Jacking in/ the best.

(Woah, there. Signature attacks cannot hit multiple enemies, unless they were specifically registered to do so. And even if you somehow got through registration with a 60 damage, can hit two enemies Starting SigAttack, it's got to be changed.
Shotguns CAN hit a second enemy with a single hit.
But no, you cannot use a rageclaw four times in one action. You could throw a single enemy at another for 20 damage each, but 40 damage, 4 times, in one action? No. Just no.

Please, edit your post to consider these things, then post a bump when you have done so.)
(( here you go p.a master i edited it so..... bump))
(Thanks much)

The spikeys are taken out, but due to the lack of dodging, Raziel gets hit by a Metool shockwave.

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP
MetoolD: 40 HP

Raziel: 70 HP
Raziel looks at the little metools with rage in his eyes and said "ouch you little buggers. that really hurt" Raziel kept mr.prog behind him and dashed toward the metools. Sicon enter the battle chip cannon into his pet and instantly Raziel glowed with a blue light and a cannon appers at his side. he fires it off at metoolA. Raziel now looking at the metools using the only chip he has left. he fires the zap ring at metool B. And without a thought in mind starts to dodge the attacks.

battle chip: cannon(40 damage) MetoolA
battle chip: Zapring(20 damage) metoolB
(Here, Zaprings do 40. All the better for you.)

Dodging two attacks from metools, Raziel then deletes two of them.

MetoolC: 40 HP
MetoolD: 40 HP

Raziel: 70 HP
((alright. yes.......oh crap.........out of chips......i have an idea))

Raziel looked at the virii exploded before him. then he turned to the last 2 before him and said "now now. what to do with you." then an idea came to his mind. he linged toward metool C and and raisedhis flaming sword in the air and then brought it down upon the little virus 2 times then started dodging the attaks of the virii.

buster attack. (i have know idea how much the buster attack does....can you tell me.)on metoolA

Buster attack (same) metoolA

((Alright, I assume you have all of your navi cust stuff on... and the fourmla for a normal shot is (Attack*rapid*2) I think, so your shots do 8. Charge is (Attack*charge*8), but take three actions to use. Also, please link your Navi and Netop profile in you Sig... also, isn't MetA aleady dead? So I'm just going to move it to metC))

Raziel attacks hit the met head on, and when it countered attack Raziel was ready to dodge, but when the other one attack, it missed by centimeters.

MetoolC: 24 HP
MetoolD: 40 HP

Raziel: 70 HP
(i dont know how to link but i would if i knew can you help me on that one. and yay its been 2 turns time for another sig)

Raziel jumped away and started thinking of a way to finish this faster then he realized that he could use his sig attack again so he started glowing with a black aura. his eyes bright red as if flames were in his skull then the aura rushed around him into his sword he then dashed toward metoolD slashing away then hus sord returns to its normal flame state and he aims at metool C using his regular buster.

Sigattack: DemonAura (60 damage) MetoolD
buster attack(attack*rapid*2=8)metoolC
Left with a pitiful amount of HP, the last Metool hides beneath its helmet.

MetoolC: 8 HP

Raziel: 70 HP
Raziel looks at the virius and says "soryy little guy but you have to go.
he raises his sword to the sky and brings it down upon the little virus 3 times each time with more aura than the last.

buster attack(8)x3 on metoolC
The first and second attacks bounce off the helmet, but the third deletes the metool. Not before, however, it has time to plunge its pickaxe into Raziel's foot.


Raziel: 60 HP

Prize: 200z
Raziel walked over and picked up the 200 zennys then walked over to mr.prog and asked him "where were you heading. ill be your guard.
Eh... thanks, but I've got to go. The Mr. Prog stated, zipping away.

(Another mod, take the next battle.)
Raziel stood there alone then he said "master Sicon what should we do now." Sicon answered in an exasperated voice. "well..........if we wanna get stronger we just have to keep battiling. But all we have seen is virii.........but your only a level one and you have taken alot of damage so we might not want to fight any people...i dont know lets just walk around and see what comes are way." Raziel answered "yes master Sicon"

(wow any story plot coming or more battles???)
(...The prog was a one-line joke. You took it too seriously. I ended the joke.
Quite the plot, huh?)

Spikeys come to pick on the weakened navi.

SpikeyA: 90 HP
SpikeyB: 90 HP
SpikeyC: 90 HP
SpikeyD: 90 HP

Raziel: 60 HP

((oh sh.......i mean oh fudge monkeys.........ok....))

Raziel stood there and started to close his eyes. when all of a sudden a flash of green light apperes and Sicon said "im sending in some ammo" the green light formed around Raziels hand he he grined and yelled "SHOTGUN!!!!!!" and aimed at spikey B hoping that the splash effect would hit Spikeys A and C. he jumps toward the sky as his shotgun dissapated. He lands a and sipns toward spikey A activating his rage claw. then he starts to dodge around.

BattleChip: Shotgun (50) SpikeyA,B,C
Battle chip: RageClaw (40) Spikey A
((That was so painful...it's not even fun to murder you like this, but I do it anyway.))

Raziel manages to shoot a spikey and slash another, but he fails to delete either one. All four spikeys glare at Raziel, two of them obviously pissed. They each shoot a ball of fire from their mouths. The balls of flame collide with Raziel's body one after another, almost completely reducing him to ash before Sicon manages to EJO him.

SpikeyA: 50 HP
SpikeyB: 40 HP
SpikeyC: 90 HP
SpikeyD: 90 HP

Raziel: EJO! (Lose: 300z)
((what did i do wrong...that was cruel and you took all of my money T.T))
(He did what I didn't do. He EJO'd you because you horribly mutilate the english words known as "grammar" and "spelling", because you try to hit more enemies than is physically possible with a single chip, and because it should have happened long before this but I was too nice to do so.
Any questions?)