Jennings' General
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((From => A Nearby Park))
((Wind Subtype: Slipstream and Turbulence selected))
One layer down below the surface of the local netopian network, the environment wasn't exactly run down or dilapidated – just deprecated and unused as the more modern, safer network layer had superseded it. The weather was calm cloudy, with grey overhead lending a washed out sense to the colours of the local park. A gentle breeze ruffled the hedges lightly as a slim beam of yellow light pierced the space and left behind a young girl before it faded.
Lyntael drew a breath as she stepped forward and looked around, then straightened her vest and skirt. It almost felt unusual now, to arrive without the accompanying scathing pain that the emulated link caused. Despite herself, she paused to examine her hands and arms, looking at herself as she flexed her fingers. Imagine doing this all the time, without the feeling of cracked glass scraped across every inch. She shook her head and looked around.
“I'm in, sir. Everything seems clear here. Seamless integration filter is in place, and masking extenuation is negligible.” She looked around; it looked mostly like a small local playground, with a grassy area surrounding a bark-laid collection of climbing frames and other equipment - they'd been made as parallels to the real-world counterparts, intended for navis to interact with child operators through. Outside the park, hedge rows lined faster-paced information pathways that led out towards private home networks and businesses in every direction. “Where are we heading?”
A moment later, she felt Rogan's signal begin seeking and she moved with it, walking quickly from the park and down one side path, weaving around a rusted-shut gate and into a connecting lane that hummed with soft lights at regular intervals between the trees.
“Got it. Rogan, sir... All of these home network links that I'm seeing in the area. I've been wondering... We're in the rogue layer here, but it looks like I can still see the connections, even if they aren't really accessible. Most people just have their home networks tied to the safe network layer... why can I see them here?” Normally, Rogan would have scolded her to keep focused on their mission, but as she moved at a quick trot down the roadway, something told her she could get away with more talking now, than she could have once. His voice answered, sounding like it came from just above and behind her as it usually did.
“I suspect, Lyntael, that many civilians would be horrified if they knew how insecure their supposedly secure home networks really were. You can see the links because those paths can, with a little sleight-of-hand, be followed from here. Not where we're heading today, however. Focus Lyntael.” Despite the mild chastisement, Lyntael caught herself smiling. Maybe if she'd managed to relax more, in those early days, things might have gone more smoothly. There were definitely viruses here, and she didn't want to get hurt, of course... but she wasn't terrified of the threat, like she had been once, and the destructive elements down here were far more dangerous than the ones she'd run from back in those early days. She moved, following the lead of Rogan's parallel dive as it wound through the area towards his goal.
((Ready for Battle 1, Bounty: Handy2))
last edited by Kemix1006
Beginning her trek through the underbelly of her home, with Rogan in tow to keep an eye on her, Lyntael would find a dreary, low-light landscape across her eyes. She wouldn't need to worry about bumping into things, that much was for sure, but trying to see deeper in the net...was not exactly feasible at the moment, a black yawning abyss from deep beyond her purview. But would steadily be replaced by more terrain as she continued along. This didn't continue for long as she soon found one of her quarry from atop the networks, a lone Handy2 sitting next to a dimly glowing Holy panel, flexing it's metallic fingers in a deep brown color.
Unfortunately, before she could simply assassinate it, the Handy would notice the electric dancer and soon after, a Weather2 with a deeper blue color and more raggedy cloth wrapping it's body up would drop down and sneeze at her, no ice would bellow out, but this would cement a trio of viruses coming out of the woodworks to defend the Handy, a Winger soon enough dropping down near a cracked area of paneling, similarly with darker yellowing and raggedy cloth sneezed out a bolt of lightning, as a pair of Karmas in their darker red plating rolled out on either side of the battlefield, smacking mallets into themselves as Lyntael's own battle routines flared up and locked her into combat...but not before a shadow would zip through the field, a shining blue crystal dropped behind the Handy as it flexed it's fingers again, ready to make proper use of that Holy panel.
-- Viruses --
KarmaKarma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey2, Zenny A: 170 HP (Normal) (Towards the west, near the Cracked)
KarmaKarma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey2, Zenny B: 170 HP (Normal) (Towards the east, near Cracked)
Weather2Weather2 (Weather)
Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, Sharo
HP: 180
Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard2, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: 180 HP (Normal) (To the left of Lyntael) (HA)
Winger2Winger2 (Winger)
Winger viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 180
Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Elec + Small Solar Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a plasma breath weapon to give the enemy and the ground an unhealthy glow.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecShock2, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: 180 HP (Normal) (Near the Karma towards the west) (HA)
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: 120 HP (Normal) (Near the singular patch of Holy)
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 350 HP (Normal) (Near the middle of the field)
-- Terrain --
15% Poison
5% Holy
70% Normal
10% Cracked
-- Objects --
BMD: 25 HP (Normal)(Near Handy2)
-- Rogue Battle 1 Ready? Start!! --
Unfortunately, before she could simply assassinate it, the Handy would notice the electric dancer and soon after, a Weather2 with a deeper blue color and more raggedy cloth wrapping it's body up would drop down and sneeze at her, no ice would bellow out, but this would cement a trio of viruses coming out of the woodworks to defend the Handy, a Winger soon enough dropping down near a cracked area of paneling, similarly with darker yellowing and raggedy cloth sneezed out a bolt of lightning, as a pair of Karmas in their darker red plating rolled out on either side of the battlefield, smacking mallets into themselves as Lyntael's own battle routines flared up and locked her into combat...but not before a shadow would zip through the field, a shining blue crystal dropped behind the Handy as it flexed it's fingers again, ready to make proper use of that Holy panel.
-- Viruses --
KarmaKarma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey2, Zenny A: 170 HP (Normal) (Towards the west, near the Cracked)
KarmaKarma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey2, Zenny B: 170 HP (Normal) (Towards the east, near Cracked)
Weather2Weather2 (Weather)
Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, Sharo
HP: 180
Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard2, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: 180 HP (Normal) (To the left of Lyntael) (HA)
Winger2Winger2 (Winger)
Winger viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 180
Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Elec + Small Solar Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a plasma breath weapon to give the enemy and the ground an unhealthy glow.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecShock2, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: 180 HP (Normal) (Near the Karma towards the west) (HA)
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: 120 HP (Normal) (Near the singular patch of Holy)
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 350 HP (Normal) (Near the middle of the field)
-- Terrain --
15% Poison
- -10 HP/action standing, -20 HP/action submerged.
- Zombie nullifies damage, heals 10 HP/action on contact.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Poison(20).
5% Holy
- Halves Final Damage.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Converts attack to Life Drain.
70% Normal
- No effects.
10% Cracked
- Changes to Broken when stepped on, chance to fall in when triggered.
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, Null 50 to burrower.
- Panel Crack attacks, >100 Damage Break/Impact/Drop attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken.
- PanelShot: Splash1.
-- Objects --
BMD: 25 HP (Normal)(Near Handy2)
-- Rogue Battle 1 Ready? Start!! --
last edited by Rogan
Still cautious, it had only been a short while longer before Lyntael caught sight of the large hand virus and mentally cheered for herself. She'd made the right guess after all. A moment alter the girl blinked and paused a she approached it. She also hadn't actually told Rogan that she was picking up a new bounty contract. It probably wouldn't matter too much... after all, if the place was overrun with handy, then she'd have to deal with them anyway.
Unfortunately, she only got a little closer before her presence was noted and more viruses began to show up. Without thinking about it too much, Lyntael felt her form shift from a relaxed walking pace to a more combat-ready stance, light on her toes and ready to move quickly. She reached for the warm hum of charge in her chest as she glanced about, taking note of each new-comer. Not too bad... she could handle this.
“You're making a mistake, if you think I'm an easy target, you know...” She cast her eyes mostly towards the two drop-in viruses more than the others; for whatever reason they struck her as the most likely to reconsider; but even as she spoke her fists clenched and her charge rose, straining to the surface of he skin in a rippling dance of light that glowed in the gloom along with steadily building points of light at her wrists and ankles. The first virus to test her resolve would be met with a fierce explosion of electrical force bursting off her body in response and scattering into the space all around her indiscriminately. Lyntael looked about the rest of the assembled viruses as she spoke to Rogan next
“Rogan, I've got some company. How quickly do you need me to move?” As she opened her link to him and spoke, the almost surreal strangeness of it struck her again. Even when she was past the point of running in terror from every little threat, she didn't think she'd ever felt this calm in the face of the danger that was in front of her. There was tension in her breast, trepidation, but it was tempered with a sense of adrenaline and excitement too. Her heart beat quickly, but it wasn't what she'd call fear, any more. Maybe this was who she was now; maybe she had really changed, since the incident. Unconsciously her mind skipped away from the thoughts before she could really process them; there wasn't time for contemplating right now. Rogan's voice answered after only a second or two.
“I can begin bypassing the credentials now, from here... a moment. There; Extenuation?”
“Stable, sir. Integrity's fine.”
“Take your time then, this will take me a minute.”
With another brief nod that Lyntael forgot he wouldn't see, she moved, darting to one side and closing the distance towards the first of the puck-spitting viruses; she'd dealt with Karma's before. As moved, a ripple of static force reverberated around her body and she stepped to one side then leapt forward, twisting to snap one foot around in a force-sheathed kick that deflected the first black disc that came her way back towards a different virus. She landed and kept running without slowing down, until she closed in close enough to circle around the virus with a short series of fast, sharp strikes delivered at different points around the virus' frame, aimed at disabling its puck mechanism, just in case the blows themselves weren't enough.
Her charge hummed inside her, swelling into a crackle that burst outward rippling sparks as the girl let the cycle flow as it wanted to. It was a rise and fall within her, but she was the one in control; the feeling of the energy coursing through her, burning in her flesh, was just one more sensation she could embrace. A growl rose in her throat as she turned about, hands out to either side as a fresh burst of lighting arced from her at anything that had dared to come closer. She felt worse than this just linking into foreign networks on her own.
The sparks felt like thin burning streaks across her body but Lyntael didn't flinch; she focused on the feeling, taking it in as she moved again, darting across the area as she tried to keep track of where the more mobile viruses were manoeuvring. The burning was, really, a very small thing, when she took the time to just let herself feel it. Nimble steps took her to the other Karma as she ducked o one side and wove around it hammering in another series of swift punches that ended with a pair of rapid, sweeping kicks that attempted to scrap the virus. As she landed, another pulse balanced out her charge, keeping her stable. The rebuild from the rapid expenditures of energy from her strikers was stabilised just as quickly by the fanning fall-off of sparks around her and Lyntael danced in the dark street, her body a small, flaring lightshow all unto herself.
She bounced back on her toes from the last kick, then glanced around again before taking off into a fresh dash across the area. The pulsing of her charge became a haze of static force around her as she ran, moving towards the handy virus but with her eyes tracking the repositioning of the more electric-themed puppet virus. With a small jump, Lyntael slid to the ground at the base of the handy, right beneath its open palm and lifted her hands towards it, her own wrists snapping together as the current flowed. She felt the rage of it fill her, rushing inwards from each striker before combining into a torrent that thundered down her arms and exploded from her joined strikers in a shearing, tearing line of lighting that seared upwards and outwards, arcing into the sky beyond the giant hand and up towards the distant Winger. The rending bolt lit up the street for a brief moment as it flashed with a series of pulsing beats, discharging successive blasts down its length while wild tendrils of light arced and snapped into the surrounding ether around the main blast.
Lyntael rolled away as the bolt faded, sliding to one side and pushing up to one foot and a knee as the drain briefly stole her breath. For a second, she felt empty and cold, before her charge surged back, building faster. She looked around, assessing for moment before making her next move.
L*) First Armour: 20Hp Casing (as subtle outfit reinforcement)
L1) A Burning Ache (40hp Barrier, Buster Charge, Counter(On Hit): (50Elec, Nova2), (Self-Slow), (Overcharge -2 on Set, +1 On Trigger)
L*) Subtype: Turbulence: hands-free frontal defence, deflect first projectile to a random enemy, D Accuracy
L2) With Hopeful Stride: (Multi-Stage: (Buster Strike (30x5Hits, Disarm, A)), then (20Elec, Nova2, A)), (Overcharge +2) @ Karma A
L3) A Scarred Soul: (Damage Reduction (20, 1 Round, Self), 20Hp Casing), then (50Elec, Nova2, A), (Self-Sacrifice(3)), (Overcharge -4)
L4) No More To Hide: (Multi-Stage: (Buster Strike (30x5Hits, Disarm, A)), then (20Elec, Nova2, A)), (Overcharge +2) @ Karma B
L5) Movement (Lining up Handy and Winger) (Slipstream: 21 Nova2, B, along movement path, once per target in range)
L*) Fast Armour: 20Hp Casing Refresh
L6) My Anger Directed: (Multi-Stage: (Take Aim), then (50Elec, Spread1, Break, Impact, Slashing, Shot-type, A), then (Buster Shot (30x5Hits, Disarm, A))) (Charge-Burner(1)), (Overcharge +4)
Cooldowns and Overcharge
With Hopeful Stride: 2TCD
No More To Hide: 2TCD
My Anger Directed: 4TCD
A Burning Ache: 4TCD
A Scarred Soul: 4TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 0, A Burning Ache (+1/trigger), With Hopeful Stride (+2), A Scarred Soul (-4), No More To Hide (+2), My Anger Directed (+4) End: +6
Unfortunately, she only got a little closer before her presence was noted and more viruses began to show up. Without thinking about it too much, Lyntael felt her form shift from a relaxed walking pace to a more combat-ready stance, light on her toes and ready to move quickly. She reached for the warm hum of charge in her chest as she glanced about, taking note of each new-comer. Not too bad... she could handle this.
“You're making a mistake, if you think I'm an easy target, you know...” She cast her eyes mostly towards the two drop-in viruses more than the others; for whatever reason they struck her as the most likely to reconsider; but even as she spoke her fists clenched and her charge rose, straining to the surface of he skin in a rippling dance of light that glowed in the gloom along with steadily building points of light at her wrists and ankles. The first virus to test her resolve would be met with a fierce explosion of electrical force bursting off her body in response and scattering into the space all around her indiscriminately. Lyntael looked about the rest of the assembled viruses as she spoke to Rogan next
“Rogan, I've got some company. How quickly do you need me to move?” As she opened her link to him and spoke, the almost surreal strangeness of it struck her again. Even when she was past the point of running in terror from every little threat, she didn't think she'd ever felt this calm in the face of the danger that was in front of her. There was tension in her breast, trepidation, but it was tempered with a sense of adrenaline and excitement too. Her heart beat quickly, but it wasn't what she'd call fear, any more. Maybe this was who she was now; maybe she had really changed, since the incident. Unconsciously her mind skipped away from the thoughts before she could really process them; there wasn't time for contemplating right now. Rogan's voice answered after only a second or two.
“I can begin bypassing the credentials now, from here... a moment. There; Extenuation?”
“Stable, sir. Integrity's fine.”
“Take your time then, this will take me a minute.”
With another brief nod that Lyntael forgot he wouldn't see, she moved, darting to one side and closing the distance towards the first of the puck-spitting viruses; she'd dealt with Karma's before. As moved, a ripple of static force reverberated around her body and she stepped to one side then leapt forward, twisting to snap one foot around in a force-sheathed kick that deflected the first black disc that came her way back towards a different virus. She landed and kept running without slowing down, until she closed in close enough to circle around the virus with a short series of fast, sharp strikes delivered at different points around the virus' frame, aimed at disabling its puck mechanism, just in case the blows themselves weren't enough.
Her charge hummed inside her, swelling into a crackle that burst outward rippling sparks as the girl let the cycle flow as it wanted to. It was a rise and fall within her, but she was the one in control; the feeling of the energy coursing through her, burning in her flesh, was just one more sensation she could embrace. A growl rose in her throat as she turned about, hands out to either side as a fresh burst of lighting arced from her at anything that had dared to come closer. She felt worse than this just linking into foreign networks on her own.
The sparks felt like thin burning streaks across her body but Lyntael didn't flinch; she focused on the feeling, taking it in as she moved again, darting across the area as she tried to keep track of where the more mobile viruses were manoeuvring. The burning was, really, a very small thing, when she took the time to just let herself feel it. Nimble steps took her to the other Karma as she ducked o one side and wove around it hammering in another series of swift punches that ended with a pair of rapid, sweeping kicks that attempted to scrap the virus. As she landed, another pulse balanced out her charge, keeping her stable. The rebuild from the rapid expenditures of energy from her strikers was stabilised just as quickly by the fanning fall-off of sparks around her and Lyntael danced in the dark street, her body a small, flaring lightshow all unto herself.
She bounced back on her toes from the last kick, then glanced around again before taking off into a fresh dash across the area. The pulsing of her charge became a haze of static force around her as she ran, moving towards the handy virus but with her eyes tracking the repositioning of the more electric-themed puppet virus. With a small jump, Lyntael slid to the ground at the base of the handy, right beneath its open palm and lifted her hands towards it, her own wrists snapping together as the current flowed. She felt the rage of it fill her, rushing inwards from each striker before combining into a torrent that thundered down her arms and exploded from her joined strikers in a shearing, tearing line of lighting that seared upwards and outwards, arcing into the sky beyond the giant hand and up towards the distant Winger. The rending bolt lit up the street for a brief moment as it flashed with a series of pulsing beats, discharging successive blasts down its length while wild tendrils of light arced and snapped into the surrounding ether around the main blast.
Lyntael rolled away as the bolt faded, sliding to one side and pushing up to one foot and a knee as the drain briefly stole her breath. For a second, she felt empty and cold, before her charge surged back, building faster. She looked around, assessing for moment before making her next move.
L*) First Armour: 20Hp Casing (as subtle outfit reinforcement)
L1) A Burning Ache (40hp Barrier, Buster Charge, Counter(On Hit): (50Elec, Nova2), (Self-Slow), (Overcharge -2 on Set, +1 On Trigger)
L*) Subtype: Turbulence: hands-free frontal defence, deflect first projectile to a random enemy, D Accuracy
L2) With Hopeful Stride: (Multi-Stage: (Buster Strike (30x5Hits, Disarm, A)), then (20Elec, Nova2, A)), (Overcharge +2) @ Karma A
L3) A Scarred Soul: (Damage Reduction (20, 1 Round, Self), 20Hp Casing), then (50Elec, Nova2, A), (Self-Sacrifice(3)), (Overcharge -4)
L4) No More To Hide: (Multi-Stage: (Buster Strike (30x5Hits, Disarm, A)), then (20Elec, Nova2, A)), (Overcharge +2) @ Karma B
L5) Movement (Lining up Handy and Winger) (Slipstream: 21 Nova2, B, along movement path, once per target in range)
L*) Fast Armour: 20Hp Casing Refresh
L6) My Anger Directed: (Multi-Stage: (Take Aim), then (50Elec, Spread1, Break, Impact, Slashing, Shot-type, A), then (Buster Shot (30x5Hits, Disarm, A))) (Charge-Burner(1)), (Overcharge +4)
Cooldowns and Overcharge
With Hopeful Stride: 2TCD
No More To Hide: 2TCD
My Anger Directed: 4TCD
A Burning Ache: 4TCD
A Scarred Soul: 4TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 0, A Burning Ache (+1/trigger), With Hopeful Stride (+2), A Scarred Soul (-4), No More To Hide (+2), My Anger Directed (+4) End: +6
last edited by
(For full transparency, I am not treating With Hopeful Stride and No More To Hide as giving Lyntael movement beyond what the attack "does" in the signature/RP since they lack the "Movement/Feint" abilities or the "Melee" attack range for attack calculations. The effects will go off as intended this battle, it doesn't change much as far as the battle is concerned, just a heads-up of how I'll treat them in the future)
As battle began, Lyntael protected herself briefly before the enemies could make their attempts at an attack, even as she did, one of the Karma viruses would make an attack on her, sending out a fast traveling puck towards the navi...only for a sudden kick to redirect it in an instant, slamming through the Handy (45) at even greater speeds and richocheting about fruitlessly as it slammed into the field's edges. The Handy flexed itself as she dashed towards one of the Karmas, her fleet feet and hands quickly denting and battering the unfortunate target of her attacks to near death...with a following shock to erase it's battered body (170, PING!) as she returned to her place in a single smooth movement.
