((Courser, Jacked In from -> Jenny's Home))
As he arrived in Sharo's ever-cold network, Courser pursed his lips glanced about to take stock of where he'd landed. Sharo was so often all ice and snow, and wasn't rally much for rivers or flowing water, but it was still as good a place as any for him to stretch out and shake off his more conflicted thoughts for a while. Destroying some problematic virus infestations in the process was a benefit and a bonus. He shook himself out and turned his collar up against the Sharo cold, then flicked his wrists, extending both wave whips into long, coiling strands.
"You ready Jen? Let's go see what we can find." When the school girl gave her enthusiastic affirmative, Courser kicked off, gliding forward in a lazy curve on a fresh eddy of clear water.
((Ready for Battle 1, Basher Bounty))
Netbattles and Chill
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Coming in through the ice and the snow, Courseman would find himself in a mostly clear field after a time, a gaudy gold outstretched in front of him making up the entirety of the paneling, some a little more...icy than others, but they were in the absolute minority. In front of him, Courseman would find...a fabled Gold Mystery Data!? Here!? Wait...no, if he looked closely at the spinning cache of data, he could see it was freshly painted, gold paint dripping off of it and onto a frozen (but still gold colored) ice panel.
Before he could run towards his prize, however, a number of viruses would begin to materialize further in front of him, a dilapidated throne coming up atop a broken section of paneling...a Shrimpy, Walla and Dharma all materializing diagonally to either side, above and below, the throne...and finally came Courseman's bounty...a regal looking...gaudy looking...scepter bearing Basher materializing into the throne, the panel below it barely able to hold its weight. The basher, in viral tongue, demanding the navi to bow, get on his knees and beg for interrupting whatever it was Bashers do...though not giving the navi enough time TO do so, it fired a warning shot behind the navi, showing it meant business. A swing of it's scepter, the trio of viruses turned to Courseman, menacing look in their eyes, ready to fight.
-- King Mortar and his Royal Subjects --
WallaWalla (Walla)
TwinFangs can actually block attacks. This is very useful to the Walla, as they do not move or dodge once battle begins.
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 2 Targets
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Opens mouth to launch a pair of steel spikes at the enemy. The spikes can block or deflect incoming attacks, and they cannot strike the same target twice.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TwinFang1, Zenny: 100 HP (Ice) (Up and left to King Basher)
DharmaDharma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey1, Zenny: 90 HP (Normal) (Up and to the right of King Basher)
His Royalness, KING BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: 120 HP (Cracked) (Middle of the field)
ShrimpyShrimpy (Shrimpy)
Shrimpy viruses are able to move between attacks as a free action, however dodging still costs them an action. They must pause movement to attack. Shrimpy viruses may move over fragile panel types without damaging them, such as moving over Cracked panels without breaking them. Shrimpy viruses cannot be forcibly submerged or smashed through fragile panels, even if thrown. They can submerge of their own free will, however.
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Bubbler
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Bubbler, Zenny
Special: ShadowShoes: 100 HP (Ice) (Down and to the right of King Basher)
-- The Peasantry --
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Normal, about a quarter of the way towards King Basher)
-- Terrain --
80% Normal
15% Ice
5% Cracked
-- Objects --
GMD (but painted gold): 20 HP (A little in front of Courseman, up and to the left near KING Basher)
Battle Mode: Assassination!
Your Job: COMMIT REGICIDE! AKA: Kill the King
His/Her/It's Royal Subjects (Read: All non-king Viruses) are UNDYING and come back when deleted at the end of each turn with 20% less HP each time until permanently put in the ground!
Battle ends if the King is dead and rewards are calculated as per normal (Including additional kills on the subjects if applicable)
If YOU are reduced to 0 HP, You Lose! Avoid that!
-- Battle 1 Ready? Start!! --
Before he could run towards his prize, however, a number of viruses would begin to materialize further in front of him, a dilapidated throne coming up atop a broken section of paneling...a Shrimpy, Walla and Dharma all materializing diagonally to either side, above and below, the throne...and finally came Courseman's bounty...a regal looking...gaudy looking...scepter bearing Basher materializing into the throne, the panel below it barely able to hold its weight. The basher, in viral tongue, demanding the navi to bow, get on his knees and beg for interrupting whatever it was Bashers do...though not giving the navi enough time TO do so, it fired a warning shot behind the navi, showing it meant business. A swing of it's scepter, the trio of viruses turned to Courseman, menacing look in their eyes, ready to fight.
-- King Mortar and his Royal Subjects --
WallaWalla (Walla)
TwinFangs can actually block attacks. This is very useful to the Walla, as they do not move or dodge once battle begins.
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 2 Targets
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Opens mouth to launch a pair of steel spikes at the enemy. The spikes can block or deflect incoming attacks, and they cannot strike the same target twice.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TwinFang1, Zenny: 100 HP (Ice) (Up and left to King Basher)
DharmaDharma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey1, Zenny: 90 HP (Normal) (Up and to the right of King Basher)
His Royalness, KING BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: 120 HP (Cracked) (Middle of the field)
ShrimpyShrimpy (Shrimpy)
Shrimpy viruses are able to move between attacks as a free action, however dodging still costs them an action. They must pause movement to attack. Shrimpy viruses may move over fragile panel types without damaging them, such as moving over Cracked panels without breaking them. Shrimpy viruses cannot be forcibly submerged or smashed through fragile panels, even if thrown. They can submerge of their own free will, however.
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Bubbler
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Bubbler, Zenny
Special: ShadowShoes: 100 HP (Ice) (Down and to the right of King Basher)
-- The Peasantry --
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Normal, about a quarter of the way towards King Basher)
-- Terrain --
80% Normal
- No effects.
15% Ice
- +10% Evasion to all. Non-Aqua Elementals get -20% Accuracy.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Sea.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
5% Cracked
- Changes to Broken when stepped on, chance to fall in when triggered.
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, Null 50 to burrower.
- Panel Crack attacks, >100 Damage Break/Impact/Drop attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken.
- PanelShot: Splash1.
-- Objects --
GMD (but painted gold): 20 HP (A little in front of Courseman, up and to the left near KING Basher)
Battle Mode: Assassination!
One Virus is KING OF THE
Your Job: COMMIT REGICIDE! AKA: Kill the King
His/Her/It's Royal Subjects (Read: All non-king Viruses) are UNDYING and come back when deleted at the end of each turn with 20% less HP each time until permanently put in the ground!
Battle ends if the King is dead and rewards are calculated as per normal (Including additional kills on the subjects if applicable)
If YOU are reduced to 0 HP, You Lose! Avoid that!
-- Battle 1 Ready? Start!! --
last edited by Rogan
It wasn't too long before Courser's meandering path brought him into contact with a much more regimented, and out of place, one. He slowed letting his water eddy settle and flow away to continue at a walking pace.
“Well... This is certainly tacky. I wonder who...” His musing was answered in short order by the arrival of the would-be liege of the gold-painted area. Courser let himself smirk. A thin spray of water mist rose up in a flare to either side of him as he stepped forward, trails of shadow clinging about his feet and gradually creeping up the entirety of his form. The courser in front bowed low.
“My liege, a pleasure as always!” Behind him, a second courser had been left behind, seemingly fiddling with a large, black sea-mine, balanced on its lumpy protrusions. They both flinched and ducked as the warning shot came out.
“I say! Steady on, my lord! I only wish to give you a grand gift!” The lead Courser took a step, gliding aside on a current of water, as the Courser by the mine looked up and winked. The heavy sea mine was suddenly elevated by a large mechanical turret that picked it up and then began to trundle forward into the middle of the area on its treads.
“Why don't you open it up...” The face Courser laughed then crouched low and shook his hands out, causing low, trailing whips or water to flow out from them. The turret paused in its forward motion, then began to fire suddenly in all distraction, sending powerful, precise needle darts shooting outward at the three other viruses in a hail of suppressing fire. On top of it, the sea mine opened a panel, displaying a large red digital display with number '3' flashing on it. It ticked down to '2' almost immediately.
The other CourseMan had also loosed his wave whips, but his took on a steady formation of ice crystals, bunching up again to form a thick bludgeon around his fists. Together, he and his double darted forward, crossing over and under each other once before arriving on either side of the Basher. The motion had seen one slash at it rapidly with both whips, while the other hammered in low with his iced fist.
“I never was much one for royalty, you know...” One Courser muttered, before striking at it a second time for good measure. “I just don't see what gives 'em the right...” The other courser finished the thought off as he attacked a second time as well.
Still cautious, the two CourseMen, or at least the only one that remained, skidded backwards on a short surf of water, drawing a sheet of water from the ether with his free hand and drawing it in to form a deflective wall between himself and the viruses that remained.
“How about the rest of ya? You going to stay loyal to a dying lord? Or are you going to run for your lives before the real fireworks start!?” The exterior spray of mist surrounded him afresh as he grinned, eyes flicking to the counting time bomb and those that were left.
C*) First Barrier (10Hp Barrier)
C*) Self Decoy, Courtly behaviour, talking and taking lead.
C1) Murky Deception: Shadow, to self, 1 round
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C: (40Null x2Hits, x3 Targets, Acc: A) @ Dharma, Shrimpy, Walla
TimeBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 100 + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a bomb on the field that will explode after two turns, damaging all enemies.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D: Anchored on top of Needler
IcePunchDamage: 110 + Impact + Knockback
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a large icy fist for the user to punch with that fires off like a rocket at the enemy. Anything it hits is knocked back a sizable distance, even objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks after 3 swings.
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C: (80Aqua, Impact, Knockback, ACC: B) @Basher, knockback is a downward slam, into the cracked panel.
IcePunchDamage: 110 + Impact + Knockback
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a large icy fist for the user to punch with that fires off like a rocket at the enemy. Anything it hits is knocked back a sizable distance, even objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks after 3 swings.
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C: (80Aqua, Impact, Knockback, ACC: B) @Basher, knockback is a downward slam, into the cracked panel.
C6) Shield NCP (2-Hit Shield)
C*) Fast Barrier (10Hp Barrier)
Murky Deception: 2TCD
“Well... This is certainly tacky. I wonder who...” His musing was answered in short order by the arrival of the would-be liege of the gold-painted area. Courser let himself smirk. A thin spray of water mist rose up in a flare to either side of him as he stepped forward, trails of shadow clinging about his feet and gradually creeping up the entirety of his form. The courser in front bowed low.
“My liege, a pleasure as always!” Behind him, a second courser had been left behind, seemingly fiddling with a large, black sea-mine, balanced on its lumpy protrusions. They both flinched and ducked as the warning shot came out.
“I say! Steady on, my lord! I only wish to give you a grand gift!” The lead Courser took a step, gliding aside on a current of water, as the Courser by the mine looked up and winked. The heavy sea mine was suddenly elevated by a large mechanical turret that picked it up and then began to trundle forward into the middle of the area on its treads.
“Why don't you open it up...” The face Courser laughed then crouched low and shook his hands out, causing low, trailing whips or water to flow out from them. The turret paused in its forward motion, then began to fire suddenly in all distraction, sending powerful, precise needle darts shooting outward at the three other viruses in a hail of suppressing fire. On top of it, the sea mine opened a panel, displaying a large red digital display with number '3' flashing on it. It ticked down to '2' almost immediately.
The other CourseMan had also loosed his wave whips, but his took on a steady formation of ice crystals, bunching up again to form a thick bludgeon around his fists. Together, he and his double darted forward, crossing over and under each other once before arriving on either side of the Basher. The motion had seen one slash at it rapidly with both whips, while the other hammered in low with his iced fist.
“I never was much one for royalty, you know...” One Courser muttered, before striking at it a second time for good measure. “I just don't see what gives 'em the right...” The other courser finished the thought off as he attacked a second time as well.
Still cautious, the two CourseMen, or at least the only one that remained, skidded backwards on a short surf of water, drawing a sheet of water from the ether with his free hand and drawing it in to form a deflective wall between himself and the viruses that remained.
“How about the rest of ya? You going to stay loyal to a dying lord? Or are you going to run for your lives before the real fireworks start!?” The exterior spray of mist surrounded him afresh as he grinned, eyes flicking to the counting time bomb and those that were left.
C*) First Barrier (10Hp Barrier)
C*) Self Decoy, Courtly behaviour, talking and taking lead.
C1) Murky Deception: Shadow, to self, 1 round

Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C: (40Null x2Hits, x3 Targets, Acc: A) @ Dharma, Shrimpy, Walla

Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 100 + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a bomb on the field that will explode after two turns, damaging all enemies.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D: Anchored on top of Needler

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a large icy fist for the user to punch with that fires off like a rocket at the enemy. Anything it hits is knocked back a sizable distance, even objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks after 3 swings.
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C: (80Aqua, Impact, Knockback, ACC: B) @Basher, knockback is a downward slam, into the cracked panel.

