Clockshift: Green

-Clockshift: Green: Nachahmen's eyes glow sharp, neon green. This change signifies new protocols in his processing systems, allowing him to effectively expand and/or overclock them.
Effects: At the cost of 10HP, Nac may use a Free Action. Only one Free Action may be made this way in a single turn.
Points used: 80

Current Caps: 140/25(Lv10)
New system. Conversion still not solid. Like nerf => Passives.

I'm fairly sure Pally (his system) stated that Passive effects are always on, so you can't choose on the fly to spontaneously burn HP for effects. Though honestly, if you wait a few levels and just put in 120 points, you can get Free Action every turn without any damage to self.

So yea. Until this is settled, Clockshift sigs are on hold.
Discovered solution (hope this works): Seeing as the mass-production of sigs is allowed, according to PaladinGC...

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If you want the ability to spam an ability when you absolutely need it, I also suggest making multiple low-cool-down signatures that all do the exact same thing. This accomplishes the same thing as a haxed passive, but it does so without breaking the system.

I propose this. I have stocks of these sigs (ie: multiple copies). Further, I have made the following changes to this sig...

Clockshift: Green now acts as a Teleport instead for 15HP. (seeing as a sig that uses an action to make a FA (since no-action sigs are outlawed) is useless) instead and has two stocks for a total 60 points, instead of 80. CD on the sig is 1.
Teleport is 50. I believe you mean Tactical Movement. Or something.

Make it Clockshift: Green1 and Clockshift: Green2 so people don't get confused, and you're set.
Teleport: I was using the HP cost as a means to reduce the point-cost/CD, as the #would drop to 30 then, no?

Yeah, I'll number them off.
Ahh. Forgot you were adding cap as well.

Very well. Teleport it is.

CD is 2, however. Nerfs still count towards TCD, according to Eon.
Um, wouldn't that be true IF the 15HP were going toward some other effect? As is, I can have a Teleport sig for 2TCD free of HP-costs. I was negotiating this so as to obtain the 1TCD I desired.
I didn't make this decision. Bug Eon about it.
Instead, how about 1 Sig Chill? 40pts, 80 total.

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-Clockshift: Green#1: Nachahmen's eyes glow sharp, neon green. This change signifies new protocols in his processing systems, allowing him to effectively expand and/or overclock them.
Effects: Nac may use one instance of Sig Chill.

CD: 1

Points used: 40

-Clockshift: Green#2: Nachahmen's eyes glow sharp, neon green. This change signifies new protocols in his processing systems, allowing him to effectively expand and/or overclock them.
Effects: Nac may use one instance of Sig Chill.

CD: 1

Points used: 40