Before she could continue her onslaught, the two viruses up in the rafters would come down from either side of her in an attempt to tear through her defenses, spraying the dancer with an insatiable blizzard and unhealthy yellow glow, deleting both defenses in short order. UNFORTUNATELY for the two, the barrier's burst would shock both -heavily- sending shivers down the Winger's body...but the Weather would take a worse toll from the shock (50/100!) leading to a much more raggedy look on it's body, pieces and fragments disappearing as she let out a second blast of electricity, deleting one and leaving the other at just about half it's integrity (50/100!) as it began to shake off the shocks.
The Handy would take this chance to give Lyntael a mocking middle finger as it slunk into the ground, disappearing for a brief second before reappearing with a massive bomb with a 3 on it's face, the LCD screen glowing a fairly brlight red to illuminate the area around them. Just as it finished that, Lyntael was quick to strike the other Karma, sliding in with a second verse, same as the first, kicks and punches battering away at it's body before sending a final shock against it and sending it to it's uncerimonious death (170, PING!) in one fell swoop just like the other.
A bit preturbed at the dancer's ferocity, as she soon dashed through both of them in one movement with light strikes to either of them (21/21), the Handy would quickly make an attempt to move away from Lyntael, barely getting near enough to the Winger as she unleashed her anger upon the both of them. In the form of a massive blast of electricity as she would quickly relieve the other two of their lives, first with an exploding, rending bolt, then with a few extra blasts each, a couple missing, but otherwise, the two had no chance to escape. And best of all, her prize, the BMD, had managed to stay intact despite it all!
-- Viruses --
KarmaKarma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey2, Zenny A: ORAORAORAORA! (Ping!)
KarmaKarma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey2, Zenny B: ATATATATATA! (Ping!)
Weather2Weather2 (Weather)
Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, Sharo
HP: 180
Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard2, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: SHOCKING!
Winger2Winger2 (Winger)
Winger viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 180
Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Elec + Small Solar Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a plasma breath weapon to give the enemy and the ground an unhealthy glow.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecShock2, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: DED!
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: NOT BIG SUPRISE!
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 310 HP (Normal) (Near the middle of the field)(Slow1)(Casing20)
-- Terrain --
15% Poison
5% Holy
55% Normal
10% Cracked
5% Ice
10% Solar
-- Objects --
BMD: 25 HP (Normal)(Near Handy2)
Battle 1 Victory!
Rewards: 2700z, 29bf,
AirHockey2Damage: 60 + Break + Ground Attack + Rebound(5)
Accuracy: B
Description: Throws a hockey puck at the enemy. The puck will bounce off of anything it hits (objects, viruses, Navis, etc.) in the field, dealing damage to them, up to 6 times. The attack stops immediately if it encounters a broken or missing panel, or the initial attack misses.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Rebound(5): This effect allows an attack to ricochet around the field. It will attempt to bounce off of enemies or objects until it has attacked five additional times, with the damage of the chip reducing by 10 for each attempted attack. Each attack against a given target lowers the chip's accuracy by 2 ranks against that target.
Trader Rank: C
Open BMD?
As battle began, Lyntael protected herself briefly before the enemies could make their attempts at an attack, even as she did, one of the Karma viruses would make an attack on her, sending out a fast traveling puck towards the navi...only for a sudden kick to redirect it in an instant, slamming through the Handy (45) at even greater speeds and richocheting about fruitlessly as it slammed into the field's edges. The Handy flexed itself as she dashed towards one of the Karmas, her fleet feet and hands quickly denting and battering the unfortunate target of her attacks to near death...with a following shock to erase it's battered body (170, PING!) as she returned to her place in a single smooth movement.
Before she could continue her onslaught, the two viruses up in the rafters would come down from either side of her in an attempt to tear through her defenses, spraying the dancer with an insatiable blizzard and unhealthy yellow glow, deleting both defenses in short order. UNFORTUNATELY for the two, the barrier's burst would shock both -heavily- sending shivers down the Winger's body...but the Weather would take a worse toll from the shock (50/100!) leading to a much more raggedy look on it's body, pieces and fragments disappearing as she let out a second blast of electricity, deleting one and leaving the other at just about half it's integrity (50/100!) as it began to shake off the shocks.
The Handy would take this chance to give Lyntael a mocking middle finger as it slunk into the ground, disappearing for a brief second before reappearing with a massive bomb with a 3 on it's face, the LCD screen glowing a fairly brlight red to illuminate the area around them. Just as it finished that, Lyntael was quick to strike the other Karma, sliding in with a second verse, same as the first, kicks and punches battering away at it's body before sending a final shock against it and sending it to it's uncerimonious death (170, PING!) in one fell swoop just like the other.
A bit preturbed at the dancer's ferocity, as she soon dashed through both of them in one movement with light strikes to either of them (21/21), the Handy would quickly make an attempt to move away from Lyntael, barely getting near enough to the Winger as she unleashed her anger upon the both of them. In the form of a massive blast of electricity as she would quickly relieve the other two of their lives, first with an exploding, rending bolt, then with a few extra blasts each, a couple missing, but otherwise, the two had no chance to escape. And best of all, her prize, the BMD, had managed to stay intact despite it all!
-- Viruses --
KarmaKarma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey2, Zenny A: ORAORAORAORA! (Ping!)
KarmaKarma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey2, Zenny B: ATATATATATA! (Ping!)
Weather2Weather2 (Weather)
Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, Sharo
HP: 180
Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard2, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: SHOCKING!
Winger2Winger2 (Winger)
Winger viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 180
Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Elec + Small Solar Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a plasma breath weapon to give the enemy and the ground an unhealthy glow.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecShock2, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: DED!
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: NOT BIG SUPRISE!
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 310 HP (Normal) (Near the middle of the field)(Slow1)(Casing20)
-- Terrain --
15% Poison
- -10 HP/action standing, -20 HP/action submerged.
- Zombie nullifies damage, heals 10 HP/action on contact.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Poison(20).
5% Holy
- Halves Final Damage.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Converts attack to Life Drain.
55% Normal
- No effects.
10% Cracked
- Changes to Broken when stepped on, chance to fall in when triggered.
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, Null 50 to burrower.
- Panel Crack attacks, >100 Damage Break/Impact/Drop attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken.
- PanelShot: Splash1.
5% Ice
- +10% Evasion to all. Non-Aqua Elementals get -20% Accuracy.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Sea.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
10% Solar
- Elec Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Cracked.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Stun1.
-- Objects --
BMD: 25 HP (Normal)(Near Handy2)
Battle 1 Victory!
Rewards: 2700z, 29bf,

Accuracy: B
Description: Throws a hockey puck at the enemy. The puck will bounce off of anything it hits (objects, viruses, Navis, etc.) in the field, dealing damage to them, up to 6 times. The attack stops immediately if it encounters a broken or missing panel, or the initial attack misses.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Rebound(5): This effect allows an attack to ricochet around the field. It will attempt to bounce off of enemies or objects until it has attacked five additional times, with the damage of the chip reducing by 10 for each attempted attack. Each attack against a given target lowers the chip's accuracy by 2 ranks against that target.
Trader Rank: C
Open BMD?
last edited by Rogan
Lyntael panted softly, her shoulders and chest shifting subtly as she looked around from where she'd rolled to one knee. The twin blasts of force that had washed over her had left her skin chilled, even though the actual force of the attacks had dissipated on her defences, but the pain of it was muted and distant; something shut away to one side while she focused on other things. Her quick glance showed her nothing else left, however, and the girl blinked. It had only been a handful of second, and she could feel the racing build of her charge rising in her chest and straining to release again, but already.... the danger had passed. She closed her eyes and focused on the sensation, letting a fresh ripple of delicate sparks scatter off her body in another balancing pulse. She pushed herself up to her feet as she opened her eyes again.
Rogan was still working – really he'd only just started, she knew, so Lyntael took an extra moment to ensure she wasn't going to damage anything, then moved swiftly across to the data crystal and activated it. Caches like this were rarely related to the actual locations they showed up, she'd come to realise, but just in case, data was data.
((Open data))
Rogan was still working – really he'd only just started, she knew, so Lyntael took an extra moment to ensure she wasn't going to damage anything, then moved swiftly across to the data crystal and activated it. Caches like this were rarely related to the actual locations they showed up, she'd come to realise, but just in case, data was data.
((Open data))
last edited by Kemix1006
As she swiftly opened up the data cache, the crystaline object would unfold and open at the base, a small flood of small golden coins flowing across her feet and over her ankles, a nice prize to add to her growing hoard from the viruses of the network.
Rewards: 9000z
Rewards: 9000z
last edited by Rogan
It was as she gathered the loose data and converted it to a neat string that disappeared on its way back to Rogan's Pet that her operator's voice cut in over her shoulder again. Lyntael paused to listen while her eyes wandered around the darkened street.
“You should find the main address for the business somewhere close to where you are now, Lyntael. It should be the only link currently active in your immediate vicinity right now. When you get close enough, the definitions I've now attached to your masking should let you see its maintenance terminal. You'll need to redirect the entry address to this location;” a new string of data joined the other elements of the net dive she was managing as he continued. “I'm working on amending your credentials, but there must be no flags or notifications.” His tone was calm and focused and Lyntael let some of that same confidence settle over her as she listened to him, then nodded her head.
“Yes, sir. I think I see what I need.” Her eyes had settled on a patch of light further down the road and off to one side, where the intermittent, dim, flickering lamps that elsewhere only heightened the gloom gave way instead to a brighter glow of aged neon – a small sign, but still the only point of difference she'd seen so far. She began to walk quickly towards it.
On this layer of the local network, down deep where normal navis didn't tread, the night sky was covered in thick clouds that seemed like they might threaten rain... but it didn't smell like it, so probably not, she guessed. The gloomy quiet stretched and the near silent footfalls of her sneakers was the only noise that accompanied the gentle rustle of branches in the faint breeze. She wondered if the older, deeper net layers had less detail in them, the older they got; were there fragments of networks down here, from the days when netscapes only bore a rudimentary, visual resemblance to real places? The thought lingered as she approached the soft glow – maybe the rain here wouldn't smell like rain before it hit?
“Rogan, sir... What will you do if Varda forbids you from looking into these guys any more than they tell you? I know... I know this is personal to you now, even if you won't tell me why, but if they tell you to drop it, going against that might be more dangerous than anything else.” She didn't slow down as she spoke, murmuring quietly under the weight of the feeling of silence all around. As long as she kept moving, Rogan ought not to scold her, probably, and if she kept nudging at the point, he'd say something about it sooner or later, eventually. When he answered it was initially terse and blunt, but his first words gave way to a heavier pause as he hesitated, communication line open, yet silent.
“It would be, but I don't intend to let this go... It's...” In the gap, she could practically feel him looking away from her, avoidant, even though she knew that he probably hadn't rally been looking towards it in the first place. Don't be angry; don't fight. She repeated the thought to herself and waited him out. Eventually he continued. “It is personal, Lyntael, yes. It's not that I... I isn't-”
“It's family. I know.” Despite herself, the words came out in a short mutter, cutting him off and the girl winced afterwards, smothering a sour expression. Why couldn't she stay calm about these things? Rather than continue to answer, she heard Rogan sigh.
“...Yes. It's... It's about family.” There was that pain again... the little cracks, through which he still sounded so broken, so... defeated. This wasn't the time for it, not when they both needed to focus.
“I'm here, sir. Getting to work now.” Her steps had indeed carried her up to the occasionally flickering light where a signed proclaimed welcome to Jennings' General all-goods and trade. It listed opening hours for humans and the dull glow of a still-active link pad below bore an additional, smaller note proclaiming 24/7 order processing for navigators. As Rogan had said, the link's private maintenance controls shimmered into sight just behind the sign as she drew close and Lyntael stepped around the advertisement to examine it more closely; while the external sign and transit pad looked damaged and showed signs of many long years of forgotten neglect, this control terminal was clean, well-kept and fully functional. She got to work quickly.
She still hadn't managed to piece together as much as she wanted to about Rogan's past, before they had met. What she knew for certain was that Eric was the only family he still considered himself to have; that the two had walked away from a whole other life, somewhere in northern netopia, and couldn't go back. Rogan even avoided travelling any further north than the city they were in now, no matter how tempting the work might be... She knew that family was important to him, in one sense; he loved his brother, more truly than he cared for anyone or anything else... but at the same time, he despised the concept of family ties, family duty, family responsibility; he grew cold, bitter and sardonic when others spoke about family, or the importance of it... but that was the extent of it. No matter how she'd tried to search, in her private moments, she'd never been able to really learn anything tangible about what had happened; she didn't even really know what she was looking for in the first place.
The thread of frustration at the background thoughts continued to niggle at her while she worked, but even so it didn't take long. A moment before she finished constructing the redirection she felt Rogan apply the altered credentials to her and nodded in satisfaction as the system authorised her final keystroke. The link pad nearby dimmed briefly then re-lit itself, but Lyntael waited an extra few seconds until a slim bolt of light zipped away from the terminal in a different direction. She was ready for the log update and was quick to intercept it, but as her fingers curled around the small light bead it burst into a scattering of multi-hued light that glittered and settled across the landscape, sparkling like a beacon. Sounds in the dark beyond the light made her whip around, biting of a short curse.
“I think there was a decoy, sir! I didn't see anything else escape, but I've got more company.”
“Someone's paintballing deleted logs. Either that, or they're expecting random hacks. Deal with your trouble, Lyntael. I'll make sure you're clean before we go any further.”
“Yes, sir.” The girl nodded in the suddenly illuminated street and let herself fall into a ready stance while she waited to see if it attracted anything else.
((Ready for Battle 2))
“You should find the main address for the business somewhere close to where you are now, Lyntael. It should be the only link currently active in your immediate vicinity right now. When you get close enough, the definitions I've now attached to your masking should let you see its maintenance terminal. You'll need to redirect the entry address to this location;” a new string of data joined the other elements of the net dive she was managing as he continued. “I'm working on amending your credentials, but there must be no flags or notifications.” His tone was calm and focused and Lyntael let some of that same confidence settle over her as she listened to him, then nodded her head.
“Yes, sir. I think I see what I need.” Her eyes had settled on a patch of light further down the road and off to one side, where the intermittent, dim, flickering lamps that elsewhere only heightened the gloom gave way instead to a brighter glow of aged neon – a small sign, but still the only point of difference she'd seen so far. She began to walk quickly towards it.
On this layer of the local network, down deep where normal navis didn't tread, the night sky was covered in thick clouds that seemed like they might threaten rain... but it didn't smell like it, so probably not, she guessed. The gloomy quiet stretched and the near silent footfalls of her sneakers was the only noise that accompanied the gentle rustle of branches in the faint breeze. She wondered if the older, deeper net layers had less detail in them, the older they got; were there fragments of networks down here, from the days when netscapes only bore a rudimentary, visual resemblance to real places? The thought lingered as she approached the soft glow – maybe the rain here wouldn't smell like rain before it hit?
“Rogan, sir... What will you do if Varda forbids you from looking into these guys any more than they tell you? I know... I know this is personal to you now, even if you won't tell me why, but if they tell you to drop it, going against that might be more dangerous than anything else.” She didn't slow down as she spoke, murmuring quietly under the weight of the feeling of silence all around. As long as she kept moving, Rogan ought not to scold her, probably, and if she kept nudging at the point, he'd say something about it sooner or later, eventually. When he answered it was initially terse and blunt, but his first words gave way to a heavier pause as he hesitated, communication line open, yet silent.
“It would be, but I don't intend to let this go... It's...” In the gap, she could practically feel him looking away from her, avoidant, even though she knew that he probably hadn't rally been looking towards it in the first place. Don't be angry; don't fight. She repeated the thought to herself and waited him out. Eventually he continued. “It is personal, Lyntael, yes. It's not that I... I isn't-”
“It's family. I know.” Despite herself, the words came out in a short mutter, cutting him off and the girl winced afterwards, smothering a sour expression. Why couldn't she stay calm about these things? Rather than continue to answer, she heard Rogan sigh.
“...Yes. It's... It's about family.” There was that pain again... the little cracks, through which he still sounded so broken, so... defeated. This wasn't the time for it, not when they both needed to focus.
“I'm here, sir. Getting to work now.” Her steps had indeed carried her up to the occasionally flickering light where a signed proclaimed welcome to Jennings' General all-goods and trade. It listed opening hours for humans and the dull glow of a still-active link pad below bore an additional, smaller note proclaiming 24/7 order processing for navigators. As Rogan had said, the link's private maintenance controls shimmered into sight just behind the sign as she drew close and Lyntael stepped around the advertisement to examine it more closely; while the external sign and transit pad looked damaged and showed signs of many long years of forgotten neglect, this control terminal was clean, well-kept and fully functional. She got to work quickly.
She still hadn't managed to piece together as much as she wanted to about Rogan's past, before they had met. What she knew for certain was that Eric was the only family he still considered himself to have; that the two had walked away from a whole other life, somewhere in northern netopia, and couldn't go back. Rogan even avoided travelling any further north than the city they were in now, no matter how tempting the work might be... She knew that family was important to him, in one sense; he loved his brother, more truly than he cared for anyone or anything else... but at the same time, he despised the concept of family ties, family duty, family responsibility; he grew cold, bitter and sardonic when others spoke about family, or the importance of it... but that was the extent of it. No matter how she'd tried to search, in her private moments, she'd never been able to really learn anything tangible about what had happened; she didn't even really know what she was looking for in the first place.
The thread of frustration at the background thoughts continued to niggle at her while she worked, but even so it didn't take long. A moment before she finished constructing the redirection she felt Rogan apply the altered credentials to her and nodded in satisfaction as the system authorised her final keystroke. The link pad nearby dimmed briefly then re-lit itself, but Lyntael waited an extra few seconds until a slim bolt of light zipped away from the terminal in a different direction. She was ready for the log update and was quick to intercept it, but as her fingers curled around the small light bead it burst into a scattering of multi-hued light that glittered and settled across the landscape, sparkling like a beacon. Sounds in the dark beyond the light made her whip around, biting of a short curse.