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a large icy fist for the user to punch with that fires off like a rocket at the enemy. Anything it hits is knocked back a sizable distance, even objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks after 3 swings.
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C: (80Aqua, Impact, Knockback, ACC: B) @Basher, knockback is a downward slam, into the cracked panel.
C6) Shield NCP (2-Hit Shield)
C*) Fast Barrier (10Hp Barrier)
Murky Deception: 2TCD
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A whirr of it's mechanical parts, the Basher was quick to ready it's double guns. it was indeed a gaudy, vain virus...but it wasn't stupid. It and it's subjects watching intently as he began to be enveloped in shadow...but they waited...watching the navi intently as he presented them a "gift", the mechanical turret trundling up towards the Basher and subjects...each virus weary of the object in front of them...and then came the act of aggression. A pair of shots going three ways at the subject viruses, nailing each of them in turn, they were wounded, but still standing (40x2 to all three). The mine's LED display opening up caused the basher quite the fright, shooting twice from either side of it's body, both the mine and turret sustaining minimal damage (-20 to each), but Courseman was unaffected thanks to his shadowy form. The viruses, enraged at this, would fire EVERYTHING they had at CourseMan and his objects, viral roars of anger from all three of them as they launched Tooth, Bubble and Puck at Courseman, hitting his objects with deadly force, double pucks bounding about the field haphazardly, a single puck passing through Courseman's form as it bounced, fangs lodging themselves in his TimeBomb (20x2) but exclusively passing through Courseman's body or outright missing him and the Shrimpy's bubblers landing against the Needler, splashing and deleting the TimeBomb in short order (15x2 to both)...and finally CourseMan would rush the King...a pair of whips lashing across it's body and a single icy crash through it's form, sending the Basher's body, sending it down into a hole, a metal crash sounding out as it died uncerimoniously...the viruses quick to pause at the happenings of this...and running...glittering gold data scattered about the field...as well as a single gun from the Basher's corpse to show for the win. Now what to do about that GMD...
-- King Mortar and his Royal Subjects --
Walla: 20 HP (Ice) (Up and left to King Basher)
Dharma: 10 HP (Normal) (Up and to the right of King Basher)
His Royalness, KING Basher: REGICIDE'D
Shrimpy: 20 HP (Ice) (Down and to the right of King Basher)
-- The Peasantry --
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Normal, about a quarter of the way towards King Basher)
CourseMan's Needler2: 30 HP (Cracked near King Basher's corpse)
CourseMan's TimeBomb1: DELETED
-- Terrain --
80% Normal
15% Ice
5% Broken
-- Objects --
GMD (but painted gold): 20 HP (A little in front of Courseman, up and to the left near KING Basher)
Battle 1 WIN: 1050z,
Magnum1Damage: 120 + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: A triple barreled gun that blasts through defenses and terrain alike. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C, 12 Bugfrags
-- King Mortar and his Royal Subjects --
Walla: 20 HP (Ice) (Up and left to King Basher)
Dharma: 10 HP (Normal) (Up and to the right of King Basher)
His Royalness, KING Basher: REGICIDE'D
Shrimpy: 20 HP (Ice) (Down and to the right of King Basher)
-- The Peasantry --
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Normal, about a quarter of the way towards King Basher)
CourseMan's Needler2: 30 HP (Cracked near King Basher's corpse)
CourseMan's TimeBomb1: DELETED
-- Terrain --
80% Normal
- No effects.
15% Ice
- +10% Evasion to all. Non-Aqua Elementals get -20% Accuracy.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Sea.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
5% Broken
- Not bottomless.
- Reverts to Normal after a time, if no one is inside.
- Doubles dodge penalties for bad RP.
- 1-4 Movements actions to climb back out depending on method.
-- Objects --
GMD (but painted gold): 20 HP (A little in front of Courseman, up and to the left near KING Basher)
Battle 1 WIN: 1050z,

Accuracy: A
Description: A triple barreled gun that blasts through defenses and terrain alike. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C, 12 Bugfrags
last edited by Rogan
Courser shared a glance with his decoy as they both stood straighter, watching the remaining viruses flee for the time being. Both of them had taken a share of aggression, but none of it had landed any better on Courser himself than it had on his double. The other one shrugged and faded away in a fine mist of spray and shadows. Courser let the water current forming his shield dissipate as well and began searching the site.
As he pulled one of the arms of the fallen king up and looked at it, he hefted the cannon and nodded. It was a bit bulky... some better way to handle the data it contained would be more useful. After fiddling with it for a moment or two, the heavy weapon coalesced into a much smaller, sleeker design. A large, if still one-handed flintlock revolving pistol was what remained after the transition glow faded, with ale bone bodywork and silver fixtures. Much better. He fired it once, soundly obliterating the needler turret, and raised his eyebrows.
“Got some kick to it, that one...” Beside him, a decoy was spinning a pistol of its own about in one hand, then posed with it, make small gun sounds as it pointed the weapon. Courser only glanced at it and holstered the weapon in his belt, letting it disappear.
“It does. If this influx of unusual arsenal keeps up, I'm going to have to think about getting myself a ship. People are going to forget I'm a river navi, not a sea pirate. Oh well.”
“Well, you've got cannons, pistols, ship mines... Short of a hook and a peg you're pretty much there, boss.”
“Aye, and let's not forget about the most important bit! The Booty!!” A second decoy had made itself known, looking at Courser as it hovered eagerly by the badly painted mystery data. Courseman sighed and nodded, waving a hand to banish them both before gliding across to it and accessing the crystal.
(Opening MD)
As he pulled one of the arms of the fallen king up and looked at it, he hefted the cannon and nodded. It was a bit bulky... some better way to handle the data it contained would be more useful. After fiddling with it for a moment or two, the heavy weapon coalesced into a much smaller, sleeker design. A large, if still one-handed flintlock revolving pistol was what remained after the transition glow faded, with ale bone bodywork and silver fixtures. Much better. He fired it once, soundly obliterating the needler turret, and raised his eyebrows.
“Got some kick to it, that one...” Beside him, a decoy was spinning a pistol of its own about in one hand, then posed with it, make small gun sounds as it pointed the weapon. Courser only glanced at it and holstered the weapon in his belt, letting it disappear.
“It does. If this influx of unusual arsenal keeps up, I'm going to have to think about getting myself a ship. People are going to forget I'm a river navi, not a sea pirate. Oh well.”
“Well, you've got cannons, pistols, ship mines... Short of a hook and a peg you're pretty much there, boss.”
“Aye, and let's not forget about the most important bit! The Booty!!” A second decoy had made itself known, looking at Courser as it hovered eagerly by the badly painted mystery data. Courseman sighed and nodded, waving a hand to banish them both before gliding across to it and accessing the crystal.
(Opening MD)
last edited by Kemix1006
Battle started and his first defense rising to wrap around Courseman, the Mimic roaring out commands to the other viruses were quick to prepare, Basher loading a round into it's main cannons , heat pouring out of the top of the immobile virus as it began to take aim at the offending navi, all barrels ready to fire. But before any other viruses could attack, Courseman was quick to set himself up. Self harm (-15) to prep himself to evade, on top of a free shield to protect from harm, curious thing that.
The navi quick to attack as well, sending his attacks of high pressured water at the offending viruses, the two lashes to each target smacking against the Mimic, Swordy-A and Basher with ease as the Pulsebat laid upon the ceiling, one shot missing and going to the side (20 Aqua to Mimic and Swordy-A, 40 to Basher, 10 to Pulsebat), both the swordy and Basher, unfortunately for them, freezing up from the hits, the snow quick to melt beneath their feet, ice and mist immediately rising up from the vapor in his water attacks, the swordy seeming completely fine...but the Basher's cannons were quickly frozen shut (Freeze to basher), the cannon virus being unable to retaliate for the moment. The frozen frozen virus attempting to melt the ice covering it's cannons, Courseman took advantage of the situation, sending out the same Needler from before. The Mimic, Basher and Swordy all lucky to just barely evade a double dose of needles, one shot against the both of them inexplicably going wide against them (40 to each).
Anger welling up as the Shellgeek opened itself up, turning to it's immobile friend and spitting out a special arrow, sending it at the Basher and swiftly pushing it off towards the back of the field...and accidentally landing it on a Snow panel...oops. The moved basher was quick to thrash about, it's cannons completely plugged up for the moment, it did everything it could to fire off it's explosive ordnance...failing miserably at this sad to say for it.
Courseman, of course, was completely ready, silver revolver in hand, three explosive, panel breaking, shots were fired off in quick succession. Unfortunately for the mimic and Basher, both took the full brunt of the attack, Basher exploded by it's own heavy ammo and the Mimic barely hanging on for dear life as it looked ready to die, unfortunately his luck against the pulsebat was as bad as ever, shot flying by the immobile virus again and sending out a ringing shot in the distance (120 to both Basher and Mimic, Cracked/Broken panel beneath each).
The Swordy, angered at it's comrade's death, quickly retaliated, teleporting up towards the Needler that just attacked, it's sword cleaved forward, a long slash through the Needler, the summoned help seemingly unhurt for the most part, the sword cut against Courseman...who had a trap in place, evading the attack and creating a shadowy doppelganger in his place, the real Courseman swift in retaliation after dodging to the side of it's attack, retaliating with a double hit, each shot landing true, hitting the swordy's weakest points and sending it falling back into the snow behind it and killing it (20). Roaring even LOUDER than before, the Mimic turned to it's allies, opening it's mouth widely, it sent a barrier to wrap around the Shellgeek's body, protecting it from even more harm than before (40 HP barrier) before Courseman could attack against it one last time...before it was struck with a torrent of frozen water...freezing it completely and utterly...the mimic data cracking at the seems and exploding in a festive working of snow, leaving in it's place a GMD...ethereal energy eminating from it as it seemed...safe...protected...and having absolutely no HP whatsoever.
Fluttering down from it's perch, the Pulsebat would begin to turn to Courseman...or at least...his Decoy. Opening it's wings wide, the virus sent out a wave of subsonic energy towards the decoy, causing the shadowy figure to dissipate and disperse the decoy without a second thought. And then it screeched again, this time...a trio of rings launched at his summoned help, hitting it dead on...and with it...a wave of harmful energy outpouring from it, ripping away Courseman's barrier in short order (30 to Needler, 15 to Courseman). The happily protected Shellgeek, was however quick to clam up, protecting itself from attacks...
-- Viruses --
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.: 70 HP (High Altitude) (Above Normal)
ShellgeekShellgeek (ShellGeek)
Shellgeeks alternate actions between attacking and guarding. These are the only actions Shellgeeks may perform, and the first action of every battle is always guarding. Shellgeeks will not break from this pattern unless forced to by status effects. The secondary attack of Shellgeeks can be used to grant an ally of this virus a free movement, or even to knock an ally out of the path of an oncoming attack.
Area: Yoka, Sharo, Beach, Okuden Valley
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effects: 10 Null x 2 Spears
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Fires two spears at one target.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effects: 20 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a star tipped arrow. Can be used on an ally to move them. Causes no damage to allies.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DoubleNeedle, StarArrow1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other action. IronBody when not attacking.: 100 HP (Normal) (40 HP Barrier) (Closed and defending)
Swordy-ASwordy-A (Swordy-A)
Area: Yoka, Sharo
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Aqua Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Aqua Sword.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaKnife, Zenny
Special: Swordy-A's are immune to Freeze Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: EXACT KILL
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: BOOM BITCH
Green MimicGreen Mimic (Mimic)
A Mystery Data bisected horizontally, with a shadowy core binding the halves together. Two menacing red eyes leer out from the shadows in the crack between them, and a swirl of dark energy of the same color as the data whirls around the entire virus constantly. A Mimic only spawns if an MD is present, and the roll to check contents comes up as a Trap. The MD then becomes a single Mimic. Mimics do not ever appear otherwise. Once triggered, a Mimic either mass summons Viruses, Navis, or other Battle Programs for the next battle number, or mass teleports all allies to the location of the next battle (which is always within the same network area), and the battle begins immediately. These mass summon and mass teleport abilities are unique to Mimics, and cannot be emulated. When a Mimic is defeated, it reverts to MD form. At this point, it becomes ethereal, and cannot be damaged in any way.
Area: All
HP: 200
Primary Attack Description: Gathers the energy around it into a ball, then fires it all outward in a beam of green light.
Primary Attack Effect: 30 + Beam Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Swirls the energy surrounding it around an ally.
Secondary Attack Effect: 40 HP barrier to ally (Cannot be used on self)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Tertiary Attack Description: Spits a ball of glitchy data out from the crack in the Mystery Data, then sends it flying inside a guided shell of energy.
Tertiary Attack Effect: 15 + Glitch + Homing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Element: Null
Special: Omnishoes. Immobile.
Special: Gains a 20 HP barrier every turn it is not attacking. Does not stack.: CRACKATOA!
-- Navis --
Courseman.EXE: 85 HP (Snow...again.)
-- Objects --
GMD: Infinity+1 HP (Cracked)
Courseman's Needler2: 40 HP (Normal) (In front of where Courseman was)
-- Terrain --
50% Normal
40% Snow
5% Cracked
5% Broken
The navi quick to attack as well, sending his attacks of high pressured water at the offending viruses, the two lashes to each target smacking against the Mimic, Swordy-A and Basher with ease as the Pulsebat laid upon the ceiling, one shot missing and going to the side (20 Aqua to Mimic and Swordy-A, 40 to Basher, 10 to Pulsebat), both the swordy and Basher, unfortunately for them, freezing up from the hits, the snow quick to melt beneath their feet, ice and mist immediately rising up from the vapor in his water attacks, the swordy seeming completely fine...but the Basher's cannons were quickly frozen shut (Freeze to basher), the cannon virus being unable to retaliate for the moment. The frozen frozen virus attempting to melt the ice covering it's cannons, Courseman took advantage of the situation, sending out the same Needler from before. The Mimic, Basher and Swordy all lucky to just barely evade a double dose of needles, one shot against the both of them inexplicably going wide against them (40 to each).
