So my choices here, assuming I can get one of them accepted.

A) Use the mysterious Process Upgrade I got when my cap was still 60, but changed my mind and never used, if that's allowed.

B) Undo a signature attack Scrapping and Replacement that utilized my other Process Edit and revert back to as it was. I never used the new attack, so I dunno, maybe.

C) Apply both, though A effectively means that B is just there in concept.

D) Deny me. I'd actually prefer one of the former ones, but this is also a valid choice.

I want to flip Summon: Hawk and turn it back into Summon: Column.

Sig registries: Summon: Hawk and Summon:Column

Summon:Hawk - Object(10 HP, Passive Take Aim(30), Passive Movement (60)) = 100

Summon:Column - Object(40 HP, Microburst on Activation(40)) = 80

If allowed, that'd give me 20 points back into my unused Sig pool.

*Almost had a meltdown counting there.*

460 (Total) - 140 (Fighter) - 140 (Nurse) -80 (Column) - 40 (Wall) - 40 (Manhole Cover) = 20

I'm hoping this will be accepted, but I'm not sure if either of my resons for doing this fly, so who knows? I won't be offended if turned down, I'd just rather it go through.

That is all.