“I think there was a decoy, sir! I didn't see anything else escape, but I've got more company.”
“Someone's paintballing deleted logs. Either that, or they're expecting random hacks. Deal with your trouble, Lyntael. I'll make sure you're clean before we go any further.”
“Yes, sir.” The girl nodded in the suddenly illuminated street and let herself fall into a ready stance while she waited to see if it attracted anything else.
((Ready for Battle 2))
last edited by Kemix1006
As the street illuminated and Lyntael took her stance, a purple-almost-black mist began to spray about the area, panels changing about seemingly at random, before finally settling down and around her, a mixture of Holy, Poison, Cracked and Normal would spread out from her eyes in seemingly random paterns, leading her internal programs to begin a klaxon call as viruses began to encroach upon her and Rogan's position, must have triggered a defensive measure.
To the north, a Cannonguard in brown was beginning to take aim at the electric dancer and making sure to close it's shutters just to protect itself. A but further back, a Spooky in Chartruse would be seen teleporting about in the faint light of a flickering Holy panel. As the spooky teleported about, the local Bandcoon population, a Ringthief, the racoon-creature in a dark grey and wearing a blood-red bandanna around it's head as it rolled about, unknowing that the navi in front of it didn't use chips. Then came a much larger virus, the MonoSwordin with a golden helmet around it's head as it held a gold encrusted sword in it's hand, showing off it's nobility (and it's need to flaunt it) as it swung once before nearly falling over. And finally, her quary, the Handy, began to sneak up behind Lyntael, with some...rather squeaky rubber giving it away for her to find. Battle Routines flaring up, Lyn was set to battle beneath the known networks.
-- Viruses --
CannonGuard2CannonGuard2 (CannonGuard)
CannonGuards are automatically in guard mode unless they are attacking. When guarding, the turret is protected by a shutter that will stop any and all non-breaking attacks from the front. This shutter cannot be destroyed, even by a breaking attack, so long as the virus exists. The shutter does not protect the turret portion of the virus against attacks from the back or sides. The base of the virus is also immune to non-breaking damage.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Lockon
Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and attacks
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MarkCannon2, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Target's evasion counts less against this virus.
Special: Can guard against attacks.: 150 HP (Normal) (Roughly to the North-West of Lyntael, taking aim)
Spooky2Spooky2 (Spooky)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Netopia
HP: 80
Attack: 30 Null
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Teleports up to the opponent and slaps with its long tongue.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Recover30, Recover50 (Uncommon), Recover80 (Rare), Invis2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Can teleport at will.
- Can use Recover 80 on any virus below 1/2 HP: 80 HP (Holy) (To the North and teleporting in rapidly)
RingthiefRingthief (Bandcoon)
Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland
HP: 130
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/2 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Ringthief steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/2 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Ringthief cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%).: 130 HP (Poison) (To Lyntael's Left about a feint away and ready to attack)
King!MonoSwordinMonoSwordin (MonoSword)
MonoSword are distant cousins of Swordy, but have evolved further in an attempt become more a threat. They attack by teleporting in front of their target, and slashing with their namesake before returning to their original position. Their blades are sturdier than most, and can cut through things regular ones cannot, such as shields. Their bulky armor also gives them above average stamina, but it weighs them down to the point where they do not move or dodge, aside from attacking. Despite it lacking any sort of defense that would bestow such a weakness, they ironically take additional damage from Break attribute attacks.
Area: Netopia, Yoka, Hades Isle
HP: 210
Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Null + Break + Slashing + Wide Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Delivers an armor cutting slash.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BreakSword, Zenny
Special: Break Weakness: Attacks with the Break attribute deal +100% Source damage to this virus, as though hitting an elemental weakness.
Special: Moves by teleporting. This is not treated as a formal Teleport, and does not confer any bonuses.: 210 HP (Cracked) (To the East, struggling with getting closer)
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: 120 HP (Normal) (Making an attempt to sneak up behind Lyntael)
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 310 HP (Normal) (Roughly middle of the field)
-- Terrain --
20% Cracked
40% Normal
20% Holy
20% Poison
-- Rogue Battle 2 Ready? Start!! --
To the north, a Cannonguard in brown was beginning to take aim at the electric dancer and making sure to close it's shutters just to protect itself. A but further back, a Spooky in Chartruse would be seen teleporting about in the faint light of a flickering Holy panel. As the spooky teleported about, the local Bandcoon population, a Ringthief, the racoon-creature in a dark grey and wearing a blood-red bandanna around it's head as it rolled about, unknowing that the navi in front of it didn't use chips. Then came a much larger virus, the MonoSwordin with a golden helmet around it's head as it held a gold encrusted sword in it's hand, showing off it's nobility (and it's need to flaunt it) as it swung once before nearly falling over. And finally, her quary, the Handy, began to sneak up behind Lyntael, with some...rather squeaky rubber giving it away for her to find. Battle Routines flaring up, Lyn was set to battle beneath the known networks.
-- Viruses --
CannonGuard2CannonGuard2 (CannonGuard)
CannonGuards are automatically in guard mode unless they are attacking. When guarding, the turret is protected by a shutter that will stop any and all non-breaking attacks from the front. This shutter cannot be destroyed, even by a breaking attack, so long as the virus exists. The shutter does not protect the turret portion of the virus against attacks from the back or sides. The base of the virus is also immune to non-breaking damage.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Lockon
Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and attacks
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MarkCannon2, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Target's evasion counts less against this virus.
Special: Can guard against attacks.: 150 HP (Normal) (Roughly to the North-West of Lyntael, taking aim)
Spooky2Spooky2 (Spooky)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Netopia
HP: 80
Attack: 30 Null
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Teleports up to the opponent and slaps with its long tongue.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Recover30, Recover50 (Uncommon), Recover80 (Rare), Invis2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Can teleport at will.
- Can use Recover 80 on any virus below 1/2 HP: 80 HP (Holy) (To the North and teleporting in rapidly)
RingthiefRingthief (Bandcoon)
Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland
HP: 130
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/2 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Ringthief steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/2 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Ringthief cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%).: 130 HP (Poison) (To Lyntael's Left about a feint away and ready to attack)
King!MonoSwordinMonoSwordin (MonoSword)
MonoSword are distant cousins of Swordy, but have evolved further in an attempt become more a threat. They attack by teleporting in front of their target, and slashing with their namesake before returning to their original position. Their blades are sturdier than most, and can cut through things regular ones cannot, such as shields. Their bulky armor also gives them above average stamina, but it weighs them down to the point where they do not move or dodge, aside from attacking. Despite it lacking any sort of defense that would bestow such a weakness, they ironically take additional damage from Break attribute attacks.
Area: Netopia, Yoka, Hades Isle
HP: 210
Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Null + Break + Slashing + Wide Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Delivers an armor cutting slash.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BreakSword, Zenny
Special: Break Weakness: Attacks with the Break attribute deal +100% Source damage to this virus, as though hitting an elemental weakness.
Special: Moves by teleporting. This is not treated as a formal Teleport, and does not confer any bonuses.: 210 HP (Cracked) (To the East, struggling with getting closer)
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: 120 HP (Normal) (Making an attempt to sneak up behind Lyntael)
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 310 HP (Normal) (Roughly middle of the field)
-- Terrain --
20% Cracked
- Changes to Broken when stepped on, chance to fall in when triggered.
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, Null 50 to burrower.
- Panel Crack attacks, >100 Damage Break/Impact/Drop attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken.
- PanelShot: Splash1.
40% Normal
- No effects.
20% Holy
- Halves Final Damage.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Converts attack to Life Drain.
20% Poison
- -10 HP/action standing, -20 HP/action submerged.
- Zombie nullifies damage, heals 10 HP/action on contact.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Poison(20).
-- Rogue Battle 2 Ready? Start!! --
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((Lyntael isn't at full hp – she was down from last battle. Cosmetically and Roleplay-wise Lyn's support base signatures here don't 'heal' her in the traditional sense (though they do mechanically); it's aestheticed more as bolstering resolve and stamina, and helping her push through the pains and hurts she's taken, until she can go home; she'll still get worn down, and serious injuries will stay with her, even if her own 'healing' tops her back up))
The soft beat of her charge was still stirring quietly from her previous exertions and her skin began to glow with the familiar delicate electrical patterns that forewarned her body's natural responses. Lyntael grit her teeth, taking a quick turn in place as she tried to take note of the various creatures that were showing up to sudden light show. Why employ or program your own defence systems, when an energy flare would call a small horde of viruses on its own, down here?
As the charge suffused her skin and held there, straining and ready to explode, Lyntael eyed the shuttered cannon for a moment. At least that one should be fairly predictable; she listened for the sound of its shutter opening as she turned her focus to the other more immediate threats A creak of plastic made her spin about, embracing her charge and channelling it; power rushed inward from her extremities, unified then lanced out from the hand she raised towards the creeping handy, releasing a twisting bolt of shearing lightning towards it. As the bolt left her empty space followed, leaving the girl drained for a moment. The void only remained for a beat, though, and as she drew a breath her charge pulsed back again, filling her body with another wave of chaotic force. Her muscles felt hot and strained, all across her body – she hadn't fully calmed down from the last scuffle yet – but it was bearable for now. She began to move, darting across the terrain on light feet.
When her ear caught the sound of the turret firing on her Lyntael twisted, half turning towards the sound before springing up from one foot and snapping the other around in a static-sheathed kick aimed at batting the errant cannon ball away before it could strike her, though her focus was on connecting with it, and not where it went afterwards. By the time she closed in with the raccoon virus, her strikers had built to a steady glow again and she could feel the charge inside her eager to release, but as she began to sweep her first strike around towards the creature, her eyes fixed on it properly and Lyntael felt her heart lurch sharply. The punch stopped midair and the girl faltered, stumbling back from it as she blinked. On sudden instinct, she curled in to grip at her own arms instead, suppressing the wave of static that threatened to roll off her body. She hadn't... hadn't even paused to check. Hadn't waited to see if they were just curious about the light or... memories of a hot spring, recently fresh in her mind, flickered through her thoughts and she took another step back from the bandit virus, hands raised and palms open.
“I... I'm sorry. We don't... we don't need to fight, if you're just interested in the light. I... I don't have anything for you, I'm sorry... I'm just here on my own...” For a brief moment, her mind forgot the other more clearly hostile viruses about her, focused instead the one in front of her that looked so much like the one she remembered. When had she become so violent? As she backed off, her other natural defences refreshed and reasserted themselves all a round her, almost in response to the shock of her suddenly derailed focus. The thought only lasted a moment, however, before it was dashed away by the intrusion of other more obviously aggressive action. Sudden movement in her peripheral made Lyntael whip around, unsure which virus had caught her attention. The one that drew her eye, however, was the ostentatiously-helmed swordy. She grimaced, gritting her teeth. Even the memories of the times she'd found friendly solutions to sudden encounter on the net seemed distant and foggy to her now. Maybe it was pointless after all. She let her body drop back into a fighting stance again and darted towards the sword-wielder, ducking low to try to avoid the oversized weapon.
In a single smooth motion, Lyntael slid to a crouch, her slight weight leaning forward into the sharp upward spring led by a fist aimed right at the underside of its helmet. As she rose into the strike, her current surged, encouraged all the more by the sudden pang of frustration and swelling to bursting point within her.
“Back Off!” The shout was ground out between her teeth as she struck upwards, and the brilliant flare of bright light engulfed both her and the gaudy virus for a moment while the excess fall-off exploded upwards into a scattering tree of electricity above them. Lyntael landed from the strike, her left arm briefly numb from the expenditure. The yawning cold of the emptiness it left behind stole her breath and she panted, shoulders heaving, as she recovered. It only lasted a single beat before the next pulse filled her, the charge racing back faster and harder again; the burn of it in her body made her grit her teeth and clench her fists again, and she took another, more laboured breath where she stood, fighting to control the wild rebuild of energy.
L*) First Armour: 20Hp Casing (as subtle outfit reinforcement)
L1) A Single Ember (SupportBase(20), Buster Charge, Strengthen 20, Counter(On Hit): ShotBase(50)Elec, Shot-type, Nova2, A), (Self-Slow), 4CD, (Overcharge -2 on Set, +1 On Trigger)
L*) Subtype: Turbulence: Frontal defence, deflect first projectile to random enemy, D Acc
L2) 'Gainst Violent Threat: (Multi-Stage: (Take Aim), then (SpectralBase(75)Elec, Break, Impact, Slashing, Shot-type, A), then (Buster Shot: 30 x 5 hits, Disarm, Shot-type, A), (Charge-Burner(1)) 4CD, (Overcharge +4) @ Handy2
L3) Dodge
L4)No More To Hide: Multi-Stage: (Buster Strike: 30 x 5 hits, Disarm, Melee-type, A), then (20Elec, Nova2) 2CD, (Overcharge +2) @ Ringthief *Aborted!*
L*) Fast Armour: 20Hp Casing Refresh
L5) A Burning Ache: (40hp Barrier, Buster Charge, Counter(On Hit): ShotBase(50)Elec, Nova2, Shot-type, A, (Self-Slow), 4CD, (Overcharge -2 on Set, +1 On Trigger)
L6) Half-Charged Strike: 300Elec, Disarm, Melee-type, A, (Overcharge +4) @ King Mono
Cooldowns and Overcharge
A Single Ember: 4TCD
'Gainst Violent Threat: 4TCD
No More to Hide: 2TCD
A Burning Ache: 4TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 3, A Single Ember (-2/set +1/trigger), 'Gainst Violent threat (+4), No More To Hide (+2), A Burning Ache (-2/set +1/trigger), Half-Charged Strike (+4) End: +11/+9
The soft beat of her charge was still stirring quietly from her previous exertions and her skin began to glow with the familiar delicate electrical patterns that forewarned her body's natural responses. Lyntael grit her teeth, taking a quick turn in place as she tried to take note of the various creatures that were showing up to sudden light show. Why employ or program your own defence systems, when an energy flare would call a small horde of viruses on its own, down here?
As the charge suffused her skin and held there, straining and ready to explode, Lyntael eyed the shuttered cannon for a moment. At least that one should be fairly predictable; she listened for the sound of its shutter opening as she turned her focus to the other more immediate threats A creak of plastic made her spin about, embracing her charge and channelling it; power rushed inward from her extremities, unified then lanced out from the hand she raised towards the creeping handy, releasing a twisting bolt of shearing lightning towards it. As the bolt left her empty space followed, leaving the girl drained for a moment. The void only remained for a beat, though, and as she drew a breath her charge pulsed back again, filling her body with another wave of chaotic force. Her muscles felt hot and strained, all across her body – she hadn't fully calmed down from the last scuffle yet – but it was bearable for now. She began to move, darting across the terrain on light feet.
When her ear caught the sound of the turret firing on her Lyntael twisted, half turning towards the sound before springing up from one foot and snapping the other around in a static-sheathed kick aimed at batting the errant cannon ball away before it could strike her, though her focus was on connecting with it, and not where it went afterwards. By the time she closed in with the raccoon virus, her strikers had built to a steady glow again and she could feel the charge inside her eager to release, but as she began to sweep her first strike around towards the creature, her eyes fixed on it properly and Lyntael felt her heart lurch sharply. The punch stopped midair and the girl faltered, stumbling back from it as she blinked. On sudden instinct, she curled in to grip at her own arms instead, suppressing the wave of static that threatened to roll off her body. She hadn't... hadn't even paused to check. Hadn't waited to see if they were just curious about the light or... memories of a hot spring, recently fresh in her mind, flickered through her thoughts and she took another step back from the bandit virus, hands raised and palms open.
“I... I'm sorry. We don't... we don't need to fight, if you're just interested in the light. I... I don't have anything for you, I'm sorry... I'm just here on my own...” For a brief moment, her mind forgot the other more clearly hostile viruses about her, focused instead the one in front of her that looked so much like the one she remembered. When had she become so violent? As she backed off, her other natural defences refreshed and reasserted themselves all a round her, almost in response to the shock of her suddenly derailed focus. The thought only lasted a moment, however, before it was dashed away by the intrusion of other more obviously aggressive action. Sudden movement in her peripheral made Lyntael whip around, unsure which virus had caught her attention. The one that drew her eye, however, was the ostentatiously-helmed swordy. She grimaced, gritting her teeth. Even the memories of the times she'd found friendly solutions to sudden encounter on the net seemed distant and foggy to her now. Maybe it was pointless after all. She let her body drop back into a fighting stance again and darted towards the sword-wielder, ducking low to try to avoid the oversized weapon.
In a single smooth motion, Lyntael slid to a crouch, her slight weight leaning forward into the sharp upward spring led by a fist aimed right at the underside of its helmet. As she rose into the strike, her current surged, encouraged all the more by the sudden pang of frustration and swelling to bursting point within her.
“Back Off!” The shout was ground out between her teeth as she struck upwards, and the brilliant flare of bright light engulfed both her and the gaudy virus for a moment while the excess fall-off exploded upwards into a scattering tree of electricity above them. Lyntael landed from the strike, her left arm briefly numb from the expenditure. The yawning cold of the emptiness it left behind stole her breath and she panted, shoulders heaving, as she recovered. It only lasted a single beat before the next pulse filled her, the charge racing back faster and harder again; the burn of it in her body made her grit her teeth and clench her fists again, and she took another, more laboured breath where she stood, fighting to control the wild rebuild of energy.
L*) First Armour: 20Hp Casing (as subtle outfit reinforcement)
L1) A Single Ember (SupportBase(20), Buster Charge, Strengthen 20, Counter(On Hit): ShotBase(50)Elec, Shot-type, Nova2, A), (Self-Slow), 4CD, (Overcharge -2 on Set, +1 On Trigger)
L*) Subtype: Turbulence: Frontal defence, deflect first projectile to random enemy, D Acc
L2) 'Gainst Violent Threat: (Multi-Stage: (Take Aim), then (SpectralBase(75)Elec, Break, Impact, Slashing, Shot-type, A), then (Buster Shot: 30 x 5 hits, Disarm, Shot-type, A), (Charge-Burner(1)) 4CD, (Overcharge +4) @ Handy2
L3) Dodge
L*) Fast Armour: 20Hp Casing Refresh
L5) A Burning Ache: (40hp Barrier, Buster Charge, Counter(On Hit): ShotBase(50)Elec, Nova2, Shot-type, A, (Self-Slow), 4CD, (Overcharge -2 on Set, +1 On Trigger)
L6) Half-Charged Strike: 300Elec, Disarm, Melee-type, A, (Overcharge +4) @ King Mono
Cooldowns and Overcharge
A Single Ember: 4TCD
'Gainst Violent Threat: 4TCD
No More to Hide: 2TCD
A Burning Ache: 4TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 3, A Single Ember (-2/set +1/trigger), 'Gainst Violent threat (+4), No More To Hide (+2), A Burning Ache (-2/set +1/trigger), Half-Charged Strike (+4) End: +11/+9
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With her armor quickly brought to heel, the Cannonguard would open up it's shutters almost immediately as she tried to get off her first move, the cannon letting out loud, annoying beeps before a flash of light exploded from the mouth of the weapon-like virus, but even with it's aiming, it's blast of energy sailed right by Lyn's head just barely missing her by the skin of her teeth. These viruses were most definitely hostile as the Spooky made it's move on Lyn next, disappearing for a brief moment before she moved to attack the Handy, off it's defensive position and getting within range of Lyn, tongue hanging out in the air as it missed it's strike on top of the accurate cannon's.