Anger welling up as the Shellgeek opened itself up, turning to it's immobile friend and spitting out a special arrow, sending it at the Basher and swiftly pushing it off towards the back of the field...and accidentally landing it on a Snow panel...oops. The moved basher was quick to thrash about, it's cannons completely plugged up for the moment, it did everything it could to fire off it's explosive ordnance...failing miserably at this sad to say for it.
Courseman, of course, was completely ready, silver revolver in hand, three explosive, panel breaking, shots were fired off in quick succession. Unfortunately for the mimic and Basher, both took the full brunt of the attack, Basher exploded by it's own heavy ammo and the Mimic barely hanging on for dear life as it looked ready to die, unfortunately his luck against the pulsebat was as bad as ever, shot flying by the immobile virus again and sending out a ringing shot in the distance (120 to both Basher and Mimic, Cracked/Broken panel beneath each).
The Swordy, angered at it's comrade's death, quickly retaliated, teleporting up towards the Needler that just attacked, it's sword cleaved forward, a long slash through the Needler, the summoned help seemingly unhurt for the most part, the sword cut against Courseman...who had a trap in place, evading the attack and creating a shadowy doppelganger in his place, the real Courseman swift in retaliation after dodging to the side of it's attack, retaliating with a double hit, each shot landing true, hitting the swordy's weakest points and sending it falling back into the snow behind it and killing it (20). Roaring even LOUDER than before, the Mimic turned to it's allies, opening it's mouth widely, it sent a barrier to wrap around the Shellgeek's body, protecting it from even more harm than before (40 HP barrier) before Courseman could attack against it one last time...before it was struck with a torrent of frozen water...freezing it completely and utterly...the mimic data cracking at the seems and exploding in a festive working of snow, leaving in it's place a GMD...ethereal energy eminating from it as it seemed...safe...protected...and having absolutely no HP whatsoever.
Fluttering down from it's perch, the Pulsebat would begin to turn to Courseman...or at least...his Decoy. Opening it's wings wide, the virus sent out a wave of subsonic energy towards the decoy, causing the shadowy figure to dissipate and disperse the decoy without a second thought. And then it screeched again, this time...a trio of rings launched at his summoned help, hitting it dead on...and with it...a wave of harmful energy outpouring from it, ripping away Courseman's barrier in short order (30 to Needler, 15 to Courseman). The happily protected Shellgeek, was however quick to clam up, protecting itself from attacks...
-- Viruses --
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.: 70 HP (High Altitude) (Above Normal)
ShellgeekShellgeek (ShellGeek)
Shellgeeks alternate actions between attacking and guarding. These are the only actions Shellgeeks may perform, and the first action of every battle is always guarding. Shellgeeks will not break from this pattern unless forced to by status effects. The secondary attack of Shellgeeks can be used to grant an ally of this virus a free movement, or even to knock an ally out of the path of an oncoming attack.
Area: Yoka, Sharo, Beach, Okuden Valley
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effects: 10 Null x 2 Spears
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Fires two spears at one target.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effects: 20 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a star tipped arrow. Can be used on an ally to move them. Causes no damage to allies.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DoubleNeedle, StarArrow1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other action. IronBody when not attacking.: 100 HP (Normal) (40 HP Barrier) (Closed and defending)
Swordy-ASwordy-A (Swordy-A)
Area: Yoka, Sharo
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Aqua Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Aqua Sword.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaKnife, Zenny
Special: Swordy-A's are immune to Freeze Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: EXACT KILL
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: BOOM BITCH
Green MimicGreen Mimic (Mimic)
A Mystery Data bisected horizontally, with a shadowy core binding the halves together. Two menacing red eyes leer out from the shadows in the crack between them, and a swirl of dark energy of the same color as the data whirls around the entire virus constantly. A Mimic only spawns if an MD is present, and the roll to check contents comes up as a Trap. The MD then becomes a single Mimic. Mimics do not ever appear otherwise. Once triggered, a Mimic either mass summons Viruses, Navis, or other Battle Programs for the next battle number, or mass teleports all allies to the location of the next battle (which is always within the same network area), and the battle begins immediately. These mass summon and mass teleport abilities are unique to Mimics, and cannot be emulated. When a Mimic is defeated, it reverts to MD form. At this point, it becomes ethereal, and cannot be damaged in any way.
Area: All
HP: 200
Primary Attack Description: Gathers the energy around it into a ball, then fires it all outward in a beam of green light.
Primary Attack Effect: 30 + Beam Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Swirls the energy surrounding it around an ally.
Secondary Attack Effect: 40 HP barrier to ally (Cannot be used on self)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Tertiary Attack Description: Spits a ball of glitchy data out from the crack in the Mystery Data, then sends it flying inside a guided shell of energy.
Tertiary Attack Effect: 15 + Glitch + Homing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Element: Null
Special: Omnishoes. Immobile.
Special: Gains a 20 HP barrier every turn it is not attacking. Does not stack.: CRACKATOA!
-- Navis --
Courseman.EXE: 85 HP (Snow...again.)
-- Objects --
GMD: Infinity+1 HP (Cracked)
Courseman's Needler2: 40 HP (Normal) (In front of where Courseman was)
-- Terrain --
50% Normal
- No effects.
40% Snow
- Non-Aqua Elementals get -10% Evasion and reduced movement speed.
- Wind attacks: +100% Source Damage. Imbue Aqua if Null. Change terrain hit to Ice for 1 turn after turn hit, then back to Snow.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Ice, generate Frosty Mist: -10% Accuracy for Non-Aqua Elementals, +10% evasion against Non-Aqua Elementals, Freeze1 effect for any Aqua or Wind attacks.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
5% Cracked
- Changes to Broken when stepped on, chance to fall in when triggered.
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, Null 50 to burrower.
- Panel Crack attacks, >100 Damage Break/Impact/Drop attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken.
- PanelShot: Splash1.
5% Broken
- Not bottomless.
- Reverts to Normal after a time, if no one is inside.
- Doubles dodge penalties for bad RP.
- 1-4 Movements actions to climb back out depending on method.
last edited by Rogan
Courser flinched as the crystal revealed its true colour and jumped backwards as the ground shifted beneath him. Two pairs of feet hit the ground and both Coursemen looked about in different directions. It was getting to be a practiced thing now, as they looked in different places and his split senses managed to avoid an overlay.
“Courser! Are you okay? you location just shifted sharply!” Mild shock came through the channel in Jenny's voice, but one of the Coursers waved a hand at the air while the other finished clocking the new foes around them.
“Don't worry Jen, just the off-hand side of gambling. Plans are set, we'll be fine.”
“Enough chatting you, let's move!” The other Courser glanced over his shoulder at the first with a brief nod, and the pair split.
One crouched low as a misty spray enveloped him, then dashed to the side on a spreading current of water while his wave whips unfolded. He skidded out in a small arc, then knelt down and called back over his shoulder.
“Keep 'em occupied, I'll get it set up.” He opened his coat and began rummaging in it with one hand, while his other extended behind him, facing the group of viruses and the wave whip drew up and spread out into a translucent wall, water rushing out from the boss in the centre and curving back around on the inside.
The other CourseMan instead glided forward and to the right, his body cloaked in a similar misty spray as he made a short arc and skidded to face the enemies arrayed around them. Like the other Courser, across the way, he had pulled up one wave whip to spread out into the rushing flow of his shield, the constant cycle of water flooding out from the centre and spreading into a broad plane that covered most of his body from the front and sides. As soon as any of the viruses chose to attack this Courser, however, he threw himself into a swift dodge roll to the side – both sides, in fact, as he split again into another image of himself. Both came up from the roll, spreading out slightly as they rose from one knee to both feet.
“All together now!” The call came from the Courser that had dodged to north, before all three brought their free hands up together; each curling whip of water bunched up in a presented palm, before launching a volley of spray fire across the field in scattering directions. If the viruses thought they had Courser surrounded, the Coursemen had other plans. Tiny beads of high-pressure water darts spread across the area, coming from multiple angles as they attempted to pepper most of the present viruses to some extent. The only one that didn't seem to get attacked in this hail of fire was the Shellgeek, which all three mostly seemed to be ignoring for now.
The mist clouds surrounding the remaining Coursers seemed to refresh itself as the one right of centre clicked his fingers. A dark pool of shadows gave rise to a mechanical platform in the centre of the area, which spun in place and revved, before spraying the area with high powered flechette darts of its own. The turret seemed to aim mostly for the Mimic, Basher and Swordy viruses, keeping up the stream of suppressing fire and wearing out any efforts at defence they might make. The salvo finished up with a triplicate of louder, heavier booming concussions. Off to one side, the right-most Courser was holding the silver-worked revolver in one hand, arm extended and the barrel smoking after he had released three shots in quick succession aimed at the same three viruses the turret had been harassing.
He ducked low as his hand spun the pistol around and holstered it in his belt, where it disappeared. A quick glance around the field let his eyes settle on the most problematic of his remaining targets; likely the Mimic or Basher, if either remained, but one of the several smaller viruses that was left otherwise.
“That's enough, I think... Lights out, sweetheart” He rose up from his crouch with a grin, his free hand sweeping up and forward as he did. A heavy wave of freezing water roared up from under the hand, rising and tearing across the field in an effort to engulf his target and hopefully freeze it in place, if it failed to delete it outright. Courser took a half step back to recover from that attack and took a defensive stance to work out what needed his attention next.
C*) First Barrier (10Hp Barrier)
C*) Shadow: Decoy darting to the side and pretending to set something up
C1) Forked Streams: Trap(Incoming Attack Directed At Courser): First(Dodge + Decoy), Then(10Aqua, Shot-Type x2 Hits, Acc: A, 15Hp Self-Sacrifice)
C2) Shield NCP (2-Hit Shield)
C3) Solo Teamwork: (10Aqua, x 2 Hits, x 4 Targets, Shot-Type, Acc: A) @ Mimic, Basher, Swordy, PulseBat
C*) Fast Barrier (10Hp Barrier)
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C (40, x2 Hits, x3 Targets, Shot-Type, Acc: A) @ Mimic, Basher, Swordy
Magnum1Damage: 120 + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: A triple barreled gun that blasts through defenses and terrain alike. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C (120Fire, Break, Panel-Break, x3 Targets, Shot-Type, Acc: A) @ Mimic, Basher, PulseBat
IceWave2Damage: 100 + Freeze
Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C (110aqua, Freeze, Acc: A) @ Mimic /else Basher /else Swordy /else PulseBat
“Courser! Are you okay? you location just shifted sharply!” Mild shock came through the channel in Jenny's voice, but one of the Coursers waved a hand at the air while the other finished clocking the new foes around them.
“Don't worry Jen, just the off-hand side of gambling. Plans are set, we'll be fine.”
“Enough chatting you, let's move!” The other Courser glanced over his shoulder at the first with a brief nod, and the pair split.
One crouched low as a misty spray enveloped him, then dashed to the side on a spreading current of water while his wave whips unfolded. He skidded out in a small arc, then knelt down and called back over his shoulder.
“Keep 'em occupied, I'll get it set up.” He opened his coat and began rummaging in it with one hand, while his other extended behind him, facing the group of viruses and the wave whip drew up and spread out into a translucent wall, water rushing out from the boss in the centre and curving back around on the inside.
The other CourseMan instead glided forward and to the right, his body cloaked in a similar misty spray as he made a short arc and skidded to face the enemies arrayed around them. Like the other Courser, across the way, he had pulled up one wave whip to spread out into the rushing flow of his shield, the constant cycle of water flooding out from the centre and spreading into a broad plane that covered most of his body from the front and sides. As soon as any of the viruses chose to attack this Courser, however, he threw himself into a swift dodge roll to the side – both sides, in fact, as he split again into another image of himself. Both came up from the roll, spreading out slightly as they rose from one knee to both feet.
“All together now!” The call came from the Courser that had dodged to north, before all three brought their free hands up together; each curling whip of water bunched up in a presented palm, before launching a volley of spray fire across the field in scattering directions. If the viruses thought they had Courser surrounded, the Coursemen had other plans. Tiny beads of high-pressure water darts spread across the area, coming from multiple angles as they attempted to pepper most of the present viruses to some extent. The only one that didn't seem to get attacked in this hail of fire was the Shellgeek, which all three mostly seemed to be ignoring for now.
The mist clouds surrounding the remaining Coursers seemed to refresh itself as the one right of centre clicked his fingers. A dark pool of shadows gave rise to a mechanical platform in the centre of the area, which spun in place and revved, before spraying the area with high powered flechette darts of its own. The turret seemed to aim mostly for the Mimic, Basher and Swordy viruses, keeping up the stream of suppressing fire and wearing out any efforts at defence they might make. The salvo finished up with a triplicate of louder, heavier booming concussions. Off to one side, the right-most Courser was holding the silver-worked revolver in one hand, arm extended and the barrel smoking after he had released three shots in quick succession aimed at the same three viruses the turret had been harassing.
He ducked low as his hand spun the pistol around and holstered it in his belt, where it disappeared. A quick glance around the field let his eyes settle on the most problematic of his remaining targets; likely the Mimic or Basher, if either remained, but one of the several smaller viruses that was left otherwise.
“That's enough, I think... Lights out, sweetheart” He rose up from his crouch with a grin, his free hand sweeping up and forward as he did. A heavy wave of freezing water roared up from under the hand, rising and tearing across the field in an effort to engulf his target and hopefully freeze it in place, if it failed to delete it outright. Courser took a half step back to recover from that attack and took a defensive stance to work out what needed his attention next.
C*) First Barrier (10Hp Barrier)
C*) Shadow: Decoy darting to the side and pretending to set something up
C1) Forked Streams: Trap(Incoming Attack Directed At Courser): First(Dodge + Decoy), Then(10Aqua, Shot-Type x2 Hits, Acc: A, 15Hp Self-Sacrifice)
C2) Shield NCP (2-Hit Shield)
C3) Solo Teamwork: (10Aqua, x 2 Hits, x 4 Targets, Shot-Type, Acc: A) @ Mimic, Basher, Swordy, PulseBat
C*) Fast Barrier (10Hp Barrier)

Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C (40, x2 Hits, x3 Targets, Shot-Type, Acc: A) @ Mimic, Basher, Swordy

Accuracy: A
Description: A triple barreled gun that blasts through defenses and terrain alike. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C (120Fire, Break, Panel-Break, x3 Targets, Shot-Type, Acc: A) @ Mimic, Basher, PulseBat

Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C (110aqua, Freeze, Acc: A) @ Mimic /else Basher /else Swordy /else PulseBat
last edited by Kemix1006
Battle started and his first defense rising to wrap around Courseman, the Mimic roaring out commands to the other viruses were quick to prepare, Basher loading a round into it's main cannons , heat pouring out of the top of the immobile virus as it began to take aim at the offending navi, all barrels ready to fire. But before any other viruses could attack, Courseman was quick to set himself up. Self harm (-15) to prep himself to evade, on top of a free shield to protect from harm, curious thing that.
The navi quick to attack as well, sending his attacks of high pressured water at the offending viruses, the two lashes to each target smacking against the Mimic, Swordy-A and Basher with ease as the Pulsebat laid upon the ceiling, one shot missing and going to the side (20 Aqua to Mimic and Swordy-A, 40 to Basher, 10 to Pulsebat), both the swordy and Basher, unfortunately for them, freezing up from the hits, the snow quick to melt beneath their feet, ice and mist immediately rising up from the vapor in his water attacks, the swordy seeming completely fine...but the Basher's cannons were quickly frozen shut (Freeze to basher), the cannon virus being unable to retaliate for the moment. The frozen frozen virus attempting to melt the ice covering it's cannons, Courseman took advantage of the situation, sending out the same Needler from before. The Mimic, Basher and Swordy all lucky to just barely evade a double dose of needles, one shot against the both of them inexplicably going wide against them (40 to each).
Anger welling up as the Shellgeek opened itself up, turning to it's immobile friend and spitting out a special arrow, sending it at the Basher and swiftly pushing it off towards the back of the field...and accidentally landing it on a Snow panel...oops. The moved basher was quick to thrash about, it's cannons completely plugged up for the moment, it did everything it could to fire off it's explosive ordnance...failing miserably at this sad to say for it.
Courseman, of course, was completely ready, silver revolver in hand, three explosive, panel breaking, shots were fired off in quick succession. Unfortunately for the mimic and Basher, both took the full brunt of the attack, Basher exploded by it's own heavy ammo and the Mimic barely hanging on for dear life as it looked ready to die, unfortunately his luck against the pulsebat was as bad as ever, shot flying by the immobile virus again and sending out a ringing shot in the distance (120 to both Basher and Mimic, Cracked/Broken panel beneath each).
The Swordy, angered at it's comrade's death, quickly retaliated, teleporting up towards the Needler that just attacked, it's sword cleaved forward, a long slash through the Needler, the summoned help seemingly unhurt for the most part, the sword cut against Courseman...who had a trap in place, evading the attack and creating a shadowy doppelganger in his place, the real Courseman swift in retaliation after dodging to the side of it's attack, retaliating with a double hit, each shot landing true, hitting the swordy's weakest points and sending it falling back into the snow behind it and killing it (20). Roaring even LOUDER than before, the Mimic turned to it's allies, opening it's mouth widely, it sent a barrier to wrap around the Shellgeek's body, protecting it from even more harm than before (40 HP barrier) before Courseman could attack against it one last time...before it was struck with a torrent of frozen water...freezing it completely and utterly...the mimic data cracking at the seems and exploding in a festive working of snow, leaving in it's place a GMD...ethereal energy eminating from it as it seemed...safe...protected...and having absolutely no HP whatsoever.
Fluttering down from it's perch, the Pulsebat would begin to turn to Courseman...or at least...his Decoy. Opening it's wings wide, the virus sent out a wave of subsonic energy towards the decoy, causing the shadowy figure to dissipate and disperse the decoy without a second thought. And then it screeched again, this time...a trio of rings launched at his summoned help, hitting it dead on...and with it...a wave of harmful energy outpouring from it, ripping away Courseman's barrier in short order (30 to Needler, 15 to Courseman). The happily protected Shellgeek, was however quick to clam up, protecting itself from attacks...
-- Viruses --
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.: 70 HP (Above Normal)
ShellgeekShellgeek (ShellGeek)
Shellgeeks alternate actions between attacking and guarding. These are the only actions Shellgeeks may perform, and the first action of every battle is always guarding. Shellgeeks will not break from this pattern unless forced to by status effects. The secondary attack of Shellgeeks can be used to grant an ally of this virus a free movement, or even to knock an ally out of the path of an oncoming attack.
Area: Yoka, Sharo, Beach, Okuden Valley
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effects: 10 Null x 2 Spears
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Fires two spears at one target.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effects: 20 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a star tipped arrow. Can be used on an ally to move them. Causes no damage to allies.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DoubleNeedle, StarArrow1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other action. IronBody when not attacking.: 100 HP (Normal) (40 HP Barrier) (Closed and defending)
Swordy-ASwordy-A (Swordy-A)
Area: Yoka, Sharo
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Aqua Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Aqua Sword.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaKnife, Zenny
Special: Swordy-A's are immune to Freeze Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: EXACT KILL
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: BOOM BITCH
Green MimicGreen Mimic (Mimic)
A Mystery Data bisected horizontally, with a shadowy core binding the halves together. Two menacing red eyes leer out from the shadows in the crack between them, and a swirl of dark energy of the same color as the data whirls around the entire virus constantly. A Mimic only spawns if an MD is present, and the roll to check contents comes up as a Trap. The MD then becomes a single Mimic. Mimics do not ever appear otherwise. Once triggered, a Mimic either mass summons Viruses, Navis, or other Battle Programs for the next battle number, or mass teleports all allies to the location of the next battle (which is always within the same network area), and the battle begins immediately. These mass summon and mass teleport abilities are unique to Mimics, and cannot be emulated. When a Mimic is defeated, it reverts to MD form. At this point, it becomes ethereal, and cannot be damaged in any way.
Area: All
HP: 200
Primary Attack Description: Gathers the energy around it into a ball, then fires it all outward in a beam of green light.
Primary Attack Effect: 30 + Beam Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Swirls the energy surrounding it around an ally.
Secondary Attack Effect: 40 HP barrier to ally (Cannot be used on self)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Tertiary Attack Description: Spits a ball of glitchy data out from the crack in the Mystery Data, then sends it flying inside a guided shell of energy.
Tertiary Attack Effect: 15 + Glitch + Homing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Element: Null
Special: Omnishoes. Immobile.
Special: Gains a 20 HP barrier every turn it is not attacking. Does not stack.: CRACKATOA!
-- Navis --
Courseman.EXE: 85 HP (Snow...again.) (2-hit shield)
-- Objects --
GMD: Infinity+1 HP (Cracked)
Courseman's Needler2: 40 HP (Normal) (In front of where Courseman was)
-- Terrain --
50% Normal
40% Snow
5% Cracked
5% Broken
The navi quick to attack as well, sending his attacks of high pressured water at the offending viruses, the two lashes to each target smacking against the Mimic, Swordy-A and Basher with ease as the Pulsebat laid upon the ceiling, one shot missing and going to the side (20 Aqua to Mimic and Swordy-A, 40 to Basher, 10 to Pulsebat), both the swordy and Basher, unfortunately for them, freezing up from the hits, the snow quick to melt beneath their feet, ice and mist immediately rising up from the vapor in his water attacks, the swordy seeming completely fine...but the Basher's cannons were quickly frozen shut (Freeze to basher), the cannon virus being unable to retaliate for the moment. The frozen frozen virus attempting to melt the ice covering it's cannons, Courseman took advantage of the situation, sending out the same Needler from before. The Mimic, Basher and Swordy all lucky to just barely evade a double dose of needles, one shot against the both of them inexplicably going wide against them (40 to each).
Anger welling up as the Shellgeek opened itself up, turning to it's immobile friend and spitting out a special arrow, sending it at the Basher and swiftly pushing it off towards the back of the field...and accidentally landing it on a Snow panel...oops. The moved basher was quick to thrash about, it's cannons completely plugged up for the moment, it did everything it could to fire off it's explosive ordnance...failing miserably at this sad to say for it.
Courseman, of course, was completely ready, silver revolver in hand, three explosive, panel breaking, shots were fired off in quick succession. Unfortunately for the mimic and Basher, both took the full brunt of the attack, Basher exploded by it's own heavy ammo and the Mimic barely hanging on for dear life as it looked ready to die, unfortunately his luck against the pulsebat was as bad as ever, shot flying by the immobile virus again and sending out a ringing shot in the distance (120 to both Basher and Mimic, Cracked/Broken panel beneath each).
The Swordy, angered at it's comrade's death, quickly retaliated, teleporting up towards the Needler that just attacked, it's sword cleaved forward, a long slash through the Needler, the summoned help seemingly unhurt for the most part, the sword cut against Courseman...who had a trap in place, evading the attack and creating a shadowy doppelganger in his place, the real Courseman swift in retaliation after dodging to the side of it's attack, retaliating with a double hit, each shot landing true, hitting the swordy's weakest points and sending it falling back into the snow behind it and killing it (20). Roaring even LOUDER than before, the Mimic turned to it's allies, opening it's mouth widely, it sent a barrier to wrap around the Shellgeek's body, protecting it from even more harm than before (40 HP barrier) before Courseman could attack against it one last time...before it was struck with a torrent of frozen water...freezing it completely and utterly...the mimic data cracking at the seems and exploding in a festive working of snow, leaving in it's place a GMD...ethereal energy eminating from it as it seemed...safe...protected...and having absolutely no HP whatsoever.
Fluttering down from it's perch, the Pulsebat would begin to turn to Courseman...or at least...his Decoy. Opening it's wings wide, the virus sent out a wave of subsonic energy towards the decoy, causing the shadowy figure to dissipate and disperse the decoy without a second thought. And then it screeched again, this time...a trio of rings launched at his summoned help, hitting it dead on...and with it...a wave of harmful energy outpouring from it, ripping away Courseman's barrier in short order (30 to Needler, 15 to Courseman). The happily protected Shellgeek, was however quick to clam up, protecting itself from attacks...
-- Viruses --
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.: 70 HP (Above Normal)
ShellgeekShellgeek (ShellGeek)
Shellgeeks alternate actions between attacking and guarding. These are the only actions Shellgeeks may perform, and the first action of every battle is always guarding. Shellgeeks will not break from this pattern unless forced to by status effects. The secondary attack of Shellgeeks can be used to grant an ally of this virus a free movement, or even to knock an ally out of the path of an oncoming attack.
Area: Yoka, Sharo, Beach, Okuden Valley
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effects: 10 Null x 2 Spears
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Fires two spears at one target.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effects: 20 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a star tipped arrow. Can be used on an ally to move them. Causes no damage to allies.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DoubleNeedle, StarArrow1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other action. IronBody when not attacking.: 100 HP (Normal) (40 HP Barrier) (Closed and defending)
Swordy-ASwordy-A (Swordy-A)
Area: Yoka, Sharo
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Aqua Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Aqua Sword.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaKnife, Zenny
Special: Swordy-A's are immune to Freeze Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: EXACT KILL
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: BOOM BITCH
Green MimicGreen Mimic (Mimic)
A Mystery Data bisected horizontally, with a shadowy core binding the halves together. Two menacing red eyes leer out from the shadows in the crack between them, and a swirl of dark energy of the same color as the data whirls around the entire virus constantly. A Mimic only spawns if an MD is present, and the roll to check contents comes up as a Trap. The MD then becomes a single Mimic. Mimics do not ever appear otherwise. Once triggered, a Mimic either mass summons Viruses, Navis, or other Battle Programs for the next battle number, or mass teleports all allies to the location of the next battle (which is always within the same network area), and the battle begins immediately. These mass summon and mass teleport abilities are unique to Mimics, and cannot be emulated. When a Mimic is defeated, it reverts to MD form. At this point, it becomes ethereal, and cannot be damaged in any way.
Area: All
HP: 200
Primary Attack Description: Gathers the energy around it into a ball, then fires it all outward in a beam of green light.
Primary Attack Effect: 30 + Beam Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Swirls the energy surrounding it around an ally.
Secondary Attack Effect: 40 HP barrier to ally (Cannot be used on self)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Tertiary Attack Description: Spits a ball of glitchy data out from the crack in the Mystery Data, then sends it flying inside a guided shell of energy.
Tertiary Attack Effect: 15 + Glitch + Homing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Element: Null
Special: Omnishoes. Immobile.
Special: Gains a 20 HP barrier every turn it is not attacking. Does not stack.: CRACKATOA!
-- Navis --
Courseman.EXE: 85 HP (Snow...again.) (2-hit shield)
-- Objects --
GMD: Infinity+1 HP (Cracked)
Courseman's Needler2: 40 HP (Normal) (In front of where Courseman was)
-- Terrain --
50% Normal
- No effects.
40% Snow
- Non-Aqua Elementals get -10% Evasion and reduced movement speed.
- Wind attacks: +100% Source Damage. Imbue Aqua if Null. Change terrain hit to Ice for 1 turn after turn hit, then back to Snow.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Ice, generate Frosty Mist: -10% Accuracy for Non-Aqua Elementals, +10% evasion against Non-Aqua Elementals, Freeze1 effect for any Aqua or Wind attacks.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
5% Cracked
- Changes to Broken when stepped on, chance to fall in when triggered.
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, Null 50 to burrower.
- Panel Crack attacks, >100 Damage Break/Impact/Drop attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken.
- PanelShot: Splash1.
5% Broken
- Not bottomless.
- Reverts to Normal after a time, if no one is inside.
- Doubles dodge penalties for bad RP.
- 1-4 Movements actions to climb back out depending on method.
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At the end of his other movements, courser winced and threw up one hand at the shrieking of the irksomely evasive Pulsebat, while his clones shuddered apart around him. The misty shell lifted up about him again but courser drew the water whip in his left hand up further into a large, rounded globe encircling his fist. He held it up, pressing the water through the layers of his shield until the globe was presented out ahead of the rushing wall of water.
“Quiet down, shrieker! How do you like it, eh?” The water globe reverberated as he spoke, picking up the last few sounds of his voice and amplifying them into an unintelligibly grating sonic shriek. On the near side of his shield, the sound was dampened significantly; on the bat's side it became a resounding wave of sound that thrummed forcefully enough to tear something apart.
CourseMan shook his head then kicked off, gliding across the field at a more leisurely pace as he shook his head and rubbed one ear for a moment. As he did, another version of himself moved directly towards the clammed up shell virus and cocked his head.
“You in there, buddy? Everyone's gone. Time to go home, you hear?” Unsatisfied, he started to kick at the seam of the shell. “Wakey-wakey! Come on, we haven't got all night here....”
The other courser watched and circled around, casually pulling a cleansing waver of water over himself and shaking it off again with a refreshed sigh. While the lead courser scuffed his foot at the shell, this one circled in behind, lined himself up carefully, then drew a long-handled hammer from the depths of his coat. Hammer-space was so-called for a reason, and in this case the reason was four feet or reinforced handle, topped with a massive steel head that made the implement more deserving of being called a maul than a hammer. Courser crouched low, hefted the weapon to find his rhythm, then darted forward to bring it crashing down full force on the hard shell of the virus; whether it had opened up by now or not, he only had to hit the immobile virus to crack it apart properly.
He left the hammer where it impacted then stepped back, glancing at his double on the other side with a shrug and looked around the area for any other problems. He kept his shield at the ready, one hand guiding the wall of cycling water while the other whip shaped and stretched, building up a rapidly circling sphere of high-pressure water in its tip while the rest of the whip bulked up and gathered closer to his hand. If any annoying bat-like creatures remained, courser was more than ready to release the pressurised shot in its direction for good measure; deceptively small as it was, the spinning sphere had enough launch pressure to cause a thumping impact sound and drive the remaining water encasing his arm back in the process of cushioning the recoil. Small as it looked, it was easily more power than a virus like the bat could withstand, if he could just nail the little thing. Naturally, if it was already taken care of, there would be no need to fire, but it never hurt to have a back-up plan or three.
C*) Fast Barrier (10Hp Barrier)
Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2
Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D (70, Acc: A) @ PulseBat
C*) Needler: (40, x2 Hits, x3 Targets, Shot-Type, Acc: A) @ PulseBat, ShellGeek
C*) Shadow: Decoy, boot-scuffing Shellgeek to open up
C2) Wave Refresh (30 Healing)
C3) Take Aim
C4) Dodge
BigHammer1Damage: 160 + Impact + Break
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a giant metal hammer to utterly crush one enemy that stands before you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D (160, Impact, Break, Acc: A (B + Aim)) @ ShellGeek
TankCannon1Damage: 80 / 80 + Blast 2
Accuracy: A / C
Description: An enormous cannon whose ammunition can be altered to either a single high accuracy shot, or a low accuracy shot that can explode to hit several enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Dual Mode: This chip has two separate modes of operation. The user may pick which one they wish to use at the time of activation.
Trader Rank: D (80, Acc: A) @ PulseBat, just in case it's still not dead.
“Quiet down, shrieker! How do you like it, eh?” The water globe reverberated as he spoke, picking up the last few sounds of his voice and amplifying them into an unintelligibly grating sonic shriek. On the near side of his shield, the sound was dampened significantly; on the bat's side it became a resounding wave of sound that thrummed forcefully enough to tear something apart.
CourseMan shook his head then kicked off, gliding across the field at a more leisurely pace as he shook his head and rubbed one ear for a moment. As he did, another version of himself moved directly towards the clammed up shell virus and cocked his head.
“You in there, buddy? Everyone's gone. Time to go home, you hear?” Unsatisfied, he started to kick at the seam of the shell. “Wakey-wakey! Come on, we haven't got all night here....”
The other courser watched and circled around, casually pulling a cleansing waver of water over himself and shaking it off again with a refreshed sigh. While the lead courser scuffed his foot at the shell, this one circled in behind, lined himself up carefully, then drew a long-handled hammer from the depths of his coat. Hammer-space was so-called for a reason, and in this case the reason was four feet or reinforced handle, topped with a massive steel head that made the implement more deserving of being called a maul than a hammer. Courser crouched low, hefted the weapon to find his rhythm, then darted forward to bring it crashing down full force on the hard shell of the virus; whether it had opened up by now or not, he only had to hit the immobile virus to crack it apart properly.
He left the hammer where it impacted then stepped back, glancing at his double on the other side with a shrug and looked around the area for any other problems. He kept his shield at the ready, one hand guiding the wall of cycling water while the other whip shaped and stretched, building up a rapidly circling sphere of high-pressure water in its tip while the rest of the whip bulked up and gathered closer to his hand. If any annoying bat-like creatures remained, courser was more than ready to release the pressurised shot in its direction for good measure; deceptively small as it was, the spinning sphere had enough launch pressure to cause a thumping impact sound and drive the remaining water encasing his arm back in the process of cushioning the recoil. Small as it looked, it was easily more power than a virus like the bat could withstand, if he could just nail the little thing. Naturally, if it was already taken care of, there would be no need to fire, but it never hurt to have a back-up plan or three.
C*) Fast Barrier (10Hp Barrier)

Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D (70, Acc: A) @ PulseBat
C*) Needler: (40, x2 Hits, x3 Targets, Shot-Type, Acc: A) @ PulseBat, ShellGeek
C*) Shadow: Decoy, boot-scuffing Shellgeek to open up
C2) Wave Refresh (30 Healing)
C3) Take Aim
C4) Dodge

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a giant metal hammer to utterly crush one enemy that stands before you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D (160, Impact, Break, Acc: A (B + Aim)) @ ShellGeek

Accuracy: A / C
Description: An enormous cannon whose ammunition can be altered to either a single high accuracy shot, or a low accuracy shot that can explode to hit several enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Dual Mode: This chip has two separate modes of operation. The user may pick which one they wish to use at the time of activation.
Trader Rank: D (80, Acc: A) @ PulseBat, just in case it's still not dead.
last edited by Kemix1006
The Pulsebat and Shellgeek weren't about to wait around for Courseman to make his next move and it was obvious as the Pulsebat opened fire upon the navi this time, cutting through his clone and ripping apart the barrier in short order (-30) while the shellgeek would fire off a duo of arrows at the friendly needler, one going wide as the other hit directly upon the object. Courseman, wishing to give the Pulsebat a little taste of it's own medicine fired off a soundwave of his own and managing a hit before it could do anything about it (70) and vaporizing the bat where it flew. His Needler proceeding to shoot a double hit of damage into the Shellgeek before anything else could happen, one shot ripping through the barrier and the other into the the virus, a shriek of pain coming from it as it quickly shelled itself away, clam closing around it. And before it knew it, the navi would heal, prepare himself to evade and try to get it out of it's shell with a clone...before crushing it beneath his massive mallet.
Battle finished, nothing harassing him, Courseman could get his rewards, but before hand...a swift breeze came in from the north. Quicker than Courseman could figure what happened, a second GMD with a note attached to it appeared out of thin air next to the one he could claim. Scrawled in a childish hand, the note read (in crayon of all things, green and red) "Have a Merry Netmas, mister pirate! Enjoy your spoils! PS. The GMD is untrapped, open it at your leisure!"...nobody was around now, that presence gone...whoever it was, they sure left in a hurry. Either way, he could open up both GMDs without hesitation...as well as gather up his rewards.
-- Viruses --
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.: EXACT KILL
ShellgeekShellgeek (ShellGeek)
Shellgeeks alternate actions between attacking and guarding. These are the only actions Shellgeeks may perform, and the first action of every battle is always guarding. Shellgeeks will not break from this pattern unless forced to by status effects. The secondary attack of Shellgeeks can be used to grant an ally of this virus a free movement, or even to knock an ally out of the path of an oncoming attack.
Area: Yoka, Sharo, Beach, Okuden Valley
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effects: 10 Null x 2 Spears
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Fires two spears at one target.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effects: 20 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a star tipped arrow. Can be used on an ally to move them. Causes no damage to allies.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DoubleNeedle, StarArrow1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other action. IronBody when not attacking.: MALLETED
Swordy-ASwordy-A (Swordy-A)
Area: Yoka, Sharo
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Aqua Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Aqua Sword.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaKnife, Zenny
Special: Swordy-A's are immune to Freeze Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: EXACT KILL
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: BOOM BITCH
Green MimicGreen Mimic (Mimic)
A Mystery Data bisected horizontally, with a shadowy core binding the halves together. Two menacing red eyes leer out from the shadows in the crack between them, and a swirl of dark energy of the same color as the data whirls around the entire virus constantly. A Mimic only spawns if an MD is present, and the roll to check contents comes up as a Trap. The MD then becomes a single Mimic. Mimics do not ever appear otherwise. Once triggered, a Mimic either mass summons Viruses, Navis, or other Battle Programs for the next battle number, or mass teleports all allies to the location of the next battle (which is always within the same network area), and the battle begins immediately. These mass summon and mass teleport abilities are unique to Mimics, and cannot be emulated. When a Mimic is defeated, it reverts to MD form. At this point, it becomes ethereal, and cannot be damaged in any way.
Area: All
HP: 200
Primary Attack Description: Gathers the energy around it into a ball, then fires it all outward in a beam of green light.
Primary Attack Effect: 30 + Beam Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Swirls the energy surrounding it around an ally.
Secondary Attack Effect: 40 HP barrier to ally (Cannot be used on self)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Tertiary Attack Description: Spits a ball of glitchy data out from the crack in the Mystery Data, then sends it flying inside a guided shell of energy.
Tertiary Attack Effect: 15 + Glitch + Homing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Element: Null
Special: Omnishoes. Immobile.
Special: Gains a 20 HP barrier every turn it is not attacking. Does not stack.: CRACKATOA!
-- Navis --
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Snow...again.) (2-hit shield)
-- Objects --
GMD A: Infinity+1 HP (Cracked)
GMD B: Infinity+2 HP (Normal next to GMD)
Courseman's Needler2: 30 HP (Normal) (In front of where Courseman was)
-- Terrain --
50% Normal
40% Snow
5% Cracked
5% Broken
Battle 2: WIN!
Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2
Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D, 19 Bugfrags, +1 Basher Kill, 1400z
Open GMDs?
Battle finished, nothing harassing him, Courseman could get his rewards, but before hand...a swift breeze came in from the north. Quicker than Courseman could figure what happened, a second GMD with a note attached to it appeared out of thin air next to the one he could claim. Scrawled in a childish hand, the note read (in crayon of all things, green and red) "Have a Merry Netmas, mister pirate! Enjoy your spoils! PS. The GMD is untrapped, open it at your leisure!"...nobody was around now, that presence gone...whoever it was, they sure left in a hurry. Either way, he could open up both GMDs without hesitation...as well as gather up his rewards.
-- Viruses --
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack.: EXACT KILL
ShellgeekShellgeek (ShellGeek)
Shellgeeks alternate actions between attacking and guarding. These are the only actions Shellgeeks may perform, and the first action of every battle is always guarding. Shellgeeks will not break from this pattern unless forced to by status effects. The secondary attack of Shellgeeks can be used to grant an ally of this virus a free movement, or even to knock an ally out of the path of an oncoming attack.
Area: Yoka, Sharo, Beach, Okuden Valley
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effects: 10 Null x 2 Spears
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Fires two spears at one target.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effects: 20 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a star tipped arrow. Can be used on an ally to move them. Causes no damage to allies.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DoubleNeedle, StarArrow1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other action. IronBody when not attacking.: MALLETED
Swordy-ASwordy-A (Swordy-A)
Area: Yoka, Sharo
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Aqua Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Aqua Sword.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaKnife, Zenny
Special: Swordy-A's are immune to Freeze Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: EXACT KILL
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: BOOM BITCH
Green MimicGreen Mimic (Mimic)
A Mystery Data bisected horizontally, with a shadowy core binding the halves together. Two menacing red eyes leer out from the shadows in the crack between them, and a swirl of dark energy of the same color as the data whirls around the entire virus constantly. A Mimic only spawns if an MD is present, and the roll to check contents comes up as a Trap. The MD then becomes a single Mimic. Mimics do not ever appear otherwise. Once triggered, a Mimic either mass summons Viruses, Navis, or other Battle Programs for the next battle number, or mass teleports all allies to the location of the next battle (which is always within the same network area), and the battle begins immediately. These mass summon and mass teleport abilities are unique to Mimics, and cannot be emulated. When a Mimic is defeated, it reverts to MD form. At this point, it becomes ethereal, and cannot be damaged in any way.
Area: All
HP: 200
Primary Attack Description: Gathers the energy around it into a ball, then fires it all outward in a beam of green light.
Primary Attack Effect: 30 + Beam Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Swirls the energy surrounding it around an ally.
Secondary Attack Effect: 40 HP barrier to ally (Cannot be used on self)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Tertiary Attack Description: Spits a ball of glitchy data out from the crack in the Mystery Data, then sends it flying inside a guided shell of energy.
Tertiary Attack Effect: 15 + Glitch + Homing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Element: Null
Special: Omnishoes. Immobile.
Special: Gains a 20 HP barrier every turn it is not attacking. Does not stack.: CRACKATOA!
-- Navis --
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Snow...again.) (2-hit shield)
-- Objects --
GMD A: Infinity+1 HP (Cracked)
GMD B: Infinity+2 HP (Normal next to GMD)
Courseman's Needler2: 30 HP (Normal) (In front of where Courseman was)
-- Terrain --
50% Normal
- No effects.
40% Snow
- Non-Aqua Elementals get -10% Evasion and reduced movement speed.
- Wind attacks: +100% Source Damage. Imbue Aqua if Null. Change terrain hit to Ice for 1 turn after turn hit, then back to Snow.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Ice, generate Frosty Mist: -10% Accuracy for Non-Aqua Elementals, +10% evasion against Non-Aqua Elementals, Freeze1 effect for any Aqua or Wind attacks.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
5% Cracked
- Changes to Broken when stepped on, chance to fall in when triggered.
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, Null 50 to burrower.
- Panel Crack attacks, >100 Damage Break/Impact/Drop attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken.
- PanelShot: Splash1.
5% Broken
- Not bottomless.
- Reverts to Normal after a time, if no one is inside.
- Doubles dodge penalties for bad RP.
- 1-4 Movements actions to climb back out depending on method.
Battle 2: WIN!

Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D, 19 Bugfrags, +1 Basher Kill, 1400z
Open GMDs?
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Shaking off the ringing of sound in his ears, Courser took a quick stock of the damaged battle area and did a broad lap of the fight zone, gliding across the ground in lazy s-curves as he checked for survivors and other dangers. The sudden appearance of a fresh data crystal, complete with its curious note made him frown with suspicion, but after gathering his other spoils, and some eager encouragement from Jenny, the gambling man shrugged and reached out a hand to access both crystals at once.
((Yes, opening both))
((Yes, opening both))
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Opening up the two GMDs, the two would open with little fanfare or roaring/screeching mimics ready to eat his face. One coalessing into a...rather large stick of dynamite, the other, a large cashe of zenny pouring out onto the ground.
Dynamite1HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D+2800z

Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D+2800z
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As the two data crystals unpacked and courser sent the spare change back tothe PET, he examined the other set of chip data and hefted it once or twice as it coalesced into a looping garland of black iron spheres, each affixed to the main fuse chain by slimmer strands. Not that he wasn't growing quite increasingly fond of them, but the sheer volume of explosives that his luck had been dropping onto his plate was vaguely concerning.
“Don't stress about it, boss. They're just tools...”
“Fun tool! Tools that explode!” To either side of him, duplicate Coursers slung arms about his shoulders, eagerly examining the new addition to their explosive catalogue. The central courser sighed, then whisked the chip data away.
“They are not the most precise of weapons, and they're dangerous in indelicate hands.”
“Good thing you've got such magic fingers, right then?” The left courser chortled after it shot back the immediate response, but Courser only allowed it a small smirk and waved them both off.
As he finished casing the area and prepared to move on, Jenny's decision to get out of the house dew a raised eyebrow, but not any real concern. they went through the normal back and forth, but he wasn't too worried. This network wasn't too dangerous for him these days.
“Let me know when you get there, Jen. I'm just going to move on a little bit for now.” While his operator changed her clothes and got ready to leave, courser slowly began moving forward again.
((Not requesting battle ready yet... but shop purchase post will likely cause it anyway))
“Don't stress about it, boss. They're just tools...”
“Fun tool! Tools that explode!” To either side of him, duplicate Coursers slung arms about his shoulders, eagerly examining the new addition to their explosive catalogue. The central courser sighed, then whisked the chip data away.
“They are not the most precise of weapons, and they're dangerous in indelicate hands.”
“Good thing you've got such magic fingers, right then?” The left courser chortled after it shot back the immediate response, but Courser only allowed it a small smirk and waved them both off.
As he finished casing the area and prepared to move on, Jenny's decision to get out of the house dew a raised eyebrow, but not any real concern. they went through the normal back and forth, but he wasn't too worried. This network wasn't too dangerous for him these days.
“Let me know when you get there, Jen. I'm just going to move on a little bit for now.” While his operator changed her clothes and got ready to leave, courser slowly began moving forward again.
((Not requesting battle ready yet... but shop purchase post will likely cause it anyway))
last edited by Kemix1006
Moving forward, Courseman's feet began to feel a nice crunchy snow underfoot with some ice interspersed across the field, a chilly wind blowing across his face before having to abruptly stop. A large sheet of ice stretching across his vision with a giant bottomless hole in front of him, Courseman was to stop before the sheet of ice, a Shadowy figure beginning to coalesce within the missing parts of the ice, a giant sword and singluar eye beginning to slowly creep up from the terrain. A Basher making a dynamic entry from above, with the help of another virus hanging by a string, and finally, a giant ball of electricity and diodes began to slowly move across the field, waiting on the ice. His combat protocols engaging, Courseman was, unfortunately, thrust upon another fight...with potential consequences should his netop not hurry up.
-- Viruses --
WeatherWeather (Weather)
Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, Sharo
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard1, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: 80 HP (High Altitude) (Snow) (Back of the ice field)
NightmareNightmare (Nightmare)
Nightmare viruses only appear in battle when Missing Terrain is present, and only one Nightmare may appear per panel of Missing Terrain. Nightmares do not dodge, and they only move by teleporting before and after attacking an enemy. Nightmares have permanent Shadow, unless they are attacking. Teleporting before and after their attacks does not require an action. They will always end a turn while floating over Missing or Hole Terrain. If the Hole terrain is altered in any way, they will instantly teleport to unoccupied Missing Terrain. Nightmares cannot share ownership of a Missing Panel with other viruses that require Missing Terrain to be on the field. If for any reason there is not enough Missing Terrain to accommodate a Nightmare at the end of a turn, the Nightmare will Escape from the battle immediately.
Area: Sharo, Hades Isle, NAXA, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Wide Attack + Slashing
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Attacks at close range with black sword.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SummonBlack1, Zenny
Special: Permanent Shadow status, except when attacking. Not even being hit by Slashing or Beam attacks causes this virus to lose this effect.
Special: Moves by Teleporting. This is not treated as a formal Teleport, and does not confer any bonuses.: 100 HP (Missing) (Middle of the field)
SparkySparky (Sparky)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA, SciLab
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec to close group, break, impact
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Zips in rotation around the battlefield, attempting to slam its electrically-charged body into enemies.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Satellite1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. One free dodge against each opponent. If this virus makes contact with an object on the battlefield, it will begin to slowly orbit the object and loses its ability to dodge.: 100 HP (Ice) (Front-left corner of the ice field)
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: 120 HP (Ice) (Back-Left of the ice field)
-- Navis --
Corseman.EXE: 100 HP (Snow) (Frontmost edge of the ice, still on snow) (Unopped: 1 turn)
-- Terrain --
20% Missing
40% Snow
40% Ice
Battle Mode: Extermination!
Kill everything that opposes you to win!
-- Battle 3 Ready? Start!! --
-- Viruses --
WeatherWeather (Weather)
Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, Sharo
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard1, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: 80 HP (High Altitude) (Snow) (Back of the ice field)
NightmareNightmare (Nightmare)
Nightmare viruses only appear in battle when Missing Terrain is present, and only one Nightmare may appear per panel of Missing Terrain. Nightmares do not dodge, and they only move by teleporting before and after attacking an enemy. Nightmares have permanent Shadow, unless they are attacking. Teleporting before and after their attacks does not require an action. They will always end a turn while floating over Missing or Hole Terrain. If the Hole terrain is altered in any way, they will instantly teleport to unoccupied Missing Terrain. Nightmares cannot share ownership of a Missing Panel with other viruses that require Missing Terrain to be on the field. If for any reason there is not enough Missing Terrain to accommodate a Nightmare at the end of a turn, the Nightmare will Escape from the battle immediately.
Area: Sharo, Hades Isle, NAXA, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Wide Attack + Slashing
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Attacks at close range with black sword.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SummonBlack1, Zenny
Special: Permanent Shadow status, except when attacking. Not even being hit by Slashing or Beam attacks causes this virus to lose this effect.
Special: Moves by Teleporting. This is not treated as a formal Teleport, and does not confer any bonuses.: 100 HP (Missing) (Middle of the field)
SparkySparky (Sparky)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA, SciLab
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec to close group, break, impact
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Zips in rotation around the battlefield, attempting to slam its electrically-charged body into enemies.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Satellite1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. One free dodge against each opponent. If this virus makes contact with an object on the battlefield, it will begin to slowly orbit the object and loses its ability to dodge.: 100 HP (Ice) (Front-left corner of the ice field)
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: 120 HP (Ice) (Back-Left of the ice field)
-- Navis --
Corseman.EXE: 100 HP (Snow) (Frontmost edge of the ice, still on snow) (Unopped: 1 turn)
-- Terrain --
20% Missing
- Permanent bottomless hole.
- Doubles dodge penalties for bad RP.
- EJO if you fall in.
40% Snow
- Non-Aqua Elementals get -10% Evasion and reduced movement speed.
- Wind attacks: +100% Source Damage. Imbue Aqua if Null. Change terrain hit to Ice for 1 turn after turn hit, then back to Snow.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Ice, generate Frosty Mist: -10% Accuracy for Non-Aqua Elementals, +10% evasion against Non-Aqua Elementals, Freeze1 effect for any Aqua or Wind attacks.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
40% Ice
- +10% Evasion to all. Non-Aqua Elementals get -20% Accuracy.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Sea.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
Battle Mode: Extermination!
Kill everything that opposes you to win!
-- Battle 3 Ready? Start!! --
last edited by
Courser was only moving slowly while he waited for Jenny 's connection to settle back down, but he didn't end up moving slowly enough as more viruses found him first. the crash down of a fresh Basher made him raise an eyebrow. There was a bounty on the things, but was there some kind of set up shipping them in from somewhere? It was a curiosity he didn't have too much time to indulge as more viruses showed up alongside.
The crackle of electricity, in particular, drew his attention. that was nasty. nastier than even the heavy artillery. As he unfurled his wave whips and let his gliding water current carry him to a brief stop, courser eyed the shadowy form of the nightmare, further off. To much of a gamble to work the shadows while that was about.. the water current splashed once more and misted up into a hazy field of spray about him and Courser drew one of his whips up into the familiar wall of water that formed his next line of defence, cycling the flow out from the central boss and away into a broad circular shield.
“Easy there sparky! See if you can keep up first!” As he started to run, two coursers took off. One rand across the snow, while the other began to veer forward at an angle, crossing onto the ice as it began to circle around the missing gap towards the other viruses. Just as they began to split up, one looked across to the other with a dry smirk.
“Doesn't have the same kick to it when it's actually their name, does it?” The other courser shrugged back, also grinning.
“You tried. That's what counts!”
As one continued crunching through the snow, and the other circled forward, the two CourserMen took views of the field, careful to avoid each other's lines of sight. He was getting better at this. The nightmare was a problem, but it wasn't a large threat in itself. Same for the puppet virus. The other two were the big issue.
The courser gliding across the ice made a broad curve about the hole, fixing the Basher with a cautionary glance before turning most of his attention to the Nightmare.
“Hey spooks! you going to hang over there all day, or you going to come and get yourself shanked, huh? Got a knife with your name on it, but you'll have to come get it!” He moved his shield to face the Basher and waved his other hand, letting the wave whip refine and narrow down until it took on a honed knife's edge, before winking at the one-eyed spectre.
Back in the snow, the other Courser made sure to keep ahead of the sparky, if indeed it decided to chase him. He kept away from it regardless, but did his best to keep one eye on the field as best he could. his vision danced a little as he saw some parts of the battle from both perspectives, but it was necessary. The first time any of his assailants picked the right courser to attack, the one in the snow was ready for it, diving away into a quick shoulder roll in two different directions as his form split again.
As each stood, courser and any of his selves that remained finally turned on their foes, having strung them out far enough; a volley of small water shots speckled the field, launched from different directions and at different targets depending on which clones could still contribute. Everything that wasn't a CourseMan got at least a couple of pressurised water pellets blasted at it in some form; if any had attacked the real courser that virus got extra attention.
“Jen, you back yet?” No immediate answer followed and Courser scanned the field quickly again, before moving to cross over with his most recent decoy, trading places with it as it tumbled across his own shoulders. One watched the sparky carefully, while the other flexed his whips and launched a pair of quick extra shots at the Basher. He could whittle it down easily enough, but in between there was always the hope that it would freeze up, like the other ones had; they didn't seem well suited to the cold.
C*) First Barrier (20Hp Barrier)
C1) Shield NCP: 2-hit Shield (towards the whole field if his angle is backed off enough, but primarily watching the Sparky if not)
C*) Shadow: Decoy (Movement over ice, away from Sparky)
C2) Movement (Over snow, away from Sparky)
C3) Trap(Attack on Courser): First (Dodge + Decoy), (10Aqua, x2 Hits, Shot-Type, A)
C4) Solo Teamwork: (10Aqua, x 2 Hits, x 4 Targets, Shot-Type, A) (All 4 targets)
C*) Fast Barrier (20Hp Barrier)
C5) Buster Shot (10Aqua, A) @ Basher
C6) Buster Shot (10Aqua, A) @ Basher
The crackle of electricity, in particular, drew his attention. that was nasty. nastier than even the heavy artillery. As he unfurled his wave whips and let his gliding water current carry him to a brief stop, courser eyed the shadowy form of the nightmare, further off. To much of a gamble to work the shadows while that was about.. the water current splashed once more and misted up into a hazy field of spray about him and Courser drew one of his whips up into the familiar wall of water that formed his next line of defence, cycling the flow out from the central boss and away into a broad circular shield.
“Easy there sparky! See if you can keep up first!” As he started to run, two coursers took off. One rand across the snow, while the other began to veer forward at an angle, crossing onto the ice as it began to circle around the missing gap towards the other viruses. Just as they began to split up, one looked across to the other with a dry smirk.
“Doesn't have the same kick to it when it's actually their name, does it?” The other courser shrugged back, also grinning.
“You tried. That's what counts!”
As one continued crunching through the snow, and the other circled forward, the two CourserMen took views of the field, careful to avoid each other's lines of sight. He was getting better at this. The nightmare was a problem, but it wasn't a large threat in itself. Same for the puppet virus. The other two were the big issue.
The courser gliding across the ice made a broad curve about the hole, fixing the Basher with a cautionary glance before turning most of his attention to the Nightmare.
“Hey spooks! you going to hang over there all day, or you going to come and get yourself shanked, huh? Got a knife with your name on it, but you'll have to come get it!” He moved his shield to face the Basher and waved his other hand, letting the wave whip refine and narrow down until it took on a honed knife's edge, before winking at the one-eyed spectre.
Back in the snow, the other Courser made sure to keep ahead of the sparky, if indeed it decided to chase him. He kept away from it regardless, but did his best to keep one eye on the field as best he could. his vision danced a little as he saw some parts of the battle from both perspectives, but it was necessary. The first time any of his assailants picked the right courser to attack, the one in the snow was ready for it, diving away into a quick shoulder roll in two different directions as his form split again.
As each stood, courser and any of his selves that remained finally turned on their foes, having strung them out far enough; a volley of small water shots speckled the field, launched from different directions and at different targets depending on which clones could still contribute. Everything that wasn't a CourseMan got at least a couple of pressurised water pellets blasted at it in some form; if any had attacked the real courser that virus got extra attention.
“Jen, you back yet?” No immediate answer followed and Courser scanned the field quickly again, before moving to cross over with his most recent decoy, trading places with it as it tumbled across his own shoulders. One watched the sparky carefully, while the other flexed his whips and launched a pair of quick extra shots at the Basher. He could whittle it down easily enough, but in between there was always the hope that it would freeze up, like the other ones had; they didn't seem well suited to the cold.
C*) First Barrier (20Hp Barrier)
C1) Shield NCP: 2-hit Shield (towards the whole field if his angle is backed off enough, but primarily watching the Sparky if not)
C*) Shadow: Decoy (Movement over ice, away from Sparky)
C2) Movement (Over snow, away from Sparky)
C3) Trap(Attack on Courser): First (Dodge + Decoy), (10Aqua, x2 Hits, Shot-Type, A)
C4) Solo Teamwork: (10Aqua, x 2 Hits, x 4 Targets, Shot-Type, A) (All 4 targets)
C*) Fast Barrier (20Hp Barrier)
C5) Buster Shot (10Aqua, A) @ Basher
C6) Buster Shot (10Aqua, A) @ Basher
last edited by Kemix1006
The Sparky was quick to act against Courseman as it crackled towards the navi, its weaving pattern of movement as it traveled over the snow and ice, sending its body careening through the air and just barely missing the navi and his clones, barrier and all as it soon stopped itself atop the fresh snow, crackling even louder than before, it's ally at the far end beginning to load up a large shell into its chambers atop it's body as an audible click echoed across the field, signifying the weapons were ready to go. The Nightmare virus was quick to dogpile upon the poor unopped navi, it's body displacing quickly from where it had floated and reappearing right up at the face of poor Courseman, swinging it's blade in a wide arcing slash, displacing snow as it swung and hit not only across his barrier, but one of his clones, the head of which went flying while the real one was thankfully able to evade damage by his barrier, the bubble of protective energy popping almost immediately upon contact. Shield in hand, Courseman's other shadow was trying to bait the Sparky into it, while the real one made his move and did his best to evade being bait for the Sparky. The Nightmare turned it's one-eyed head back towards Courseman and was quick to attack once more, teleporting in front of him once more and bringing down the hammer upon the navi, sword quickly slashing through the air and cleaving the snow beneath it, Courseman evading just barely and countering with his own attacks, smacking dead on before the Nightmare could teleport away (10x2).
