Quote (Old)
Name: Cherry Blossom Spiral
Description: Red calls upon the wind from the area and the cherry blossoms from her picnic basket. She gathers the wind in one hand, and the cherry blossoms in the other. The red-caped wonder then combines them together at fires a spiraling pink blast of energy at the opponent that can drill through defenses and push them back a bit farther.
Effect: 100 DMG + Break + Knockback (130) [40]
Cooldown: 4
Adding Element
Quote (New)
Name: Cherry Blossom Spiral
Description: Red calls upon the wind from the area and the cherry blossoms from her picnic basket. She gathers the wind in one hand, and the cherry blossoms in the other. The red-caped wonder then combines them together at fires a spiraling pink blast of energy imbued with the slicing power of wood at the opponent that can drill through defenses and push them back a bit farther.
Effect: 100 Wood DMG + Break + Knockback (130) [40]
Cooldown: 4
Remaining Pool: 735/780