But, this left Lyn able to attack the Handy before it could make -it's- move against her, leading to her roughing it up like nothing else, a crushing strike against the sentient hand as it reeled back from the first strike, scarring evident upon it's body as the next strikes utterly eliminated it's body in one smooth motion, leaving it's corpse to crackle and sear from the utter amount of damage it sustained (130).
As this utterly eliminated the main target she had come down to ahnililate, the nearby MonoSwordin's glinting body and sword would disappear for a moment...before returning to bear it's massive blade down upon Lyntael's body all of a sudden, massive sword coming down with a cleaving strike, terrain seemingly disquieted from the the dancer barely managed to evade the strike, the Swordin bringing it's blade back to bear as the hole it cleaved was instantly repaired even as rocks flicked across Lyn's body from the almost-explosive strike.
Unfortunately, this didn't stop the Spooky and Cannon from kaing another strike at her, the tongue lashing out suddenly against her as she took the hit, her casing bearing the brunt of the attack and causing her trap to activate, striking both Spooky and Swordin with an electrifying strike (50, 50) as the Cannon followed up with another flash of light in the dingy area, but she managed to reflect the attack as it nearly hit her, redirecting it far away, missing any virus around her, but she managed to avoid damage as the Cannon closed it's guard shortly thereafter.
Meanwhile, the Ringthief would make a move...mostly dodging away from the poisonous muck it had been settled on at pure random, shaking away the deteriorating muck from it's unkempt fur...only for it to soon stare death in the face as Lyntael closed in on it, ready to rip apart it's body in a multi-strike combo...but...she stopped...aborting the attack and just centimeters away from the virus' face as it looked on, a twitch almost immediately developing from the sense of fear it had. It stared almost dead-eyed at Lyntael as she talked to it briefly, shaking like a leaf in the wind as she turned back to the MonoSwordin. And with a single strike, she rushed in towards the MonoSwordin, not giving it anymore chances to escape, as she tore it apart from bottom to top in the middle, cracking it open and leaving it to die in fantastic fashion.
Battle was over as the king was dead, the Spooky hurridly grabbed the Cannonguard and immedately got out of dodge. The Ring Thief, however, stood there for another moment before falling over onto it's back, completely still, wondering what god...what cybeast...gave it another chance at life, as it just stared up into the infinite void above them as Lyntael's rewards began to be calculated...and she had quite a nice, gaudy blade that would make for nice chip data standing up in the terrain like the sword in the stone.
-- Viruses --
CannonGuard2CannonGuard2 (CannonGuard)
CannonGuards are automatically in guard mode unless they are attacking. When guarding, the turret is protected by a shutter that will stop any and all non-breaking attacks from the front. This shutter cannot be destroyed, even by a breaking attack, so long as the virus exists. The shutter does not protect the turret portion of the virus against attacks from the back or sides. The base of the virus is also immune to non-breaking damage.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Lockon
Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and attacks
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MarkCannon2, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Target's evasion counts less against this virus.
Special: Can guard against attacks.: FLED
Spooky2Spooky2 (Spooky)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Netopia
HP: 80
Attack: 30 Null
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Teleports up to the opponent and slaps with its long tongue.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Recover30, Recover50 (Uncommon), Recover80 (Rare), Invis2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Can teleport at will.
- Can use Recover 80 on any virus below 1/2 HP: FLED
RingthiefRingthief (Bandcoon)
Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland
HP: 130
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/2 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Ringthief steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/2 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Ringthief cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%).: 130 HP (Cracked) (To Lyntael's Left about a feint away and ready to attack) (ABSOLUTELY TRAUMITIZED)
King!MonoSwordinMonoSwordin (MonoSword)
MonoSword are distant cousins of Swordy, but have evolved further in an attempt become more a threat. They attack by teleporting in front of their target, and slashing with their namesake before returning to their original position. Their blades are sturdier than most, and can cut through things regular ones cannot, such as shields. Their bulky armor also gives them above average stamina, but it weighs them down to the point where they do not move or dodge, aside from attacking. Despite it lacking any sort of defense that would bestow such a weakness, they ironically take additional damage from Break attribute attacks.
Area: Netopia, Yoka, Hades Isle
HP: 210
Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Null + Break + Slashing + Wide Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Delivers an armor cutting slash.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BreakSword, Zenny
Special: Break Weakness: Attacks with the Break attribute deal +100% Source damage to this virus, as though hitting an elemental weakness.
Special: Moves by teleporting. This is not treated as a formal Teleport, and does not confer any bonuses.: OMAE WA MOU SHINDERU
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: SPUTTER GURGLE
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 310 HP (Normal) (Roughly middle of the field)(Barrier40)(Casing20)(Strengthen20) (Trap:A Burning Ache)
-- Terrain --
20% Cracked
40% Normal
20% Holy
20% Poison
Rewards: 3600z, 25 BF,
BreakSwordDamage: 100 + Break + Slashing + Wide Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Creates a sturdy but heavy blade that can cut through armor and shielding.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 swings.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
But, this left Lyn able to attack the Handy before it could make -it's- move against her, leading to her roughing it up like nothing else, a crushing strike against the sentient hand as it reeled back from the first strike, scarring evident upon it's body as the next strikes utterly eliminated it's body in one smooth motion, leaving it's corpse to crackle and sear from the utter amount of damage it sustained (130).
As this utterly eliminated the main target she had come down to ahnililate, the nearby MonoSwordin's glinting body and sword would disappear for a moment...before returning to bear it's massive blade down upon Lyntael's body all of a sudden, massive sword coming down with a cleaving strike, terrain seemingly disquieted from the the dancer barely managed to evade the strike, the Swordin bringing it's blade back to bear as the hole it cleaved was instantly repaired even as rocks flicked across Lyn's body from the almost-explosive strike.
Unfortunately, this didn't stop the Spooky and Cannon from kaing another strike at her, the tongue lashing out suddenly against her as she took the hit, her casing bearing the brunt of the attack and causing her trap to activate, striking both Spooky and Swordin with an electrifying strike (50, 50) as the Cannon followed up with another flash of light in the dingy area, but she managed to reflect the attack as it nearly hit her, redirecting it far away, missing any virus around her, but she managed to avoid damage as the Cannon closed it's guard shortly thereafter.
Meanwhile, the Ringthief would make a move...mostly dodging away from the poisonous muck it had been settled on at pure random, shaking away the deteriorating muck from it's unkempt fur...only for it to soon stare death in the face as Lyntael closed in on it, ready to rip apart it's body in a multi-strike combo...but...she stopped...aborting the attack and just centimeters away from the virus' face as it looked on, a twitch almost immediately developing from the sense of fear it had. It stared almost dead-eyed at Lyntael as she talked to it briefly, shaking like a leaf in the wind as she turned back to the MonoSwordin. And with a single strike, she rushed in towards the MonoSwordin, not giving it anymore chances to escape, as she tore it apart from bottom to top in the middle, cracking it open and leaving it to die in fantastic fashion.
Battle was over as the king was dead, the Spooky hurridly grabbed the Cannonguard and immedately got out of dodge. The Ring Thief, however, stood there for another moment before falling over onto it's back, completely still, wondering what god...what cybeast...gave it another chance at life, as it just stared up into the infinite void above them as Lyntael's rewards began to be calculated...and she had quite a nice, gaudy blade that would make for nice chip data standing up in the terrain like the sword in the stone.
-- Viruses --
CannonGuard2CannonGuard2 (CannonGuard)
CannonGuards are automatically in guard mode unless they are attacking. When guarding, the turret is protected by a shutter that will stop any and all non-breaking attacks from the front. This shutter cannot be destroyed, even by a breaking attack, so long as the virus exists. The shutter does not protect the turret portion of the virus against attacks from the back or sides. The base of the virus is also immune to non-breaking damage.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Lockon
Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and attacks
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MarkCannon2, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Target's evasion counts less against this virus.
Special: Can guard against attacks.: FLED
Spooky2Spooky2 (Spooky)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Netopia
HP: 80
Attack: 30 Null
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Teleports up to the opponent and slaps with its long tongue.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Recover30, Recover50 (Uncommon), Recover80 (Rare), Invis2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Can teleport at will.
- Can use Recover 80 on any virus below 1/2 HP: FLED
RingthiefRingthief (Bandcoon)
Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland
HP: 130
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/2 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Ringthief steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/2 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Ringthief cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%).: 130 HP (Cracked) (To Lyntael's Left about a feint away and ready to attack) (ABSOLUTELY TRAUMITIZED)
King!MonoSwordinMonoSwordin (MonoSword)
MonoSword are distant cousins of Swordy, but have evolved further in an attempt become more a threat. They attack by teleporting in front of their target, and slashing with their namesake before returning to their original position. Their blades are sturdier than most, and can cut through things regular ones cannot, such as shields. Their bulky armor also gives them above average stamina, but it weighs them down to the point where they do not move or dodge, aside from attacking. Despite it lacking any sort of defense that would bestow such a weakness, they ironically take additional damage from Break attribute attacks.
Area: Netopia, Yoka, Hades Isle
HP: 210
Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Null + Break + Slashing + Wide Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Delivers an armor cutting slash.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BreakSword, Zenny
Special: Break Weakness: Attacks with the Break attribute deal +100% Source damage to this virus, as though hitting an elemental weakness.
Special: Moves by teleporting. This is not treated as a formal Teleport, and does not confer any bonuses.: OMAE WA MOU SHINDERU
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: SPUTTER GURGLE
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 310 HP (Normal) (Roughly middle of the field)(Barrier40)(Casing20)(Strengthen20) (Trap:A Burning Ache)
-- Terrain --
20% Cracked
- Changes to Broken when stepped on, chance to fall in when triggered.
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, Null 50 to burrower.
- Panel Crack attacks, >100 Damage Break/Impact/Drop attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken.
- PanelShot: Splash1.
40% Normal
- No effects.
20% Holy
- Halves Final Damage.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Converts attack to Life Drain.
20% Poison
- -10 HP/action standing, -20 HP/action submerged.
- Zombie nullifies damage, heals 10 HP/action on contact.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Poison(20).
Rewards: 3600z, 25 BF,

Accuracy: C
Description: Creates a sturdy but heavy blade that can cut through armor and shielding.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 swings.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
last edited by
Still crackling, the girl spun around again, only to find the remaining viruses fleeing the scene. Lyntael's fingers twitched and her expression drew into a tight, grit-toothed moment of focus as she fought for balance within the fresh surge of current, but it was thrown off by an immediate reaction of mild disgust as she became aware of the slimy feeling across parts of her body, and further sparks rippled from her as she lost concentration.
“Eeughh....” The delayed response memory of the Spooky's tongue dragging up the inside of one thigh and over her midsection, and leaving its gross trail, made the girl immediately step back from her stance and begin running her hands over the affected areas, trying to scrape it off. It was good, she knew, that her barriers sapped most viruses' physical assaults of their ability to do her actual harm, somehow, but there were really times she wished her natural defences worked more like she'd seen other navis' and and just physically stop things altogether. Ick.
The distraction was nevertheless an extra moment or two for her to calm down the surge of charge straining inside her, and another small pulse of sparks left her breathing mostly normally gain. The ache I her muscles started to fade, leaving something that only felt like a more normal post-exercise heat and fatigue. Lyntael began to move, gathering data; she reached for the large sword that had been left behind, tugging it first with one hand, then with both before she managed to lift it free and heft it. Her stance widened as she braced to support it properly. Powerful, but not really a good fit for her. She held it outward and let the weapon convert into a slim string of faint green data that coiled around her wrist and raced up her arm, to setting into a circling pattern around her emblem for now, alongside the other thread already waiting there.
It was only as she completed this minor operation that Lyntael turned to see the still-stunned raccoon virus, dazed and trembling nearby. An unpleasant feeling of shock and... some other feeling she couldn't place... shot across her chest as her eyes widened.
“I... I'm sorry, I-” Unbidden, her gaze cast around the rest of the area, where any other viruses had either fled in fear, or been destroyed. They'd attacked her, though, hadn't they? Surely they'd attacked first... She took a step back, lost for what to say. They must have attacked first; they'd been aggressive. The past few moments of hectic conflict were suddenly unclear in her mind. No, no, one of them had shot at her, before she did anything, she was sure of that. He eyes went back to the pacified virus. “I'm sorry, I didn't-” The words came up again, unbidden, but Rogan's voice cut over her mumbling a moment later.
“Lyntael, you're clean. I need you in the network, now.” She let his words stop her own voice, then gave an uncertain nod to the empty air. Another back step and another, faster nod was all she had the wherewithal for before Lyntael turned and fled from the scene of her confusion, activating the entry address and letting its light carry her away to the redirected internal address.
“Eeughh....” The delayed response memory of the Spooky's tongue dragging up the inside of one thigh and over her midsection, and leaving its gross trail, made the girl immediately step back from her stance and begin running her hands over the affected areas, trying to scrape it off. It was good, she knew, that her barriers sapped most viruses' physical assaults of their ability to do her actual harm, somehow, but there were really times she wished her natural defences worked more like she'd seen other navis' and and just physically stop things altogether. Ick.
The distraction was nevertheless an extra moment or two for her to calm down the surge of charge straining inside her, and another small pulse of sparks left her breathing mostly normally gain. The ache I her muscles started to fade, leaving something that only felt like a more normal post-exercise heat and fatigue. Lyntael began to move, gathering data; she reached for the large sword that had been left behind, tugging it first with one hand, then with both before she managed to lift it free and heft it. Her stance widened as she braced to support it properly. Powerful, but not really a good fit for her. She held it outward and let the weapon convert into a slim string of faint green data that coiled around her wrist and raced up her arm, to setting into a circling pattern around her emblem for now, alongside the other thread already waiting there.
It was only as she completed this minor operation that Lyntael turned to see the still-stunned raccoon virus, dazed and trembling nearby. An unpleasant feeling of shock and... some other feeling she couldn't place... shot across her chest as her eyes widened.
“I... I'm sorry, I-” Unbidden, her gaze cast around the rest of the area, where any other viruses had either fled in fear, or been destroyed. They'd attacked her, though, hadn't they? Surely they'd attacked first... She took a step back, lost for what to say. They must have attacked first; they'd been aggressive. The past few moments of hectic conflict were suddenly unclear in her mind. No, no, one of them had shot at her, before she did anything, she was sure of that. He eyes went back to the pacified virus. “I'm sorry, I didn't-” The words came up again, unbidden, but Rogan's voice cut over her mumbling a moment later.
“Lyntael, you're clean. I need you in the network, now.” She let his words stop her own voice, then gave an uncertain nod to the empty air. Another back step and another, faster nod was all she had the wherewithal for before Lyntael turned and fled from the scene of her confusion, activating the entry address and letting its light carry her away to the redirected internal address.
last edited by Rogan
The transit left Lyntael standing in a clear space that held a briefly metallic, static scent in her senses before fading to nothing. As she blinked and looked around, Lyntael paused and closed her eyes again; when she opened them, the oddity remained. The network space she'd been transported to looked mostly like general store, with rows of shelves and an aesthetic design that was intended to give navigators something tactile and real to interact with... but there was an element of glass-like transparency to all of it. From the doorway, she could see the shelves to her left, each with labels and product displays, but she could also see the shelf behind the products, and then the next shelf, on the opposite side of the aisle, with produces of its own.
Complex meshes of substructure ran through everything she could see here, as though it had all been reduced to structural shells and latices. The lack of opacity in anything was dizzying. On instinct, Lyntael looked down at herself and bit back a mortified squeak. Her own body had remained unaffected, save for a visible tracery of the electrical current running through her and suffusing her skin, somehow visible within her form; more problematic was the fact that she could see this, because her clothes had not been spared in the same way; the visible structure of her shoes and socks, her vest, skirt and even her underwear each did nothing to obscure what was beneath. She moved, on instinct, to cover herself and found herself pressing the real and tangible presence of her vest and skirt to her body in futility.
“Rogan! Sir, this is-” The first words came out in shrill panic before she tried to force a normal tone back to her voice. “This space wasn't intended for Navigators, I don't think, sir.” The realisation that she wasn't even going to be able to find anything to cover herself properly with, since everything in the space had the same lack of opacity, settled in gradually and she sighed, still holding one hand across her chest and pressing her thighs together for as long as she could reasonably keep it up. Rogan's voice answered a moment later.
“No, that's correct, but I've reviewed what I can and you should be safe. I can't maintain the visual feed directly where you are now, Lyntael, not and maintain my own dive. Are you able to progress and keep the mask in place?” There was no hint of any surprise or second-hand embarrassment in his voice, and the calm focus of it let her release a long breath and relax slightly. He wasn't watching. As it often did, the relief came with a niggling, thin worm of disappointment, sneaking in unbidden amongst her other feelings. She didn't want to be leered at, of course; she didn't... but it was hard to shoo away the thought that she might like it if he got a glimpse, by accident, and liked what he saw. There was something else too, that caused the small curl of a grin to sneak onto one corner of her lips. He didn't know, but she did; she could work like this, and talk to him like this, and he wouldn't know. The thought distracted her... why was that thought... interesting? Amusing? Exciting? There was no reason for it, but there it was all the same. She shook her head and tried to focus. This was not the time for distractions like that.
“Ah, sorry sir. Yes, I can. I think this is fine. Mask is in place, extenuation is minor. Minimal separation risk.” Why was her heart beating faster? Focus. She swallowed, pushing those thoughts aside further and tried to get her bearings.
Apart from the transparent store space she found herself in, Lyntael could see the rest of the closed network extending away from her position, almost like a wire-frame floor plan. There was too much detail to take in all at once, but one thing that caught her attention immediately was how far back and down the structure went. The surface level net, which she was sure this was a mirror of, only held the store itself, a back room, and a basement level. Here, she could see those, but the transparent, glowing structures continued down extra corridors, hidden behind supposedly bluff walls, or in one case a cold storage fridge, and travelled further into a much deeper network of rooms and halls.
She felt Rogan's dive begin to progress again, its presence in her mind shifting as it jumped from one connection to another through restricted links. Lyntael glanced down at her body again and forced her hands away in to a more relaxed position. There was nothing to be done about it, and it was time to move. Following her operator's direction, she moved around the front counter and into the store's back room, then reached towards the section of shelf that ought to lead into a new corridor. At first, she looked for a switch, or something to pull, but then a different thought struck her and she blinked, carefully peering through the different layers of objects to find the seam of the doorway, then traced it back to the mechanism, and finally to the actual exterior switch, hidden a few feet away, behind a different shelf. There was one benefit to the odd transparency, at least.
As the door slid open and Lyntael darted through into the hall beyond, it quickly led to a ladder, down, and then a broader corridor; there were no details for her to pick out here, at least not many, but it made the movement that caught her eye all the more pronounced. At the edges of the network space, the similarly transparent wireframes of viruses shifted; they didn't seem to be able to damage the network, like this, but had just passively saturated the place, as they did with everything in the lower networks. She wasn't sure if any of them had noticed her yet, but moved forward carefully anyway, keeping pace with Rogan's dive.
