've been working on. But I guess I just got the combo idea from the games then.
My idea would be like...Fusing two Guards with Knightly Aura to make Rune Shield or something. It's interesting...But there would be a number of issues.
Such as me making Electric Armageddon an actual PA?
Alright Q&A time

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The stupid people will flood the boards with stupid sigPAs!

Thats not a question!

Fine... I understand your concern. However, even if a member talks his way into getting his stupid sig approved, (which he/she probably wouldn't, as mods could ask for a change in about anything, similar to normal signatures), then what? He has a silly attack that does the same dmg that the base sig could do ( I think I didn't outline this enough: THE DMG/EFFECT LIMIT OF A LVL1 SIGPA IS THE SAME AS THE BASE SIG. NOT THE COMBINATION OF THE CHIPS. That would be mighty imba, as you'd unleash 3 actions in one. If you choose a lvl1 as a base sig, then 70 is your dmg limit without process and PA upgrades). And you have only one SigPA space left.
My question is, why do you need chips for this? Why not just make it so that your navi can spontaneously generate the two other components and use them like that? I mean, I can understand where you're coming from, but it seems that it's not allowing you to do anything new. Additionally, I have no problem with you imposing these sort of things on your sigs, but really, why would you want to when you can do anything with sigs? I mean, ANYTHING. You can already duplicate the effects of any chip you'd like, so why not just make the sig fuse together some other kind of two elements into an existing sig? Since you have so much freedom on what you can create out of thin air, I don't see why you need to be able to use chips for it. It seems like that just complicates things (though granted, not terribly heavily).

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Why would you use chips when a signature can simulate about everything without them?

1. Flavour (:P)
2. SigPAs basically grant you a totally different use for a sig attack. It gives you a choice to have more signature attacks than normally possible, without actually boosting your overall power by much (only giving you more flexibility). You could make it like that to begin with, but that means you have to create multi use SigAttacks, which are, lets face it, even more ridiculous (it deals 80 dmg, but if my hp is low it heals me 30, oh and it can be used to stun enemies...). This is basically a multi-use sig cut in half.

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Why would you use chips when the SigPAs aren't stronger than the original sig anyway?

Lvl1 sigPAs only grant flexibility. That is why the requirements are so minuscule. However, Lvl2 sigPAs have their cap of dmg/effects boosted by one. That is why the requirement for a lvl2 sigPA is decided by a mod. You could potentially have another lvl5sig. But you will have to use 2 of your best chips (IF you can get them), and your lvl3 signature. (if this part seems too strong, simply add a rule that only lvl1 based PAs can be upgraded)
Just to clarify, I never asked that second question, because I understood that point.

All I've gotten out of this is that you'd like more signature abilities for characters, really. XD

Actually, that example you gave is quite feasable as a realistic sig. That's not at all too many effects, with what you've listed there. You can already have some pretty freakishly complex sigs, trust me.

Other uses for sig attacks might be cool, but this doesn't seem like a useful way to go about doing it.

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All I've gotten out of this is that you'd like more signature abilities for characters, really. XD

Thats kinda true you know XD

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Actually, that example you gave is quite feasable as a realistic sig. That's not at all too many effects, with what you've listed there. You can already have some pretty freakishly complex sigs, trust me.

Does that really not bother you? I dunno, I always felt that multi use sigs are abominations, or hax, or both. Especially low level signatures. Complex signatures are yet another thing, just to clarify.
*Looks at Wiz, who's entire theme is multiple-use, versatile sigs* *Walks away slowly, whistling innocently*

Yes, but we already know about that, twi.

If we're being real though, it's kind of hypocritical of you to typically deny other such sigs right off the bat, but who am I to judge? XD

As for Knight, and this......................................Eh. I can't really say I'm one way or another. It seems...superfluous, IMO, but in a workable way. I still say more sigs would work just as well, but w/e. On that note, I like multi-use sigs when they're done 'properly'. IE: the combination of the components adds up to the cap, if not less, and never mesh(which is two say that each 'use' is separate. I'll give an example tomorrow, if I feel like it. XP)