The Sparky, turning about on the snow, turned to the Courseman it thought was the real one and began to speed off towards it in a sine-wave pattern with little regard of it's own safety, and rammed upon the Courseman on the ice...the shadow duplicate disappearing upon being rammed into wholesale, an angry(?) crackle coming from the Sparky as it floated there on the ice...waiting for another chance to attack. The shadow from above began to disappear as the unseen virus had made it's move at long last, dropping down a pair of panels in front of Courseman on the ice, the puppet on a string inhaling deeply before sending a freezing snow down towards the navi, ice covering his feet almost immediately as his shield managed to block the brunt of attack, damage deflected by way of his shield. Courseman going back on the attack, he would bring out a pair of attacks upon each virus. Unfortunately, the Nightmare would have since gone back to it's original position, each pellet directed towards it phasing through it's body this time without even attempting to evade the blasts of pressurized water, Courseman's other attacks, for the most part, would hit the viruses, the Wather in particular getting iced up for it's troubles (10x2+Freeze!), the Basher taking the brunt of the assault (20x2!), the Sparky would slowly move out of the way of the pellets that were directed towards it, evading damage entirely. And then the Basher got itself ready...mechanical gears turning as Courseman created another barrier around him in time as a trio of missiles one after another fired off towards Courseman's position...and unfortunately, striking true...thankfully, Courseman had hisshield barrier to protect himself with, popping the bubble a second time, but sparing the poor navi, who was unfortunately stuck on a crumbling panel...with two holes right next to either side of him. The Weather had no choice but to draw itself upwards and out of the navi's vision, just it's drop shadow remained, but attacking right after this, Courseman sent two shots from his installed weapons right at the Basher, each hitting the mark and eating the panel beneath it, frozen air wafting up as the Basher's systems began to freeze up...preventing a potential counter attack as ice jammed it's systems. Courseman could then hear a crackle come to life, he had access to his chips again! And I guess his netop.
-- Viruses --
WeatherWeather (Weather)
Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, Sharo
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard1, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: 60 HP (High Altitude) (Normal) (In front of Courseman) (Freeze1)
NightmareNightmare (Nightmare)
Nightmare viruses only appear in battle when Missing Terrain is present, and only one Nightmare may appear per panel of Missing Terrain. Nightmares do not dodge, and they only move by teleporting before and after attacking an enemy. Nightmares have permanent Shadow, unless they are attacking. Teleporting before and after their attacks does not require an action. They will always end a turn while floating over Missing or Hole Terrain. If the Hole terrain is altered in any way, they will instantly teleport to unoccupied Missing Terrain. Nightmares cannot share ownership of a Missing Panel with other viruses that require Missing Terrain to be on the field. If for any reason there is not enough Missing Terrain to accommodate a Nightmare at the end of a turn, the Nightmare will Escape from the battle immediately.
Area: Sharo, Hades Isle, NAXA, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Wide Attack + Slashing
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Attacks at close range with black sword.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SummonBlack1, Zenny
Special: Permanent Shadow status, except when attacking. Not even being hit by Slashing or Beam attacks causes this virus to lose this effect.
Special: Moves by Teleporting. This is not treated as a formal Teleport, and does not confer any bonuses.: 80 HP (Missing) (Middle of the field)
SparkySparky (Sparky)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA, SciLab
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec to close group, break, impact
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Zips in rotation around the battlefield, attempting to slam its electrically-charged body into enemies.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Satellite1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. One free dodge against each opponent. If this virus makes contact with an object on the battlefield, it will begin to slowly orbit the object and loses its ability to dodge.: 100 HP (Ice) (Front-middle towards the missing terrain)
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: 40 HP (Normal) (Back-Left of the ice field) (Freeze1)
-- Navis --
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Cracked) (Frontmost-right edge of the ice) (1-hit shield)
-- Terrain --
20% Missing
25% Snow
35% Ice
10% Normal
5% Cracked
10% Broken
Battle Mode: Extermination!
Kill everything that opposes you to win!
The Sparky, turning about on the snow, turned to the Courseman it thought was the real one and began to speed off towards it in a sine-wave pattern with little regard of it's own safety, and rammed upon the Courseman on the ice...the shadow duplicate disappearing upon being rammed into wholesale, an angry(?) crackle coming from the Sparky as it floated there on the ice...waiting for another chance to attack. The shadow from above began to disappear as the unseen virus had made it's move at long last, dropping down a pair of panels in front of Courseman on the ice, the puppet on a string inhaling deeply before sending a freezing snow down towards the navi, ice covering his feet almost immediately as his shield managed to block the brunt of attack, damage deflected by way of his shield. Courseman going back on the attack, he would bring out a pair of attacks upon each virus. Unfortunately, the Nightmare would have since gone back to it's original position, each pellet directed towards it phasing through it's body this time without even attempting to evade the blasts of pressurized water, Courseman's other attacks, for the most part, would hit the viruses, the Wather in particular getting iced up for it's troubles (10x2+Freeze!), the Basher taking the brunt of the assault (20x2!), the Sparky would slowly move out of the way of the pellets that were directed towards it, evading damage entirely. And then the Basher got itself ready...mechanical gears turning as Courseman created another barrier around him in time as a trio of missiles one after another fired off towards Courseman's position...and unfortunately, striking true...thankfully, Courseman had his
-- Viruses --
WeatherWeather (Weather)
Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, Sharo
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard1, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: 60 HP (High Altitude) (Normal) (In front of Courseman) (Freeze1)
NightmareNightmare (Nightmare)
Nightmare viruses only appear in battle when Missing Terrain is present, and only one Nightmare may appear per panel of Missing Terrain. Nightmares do not dodge, and they only move by teleporting before and after attacking an enemy. Nightmares have permanent Shadow, unless they are attacking. Teleporting before and after their attacks does not require an action. They will always end a turn while floating over Missing or Hole Terrain. If the Hole terrain is altered in any way, they will instantly teleport to unoccupied Missing Terrain. Nightmares cannot share ownership of a Missing Panel with other viruses that require Missing Terrain to be on the field. If for any reason there is not enough Missing Terrain to accommodate a Nightmare at the end of a turn, the Nightmare will Escape from the battle immediately.
Area: Sharo, Hades Isle, NAXA, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Wide Attack + Slashing
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Attacks at close range with black sword.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SummonBlack1, Zenny
Special: Permanent Shadow status, except when attacking. Not even being hit by Slashing or Beam attacks causes this virus to lose this effect.
Special: Moves by Teleporting. This is not treated as a formal Teleport, and does not confer any bonuses.: 80 HP (Missing) (Middle of the field)
SparkySparky (Sparky)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA, SciLab
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec to close group, break, impact
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Zips in rotation around the battlefield, attempting to slam its electrically-charged body into enemies.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Satellite1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. One free dodge against each opponent. If this virus makes contact with an object on the battlefield, it will begin to slowly orbit the object and loses its ability to dodge.: 100 HP (Ice) (Front-middle towards the missing terrain)
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: 40 HP (Normal) (Back-Left of the ice field) (Freeze1)
-- Navis --
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Cracked) (Frontmost-right edge of the ice) (1-hit shield)
-- Terrain --
20% Missing
- Permanent bottomless hole.
- Doubles dodge penalties for bad RP.
- EJO if you fall in.
25% Snow
- Non-Aqua Elementals get -10% Evasion and reduced movement speed.
- Wind attacks: +100% Source Damage. Imbue Aqua if Null. Change terrain hit to Ice for 1 turn after turn hit, then back to Snow.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Ice, generate Frosty Mist: -10% Accuracy for Non-Aqua Elementals, +10% evasion against Non-Aqua Elementals, Freeze1 effect for any Aqua or Wind attacks.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
35% Ice
- +10% Evasion to all. Non-Aqua Elementals get -20% Accuracy.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Sea.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
10% Normal
- No effects.
5% Cracked
- Changes to Broken when stepped on, chance to fall in when triggered.
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, Null 50 to burrower.
- Panel Crack attacks, >100 Damage Break/Impact/Drop attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken.
- PanelShot: Splash1.
10% Broken
- Not bottomless.
- Reverts to Normal after a time, if no one is inside.
- Doubles dodge penalties for bad RP.
- 1-4 Movements actions to climb back out depending on method.
Battle Mode: Extermination!
Kill everything that opposes you to win!
last edited by Rogan
Back on the snow, courser had time for a quick survey of the field before he kept moving. The paused, while the obscuring mist of water clouded his form again, then raised his hands to his mouth.
“Oi! Over here crackles! What're you even aiming at?” Two coursers were making the call, standing side by side with cupped hands raised, before they each winked at the electrical virus and split apart. One circled left around the area, giving the sparky as wide a berth as he could, while the other tracked right instead. Both figures ducked low, water currents helping them glide across the frozen terrain and sending up a spray of small ice shards as they did. A low, skating motions saw each clone present their empty hands towards the Sparky virus, reforming a fresh wall of outward-rushing water that might serve to fend off and ground the assault of the more dangerous virus if it chased either of them down. The other hand still controlled the previous water wall, weakened though it was, and each figure tried to keep this one angled towards the missing gap in the terrain, where the shadow lingered.
A crackle on the line, followed by his operator's voice made one courser sigh with only partially hidden relief, while the other rolled his eyes.
“Nothing I think you should be asking about today, Jen. You mum would kill me. A little hand here would be good though, if you're settled. Things just got interesting again!” One called out in a conversational tone as he ducked and wove across the ice. The other was more boisterous.
“Yeah, how about some help? There's a mobile tesla coil down here and it's being a right pain!”
Regardless of which courser the Sparky decided was more offensive, a back-handed gesture saw his wave whip reform and stretch, before striking down into the snow and ice and leaving a dark, shadowed patch on the ground. Shape and form rose from it, solidifying into a tri-barelled weapon turret that trundled into the space between the Sparky and whichever CourseMan it was currently harassing. The muzzles aimed and angled independently of each other, locking onto separate targets before launching multiple flechette rounds across the area, aiming for the Sparky itself, as well as the frozen up Basher and Weather viruses as well.
The real Courser, if there was still any confusion about the matter, turned and whistled briefly, skidding back and to the side on his wave eddy. He was watching his remaining foes, trying to pick which would be making a move at him next; as long as he was quick enough, the first one to try it would find its target inexplicably sliding away, turning to face the virus with a grin and a wink while trails of flowing water lingered in the air. In silence the real Courser's aim was to reform from the short-ranged warp trick and pull the streams tight, leeching a small amount of energy from it while his latest body double waved a finger at it and backed off further.
“Not quick enough! Still over here, crackles!” He shouted out, focused on the most dangerous target. The navi crouched and rose up again, sweeping his left hand upward as the wave whip washed away down his arm. Behind the Sparky, a bulkier, more forceful wave rose up and attempted to crash down over it as he completed the hand gesture.
Throughout Courser's shifting, the Nightmare had gone mostly ignored, but as Courser pulled the silver-worked pistol from his belt, he looked about and took a moment to mark his targets. If he had a moment still, and a chance, he meant to wait until the virus moved on him again; he'd likely missed the first window, but he was hoping to catch the second, presenting the barrel and pulling the trigger point blank as it warped close. The other two shots followed up with a quick snap and readjustment of his arm, resulting in a triple set of concussive bangs that rang across the battlefield. One went went the Sparky if it had still managed to avoid his efforts, and to the frozen viruses if it hadn't. There was always the possibility that he'd been too slow altogether and missed both windows for the teleporting virus, but he spun the pistol about his hand and tucked it back into his belt regardless. There was time to clean up yet.
C*) Fast Barrier (20Hp Barrier)
C*) Shadow: Decoy (moving in an opposed direction around the missing section)
C1) Dodge
C2) Shield NCP: 2-hit Shield (in the other hand to the first shield)
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C (80hp Object: 40null, x2 Hits, x3 Targets, A) (Sparky, Basher, Weather) (If courser does not have a free hand to use this by this point, he'll release the weaker of his two shields to do so)
C4) Mist and Shadow: Trap(Incoming Attack against CourseMan): Multi-Stage: First (Teleport + Decoy(1 round)), Then ((Aqua)LifeDrain 10, Shot-Type, A), Then (Self-Slow).
IceWave2Damage: 100 + Freeze
Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C (100Aqua, Freeze, A) (Sparky)
Magnum1Damage: 120 + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: A triple barreled gun that blasts through defenses and terrain alike. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C (120Fire, Break, Panel Break, x3 Targets, A) (Nightmare/Sparky/Basher/Weather)
“Oi! Over here crackles! What're you even aiming at?” Two coursers were making the call, standing side by side with cupped hands raised, before they each winked at the electrical virus and split apart. One circled left around the area, giving the sparky as wide a berth as he could, while the other tracked right instead. Both figures ducked low, water currents helping them glide across the frozen terrain and sending up a spray of small ice shards as they did. A low, skating motions saw each clone present their empty hands towards the Sparky virus, reforming a fresh wall of outward-rushing water that might serve to fend off and ground the assault of the more dangerous virus if it chased either of them down. The other hand still controlled the previous water wall, weakened though it was, and each figure tried to keep this one angled towards the missing gap in the terrain, where the shadow lingered.
A crackle on the line, followed by his operator's voice made one courser sigh with only partially hidden relief, while the other rolled his eyes.
“Nothing I think you should be asking about today, Jen. You mum would kill me. A little hand here would be good though, if you're settled. Things just got interesting again!” One called out in a conversational tone as he ducked and wove across the ice. The other was more boisterous.
“Yeah, how about some help? There's a mobile tesla coil down here and it's being a right pain!”
Regardless of which courser the Sparky decided was more offensive, a back-handed gesture saw his wave whip reform and stretch, before striking down into the snow and ice and leaving a dark, shadowed patch on the ground. Shape and form rose from it, solidifying into a tri-barelled weapon turret that trundled into the space between the Sparky and whichever CourseMan it was currently harassing. The muzzles aimed and angled independently of each other, locking onto separate targets before launching multiple flechette rounds across the area, aiming for the Sparky itself, as well as the frozen up Basher and Weather viruses as well.
The real Courser, if there was still any confusion about the matter, turned and whistled briefly, skidding back and to the side on his wave eddy. He was watching his remaining foes, trying to pick which would be making a move at him next; as long as he was quick enough, the first one to try it would find its target inexplicably sliding away, turning to face the virus with a grin and a wink while trails of flowing water lingered in the air. In silence the real Courser's aim was to reform from the short-ranged warp trick and pull the streams tight, leeching a small amount of energy from it while his latest body double waved a finger at it and backed off further.
“Not quick enough! Still over here, crackles!” He shouted out, focused on the most dangerous target. The navi crouched and rose up again, sweeping his left hand upward as the wave whip washed away down his arm. Behind the Sparky, a bulkier, more forceful wave rose up and attempted to crash down over it as he completed the hand gesture.
Throughout Courser's shifting, the Nightmare had gone mostly ignored, but as Courser pulled the silver-worked pistol from his belt, he looked about and took a moment to mark his targets. If he had a moment still, and a chance, he meant to wait until the virus moved on him again; he'd likely missed the first window, but he was hoping to catch the second, presenting the barrel and pulling the trigger point blank as it warped close. The other two shots followed up with a quick snap and readjustment of his arm, resulting in a triple set of concussive bangs that rang across the battlefield. One went went the Sparky if it had still managed to avoid his efforts, and to the frozen viruses if it hadn't. There was always the possibility that he'd been too slow altogether and missed both windows for the teleporting virus, but he spun the pistol about his hand and tucked it back into his belt regardless. There was time to clean up yet.
C*) Fast Barrier (20Hp Barrier)
C*) Shadow: Decoy (moving in an opposed direction around the missing section)
C1) Dodge
C2) Shield NCP: 2-hit Shield (in the other hand to the first shield)

Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C (80hp Object: 40null, x2 Hits, x3 Targets, A) (Sparky, Basher, Weather) (If courser does not have a free hand to use this by this point, he'll release the weaker of his two shields to do so)
C4) Mist and Shadow: Trap(Incoming Attack against CourseMan): Multi-Stage: First (Teleport + Decoy(1 round)), Then ((Aqua)LifeDrain 10, Shot-Type, A), Then (Self-Slow).

Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C (100Aqua, Freeze, A) (Sparky)

Accuracy: A
Description: A triple barreled gun that blasts through defenses and terrain alike. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C (120Fire, Break, Panel Break, x3 Targets, A) (Nightmare/Sparky/Basher/Weather)
last edited by Kemix1006
As Courseman began his new assault, the basher at the back of the field would begin chittering out in viral tongue, rocking back and forth as it cleared the ice from it's frozen barrels, grumbling out loudly at the navi for daring to clog up it's weaponry with such an annoyance. Meanwhile as Courseman called the Sparky's bluff, the Nightmare began to swirl up, sword raised above it's head, teleporting towards the Courseman it perceived as the real one...swiping it's large almost scythe-like sword at the navi, he would evade the attack just in time, his barrier standing just right as did his shields, just before dropping one into the snow, he would summon up some additional help.
The turret that he summoned would begin to fire out a hail of projectiles, two each at it's intended targets. One flying off to the side of the Basher, the other landing dead on before the poor weapon turret could fire another salvo of attacks at him (40), the Weather managing to be struck twice before it could come back down from the roof of the field (40x2) and the Sparky barely evading both shots (miss) as it crackled again at Courseman, hurtling towards what it THOUGHT to be the right one, crashing against it...and the clone going POOF right after from being smashed against. Then Courseman would prepare himself to evade the next attack directed against him...which wasn't very long to prepare against, the Nightmare coalessing back into the ground, popping up in front of Courseman, swinging it's scythe sword against him, cutting through the air...the navi evaded, teleporting back way from the Nightmare and stabbing it with a weak attack (10, Recover 5), as he let loose another right there after, the Sparky being hit by his follow up, sending ice up through it's body, skewering it in it's entirety (100+Freeze!) and deleting it without a second thought. And finally, a salvo of attacks being sent through the air, before the Shadow could properly retreat and evade being blasted...it was blown the ever loving crap up, sending money and bugfrags all across the field. The battle was over in a decisive way thankfully, now to collect his rewards.
-- Viruses --
WeatherWeather (Weather)
Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, Sharo
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard1, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: DELETED
NightmareNightmare (Nightmare)
Nightmare viruses only appear in battle when Missing Terrain is present, and only one Nightmare may appear per panel of Missing Terrain. Nightmares do not dodge, and they only move by teleporting before and after attacking an enemy. Nightmares have permanent Shadow, unless they are attacking. Teleporting before and after their attacks does not require an action. They will always end a turn while floating over Missing or Hole Terrain. If the Hole terrain is altered in any way, they will instantly teleport to unoccupied Missing Terrain. Nightmares cannot share ownership of a Missing Panel with other viruses that require Missing Terrain to be on the field. If for any reason there is not enough Missing Terrain to accommodate a Nightmare at the end of a turn, the Nightmare will Escape from the battle immediately.
Area: Sharo, Hades Isle, NAXA, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Wide Attack + Slashing
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Attacks at close range with black sword.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SummonBlack1, Zenny
Special: Permanent Shadow status, except when attacking. Not even being hit by Slashing or Beam attacks causes this virus to lose this effect.
Special: Moves by Teleporting. This is not treated as a formal Teleport, and does not confer any bonuses.: DELETED
SparkySparky (Sparky)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA, SciLab
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec to close group, break, impact
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Zips in rotation around the battlefield, attempting to slam its electrically-charged body into enemies.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Satellite1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. One free dodge against each opponent. If this virus makes contact with an object on the battlefield, it will begin to slowly orbit the object and loses its ability to dodge.: EXACT DELETE
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: EXACT DELETE
-- Navis --
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Snow) (Middle of the snowfield) (2-hit shield) (20 HP Barrier)
-- Terrain --
20% Missing
20% Snow
25% Ice
10% Normal
5% Cracked
25% Broken
Battle Mode: Extermination!
Kill everything that opposes you to win!
Battle 3 Victory!
Rewards: 1750z, 16 Bugfrags,
Blizzard1Damage: 70 + Medium Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 4 enemies with a cone of freezing breath. Changes terrain to Ice and has an increased chance to Freeze targets on all forms of Aqua Terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua.
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: D, +1 Bounty
The turret that he summoned would begin to fire out a hail of projectiles, two each at it's intended targets. One flying off to the side of the Basher, the other landing dead on before the poor weapon turret could fire another salvo of attacks at him (40), the Weather managing to be struck twice before it could come back down from the roof of the field (40x2) and the Sparky barely evading both shots (miss) as it crackled again at Courseman, hurtling towards what it THOUGHT to be the right one, crashing against it...and the clone going POOF right after from being smashed against. Then Courseman would prepare himself to evade the next attack directed against him...which wasn't very long to prepare against, the Nightmare coalessing back into the ground, popping up in front of Courseman, swinging it's scythe sword against him, cutting through the air...the navi evaded, teleporting back way from the Nightmare and stabbing it with a weak attack (10, Recover 5), as he let loose another right there after, the Sparky being hit by his follow up, sending ice up through it's body, skewering it in it's entirety (100+Freeze!) and deleting it without a second thought. And finally, a salvo of attacks being sent through the air, before the Shadow could properly retreat and evade being blasted...it was blown the ever loving crap up, sending money and bugfrags all across the field. The battle was over in a decisive way thankfully, now to collect his rewards.
-- Viruses --
WeatherWeather (Weather)
Weather viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, Sharo
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a freezing cold breath weapon to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard1, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action.: DELETED
NightmareNightmare (Nightmare)
Nightmare viruses only appear in battle when Missing Terrain is present, and only one Nightmare may appear per panel of Missing Terrain. Nightmares do not dodge, and they only move by teleporting before and after attacking an enemy. Nightmares have permanent Shadow, unless they are attacking. Teleporting before and after their attacks does not require an action. They will always end a turn while floating over Missing or Hole Terrain. If the Hole terrain is altered in any way, they will instantly teleport to unoccupied Missing Terrain. Nightmares cannot share ownership of a Missing Panel with other viruses that require Missing Terrain to be on the field. If for any reason there is not enough Missing Terrain to accommodate a Nightmare at the end of a turn, the Nightmare will Escape from the battle immediately.
Area: Sharo, Hades Isle, NAXA, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Wide Attack + Slashing
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Attacks at close range with black sword.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SummonBlack1, Zenny
Special: Permanent Shadow status, except when attacking. Not even being hit by Slashing or Beam attacks causes this virus to lose this effect.
Special: Moves by Teleporting. This is not treated as a formal Teleport, and does not confer any bonuses.: DELETED
SparkySparky (Sparky)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA, SciLab
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec to close group, break, impact
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Zips in rotation around the battlefield, attempting to slam its electrically-charged body into enemies.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Satellite1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. One free dodge against each opponent. If this virus makes contact with an object on the battlefield, it will begin to slowly orbit the object and loses its ability to dodge.: EXACT DELETE
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: EXACT DELETE
-- Navis --
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Snow) (Middle of the snowfield) (2-hit shield) (20 HP Barrier)
-- Terrain --
20% Missing
- Permanent bottomless hole.
- Doubles dodge penalties for bad RP.
- EJO if you fall in.
20% Snow
- Non-Aqua Elementals get -10% Evasion and reduced movement speed.
- Wind attacks: +100% Source Damage. Imbue Aqua if Null. Change terrain hit to Ice for 1 turn after turn hit, then back to Snow.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Ice, generate Frosty Mist: -10% Accuracy for Non-Aqua Elementals, +10% evasion against Non-Aqua Elementals, Freeze1 effect for any Aqua or Wind attacks.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
25% Ice
- +10% Evasion to all. Non-Aqua Elementals get -20% Accuracy.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Sea.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
10% Normal
- No effects.
5% Cracked
- Changes to Broken when stepped on, chance to fall in when triggered.
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, Null 50 to burrower.
- Panel Crack attacks, >100 Damage Break/Impact/Drop attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken.
- PanelShot: Splash1.
25% Broken
- Not bottomless.
- Reverts to Normal after a time, if no one is inside.
- Doubles dodge penalties for bad RP.
- 1-4 Movements actions to climb back out depending on method.
Battle Mode: Extermination!
Kill everything that opposes you to win!
Battle 3 Victory!
Rewards: 1750z, 16 Bugfrags,

Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 4 enemies with a cone of freezing breath. Changes terrain to Ice and has an increased chance to Freeze targets on all forms of Aqua Terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua.
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: D, +1 Bounty
last edited by Rogan
As he put the silver-worked pistol away, Courser let himself glide a quick circle around the space, scanning for additional threats, the let the water die down again so he could collect the bits and pieces that remained. As he did, a second version of himself slipped aside to scan the landscape further on, one part keeping an eye out and one part looking for anything interesting.
“Say, Jen... you're still fairly close to the navi shop right now, aren't you?” courser straightened and rolled his shoulders, then started to scan a different direction from his main clone.
“Yeah, it's just down a bunch of floors, and I've done my stairs for today, so I can take the lift from now on... what's up? Did I forget something?” The teenager's voice was broken briefly by the sound of slurping something from a straw. Courser shook his head then dismissed his decoy, kicking off to glide forward in the direction it had been scanning and pulling lazy s-curves on his water current as he went.
“No, it's alright.” He paused for a moment, watching the frozen hills and spaces. “Got too much on my mind, and I want to push myself. Just need to not think about.. everything, for a little while. I was thinking...” He hesitated. As much as Jenny had opted to set aside what he earned from virus busting for improving his capabilities, it still felt strange to ask for that directly. Alongside him a fresh clone split away, rolling its eyes at him.
“Boss wants to go until he drops, but thinks he can get further if you keep the updates coming as he goes, right from the loot itself!” The uninvited shadow called out, and Courser wasn't quick enough to silence his line before it was heard. Across the connection, Jenny made a concerned noise.
“If you're sure. I can, but I don't want you to get hurt, so don't over do it.” Absently, courser nodded to himself, then spoke up.
“Right, sure. Thanks Jen. I'll be careful. It might be fun, right? It's like an experiment, see how far we can go, yeah? Only we have an edge, because, if I do well, I'll get stronger as we go too, right?” He kept an eye out for more viruses as he surfed alongside his copy; the decoy veered aside a little, then turned backwards, gliding in reverse with its hands behind his head in a relaxed and amused pose. fortunately for both of them, this argument seemed to win his operator over more firmly.
“Alright, I'm in. Just let me know when you want me to go get something else, okay?”
“Will do.” Courser exhaled and focused on the landscape ahead of him, attempting to clear his mind properly and focus just on the simplicity of the combat to come.
((Ready for Battle 4))
“Say, Jen... you're still fairly close to the navi shop right now, aren't you?” courser straightened and rolled his shoulders, then started to scan a different direction from his main clone.
“Yeah, it's just down a bunch of floors, and I've done my stairs for today, so I can take the lift from now on... what's up? Did I forget something?” The teenager's voice was broken briefly by the sound of slurping something from a straw. Courser shook his head then dismissed his decoy, kicking off to glide forward in the direction it had been scanning and pulling lazy s-curves on his water current as he went.
“No, it's alright.” He paused for a moment, watching the frozen hills and spaces. “Got too much on my mind, and I want to push myself. Just need to not think about.. everything, for a little while. I was thinking...” He hesitated. As much as Jenny had opted to set aside what he earned from virus busting for improving his capabilities, it still felt strange to ask for that directly. Alongside him a fresh clone split away, rolling its eyes at him.
“Boss wants to go until he drops, but thinks he can get further if you keep the updates coming as he goes, right from the loot itself!” The uninvited shadow called out, and Courser wasn't quick enough to silence his line before it was heard. Across the connection, Jenny made a concerned noise.
“If you're sure. I can, but I don't want you to get hurt, so don't over do it.” Absently, courser nodded to himself, then spoke up.
“Right, sure. Thanks Jen. I'll be careful. It might be fun, right? It's like an experiment, see how far we can go, yeah? Only we have an edge, because, if I do well, I'll get stronger as we go too, right?” He kept an eye out for more viruses as he surfed alongside his copy; the decoy veered aside a little, then turned backwards, gliding in reverse with its hands behind his head in a relaxed and amused pose. fortunately for both of them, this argument seemed to win his operator over more firmly.
“Alright, I'm in. Just let me know when you want me to go get something else, okay?”
“Will do.” Courser exhaled and focused on the landscape ahead of him, attempting to clear his mind properly and focus just on the simplicity of the combat to come.
((Ready for Battle 4))
last edited by
Continuing on through the frigid hellscape that was the Sharo networks, Courseman would begin his traversal over a solid sheet of ice, a piercing howl calling through the area distinctive of the Spikey line of viruses. And before long, Courseman would find himself accosted by the bearer of that howl, a Spikey dropping down onto a solid sheet of paneling with no elemental affiliation, even if remnants of what looked to be snow clung to them. Howling again as Courseman drew near, the Spikey, about twice as large as your average hellhound, wreathed itself in flames, the spikes on it's back looking far more metallic in nature than normal.
Staring down Courseman, the spikey began to howl, louder than last time. Dropping down onto the field without any indication they were there...a Swordy, a Walla and...a Basher, of course. The Spikey growling at Courseman vomited out a quartet of fireballs, each one larger than the last near him, explosions rocketing across the sheet of ice he stood upon, but not damaging the navi any...looked like it was go time.
-- Viruses --
Swordy-ASwordy-A (Swordy-A)
Area: Yoka, Sharo
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Aqua Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Aqua Sword.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaKnife, Zenny
Special: Swordy-A's are immune to Freeze Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: 80 HP (Diagonally left, in front of AlphaSpikey, Blast3 distance) (Normal)
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)
AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.
Area: All
HP: 310
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.
Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny: 310 HP (Middle of the "pack" in the middle of the field) (Normal)
WallaWalla (Walla)
TwinFangs can actually block attacks. This is very useful to the Walla, as they do not move or dodge once battle begins.
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 2 Targets
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Opens mouth to launch a pair of steel spikes at the enemy. The spikes can block or deflect incoming attacks, and they cannot strike the same target twice.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TwinFang1, Zenny: 100 HP (Diagonally right, behind of AlphaSpikey, Blast1 distance) (Normal)
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: 120 HP (Diagonally right, in front of AlphaSpikey, Blast 2 distance) (Normal)
-- Navis --
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Ice) (Back of the field)
-- Terrain --
80% Normal
20% Ice
Battle Mode: Elite!
Kill the metavirus to win!
-- Battle 4 Ready? Start!! --
Staring down Courseman, the spikey began to howl, louder than last time. Dropping down onto the field without any indication they were there...a Swordy, a Walla and...a Basher, of course. The Spikey growling at Courseman vomited out a quartet of fireballs, each one larger than the last near him, explosions rocketing across the sheet of ice he stood upon, but not damaging the navi any...looked like it was go time.
-- Viruses --
Swordy-ASwordy-A (Swordy-A)
Area: Yoka, Sharo
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Long Range Attack + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: When this virus is 2 panels away from the target, or its enemies are 2-deep, it will attack with Aqua Blade.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Wide Range Attack + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When this virus is standing directly adjacent to its target, or diagonally from it, it will attack with Aqua Sword.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaKnife, Zenny
Special: Swordy-A's are immune to Freeze Status.
Special: Uses Area Grab to get into attack range.: 80 HP (Diagonally left, in front of AlphaSpikey, Blast3 distance) (Normal)
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)
AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.
Area: All
HP: 310
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.
Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny: 310 HP (Middle of the "pack" in the middle of the field) (Normal)
WallaWalla (Walla)
TwinFangs can actually block attacks. This is very useful to the Walla, as they do not move or dodge once battle begins.
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 2 Targets
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Opens mouth to launch a pair of steel spikes at the enemy. The spikes can block or deflect incoming attacks, and they cannot strike the same target twice.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TwinFang1, Zenny: 100 HP (Diagonally right, behind of AlphaSpikey, Blast1 distance) (Normal)
BasherBasher (Basher)
Basher viruses are the top-tier of the stationary gunnery viruses with an unmatched single-shot damage output among the normal viruses. They are also the rarest of their class, and appear only after battle 5. They also never appear in large numbers in a normal battle, meaning the ratio of total viruses to Bashers should be at least 4 to 1. The attack cycle of Bashers is 2 actions long, regardless of which attack they use. The first attack requires one action to charge before firing, and the second attack executes twice in succession. If they are stunned, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. They don't move, and don't dodge.
Area: Sharo
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot, usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire x3 Targets + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a 3-shot spread from the left arm cannon, then follows up with an identical attack from the right arm cannon just after. Each cannon shot requires an action, and both attacks must occur one after the other.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile
- Main attack destroys panels, reducing enemy evasion by 1 Rank.: 120 HP (Diagonally right, in front of AlphaSpikey, Blast 2 distance) (Normal)
-- Navis --
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Ice) (Back of the field)
-- Terrain --
80% Normal
- No effects.
20% Ice
- +10% Evasion to all. Non-Aqua Elementals get -20% Accuracy.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Sea.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
Battle Mode: Elite!
Kill the metavirus to win!
-- Battle 4 Ready? Start!! --