((Ready for Battle 3))
Complex meshes of substructure ran through everything she could see here, as though it had all been reduced to structural shells and latices. The lack of opacity in anything was dizzying. On instinct, Lyntael looked down at herself and bit back a mortified squeak. Her own body had remained unaffected, save for a visible tracery of the electrical current running through her and suffusing her skin, somehow visible within her form; more problematic was the fact that she could see this, because her clothes had not been spared in the same way; the visible structure of her shoes and socks, her vest, skirt and even her underwear each did nothing to obscure what was beneath. She moved, on instinct, to cover herself and found herself pressing the real and tangible presence of her vest and skirt to her body in futility.
“Rogan! Sir, this is-” The first words came out in shrill panic before she tried to force a normal tone back to her voice. “This space wasn't intended for Navigators, I don't think, sir.” The realisation that she wasn't even going to be able to find anything to cover herself properly with, since everything in the space had the same lack of opacity, settled in gradually and she sighed, still holding one hand across her chest and pressing her thighs together for as long as she could reasonably keep it up. Rogan's voice answered a moment later.
“No, that's correct, but I've reviewed what I can and you should be safe. I can't maintain the visual feed directly where you are now, Lyntael, not and maintain my own dive. Are you able to progress and keep the mask in place?” There was no hint of any surprise or second-hand embarrassment in his voice, and the calm focus of it let her release a long breath and relax slightly. He wasn't watching. As it often did, the relief came with a niggling, thin worm of disappointment, sneaking in unbidden amongst her other feelings. She didn't want to be leered at, of course; she didn't... but it was hard to shoo away the thought that she might like it if he got a glimpse, by accident, and liked what he saw. There was something else too, that caused the small curl of a grin to sneak onto one corner of her lips. He didn't know, but she did; she could work like this, and talk to him like this, and he wouldn't know. The thought distracted her... why was that thought... interesting? Amusing? Exciting? There was no reason for it, but there it was all the same. She shook her head and tried to focus. This was not the time for distractions like that.
“Ah, sorry sir. Yes, I can. I think this is fine. Mask is in place, extenuation is minor. Minimal separation risk.” Why was her heart beating faster? Focus. She swallowed, pushing those thoughts aside further and tried to get her bearings.
Apart from the transparent store space she found herself in, Lyntael could see the rest of the closed network extending away from her position, almost like a wire-frame floor plan. There was too much detail to take in all at once, but one thing that caught her attention immediately was how far back and down the structure went. The surface level net, which she was sure this was a mirror of, only held the store itself, a back room, and a basement level. Here, she could see those, but the transparent, glowing structures continued down extra corridors, hidden behind supposedly bluff walls, or in one case a cold storage fridge, and travelled further into a much deeper network of rooms and halls.
She felt Rogan's dive begin to progress again, its presence in her mind shifting as it jumped from one connection to another through restricted links. Lyntael glanced down at her body again and forced her hands away in to a more relaxed position. There was nothing to be done about it, and it was time to move. Following her operator's direction, she moved around the front counter and into the store's back room, then reached towards the section of shelf that ought to lead into a new corridor. At first, she looked for a switch, or something to pull, but then a different thought struck her and she blinked, carefully peering through the different layers of objects to find the seam of the doorway, then traced it back to the mechanism, and finally to the actual exterior switch, hidden a few feet away, behind a different shelf. There was one benefit to the odd transparency, at least.
As the door slid open and Lyntael darted through into the hall beyond, it quickly led to a ladder, down, and then a broader corridor; there were no details for her to pick out here, at least not many, but it made the movement that caught her eye all the more pronounced. At the edges of the network space, the similarly transparent wireframes of viruses shifted; they didn't seem to be able to damage the network, like this, but had just passively saturated the place, as they did with everything in the lower networks. She wasn't sure if any of them had noticed her yet, but moved forward carefully anyway, keeping pace with Rogan's dive.
((Ready for Battle 3))
last edited by Kemix1006
Unfortunately for Lyn, she was soon spotted by the same viruses that she had spotted at the far end of the corridor, a silent alarm beginning to sound off as her way back was closed off and to either side, she could see more wireframes of the viruses on the network beginning to close in from either side of the corridor. Unfortunately, her battle routines were locked in, as more and more viruses began to investigate the signal.
Though the corridor seemed somewhat limited in it's size, it would quickly expand to become a fairly sterile battlefield for her to fight in, as well as a quartet of wireframe rock cubes began to materialize across the field in a fairly loose, wide, diamond shape. Though she could see through them, the viruses in their wireframes would invade the field from the north, and though devoid of "solid" forms, they were no less deadly and likely susceptible to Lyntael's attacks as their forms and names began to pop up...a Heavier, Spooky, Sparkler and Cloudier began to encroach from the north, east and west of the field. And then came her quarry, the Handy, materializing on the rough middle of the field in all it's wireframe glory...and thankfully, they didn't exactly seem to care about Lyn's "predicament".
-- Viruses --
HeavierHeavier (Heavy)
Heavy viruses move slowly, and only dodge when they attack. When a Heavy attacks, it teleports to a position to the left or right of the intended target, and proceeds to try to ram the target with a quick sideways motion. The number of times it will consecutively attempt to ram the target before teleporting back to its starting position depends entirely on the number of actions the virus has. Teleporting before and after the attack do not require an action. Movement and attacking are one and the same to this virus, thus even a non-attack collision with it is damaging.
Area: Yoka, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Netopia
HP: 125
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Line Attack + Impact + Break
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Teleports into enemy area, shakes side to side, and slams into everything in it's path. Can attack up to 3 enemies at once.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Shake2, Zenny
Special: Uses Areagrab as a free action.: 125 HP (At the far end of the corridor)
Spooky2Spooky2 (Spooky)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Netopia
HP: 80
Attack: 30 Null
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Teleports up to the opponent and slaps with its long tongue.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Recover30, Recover50 (Uncommon), Recover80 (Rare), Invis2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Can teleport at will.
- Can use Recover 80 on any virus below 1/2 HP: 80 HP (Moving in from the north-west)
SparklerSparkler (Sparky)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA, SciLab
HP: 160
Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Elec to close group, break, impact
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Zips in rotation around the battlefield, attempting to slam its electrically-charged body into enemies.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Satellite2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. One free dodge against each opponent. If this virus makes contact with an object on the battlefield, it will begin to slowly orbit the object and loses its ability to dodge.: 160 HP (Beginning to close in from the west)
CloudierCloudier (Cloudy)
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo
HP: 140
Attack: 80 Aqua + Group Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a rainstorm that lasts 2 turns.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MediumCloud, Zenny
Special: Immune to Ground Attacks.
- Rainstorm lasts 2 turns.
- Virus attacks every 3 turns.: 140 HP (At the east of the corridor) (Ground Immune)
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: 120 HP (Roughly in the middle of the corridor)
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 330 HP (Back-middle of the Corridor, to the south)
-- Terrain -- (Field is wide enough to move about and dodge in, corridor is about the length of three movements, by about one movement and a feint to each side, making three full movements to reach one side from the other)
100% Normal
-- Objects -- (Objects are positioned in a rough diamond shape, no more than a movement away from each other, objects will fully recover HP at the end of each turn or, if destroyed, recover at half-health at the start of the turn _after_ their destruction)
Faux-Rock Cube A: 40 HP (Near Lyntael, about a feint forwards) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube B: 40 HP (Towards the middle, off to the left) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube C: 40 HP (Towards the middle, off to the right) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube D: 40 HP (Roughly two movements ahead from where Lyntael is at) (Anchored)
Battle Mode: SURVIVAL!
Crap! Viruses are enchroaching upon you! Survive three turns to open up an escape!
Three more viruses join each turn, to a max of seven per turn!
All deleted viruses drop bug frags, kill em all for more rewards!
-- Rogue Battle 3 Ready? Battle Routine, set! EXECUTE!! --
Though the corridor seemed somewhat limited in it's size, it would quickly expand to become a fairly sterile battlefield for her to fight in, as well as a quartet of wireframe rock cubes began to materialize across the field in a fairly loose, wide, diamond shape. Though she could see through them, the viruses in their wireframes would invade the field from the north, and though devoid of "solid" forms, they were no less deadly and likely susceptible to Lyntael's attacks as their forms and names began to pop up...a Heavier, Spooky, Sparkler and Cloudier began to encroach from the north, east and west of the field. And then came her quarry, the Handy, materializing on the rough middle of the field in all it's wireframe glory...and thankfully, they didn't exactly seem to care about Lyn's "predicament".
-- Viruses --
HeavierHeavier (Heavy)
Heavy viruses move slowly, and only dodge when they attack. When a Heavy attacks, it teleports to a position to the left or right of the intended target, and proceeds to try to ram the target with a quick sideways motion. The number of times it will consecutively attempt to ram the target before teleporting back to its starting position depends entirely on the number of actions the virus has. Teleporting before and after the attack do not require an action. Movement and attacking are one and the same to this virus, thus even a non-attack collision with it is damaging.
Area: Yoka, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Netopia
HP: 125
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Line Attack + Impact + Break
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Teleports into enemy area, shakes side to side, and slams into everything in it's path. Can attack up to 3 enemies at once.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Shake2, Zenny
Special: Uses Areagrab as a free action.: 125 HP (At the far end of the corridor)
Spooky2Spooky2 (Spooky)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Netopia
HP: 80
Attack: 30 Null
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Teleports up to the opponent and slaps with its long tongue.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Recover30, Recover50 (Uncommon), Recover80 (Rare), Invis2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Can teleport at will.
- Can use Recover 80 on any virus below 1/2 HP: 80 HP (Moving in from the north-west)
SparklerSparkler (Sparky)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA, SciLab
HP: 160
Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Elec to close group, break, impact
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Zips in rotation around the battlefield, attempting to slam its electrically-charged body into enemies.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Satellite2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. One free dodge against each opponent. If this virus makes contact with an object on the battlefield, it will begin to slowly orbit the object and loses its ability to dodge.: 160 HP (Beginning to close in from the west)
CloudierCloudier (Cloudy)
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo
HP: 140
Attack: 80 Aqua + Group Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a rainstorm that lasts 2 turns.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MediumCloud, Zenny
Special: Immune to Ground Attacks.
- Rainstorm lasts 2 turns.
- Virus attacks every 3 turns.: 140 HP (At the east of the corridor) (Ground Immune)
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: 120 HP (Roughly in the middle of the corridor)
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 330 HP (Back-middle of the Corridor, to the south)
-- Terrain -- (Field is wide enough to move about and dodge in, corridor is about the length of three movements, by about one movement and a feint to each side, making three full movements to reach one side from the other)
100% Normal
- No effects.
-- Objects -- (Objects are positioned in a rough diamond shape, no more than a movement away from each other, objects will fully recover HP at the end of each turn or, if destroyed, recover at half-health at the start of the turn _after_ their destruction)
Faux-Rock Cube A: 40 HP (Near Lyntael, about a feint forwards) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube B: 40 HP (Towards the middle, off to the left) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube C: 40 HP (Towards the middle, off to the right) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube D: 40 HP (Roughly two movements ahead from where Lyntael is at) (Anchored)
Battle Mode: SURVIVAL!
Crap! Viruses are enchroaching upon you! Survive three turns to open up an escape!
Three more viruses join each turn, to a max of seven per turn!
All deleted viruses drop bug frags, kill em all for more rewards!
-- Rogue Battle 3 Ready? Battle Routine, set! EXECUTE!! --
last edited by Rogan
Lyntael's glance snapped around as the quarantine lock closed into place behind her, then back again as the effect seemed to draw attention from many of the nearby viruses. The immediate urge to cover herself again sprang forward in her mind, but she forced her hands to stillness; she couldn't fight like that, and the viruses she was seeing nearest didn't really seem like the kind to really understand her embarrassment anyway. Well... except the spooky... Lyntael grit her teeth and began to dart forward towards the nearby obstacles for cover – physical at least, if not visual.
As she moved, her skin began the ripple with light patterns dancing just beneath the surface and the air around her crackled as her charge stirred, rising in her chest and ready to burst outward at the first sign of danger. She still hadn't calmed down completely from the last scuffle, and the energy answered quickly, without any conscious thought from the girl. As she rushed towards the eastern cube, sliding in behind it, the static reverb tore at the air around her while her barrier formed, indiscriminately scouring at stone and any over-eager viruses alike.
“Rogan, wait! I think there's some sort of quarantine here. I don't think it saw me, exactly... It's for the main network... but it triggered automatically when the path was opened. I think it'll take a few moments to clear, and I can't progress until it does.” Crouching on one knee behind the rock, Lyntael looked through it to assess the rest of the field again. She couldn't exactly hide from them, in this state, but the stones were still tangible enough for cover. Looking out further, she could see more movement outside the passage walls – more things were being drawn in by the commotion, too. That was a problem.
“Understood. Mask integrity?” Rogan's voice answered her, calm and serious, and Lyntael drew a longer breath of her own, relaxing some of her own sudden tension.
“Stable, sir. Low chance of separation, but stable. The lock should clear automatically soon, and I'll be able to move as soon as it does. I've got some viruses that have noticed, sir, but I should be able to lose them once the lock clears.” Lyntael looked to each target she could while she answered, then nodded to herself. Extra explosives from the handy needed to be stopped early, but her gaze lingered for a moment on the ghost virus, a little further off. She'd had enough over the usually-lecherous spooky family, and their gross tongues. With a short breath to steady herself, the girl gripped the stone and vaulted over it into the centre of the space. She let her body turn over her hands while her charge surged in anticipation, one leading leg whipping forward and slamming out as she finished the flip.
Electricity rose through her, drawing in to unite before surging out again through her leading kick; she was still a distance from the handy in the centre, but as her foot cut towards the ground in front of her it drew a slicing arc of lighting that surged forward, cutting towards the giant hand with scything force before bursting with a flare of light. Sparks scattered out in all direction from the surge, but one particularly strong secondary arc lashed out towards the Spooky virus while the weight of the main charge spent itself in energetic bursting around her main target.
“Good. I can keep one eye on your position. We'll resume as soon as I see you move forward again.” As the expenditure stole her breath briefly, Lyntael felt a short moment of shock at Rogan's wording, but quelled it just as hard; he'd said he couldn't see, other than data, and she had more important things to focus on. Every time she caught sight of her own body moving beneath the transparent shapes of her outfit, it caused another small spike of nerves... and odd excitement... but she pushed through it, cheeks hot. She panted, taking a deeper breath, then rolled to one side, re-taking her stance and darting back and away again, towards the northern block. There were more coming and she had to pace herself, she knew that. Her glance flicked back to see if the sparking one had managed to get stuck on one of the other blocks like she hoped – it looked and felt dangerous, and she had no intention of getting close to the thing if she could avoid it.
L*) First Armour: 20Hp Casing (as subtle outfit reinforcement)
L1) A Burning Ache: (40hp Barrier, Buster Charge, Counter(On Hit): ShotBase(50)Elec, Nova2, Shot-type, A, (Self-Slow), (Overcharge -2 on Set, +1 On Trigger)
L2) Move, to take cover on the east side of the eastern cube.
L*) Slipstream: 21 Nova2, B, along movement path, once per target in range
L3) My Anger Directed: (Multi-Stage: (Take Aim), then (ShotBase(50)Elec, Spread1, Break, Impact, Slashing, Shot-type, A), then (Buster Shot (30 x 5 Hits, A), (Charge-Burner(1)), (Overcharge +4) @ Handy, Spread North-west towards Spooky
L4) Dodge (Back behind cover if possible)
L5) A Fresh Start: (SupportBase(20), Status Cure, Feint), (Overcharge -2) Towards north block
L*) Fast Armour: 20Hp Casing Refresh
L6) Buster Charge
Cooldowns and Overcharge
A Burning Ache: 4TCD
A Fresh Start: 2TCD
My Anger Directed: 4TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 4, A Burning Ache (-2/set +1/trigger), My Anger Directed (+4), A Fresh Start (-2), End: +4/+5
As she moved, her skin began the ripple with light patterns dancing just beneath the surface and the air around her crackled as her charge stirred, rising in her chest and ready to burst outward at the first sign of danger. She still hadn't calmed down completely from the last scuffle, and the energy answered quickly, without any conscious thought from the girl. As she rushed towards the eastern cube, sliding in behind it, the static reverb tore at the air around her while her barrier formed, indiscriminately scouring at stone and any over-eager viruses alike.
“Rogan, wait! I think there's some sort of quarantine here. I don't think it saw me, exactly... It's for the main network... but it triggered automatically when the path was opened. I think it'll take a few moments to clear, and I can't progress until it does.” Crouching on one knee behind the rock, Lyntael looked through it to assess the rest of the field again. She couldn't exactly hide from them, in this state, but the stones were still tangible enough for cover. Looking out further, she could see more movement outside the passage walls – more things were being drawn in by the commotion, too. That was a problem.
“Understood. Mask integrity?” Rogan's voice answered her, calm and serious, and Lyntael drew a longer breath of her own, relaxing some of her own sudden tension.
“Stable, sir. Low chance of separation, but stable. The lock should clear automatically soon, and I'll be able to move as soon as it does. I've got some viruses that have noticed, sir, but I should be able to lose them once the lock clears.” Lyntael looked to each target she could while she answered, then nodded to herself. Extra explosives from the handy needed to be stopped early, but her gaze lingered for a moment on the ghost virus, a little further off. She'd had enough over the usually-lecherous spooky family, and their gross tongues. With a short breath to steady herself, the girl gripped the stone and vaulted over it into the centre of the space. She let her body turn over her hands while her charge surged in anticipation, one leading leg whipping forward and slamming out as she finished the flip.
Electricity rose through her, drawing in to unite before surging out again through her leading kick; she was still a distance from the handy in the centre, but as her foot cut towards the ground in front of her it drew a slicing arc of lighting that surged forward, cutting towards the giant hand with scything force before bursting with a flare of light. Sparks scattered out in all direction from the surge, but one particularly strong secondary arc lashed out towards the Spooky virus while the weight of the main charge spent itself in energetic bursting around her main target.
“Good. I can keep one eye on your position. We'll resume as soon as I see you move forward again.” As the expenditure stole her breath briefly, Lyntael felt a short moment of shock at Rogan's wording, but quelled it just as hard; he'd said he couldn't see, other than data, and she had more important things to focus on. Every time she caught sight of her own body moving beneath the transparent shapes of her outfit, it caused another small spike of nerves... and odd excitement... but she pushed through it, cheeks hot. She panted, taking a deeper breath, then rolled to one side, re-taking her stance and darting back and away again, towards the northern block. There were more coming and she had to pace herself, she knew that. Her glance flicked back to see if the sparking one had managed to get stuck on one of the other blocks like she hoped – it looked and felt dangerous, and she had no intention of getting close to the thing if she could avoid it.
L*) First Armour: 20Hp Casing (as subtle outfit reinforcement)
L1) A Burning Ache: (40hp Barrier, Buster Charge, Counter(On Hit): ShotBase(50)Elec, Nova2, Shot-type, A, (Self-Slow), (Overcharge -2 on Set, +1 On Trigger)
L2) Move, to take cover on the east side of the eastern cube.
L*) Slipstream: 21 Nova2, B, along movement path, once per target in range
L3) My Anger Directed: (Multi-Stage: (Take Aim), then (ShotBase(50)Elec, Spread1, Break, Impact, Slashing, Shot-type, A), then (Buster Shot (30 x 5 Hits, A), (Charge-Burner(1)), (Overcharge +4) @ Handy, Spread North-west towards Spooky
L4) Dodge (Back behind cover if possible)
L5) A Fresh Start: (SupportBase(20), Status Cure, Feint), (Overcharge -2) Towards north block
L*) Fast Armour: 20Hp Casing Refresh
L6) Buster Charge
Cooldowns and Overcharge
A Burning Ache: 4TCD
A Fresh Start: 2TCD
My Anger Directed: 4TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 4, A Burning Ache (-2/set +1/trigger), My Anger Directed (+4), A Fresh Start (-2), End: +4/+5
last edited by Kemix1006
As her body continued to charge with electricity and she made her move, the Heavy would teleport in from the side and begin to attempt to slam into her from her previous position and swing about from side to side, but unfortunately it failed to live up to it's name as Lyntael scurried away from the attack by a wide margin, headed towards the eastern object as the Spooky would teleport in and make a licking attempt...barely managing to catch her arm as it did, triggering her defenses as it did, a blast of electricity catching both Spooky and Heavier (50 to both) as well as catching the two in her slipstream as she got away (21 to both). As the Sparkler made it's attempt to attack, zipping through the field at lightning quickness and getting stuck on the western block as it tried to pass by it, leading to it sloooooowly circling around it and getting stuck in it's orbit, unable to escape.
That was one problem that thankfully solved itself as she began to direct her anger at the Spooky and Handy in her way to prevent the former from nuking her field of defenses, smacking the Handy with both the inital strike...and then crushing it and the spooky (50 to both, 30x5 to handy2) leaving little in her path as the sparks settled. This would lead the Cloudier to make it's move against her, sending a downpour across the area, destroying the block unfortunately, but Lyntael avoided getting a cold shower just barely as she moved towards the north, after reinforcing the block. This would give the signal to allow more viruses in, as a SECOND Handy2 would join the fight much to her dismay, as well as a pair of little round wireframes with antennas...probably the second tier of Maru viruses if her memory served her right, but regardless, a small click sounded out as one round ended and another began as the Heavier returned to it's starting position, a wireframe grin on it's dumbell sides, ready to slide into Lyn.
-- Viruses --
HeavierHeavier (Heavy)
Heavy viruses move slowly, and only dodge when they attack. When a Heavy attacks, it teleports to a position to the left or right of the intended target, and proceeds to try to ram the target with a quick sideways motion. The number of times it will consecutively attempt to ram the target before teleporting back to its starting position depends entirely on the number of actions the virus has. Teleporting before and after the attack do not require an action. Movement and attacking are one and the same to this virus, thus even a non-attack collision with it is damaging.
Area: Yoka, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Netopia
HP: 125
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Line Attack + Impact + Break
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Teleports into enemy area, shakes side to side, and slams into everything in it's path. Can attack up to 3 enemies at once.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Shake2, Zenny
Special: Uses Areagrab as a free action.: 54 HP (At the far end of the corridor, slightly charred)
Spooky2Spooky2 (Spooky)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Netopia
HP: 80
Attack: 30 Null
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Teleports up to the opponent and slaps with its long tongue.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Recover30, Recover50 (Uncommon), Recover80 (Rare), Invis2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Can teleport at will.
- Can use Recover 80 on any virus below 1/2 HP: OVERKILL
SparklerSparkler (Sparky)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA, SciLab
HP: 160
Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Elec to close group, break, impact
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Zips in rotation around the battlefield, attempting to slam its electrically-charged body into enemies.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Satellite2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. One free dodge against each opponent. If this virus makes contact with an object on the battlefield, it will begin to slowly orbit the object and loses its ability to dodge.: 160 HP (Stuck on the western object, circling slowly)
CloudierCloudier (Cloudy)
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo
HP: 140
Attack: 80 Aqua + Group Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a rainstorm that lasts 2 turns.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MediumCloud, Zenny
Special: Immune to Ground Attacks.
- Rainstorm lasts 2 turns.
- Virus attacks every 3 turns.: 140 HP (At the east of the corridor) (Ground Immune) (Attacking the Eastern cube area, attack ends next turn, still mobile)
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: EXTRA CRISPY
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: 120 HP (Materialized in the west, near the faux-cube)
Maru-10Maru-10 (Maru)
Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster2, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
Special: Can use Barrier once. A: 90 HP (Near Maru-10B in the south)
Maru-10Maru-10 (Maru)
Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster2, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
Special: Can use Barrier once. B: 90 HP (Near Maru-10A in the south)
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 350 HP (To the left of the northern block) (Casing20)(Barrier10)
-- Terrain -- (Field is wide enough to move about and dodge in, corridor is about the length of three movements, by about one movement and a feint to each side, making three full movements to reach one side from the other)
100% Normal
-- Objects -- (Objects are positioned in a rough diamond shape, no more than a movement away from each other, objects will fully recover HP at the end of each turn or, if destroyed, recover at half-health at the start of the turn _after_ their destruction)
Faux-Rock Cube A: 40 HP (In the South) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube B: 0 HP (Towards the middle, off to the East) (Anchored) (REFORMING, 1 turn)
Faux-Rock Cube C: 40 HP (Towards the middle, off to the West) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube D: 40 HP (In the North) (Anchored)
Turn Uno done! Begin turn Dos!
That was one problem that thankfully solved itself as she began to direct her anger at the Spooky and Handy in her way to prevent the former from nuking her field of defenses, smacking the Handy with both the inital strike...and then crushing it and the spooky (50 to both, 30x5 to handy2) leaving little in her path as the sparks settled. This would lead the Cloudier to make it's move against her, sending a downpour across the area, destroying the block unfortunately, but Lyntael avoided getting a cold shower just barely as she moved towards the north, after reinforcing the block. This would give the signal to allow more viruses in, as a SECOND Handy2 would join the fight much to her dismay, as well as a pair of little round wireframes with antennas...probably the second tier of Maru viruses if her memory served her right, but regardless, a small click sounded out as one round ended and another began as the Heavier returned to it's starting position, a wireframe grin on it's dumbell sides, ready to slide into Lyn.
-- Viruses --
HeavierHeavier (Heavy)
Heavy viruses move slowly, and only dodge when they attack. When a Heavy attacks, it teleports to a position to the left or right of the intended target, and proceeds to try to ram the target with a quick sideways motion. The number of times it will consecutively attempt to ram the target before teleporting back to its starting position depends entirely on the number of actions the virus has. Teleporting before and after the attack do not require an action. Movement and attacking are one and the same to this virus, thus even a non-attack collision with it is damaging.
Area: Yoka, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Netopia
HP: 125
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Line Attack + Impact + Break
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Teleports into enemy area, shakes side to side, and slams into everything in it's path. Can attack up to 3 enemies at once.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Shake2, Zenny
Special: Uses Areagrab as a free action.: 54 HP (At the far end of the corridor, slightly charred)
Spooky2Spooky2 (Spooky)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Netopia
HP: 80
Attack: 30 Null
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Teleports up to the opponent and slaps with its long tongue.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Recover30, Recover50 (Uncommon), Recover80 (Rare), Invis2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Can teleport at will.
- Can use Recover 80 on any virus below 1/2 HP: OVERKILL
SparklerSparkler (Sparky)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA, SciLab
HP: 160
Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Elec to close group, break, impact
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Zips in rotation around the battlefield, attempting to slam its electrically-charged body into enemies.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Satellite2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. One free dodge against each opponent. If this virus makes contact with an object on the battlefield, it will begin to slowly orbit the object and loses its ability to dodge.: 160 HP (Stuck on the western object, circling slowly)
CloudierCloudier (Cloudy)
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo
HP: 140
Attack: 80 Aqua + Group Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a rainstorm that lasts 2 turns.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MediumCloud, Zenny
Special: Immune to Ground Attacks.
- Rainstorm lasts 2 turns.
- Virus attacks every 3 turns.: 140 HP (At the east of the corridor) (Ground Immune) (Attacking the Eastern cube area, attack ends next turn, still mobile)
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: EXTRA CRISPY
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: 120 HP (Materialized in the west, near the faux-cube)
Maru-10Maru-10 (Maru)
Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster2, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
Special: Can use Barrier once. A: 90 HP (Near Maru-10B in the south)
Maru-10Maru-10 (Maru)
Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster2, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
Special: Can use Barrier once. B: 90 HP (Near Maru-10A in the south)
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 350 HP (To the left of the northern block) (Casing20)(Barrier10)
-- Terrain -- (Field is wide enough to move about and dodge in, corridor is about the length of three movements, by about one movement and a feint to each side, making three full movements to reach one side from the other)
100% Normal
- No effects.
-- Objects -- (Objects are positioned in a rough diamond shape, no more than a movement away from each other, objects will fully recover HP at the end of each turn or, if destroyed, recover at half-health at the start of the turn _after_ their destruction)
Faux-Rock Cube A: 40 HP (In the South) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube B: 0 HP (Towards the middle, off to the East) (Anchored) (REFORMING, 1 turn)
Faux-Rock Cube C: 40 HP (Towards the middle, off to the West) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube D: 40 HP (In the North) (Anchored)
Turn Uno done! Begin turn Dos!
last edited by Rogan
Crouching low, Lyntael winced as she took note of each new virus drawn to the current commotion. She couldn't' stay here, or it was just going to get worse at this rate. Her eyes flicked briefly up towards the northern end of the corridor, where the quarantine lock was still holding closed; surely it wouldn't say like that for too much longer. Her breath had started to come harder as she fought – nothing unbearable yet, but she could feel the swell of her charge pressing and building inside her, answering each expenditure in turn and filling her. There was a warm burn in her limbs and her chest and she grit her teeth, turning back to the viral threats, remaining and new alike.
The large sparking one had indeed gotten stuck for now, so as long as she didn't go close it ought to be safe, but her attention was drawn towards another pair of smaller electrical pulses – more erratic, faster and at a glance, more keenly intent on closing in on her. That was a problem. Like this, she cold just see the shape, round orbs with small antennae, and a small thread in her mind wondered what they looked like normally. She pushed it aside as she began to move.
Vaulting quickly, she swung herself over the cube to the other side and fixed her sight on the rain cloud closest; the storm had missed her the first time, but it was too close for comfort while she needed to focus on other things. She embraced the swelling charge and let it gather in her chest before her hands snapped outwards, wrists together. The shearing flow of energy lanced out in a crackling line towards the virus, but as it seared upwards Lyntael focused, wincing, and dragged her right hand away. With the tail end of the rush of expending power, a far more erratic spray of individual energy pulses scattered southward across the field towards the pair of smaller electrical viruses as they approached. They seemed fast and evasive, but as long as she could land a few shots, amongst the scattering, they might not be too sturdy.
She wavered for a moment as the waved of force left her drained; her stance widened in a half-stagger as her head dropped and the empty void inside her ached. There was enough time for her downcast eyes to pass over her exposed, open stance and another fierce blush of heat raced back through her along with the roar of her charge cycling back up and filling the emptiness with furious current that demanded to be spent.
No time to waver. She grit her teeth and pushed both her own momentary embarrassment, and the straining, burning sensation, away. Two zipping electric balls were the biggest threat, and she needed them gone. Lyntael took a breath and blew it out again, then dashed forward. Quick steps carried her across the transparent, wireframed space towards the pair as quickly as she could. A quick dart to one side was followed by a back step that let her end the momentum of her movement in a kick that sought to strike the first of the little bugs to one side and knock it off balance, if that was possible. As she landed, her other foot followed through with a second attempt before she dropped into a brief crouch and sprang up again with a pair of quick rising punches. Her body swung past the virus as she twisted with it, trying to keep an eye on both of the two as she wove between them. She could feel the burn of her charge straining against her skin and crackling in her muscles, but for now she held it off, continuing to assail the second of the two with another series of quick strikes as she circled around it. Her body pulsed with static even so, sending rolling sparks out from her to reduce some of the building energy, but Lyntael barely noticed as she tried to finish off the pair and avoid any nasty shocks from them.
L1) Action Precluded: Buster Charge
L2) Dodge (to eastern side of the north cube)
L3) 'gainst Violent Threat: Multi-Stage: (Take Aim), then (SpectralBase(75)Elec, Break, Impact, Slashing Shot-type, A), then (Buster Shot: 30 x 5 Hits, Disarm, Shot-type, A), (Charge-Burner(1)), (Overcharge +4) (Spectral shot @ Cloudy, Buster Shot @ Maru A)
L4) Dodge (Beginning to move to meet Maru)
L*) Fast Armour: 20Hp Casing Refresh
L5) Basic Buster Strike: 30 x 5 Hits, Disarm, Melee-Type, A @ Maru B
L6) With Hopeful Stride: ((Buster Strike: 30 x 5 Hits, Disarm, Melee-Type, A), then (20Elec, Nova2, Shot-type, A) (Overcharge +2) @ Maru A (or Maru B, Buster Strike lost if there's nothing close enough for her to punch or kick)
Cooldowns and Overcharge
With Hopeful Stride: 2TCD
A Burning Ache: 3TCD
A Fresh Start: 1TCD
My Anger Directed: 3TCD
'gainst Violent Threat: 4TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 5, 'gainst Violent Threat (+4), With Hopeful Stride (+2), End: 11
The large sparking one had indeed gotten stuck for now, so as long as she didn't go close it ought to be safe, but her attention was drawn towards another pair of smaller electrical pulses – more erratic, faster and at a glance, more keenly intent on closing in on her. That was a problem. Like this, she cold just see the shape, round orbs with small antennae, and a small thread in her mind wondered what they looked like normally. She pushed it aside as she began to move.
Vaulting quickly, she swung herself over the cube to the other side and fixed her sight on the rain cloud closest; the storm had missed her the first time, but it was too close for comfort while she needed to focus on other things. She embraced the swelling charge and let it gather in her chest before her hands snapped outwards, wrists together. The shearing flow of energy lanced out in a crackling line towards the virus, but as it seared upwards Lyntael focused, wincing, and dragged her right hand away. With the tail end of the rush of expending power, a far more erratic spray of individual energy pulses scattered southward across the field towards the pair of smaller electrical viruses as they approached. They seemed fast and evasive, but as long as she could land a few shots, amongst the scattering, they might not be too sturdy.
She wavered for a moment as the waved of force left her drained; her stance widened in a half-stagger as her head dropped and the empty void inside her ached. There was enough time for her downcast eyes to pass over her exposed, open stance and another fierce blush of heat raced back through her along with the roar of her charge cycling back up and filling the emptiness with furious current that demanded to be spent.
No time to waver. She grit her teeth and pushed both her own momentary embarrassment, and the straining, burning sensation, away. Two zipping electric balls were the biggest threat, and she needed them gone. Lyntael took a breath and blew it out again, then dashed forward. Quick steps carried her across the transparent, wireframed space towards the pair as quickly as she could. A quick dart to one side was followed by a back step that let her end the momentum of her movement in a kick that sought to strike the first of the little bugs to one side and knock it off balance, if that was possible. As she landed, her other foot followed through with a second attempt before she dropped into a brief crouch and sprang up again with a pair of quick rising punches. Her body swung past the virus as she twisted with it, trying to keep an eye on both of the two as she wove between them. She could feel the burn of her charge straining against her skin and crackling in her muscles, but for now she held it off, continuing to assail the second of the two with another series of quick strikes as she circled around it. Her body pulsed with static even so, sending rolling sparks out from her to reduce some of the building energy, but Lyntael barely noticed as she tried to finish off the pair and avoid any nasty shocks from them.
L1) Action Precluded: Buster Charge
L2) Dodge (to eastern side of the north cube)
L3) 'gainst Violent Threat: Multi-Stage: (Take Aim), then (SpectralBase(75)Elec, Break, Impact, Slashing Shot-type, A), then (Buster Shot: 30 x 5 Hits, Disarm, Shot-type, A), (Charge-Burner(1)), (Overcharge +4) (Spectral shot @ Cloudy, Buster Shot @ Maru A)
L4) Dodge (Beginning to move to meet Maru)
L*) Fast Armour: 20Hp Casing Refresh
L5) Basic Buster Strike: 30 x 5 Hits, Disarm, Melee-Type, A @ Maru B
L6) With Hopeful Stride: ((Buster Strike: 30 x 5 Hits, Disarm, Melee-Type, A), then (20Elec, Nova2, Shot-type, A) (Overcharge +2) @ Maru A (or Maru B, Buster Strike lost if there's nothing close enough for her to punch or kick)
Cooldowns and Overcharge
With Hopeful Stride: 2TCD
A Burning Ache: 3TCD
A Fresh Start: 1TCD
My Anger Directed: 3TCD
'gainst Violent Threat: 4TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 5, 'gainst Violent Threat (+4), With Hopeful Stride (+2), End: 11
last edited by
Working with that she had, the viruses began to encroach upon her, the Maru viruses in particular were curious of the little dancing lightning bolt they were up against, tilting their tiny bodies in confusion as they watched her charge up, most navis had clothing though was a little curious of them. The Cloudier and Sparkler, sadly, couldn't do much of anything as the storm continued along the eastern Faux-Cube and the latter virus began grinding against the cube it was attached to in frustration as it couldn't escape the pull, though the former virus was taking caution now as it watched on high.
Meanwhile, the lightly singed Heavier would begin it's strikes against her, coming in just as she moved like last time, coming in from the north just a little away from the cube as it barely missed her in it's obliviousness. Barely getting across the cube and taking her frustrations against the viruses, she would lead the bigger of the two attacks towards the Cloudier as it had been watching and just as it moved, the attack connected and erased it from the network (150!), dew scattering across the field as the smaller, more erratic attacks would begin to try and clip their way across the Maru10, just -barely- clipping the virus enough times to delete it, an electrical discharge exploding outwards next to it's partner (30x3) and making sure it couldn't coordinate attacks with it's partner in crime.
In shock at how quickly it's partner was killed, the Maru would quickly turn it's attention towards Lyntael and with an exlectrical crackle, the virus would make it's movement towards Lyntael and Lyntael would reciprocate in turn as the Handy, out of it's element here, would begin to sink downwards into the floor, returning quickly as it left a pair of bombs down on the ground, two extremely large and powerful bombs left on the eastern and western sides of the room, one after another as the two would make their way across the field and met up, the virus lashing out with prongs of electrical energy, striking against Lyntael's barrier and removing interally her body began to heat up and a glitch could be identified in her systems, leading her to lashing out against the virus, one strike managing to connect as she strode hopefully against it and connected more, leading to her managing to kill it in a flurry of blows (30)(30x2) as electricity thrummed across her body, hot and powerful needing to be discharged.
When all was said and done, a click rung out twice across the field, and three new viruses made their apparerance. A Brushman, Powie and a suspiciously silent DarkProg, twitching and malfunctioning otherwise, would enter the field ready for combat.
-- Viruses -- (Kills: handy2x1, Spooky2x1, Cloudierx1, Maru10x)
HeavierHeavier (Heavy)
Heavy viruses move slowly, and only dodge when they attack. When a Heavy attacks, it teleports to a position to the left or right of the intended target, and proceeds to try to ram the target with a quick sideways motion. The number of times it will consecutively attempt to ram the target before teleporting back to its starting position depends entirely on the number of actions the virus has. Teleporting before and after the attack do not require an action. Movement and attacking are one and the same to this virus, thus even a non-attack collision with it is damaging.
Area: Yoka, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Netopia
HP: 125
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Line Attack + Impact + Break
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Teleports into enemy area, shakes side to side, and slams into everything in it's path. Can attack up to 3 enemies at once.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Shake2, Zenny
Special: Uses Areagrab as a free action.: 54 HP (In the northern-most area of the field, slightly charred)
SparklerSparkler (Sparky)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA, SciLab
HP: 160
Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Elec to close group, break, impact
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Zips in rotation around the battlefield, attempting to slam its electrically-charged body into enemies.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Satellite2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. One free dodge against each opponent. If this virus makes contact with an object on the battlefield, it will begin to slowly orbit the object and loses its ability to dodge.: 160 HP (Stuck on the western object, circling slowly, grinding against the cube in frustration)
CloudierCloudier (Cloudy)
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo
HP: 140
Attack: 80 Aqua + Group Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a rainstorm that lasts 2 turns.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MediumCloud, Zenny
Special: Immune to Ground Attacks.
- Rainstorm lasts 2 turns.
- Virus attacks every 3 turns.: EVAPORATED!
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: 120 HP (Materialized in the west, near the faux-cube)
Maru-10Maru-10 (Maru)
Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster2, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
Special: Can use Barrier once. A: CLIPPED! (PING!)
Maru-10Maru-10 (Maru)
Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster2, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
Special: Can use Barrier once. B: STRUCK TO DEATH! (PING!)
Powie2Powie2 (Powie)
Powies are never encountered in confined spaces, like a low ceilinged cave and such (for obvious reasons). Powies also never intentionally jump to broken or missing terrain. They will, however, attempt attacks over broken or missing terrain if they see an enemy there. Powies will not attempt to attack the same target on two consecutive actions.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Netopia, Beach
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then (60 + Break + PanelCrack + Nova2)
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. They will then immediately change into a 10-ton press and fall down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake2, Zenny
Special: AirShoes.
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the virus attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.: 140 HP
Brushman2Brushman2 (Brushman)
Area: Netopia, Dentech, NetVegas
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: Small Holy Terrain Change under one ally virus or Small Lava, Ice, Magnet, or Poison Terrain Change around enemy
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Dabs its brush on the net floor to change the terrain type.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HolyPanel, MagnetSeed, LavaSeed, IceSeed, PoisonSeed (rare), Zenny
Special: Can use effect multiple times a turn. Only one will be directed underneath the opponent, the rest around. One free dodge. Can use Recover50 chip once.: 150 HP
DarkProg2DarkProg2 (DarkProg)
DarkProgs are Mr. Progs cruelly corrupted and warped to become expendable soldiers. They appear mostly as normal Mr. Progs, but their face is much more darkly colored, and have glowing white eyes, as well as missing their left arm. They attack by emitting static around themselves. While they are fairly strong attackers, especially in groups, they have poor endurance, which is only exacerbated by the fact their attacks harm themselves. They very rarely dodge, but will often try to move close to the enemy before attacking.
Area: SciLab, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Elec + Nova 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Emits some of its life energy as a static field.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: Damage x 2, Self-Sacrifice x 2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Charges up energy within itself. On its next turn, all of this virus's attacks deal +100% Source Damage, and deal twice as much damage to itself. This effect does not stack with itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RingZap2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: ElecBody: This virus takes no damage from Elec elemental attacks.
Special: Self-Sacrifice: Every time this virus uses its Primary Attack, it loses 10 HP.
Special: Can use AreaGrab once.: 120 HP
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 350 HP (Roughly between the North and West blocks, more northern than western) (Casing20)(Glitch: Overcharge! All attacks are electrically charged, leading to non-elemental attacks being Elec-Imbued! Sacrifice10 on attack actions that are elec element without being imbued with said element (EX: A signature or chip that is already elec elemental will self-damage, non-elemental attacks that are changed to Elec from this effect will not self-damage)
-- Terrain -- (Field is wide enough to move about and dodge in, corridor is about the length of three movements, by about one movement and a feint to each side, making three full movements to reach one side from the other)
100% Normal
-- Objects -- (Objects are positioned in a rough diamond shape, no more than a movement away from each other, objects will fully recover HP at the end of each turn or, if destroyed, recover at half-health at the start of the turn _after_ their destruction)
Faux-Rock Cube A: 40 HP (In the South) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube B: 20 HP (Towards the middle, off to the East) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube C: 40 HP (Towards the middle, off to the West) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube D: 40 HP (In the North) (Anchored)
TimeBomb A: 120 HP (Western-most side of the room) (Count: 1)
TimeBomb B: 120 HP (Eastern-most side of the room Count: 1)
Turn Dos over! Begin the final turn!
Meanwhile, the lightly singed Heavier would begin it's strikes against her, coming in just as she moved like last time, coming in from the north just a little away from the cube as it barely missed her in it's obliviousness. Barely getting across the cube and taking her frustrations against the viruses, she would lead the bigger of the two attacks towards the Cloudier as it had been watching and just as it moved, the attack connected and erased it from the network (150!), dew scattering across the field as the smaller, more erratic attacks would begin to try and clip their way across the Maru10, just -barely- clipping the virus enough times to delete it, an electrical discharge exploding outwards next to it's partner (30x3) and making sure it couldn't coordinate attacks with it's partner in crime.
In shock at how quickly it's partner was killed, the Maru would quickly turn it's attention towards Lyntael and with an exlectrical crackle, the virus would make it's movement towards Lyntael and Lyntael would reciprocate in turn as the Handy, out of it's element here, would begin to sink downwards into the floor, returning quickly as it left a pair of bombs down on the ground, two extremely large and powerful bombs left on the eastern and western sides of the room, one after another as the two would make their way across the field and met up, the virus lashing out with prongs of electrical energy, striking against Lyntael's barrier and removing interally her body began to heat up and a glitch could be identified in her systems, leading her to lashing out against the virus, one strike managing to connect as she strode hopefully against it and connected more, leading to her managing to kill it in a flurry of blows (30)(30x2) as electricity thrummed across her body, hot and powerful needing to be discharged.
When all was said and done, a click rung out twice across the field, and three new viruses made their apparerance. A Brushman, Powie and a suspiciously silent DarkProg, twitching and malfunctioning otherwise, would enter the field ready for combat.
-- Viruses -- (Kills: handy2x1, Spooky2x1, Cloudierx1, Maru10x)
HeavierHeavier (Heavy)
Heavy viruses move slowly, and only dodge when they attack. When a Heavy attacks, it teleports to a position to the left or right of the intended target, and proceeds to try to ram the target with a quick sideways motion. The number of times it will consecutively attempt to ram the target before teleporting back to its starting position depends entirely on the number of actions the virus has. Teleporting before and after the attack do not require an action. Movement and attacking are one and the same to this virus, thus even a non-attack collision with it is damaging.
Area: Yoka, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Netopia
HP: 125
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Line Attack + Impact + Break
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Teleports into enemy area, shakes side to side, and slams into everything in it's path. Can attack up to 3 enemies at once.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Shake2, Zenny
Special: Uses Areagrab as a free action.: 54 HP (In the northern-most area of the field, slightly charred)
SparklerSparkler (Sparky)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA, SciLab
HP: 160
Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Elec to close group, break, impact
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Zips in rotation around the battlefield, attempting to slam its electrically-charged body into enemies.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Satellite2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. One free dodge against each opponent. If this virus makes contact with an object on the battlefield, it will begin to slowly orbit the object and loses its ability to dodge.: 160 HP (Stuck on the western object, circling slowly, grinding against the cube in frustration)
CloudierCloudier (Cloudy)
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo
HP: 140
Attack: 80 Aqua + Group Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a rainstorm that lasts 2 turns.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MediumCloud, Zenny
Special: Immune to Ground Attacks.
- Rainstorm lasts 2 turns.
- Virus attacks every 3 turns.: EVAPORATED!
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: 120 HP (Materialized in the west, near the faux-cube)
Maru-10Maru-10 (Maru)
Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster2, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
Special: Can use Barrier once. A: CLIPPED! (PING!)
Maru-10Maru-10 (Maru)
Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster2, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus.
Special: Can use Barrier once. B: STRUCK TO DEATH! (PING!)
Powie2Powie2 (Powie)
Powies are never encountered in confined spaces, like a low ceilinged cave and such (for obvious reasons). Powies also never intentionally jump to broken or missing terrain. They will, however, attempt attacks over broken or missing terrain if they see an enemy there. Powies will not attempt to attack the same target on two consecutive actions.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Netopia, Beach
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then (60 + Break + PanelCrack + Nova2)
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. They will then immediately change into a 10-ton press and fall down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake2, Zenny
Special: AirShoes.
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the virus attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.: 140 HP
Brushman2Brushman2 (Brushman)
Area: Netopia, Dentech, NetVegas
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: Small Holy Terrain Change under one ally virus or Small Lava, Ice, Magnet, or Poison Terrain Change around enemy
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Dabs its brush on the net floor to change the terrain type.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HolyPanel, MagnetSeed, LavaSeed, IceSeed, PoisonSeed (rare), Zenny
Special: Can use effect multiple times a turn. Only one will be directed underneath the opponent, the rest around. One free dodge. Can use Recover50 chip once.: 150 HP
DarkProg2DarkProg2 (DarkProg)
DarkProgs are Mr. Progs cruelly corrupted and warped to become expendable soldiers. They appear mostly as normal Mr. Progs, but their face is much more darkly colored, and have glowing white eyes, as well as missing their left arm. They attack by emitting static around themselves. While they are fairly strong attackers, especially in groups, they have poor endurance, which is only exacerbated by the fact their attacks harm themselves. They very rarely dodge, but will often try to move close to the enemy before attacking.
Area: SciLab, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Elec + Nova 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Emits some of its life energy as a static field.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: Damage x 2, Self-Sacrifice x 2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Charges up energy within itself. On its next turn, all of this virus's attacks deal +100% Source Damage, and deal twice as much damage to itself. This effect does not stack with itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RingZap2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: ElecBody: This virus takes no damage from Elec elemental attacks.
Special: Self-Sacrifice: Every time this virus uses its Primary Attack, it loses 10 HP.
Special: Can use AreaGrab once.: 120 HP
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 350 HP (Roughly between the North and West blocks, more northern than western) (Casing20)(Glitch: Overcharge! All attacks are electrically charged, leading to non-elemental attacks being Elec-Imbued! Sacrifice10 on attack actions that are elec element without being imbued with said element (EX: A signature or chip that is already elec elemental will self-damage, non-elemental attacks that are changed to Elec from this effect will not self-damage)
-- Terrain -- (Field is wide enough to move about and dodge in, corridor is about the length of three movements, by about one movement and a feint to each side, making three full movements to reach one side from the other)
100% Normal
- No effects.
-- Objects -- (Objects are positioned in a rough diamond shape, no more than a movement away from each other, objects will fully recover HP at the end of each turn or, if destroyed, recover at half-health at the start of the turn _after_ their destruction)
Faux-Rock Cube A: 40 HP (In the South) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube B: 20 HP (Towards the middle, off to the East) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube C: 40 HP (Towards the middle, off to the West) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube D: 40 HP (In the North) (Anchored)
TimeBomb A: 120 HP (Western-most side of the room) (Count: 1)
TimeBomb B: 120 HP (Eastern-most side of the room Count: 1)
Turn Dos over! Begin the final turn!
last edited by Rogan
With each expenditure, Lyntael let her body flow through the instinctual motions that always came with conflict; more dance than combat, but with savage stings all the same. Each strike came with a burst of power, draining into the empty feeling before the cycle of her charge answered, harsher, fiercer each time. A crackle of foreign electricity lanced across her shoulder as she moved and the girl gasped through gritted teeth; it stung and seared, even after it had passed through her defences, and she could feel the skittering discordant twinges of it spreading through her limbs.
In a spare moment, between strikes, Lyntael caught her stance and glanced towards the far seal on the passage again. Come on... More viruses were drawing in to the continuing disturbance she was creating, with no way out of it until the lock released. She could probably force it, or Rogan could, but either option would give them away for certain. In the stolen moment, her chest heaved and she could feel her body starting to sweat. The rage of her charge was getting bad; it was burning, painfully, across every muscle in her body, but something was wrong as well – it jabbed and spiked, an extra layer of discomfort beyond the impersonal scouring of the unrelenting cycle.
She swallowed, most open as she drew breath, and pushed through the burning sensation, starting to run. As she travelled, a pulse of wavering static rolled out from her, reverberating with excess jolts as she raced past the newly arrived viruses and past the large heavy beyond, pushing her way to the door; she could feel her limbs edging towards numbness as the weight of her charge strained at her strikers, demanding release. As she passed by the Heavy, she let one strike push her up and forward into a low forward leap and twisted her form. Her other leg swept around and forward into a leading kick that flared with bright light, crackling and sending excess threads of current scattering to the ground as she let the energy flow and grant her a moment of relief from the strain. She kept moving past it as she landed, without looking back.
The moment of relief was just that; she'd barely reached the far door before the spent charge had surged upwards again, filling the empty space to bursting and pushing harder. She couldn't keep doing this at this pace; already the static was making it hard to focus on anything but the targets right in front of her, and she could feel her senses growing overwhelmed. She tried to focus on the door lock; there were viruses behind her, she knew, but she had to check the quarantine, see when it would release. Lyntael tried to take a longer breath, and hold onto her charge without sending it fully, just for a moment. Slow down, try to stabilise. The energy danced beneath her skin, forming light caustics across her entire body – visible in full for once beneath the transparent outlines of her clothes, even if no-one present had time to appreciate the effect. For Lyntael, the pattern was just one part of the surging, straining sensation of her body desperate to explode its full charge as she tried to restrain it.
The lock still hadn't released; it needed more time, and more were coming. Lyntael groaned through her teeth, turning back to look at the dangers behind her. Many, and more on the way; couldn't they just stop. Her thoughts felt hazy and static laden as she took a step back toward the fight, hunching over and gripping at her own form while she fought back the need to expend. It was too much, and she couldn't fight that many things without expending more. Frustration welled as she glared down the length of the hallway. She could feel herself tipping on the edge of a promised rush; a moment of proper relief from the overbearing pressure. It was bad to let go and embrace it, right now – some part of her mind knew that, but it was a thread of willpower against a flood of force.
“Rrahhh... Can't you... can't you all, just... Leave me. Alone!” What began as a gravel-voiced complaint became a full-bodied shriek that continued into a wracked scream as Lyntael threw her hands out, giving in to the need long enough to let it consume her. Her senses converged into white static as her thoughts were drowned by the scourging release. For a brief flash, the feeling of absolute oblivion struck something familiar; a sense of cold metal on her back, and the taste of blood in her mouth; in the same instant it was washed away along with everything else. Power flowed, roaring with successive cracks and bursts as a storm of lightning erupted from her small frame. The flaring tempest filled the corridor with rending, tearing bolts of electricity that scored across the walls and floor and grounded themselves all across the battlefield, obliterating any virus unfortunate enough to get caught by one of the erratic, uncontrolled bolts that drowned the hallway in light.
As the crackling light faded, the girl's form wavered, then crumpled from arched back and stretched out, down to a curled over, heavily panting shape, barely holding herself up on one knee. For a moment that stretched, the empty, numb void on the other side of release replaced the pain while the girl stared, unseeing, at the ground in front of her... but the emptiness lasted for only a second.
L*) Glitch: Overcharge Glitch; self-damaging electric attack overcharge generation reduced by 1, from the destructive diffusion
L1) Action Precluded: Buster Charge
L2) Move (To the North, past newcomers/Heavy, to check the quarantine lock)
L*) Slipstream: 21(Elec?) Nova2, B, along movement path, once per target in range
L3) Half-Charge Buster Strike (300Elec, Disarm, Melee-Type, A) @ Heavy (Overcharge +3)
L4) A Single Ember (SupportBase(20), Buster Charge, Strengthen 20, Counter(On Hit): ShotBase(50)Elec, Shot-Type, Nova2, A), (Self-Slow)), (Overcharge -2 on Set)
L*) Fast Armour: 20Hp Casing Refresh
L5) I Must Not Remember! (Charged Shot (300Elec, Disarm, Shot-Type, A), (Buster Charge + Charged Shot (300Elec, Disarm, Shot-Type, A) x2, Charged Shot (300Elec, Disarm, Shot-Type, A), (FolderLock), (Overcharge +11) @ Powie, DarkProg, Sparkler, Handy
L6) Action Precluded: Buster Charge
Cooldowns and Overcharge
With Hopeful Stride: 1TCD
A Burning Ache: 2TCD
A Single Ember: 4TCD
A Fresh Start: Cooling
My Anger Directed: 2TCD
'gainst Violent Threat: 3TCD
I Must Not Remember!: 6TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 11, Half-Charge Strike (+4 → +3), A Single Ember (-2), I Must Not Remember! (+12 → +11), End: 23! (Burn-out Imminent)
In a spare moment, between strikes, Lyntael caught her stance and glanced towards the far seal on the passage again. Come on... More viruses were drawing in to the continuing disturbance she was creating, with no way out of it until the lock released. She could probably force it, or Rogan could, but either option would give them away for certain. In the stolen moment, her chest heaved and she could feel her body starting to sweat. The rage of her charge was getting bad; it was burning, painfully, across every muscle in her body, but something was wrong as well – it jabbed and spiked, an extra layer of discomfort beyond the impersonal scouring of the unrelenting cycle.
She swallowed, most open as she drew breath, and pushed through the burning sensation, starting to run. As she travelled, a pulse of wavering static rolled out from her, reverberating with excess jolts as she raced past the newly arrived viruses and past the large heavy beyond, pushing her way to the door; she could feel her limbs edging towards numbness as the weight of her charge strained at her strikers, demanding release. As she passed by the Heavy, she let one strike push her up and forward into a low forward leap and twisted her form. Her other leg swept around and forward into a leading kick that flared with bright light, crackling and sending excess threads of current scattering to the ground as she let the energy flow and grant her a moment of relief from the strain. She kept moving past it as she landed, without looking back.
The moment of relief was just that; she'd barely reached the far door before the spent charge had surged upwards again, filling the empty space to bursting and pushing harder. She couldn't keep doing this at this pace; already the static was making it hard to focus on anything but the targets right in front of her, and she could feel her senses growing overwhelmed. She tried to focus on the door lock; there were viruses behind her, she knew, but she had to check the quarantine, see when it would release. Lyntael tried to take a longer breath, and hold onto her charge without sending it fully, just for a moment. Slow down, try to stabilise. The energy danced beneath her skin, forming light caustics across her entire body – visible in full for once beneath the transparent outlines of her clothes, even if no-one present had time to appreciate the effect. For Lyntael, the pattern was just one part of the surging, straining sensation of her body desperate to explode its full charge as she tried to restrain it.
The lock still hadn't released; it needed more time, and more were coming. Lyntael groaned through her teeth, turning back to look at the dangers behind her. Many, and more on the way; couldn't they just stop. Her thoughts felt hazy and static laden as she took a step back toward the fight, hunching over and gripping at her own form while she fought back the need to expend. It was too much, and she couldn't fight that many things without expending more. Frustration welled as she glared down the length of the hallway. She could feel herself tipping on the edge of a promised rush; a moment of proper relief from the overbearing pressure. It was bad to let go and embrace it, right now – some part of her mind knew that, but it was a thread of willpower against a flood of force.
“Rrahhh... Can't you... can't you all, just... Leave me. Alone!” What began as a gravel-voiced complaint became a full-bodied shriek that continued into a wracked scream as Lyntael threw her hands out, giving in to the need long enough to let it consume her. Her senses converged into white static as her thoughts were drowned by the scourging release. For a brief flash, the feeling of absolute oblivion struck something familiar; a sense of cold metal on her back, and the taste of blood in her mouth; in the same instant it was washed away along with everything else. Power flowed, roaring with successive cracks and bursts as a storm of lightning erupted from her small frame. The flaring tempest filled the corridor with rending, tearing bolts of electricity that scored across the walls and floor and grounded themselves all across the battlefield, obliterating any virus unfortunate enough to get caught by one of the erratic, uncontrolled bolts that drowned the hallway in light.
As the crackling light faded, the girl's form wavered, then crumpled from arched back and stretched out, down to a curled over, heavily panting shape, barely holding herself up on one knee. For a moment that stretched, the empty, numb void on the other side of release replaced the pain while the girl stared, unseeing, at the ground in front of her... but the emptiness lasted for only a second.
L*) Glitch: Overcharge Glitch; self-damaging electric attack overcharge generation reduced by 1, from the destructive diffusion
L1) Action Precluded: Buster Charge
L2) Move (To the North, past newcomers/Heavy, to check the quarantine lock)
L*) Slipstream: 21(Elec?) Nova2, B, along movement path, once per target in range
L3) Half-Charge Buster Strike (300Elec, Disarm, Melee-Type, A) @ Heavy (Overcharge +3)
L4) A Single Ember (SupportBase(20), Buster Charge, Strengthen 20, Counter(On Hit): ShotBase(50)Elec, Shot-Type, Nova2, A), (Self-Slow)), (Overcharge -2 on Set)
L*) Fast Armour: 20Hp Casing Refresh
L5) I Must Not Remember! (Charged Shot (300Elec, Disarm, Shot-Type, A), (Buster Charge + Charged Shot (300Elec, Disarm, Shot-Type, A) x2, Charged Shot (300Elec, Disarm, Shot-Type, A), (FolderLock), (Overcharge +11) @ Powie, DarkProg, Sparkler, Handy
L6) Action Precluded: Buster Charge
Cooldowns and Overcharge
With Hopeful Stride: 1TCD
A Burning Ache: 2TCD
A Single Ember: 4TCD
A Fresh Start: Cooling
My Anger Directed: 2TCD
'gainst Violent Threat: 3TCD
I Must Not Remember!: 6TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 11, Half-Charge Strike (+4 → +3), A Single Ember (-2), I Must Not Remember! (+12 → +11), End: 23! (Burn-out Imminent)
last edited by Kemix1006
Managing to charge herself up through the burning pain her electrically charged body exuded, the new viruses would make sure to make their presence made in excess as the Brushman would move about the field as it dabbed down a holy panel nearby, the local Heavier taking this chance to move towards it and sway slowly back and forth along it, carefully trying to avoid leaving it for too long, despite it's heavy and long swings, due to it's nature.
Meanwhile, Lyntael made her way to the other side of the field to make ready for her escape to open up and get out of this hellscape. A crackling line of electricity exploding to either side, just barely catching the Heavier (10) in her wake as the viruses moved in towards the navi, the Powie raised up towards the ceiling and fell as a massive weight, near the navi as an explosive wave of energy would miss the navi just barely as she lashed out at the Heavier, catching it just as it swung away from the attack (150) and deleting it where it swung, an electrical discharge leading back into Lyntael and damaging her (10).
This lead into the Handy disappearing into the shadows, reappearing towards the northeast and laying down another bomb, a massive X on it's display as it sparked and sputtered. As well, the Prog which had been silent all this time let out an ear piercing screech, nails on a chalkboard echoing across the field as it began to move forward towards the navi as it sparked and sputtered.
But as she stoked her embers, the Brushman would begin to paint down another panel, near Lyntael this time, as intense heat wafted over her body, lava beginning to pour into the area in a singular area, she unleashed her attack, explosions of power being directed as her own body began to tear into herself, her attacks landing across all four remaining viruses, even as the Powie and Handy tried to escape the rage that flowed through her. All of them summarily being turned to less than matter, less than atoms in her attacks (300/300/300/300), leading to the floor around her to be deeply etched with black soot marks across it, the only exceptions being the bombs...and where the viruses stood before, their shadows etched into the floor behind where they stood, perfectly preserved.
The only remaining virus that escaped her rage was the Brushman...and it was currently wondering what god let it live. As all of this finished and Lyntael was charging, three clicks echoed about and her escape route opened up with the sound of doors sliding open, leading towards her destination. Even then, bombs ticked down to 0, their casings looking ready to explode any second, as three new viruses joined in the south, a Hellody, Ravager and Swordy-N2...not that it mattered much, Lyntael was more likely to escape now than anything...right?
-- Viruses -- (Kills: handy2x2, Spooky2x1, Cloudierx1, Maru10x2, Heavierx1, Powie2x1, Sparklerx1, DarkProg2x1)
HeavierHeavier (Heavy)
Heavy viruses move slowly, and only dodge when they attack. When a Heavy attacks, it teleports to a position to the left or right of the intended target, and proceeds to try to ram the target with a quick sideways motion. The number of times it will consecutively attempt to ram the target before teleporting back to its starting position depends entirely on the number of actions the virus has. Teleporting before and after the attack do not require an action. Movement and attacking are one and the same to this virus, thus even a non-attack collision with it is damaging.
Area: Yoka, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Netopia
HP: 125
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Line Attack + Impact + Break
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Teleports into enemy area, shakes side to side, and slams into everything in it's path. Can attack up to 3 enemies at once.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Shake2, Zenny
Special: Uses Areagrab as a free action.: DELETED
SparklerSparkler (Sparky)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA, SciLab
HP: 160
Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Elec to close group, break, impact
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Zips in rotation around the battlefield, attempting to slam its electrically-charged body into enemies.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Satellite2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. One free dodge against each opponent. If this virus makes contact with an object on the battlefield, it will begin to slowly orbit the object and loses its ability to dodge.: COMPLETELY
Handy2Handy2 (Handy)
Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage: 100 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 100 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb2, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.: AND
Powie2Powie2 (Powie)
Powies are never encountered in confined spaces, like a low ceilinged cave and such (for obvious reasons). Powies also never intentionally jump to broken or missing terrain. They will, however, attempt attacks over broken or missing terrain if they see an enemy there. Powies will not attempt to attack the same target on two consecutive actions.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Netopia, Beach
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then (60 + Break + PanelCrack + Nova2)
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. They will then immediately change into a 10-ton press and fall down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake2, Zenny
Special: AirShoes.
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the virus attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.: UTTERLY
Brushman2Brushman2 (Brushman)
Area: Netopia, Dentech, NetVegas
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: Small Holy Terrain Change under one ally virus or Small Lava, Ice, Magnet, or Poison Terrain Change around enemy
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Dabs its brush on the net floor to change the terrain type.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HolyPanel, MagnetSeed, LavaSeed, IceSeed, PoisonSeed (rare), Zenny
Special: Can use effect multiple times a turn. Only one will be directed underneath the opponent, the rest around. One free dodge. Can use Recover50 chip once.: 150 HP
DarkProg2DarkProg2 (DarkProg)
DarkProgs are Mr. Progs cruelly corrupted and warped to become expendable soldiers. They appear mostly as normal Mr. Progs, but their face is much more darkly colored, and have glowing white eyes, as well as missing their left arm. They attack by emitting static around themselves. While they are fairly strong attackers, especially in groups, they have poor endurance, which is only exacerbated by the fact their attacks harm themselves. They very rarely dodge, but will often try to move close to the enemy before attacking.
Area: SciLab, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Elec + Nova 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Emits some of its life energy as a static field.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: Damage x 2, Self-Sacrifice x 2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Charges up energy within itself. On its next turn, all of this virus's attacks deal +100% Source Damage, and deal twice as much damage to itself. This effect does not stack with itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RingZap2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: ElecBody: This virus takes no damage from Elec elemental attacks.
Special: Self-Sacrifice: Every time this virus uses its Primary Attack, it loses 10 HP.
Special: Can use AreaGrab once.: DECIMATED
Swordy-N2Swordy-N2 (Swordy-N)
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netopia
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Null + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Long Sword.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Wide Sword.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WideSword, Zenny
Special: Sword-N's are immune to Sleep Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: 120 HP
HellodyHellody (Melody)
Melody viruses move, dodge, and attack by jumping. There is no distinction between these 3 actions.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, Dentech
HP: 140
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Null
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Jumps on the enemy.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null x 3 attacks
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Bounces around with complete disregard for whoever or whatever is in the area. Can hit obstacles as well as enemies.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Binder2, ColorBall2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Increased evasion.: 140 HP
RavagerRavager (Raider)
A large black sphere, with 4 mechanical, spider-like legs. It attacks by forming a large hammer atop its head/body, then somehow swinging it without any apparent body motion.
Raider does two things: it draws near, and attacks. In a battle, this is done by Feinting to get close to its target without completely sacrificing self-preservation, then smacking them hard with a hammer. It always alternates between these two, and almost never strays for this pattern: however, if it is completely incapable of harming any enemies for some reason, it will dodge to buy time for the enemy to become vulnerable. Which action it starts with depends on its initial position, as it will attack if it's already close, without bothering to feint.
Area: Netopia, Hades Isle, NetVegas
HP: 210
Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Null + Break + Impact / 50 Null + Drop Attack
Attack Accuracy: B / D
Attack Description: Swings a hammer with such force, that it displaces nearby debris, which is sent flying skyward and dropped onto another enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): GodHammer2, Zenny
Special: The second part of the attack does not trigger if the hammer's target is not grounded. It also must hit a different target from the hammer. For clarity's sake, it may hit nothing if there are no other valid targets.: 210 HP
-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 330 HP (Next to her escape route) (Casing20)(Glitch: Overcharge! All attacks are electrically charged, leading to non-elemental attacks being Elec-Imbued! Sacrifice10 on attack actions that are elec element without being imbued with said element (EX: A signature or chip that is already elec elemental will self-damage, non-elemental attacks that are changed to Elec from this effect will not self-damage)
-- Terrain -- (Field is wide enough to move about and dodge in, corridor is about the length of three movements, by about one movement and a feint to each side, making three full movements to reach one side from the other)
85% Normal
- No effects.
5% Holy
- Halves Final Damage.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Converts attack to Life Drain.
5% Cracked
- Changes to Broken when stepped on, chance to fall in when triggered.
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, Null 50 to burrower.
- Panel Crack attacks, >100 Damage Break/Impact/Drop attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken.
- PanelShot: Splash1.
5% Lava
- Non-Fire Elementals lose 5 HP/action standing, 10 HP/action submerged. Doubled for Wood Elementals, nullified for Fire Elementals.
- Aqua attacks: Panel explodes, +100% Source Aqua Damage, change terrain hit to Normal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Fire.
-- Objects -- (Objects are positioned in a rough diamond shape, no more than a movement away from each other, objects will fully recover HP at the end of each turn or, if destroyed, recover at half-health at the start of the turn _after_ their destruction)
Faux-Rock Cube A: 40 HP (In the South) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube B: 40 HP (Towards the middle, off to the East) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube C: 40 HP (Towards the middle, off to the West) (Anchored)
Faux-Rock Cube D: 40 HP (In the North) (Anchored)
TimeBomb A: 120 HP (Western-most side of the room) (Count: EXPLOSION IMMINENT)
TimeBomb B: 120 HP (Eastern-most side of the room Count: EXPLOSION IMMINENT)
Turn Tres finished! Begin turn Quatro!
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The void of sensation numbed her for only a second, and it gave Lyntael no chance for her thoughts to recover their sense. A heartbeat of silence was followed by the answering surge of power that roared up through her form like an insatiable beast. It burned, and it hurt, filling her to bursting point and past into a searing ache that flooded every fibre of her being.
It drove Lyntael back to her feet; her eyes stung, green obscured by crackling light that fell in wild showers down her cheeks and scattered into the air on either side. There were no thoughts; just the pain of the charge and the need to release it. Her body wavered as she dragged a breath and tried to find something, anything, to direct the charge at. Something moved; it didn't matter what; her feet shifted and she dashed towards it, a shriek of desperate fury tearing from her throat as she did.
She struck out, unconscious of whatever was closest, letting the power flow from her again in another brilliant flare of wild power while her body sparked and crackled. A moment of blissful release and relief, and then the return, burning in her veins, stronger than before, too much to bear. She screamed again, gaze unfocused through the stinging searing in her eyes, and leapt towards another target. Both fists came around together, raking trails of scattering lighting through the air behind them before exploding into another nova of light and force.
Somewhere within the scouring annihilation of self, the power reached for something; strained for it with each beat and pulse, forging towards... something... coursing through mortal flesh that was still too weak. The feeling reached, burning nerves and muscles, and then with a hard snap, the power died.
Lyntael stumbled, the strength to move gone as the destructive power snapped off like a circuit-breaker. Distantly, she felt her body collapse and tumble, rolling and sliding a few extra paces from the left-over momentum, but it was a removed, barely-present impact as what was left of her awareness was smothered by the void of sensation that replaced her charge.
A thought flickered in the emptiness; there was still danger, wasn't there? She still had to fight. Was that it? Everything was numb; her body didn't want to move and shifted slowly, clumsy as she managed to roll over and put her palms to the panels beneath her. There was no strength in her arms.
“Lyntael,” a voice cut into the darkness of her mind. “On your feet, Lyntael.” She lifted her head, blinking as her thoughts tried to marshal. Rogan was speaking to her; she had to focus.
“You need to move, Lyntael. You are not safe where you are. On your feet; we have work to do.” The voice was calm, confident. He wasn't berating her, just... instructing. She found herself nodding with groggy motions, then tried to push herself up again. Her arms still felt like water, but she managed, forcing herself to her feet.
“Good. Now move, Lyntael. Forward.” She nodded again and began to move. One step after another went from unsteady steps to a gradual run. The motion brought feeling back into her limbs, though everything still felt cold and dead. She saw the explosives left by the handy viruses; couldn't damage the network, not like this, but they'd hurt her. Her pace picked up until she stumbled up the steps and through the doorway beyond. Behind her, the quarantine lock shut itself again – she hadn't done that, but she stumbled to one side and stopped anyway, leaning on one wall.
L*) Glitch: Overcharge Glitch; self-damaging electric attack overcharge generation reduced by 1, from the destructive diffusion
L1) Action precluded: Buster Charge
L2) Half-Charge Buster Strike (300Elec, Disarm, A, Melee-type) @ Nearest virus
L*) Fast Armour: 20Hp Casing Refresh
L3) Action precluded: Buster Charge
L4) Full-Charge Buster Strike (600Elec, Disarm, A, Melee-type) @ Next Nearest virus
L5) Action Lost: Burn Out
L*) All electrically-aligned effects cancelled.
L6) Escape
Cooldowns and Overcharge
With Hopeful Stride: Cooling
A Burning Ache: 1TCD
A Single Ember: 3TCD
My Anger Directed: 1TCD
'gainst Violent Threat: 2TCD
I Must Not Remember!: 5TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 23, Burn-out triggered, all electrical abilities and effects disabled.
It drove Lyntael back to her feet; her eyes stung, green obscured by crackling light that fell in wild showers down her cheeks and scattered into the air on either side. There were no thoughts; just the pain of the charge and the need to release it. Her body wavered as she dragged a breath and tried to find something, anything, to direct the charge at. Something moved; it didn't matter what; her feet shifted and she dashed towards it, a shriek of desperate fury tearing from her throat as she did.
She struck out, unconscious of whatever was closest, letting the power flow from her again in another brilliant flare of wild power while her body sparked and crackled. A moment of blissful release and relief, and then the return, burning in her veins, stronger than before, too much to bear. She screamed again, gaze unfocused through the stinging searing in her eyes, and leapt towards another target. Both fists came around together, raking trails of scattering lighting through the air behind them before exploding into another nova of light and force.
Somewhere within the scouring annihilation of self, the power reached for something; strained for it with each beat and pulse, forging towards... something... coursing through mortal flesh that was still too weak. The feeling reached, burning nerves and muscles, and then with a hard snap, the power died.
Lyntael stumbled, the strength to move gone as the destructive power snapped off like a circuit-breaker. Distantly, she felt her body collapse and tumble, rolling and sliding a few extra paces from the left-over momentum, but it was a removed, barely-present impact as what was left of her awareness was smothered by the void of sensation that replaced her charge.
A thought flickered in the emptiness; there was still danger, wasn't there? She still had to fight. Was that it? Everything was numb; her body didn't want to move and shifted slowly, clumsy as she managed to roll over and put her palms to the panels beneath her. There was no strength in her arms.
“Lyntael,” a voice cut into the darkness of her mind. “On your feet, Lyntael.” She lifted her head, blinking as her thoughts tried to marshal. Rogan was speaking to her; she had to focus.
“You need to move, Lyntael. You are not safe where you are. On your feet; we have work to do.” The voice was calm, confident. He wasn't berating her, just... instructing. She found herself nodding with groggy motions, then tried to push herself up again. Her arms still felt like water, but she managed, forcing herself to her feet.
“Good. Now move, Lyntael. Forward.” She nodded again and began to move. One step after another went from unsteady steps to a gradual run. The motion brought feeling back into her limbs, though everything still felt cold and dead. She saw the explosives left by the handy viruses; couldn't damage the network, not like this, but they'd hurt her. Her pace picked up until she stumbled up the steps and through the doorway beyond. Behind her, the quarantine lock shut itself again – she hadn't done that, but she stumbled to one side and stopped anyway, leaning on one wall.
L*) Glitch: Overcharge Glitch; self-damaging electric attack overcharge generation reduced by 1, from the destructive diffusion
L1) Action precluded: Buster Charge
L2) Half-Charge Buster Strike (300Elec, Disarm, A, Melee-type) @ Nearest virus
L*) Fast Armour: 20Hp Casing Refresh
L3) Action precluded: Buster Charge
L4) Full-Charge Buster Strike (600Elec, Disarm, A, Melee-type) @ Next Nearest virus
L5) Action Lost: Burn Out
L*) All electrically-aligned effects cancelled.
L6) Escape
Cooldowns and Overcharge
With Hopeful Stride: Cooling
A Burning Ache: 1TCD
A Single Ember: 3TCD
My Anger Directed: 1TCD
'gainst Violent Threat: 2TCD
I Must Not Remember!: 5TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 23, Burn-out triggered, all electrical abilities and effects disabled.