A piercing black light slammed into the network, the resultant particles quickly reforming into a fluid, black form. A luminous blue globe followed from the sky, crashing into the inky black form in a burst of brilliant azure light. A moment later, a slender blue-and-white netnavi took a tentative step forward into the sweltering Netfrican netspace.
Narrowing her eyes and glancing around the area, Tem found herself somewhat surprised at the spartan nature of the bounty store. Her gaze shifted downward toward the ground as she mentally mapped out a path forward that avoided any unstable-looking patches of network terrain.
All right. Good. I can do this. I’m a genius, after all.
A few seconds later, she started out, taking stable - albeit somewhat mechanical - strides in a meandering path toward the bounty counter.
“Greetings, Mr. Wrangler,” she said, placing her hands at her hips, “I would like to peruse a Normal Network bounty list.”
As Tem waited for Wrangler’s response, she fidgeted uncomfortably. Wait, this isn’t… no, maybe..., she thought, moving her arms conspicuously to a crossed position at her chest, then back to her hips, then finally left them dangling awkwardly at her side.
...still no, none of this feels right. What does one do with their arms normally?
Rass Bounties
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As Tem approached the counter, the Wrangler popped up from behind the flimsy-looking wooded structure with a wide ,vacant grin and a badly clipped cowboy hat.
"Well howdy there, little miss! Ready to get to some wranglin', are ye? Let's take a li'l look and see what critter need their numbers roped in today!" The sound of over-taxed system fans whirred up for a moment, before quieting again and the prog's hat lifted up, allowing a slip of paper to slide out and drift onto the counter in front of Tem.
Puffy-APuffy-A (Puffy-A)
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Spread(8) + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a 10 HP bouncing bubble which explodes after hitting an object or enemy or being destroyed.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Spreader1, BubbleSpreader1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile. (Puffy-A) -
Spreader1Damage: 40 + Spread 8
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot explodes on impact to hit nearby enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D,
BubbleSpreader1Damage: 30 + Spread 8
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots a bubble blast that explodes on impact to hit nearby enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
NightmareNightmare (Nightmare)
Nightmare viruses only appear in battle when Missing Terrain is present, and only one Nightmare may appear per panel of Missing Terrain. Nightmares do not dodge, and they only move by teleporting before and after attacking an enemy. Nightmares have permanent Shadow, unless they are attacking. Teleporting before and after their attacks does not require an action. They will always end a turn while floating over Missing or Hole Terrain. If the Hole terrain is altered in any way, they will instantly teleport to unoccupied Missing Terrain. Nightmares cannot share ownership of a Missing Panel with other viruses that require Missing Terrain to be on the field. If for any reason there is not enough Missing Terrain to accommodate a Nightmare at the end of a turn, the Nightmare will Escape from the battle immediately.
Area: Sharo, Hades Isle, NAXA, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Wide Attack + Slashing
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Attacks at close range with black sword.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SummonBlack1, Zenny
Special: Permanent Shadow status, except when attacking. Not even being hit by Slashing or Beam attacks causes this virus to lose this effect.
Special: Moves by Teleporting. This is not treated as a formal Teleport, and does not confer any bonuses. (Nightmare) -
SummonBlack1Damage: 160 + Slashing + Wide Attack
Accuracy: A
Description: Can only be activated if there is a broken or missing panel on the field. Summons one Nightmare virus to teleport up and slash an enemy. Can hit up to two additional nearby enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)
Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus. (Maru) -
MaruBlaster1Damage: 60 + Glitch
Accuracy: B (Special)
Description: A taser shot that bugs the enemy's coding.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: If the user used a Melee or Sword chip immediately prior to MaruBlaster, this attack's accuracy is raised to A.
Trader Rank: D
SenbonSenbon (Senbon)
Area: Yoka, Beach
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Aqua x 3 Attacks
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Launches three Aquaneedles in an arc to strike targets from above.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaNeedle1, Zenny (Senbon) -
AquaNeedle1Damage: 20 x 3 Needles + Variable Targeting + Drop Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: Three needles drop on enemies
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Variable Targeting: Allows the user to select a target for each individual hit of an attack. This means they may strike the same target multiple times, multiple different targets, or a mix of the two as they wish.
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D
CactyCacty (Cacty)
When a Cacty virus attacks, it creates two damage zones: the body and the head. Touching either the body or the head will cause damage to the player, but only the head is used as an actual attack. Cacty virus bodies are 50% resistant to all forms of damage except Fire. There is no defense piercing that bypasses this effect except the Fire Element. This effect applies only to the body of the virus, as the head of the virus sustains full damage as normal.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley
HP: 70
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood per hit + Act-Shot + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Throws its head at opponents. When it hits something, it bounces backwards one space, then tried to bounce forward again. When the cactus ball reaches the edge of the field, it appears again on the virus. This attack is stopped by objects.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CactusBall1, Zenny
Special: Act-Shot: This attack may hit each target a number of times equal to the virus' max actions per turn, but the virus may only attack once per turn.
Special: Divided: This virus has two Hit Zones when attacking. Both may sustain damage from a single attack as if they were separate targets. Damage is cumulative. (Cacty) -
CactusBall1Damage: 30 x 4 Hits + Ground Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Rolls a spiked ball at an enemy, but if it ceases hitting its target, it will harmlessly roll off into the distance.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Attacks the same target up to four times, but the attack will end immediately if it misses at any point.
Trader Rank: D
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain. (Oldstove) -
FireBurner1Damage: 50 + Line Attack(3)
Accuracy: A
Description: Looses a stream of fire that can penetrate enemies and keep going.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Line Attack(3): Attacks up to 3 targets in a straight line.
Trader Rank: D
SkarabSkarab (Skullavia)
Area: Netfrica, Hades Isle, NetVegas
HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Confusion + Homing
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Throws a bone that homes in on it's target.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Skully1, Zenny
Special: Collapses into a pile of bones when hit by non-buster attacks for one turn.
- Invincible while collapsed. (Skullavia) -
Skully1Damage: 100 + Homing + Confusion
Accuracy: C
Description: Throws a spinning bone at an enemy, if it misses it will swing back around. Confuses enemy on contact.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
BrushmanBrushman (Brushman)
Area: Netopia, Dentech, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: Small Holy Terrain Change under one ally virus
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Dabs its brush on the net floor to change the terrain type.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HolyPanel, Zenny
Special: Can use effect multiple times a turn. One free dodge. (Brushman) -
HolyPanelEffect: Small Holy Terrain Change
Accuracy: S
Description: Creates a small area of Holy Terrain beneath you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
AppleSamuAppleSamu (AppleSamu)
More likely to use Primary Attack when accompanied by Fire Elementals or very little Grass is present. More likely to use Secondary Attack if target is on Grass or a lot of Grass is already present.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 70
Primary Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Small Area Grass Terrain Change
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Pops out of fruit shell, and spits a cluster of grass seeds.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RedFruit1, Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn.
- IronBody when not attacking.
- When this virus's HP is reduced to zero or lower, this virus will return another one virus still alive to full HP. AppleSamu is then deleted as normal. (AppleSamu) -
RedFruit1Recovery: 80 HP
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a large red apple at a random spot on the field. The first person to attack the apple (enemy or ally) will recover 80 HP.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
MelodyMelody (Melody)
Melody viruses move, dodge, and attack by jumping. There is no distinction between these 3 actions.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, Dentech
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Jumps on the enemy.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 3 attacks
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Bounces around with complete disregard for whoever or whatever is in the area. Can hit obstacles as well as enemies.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Binder1, ColorBall1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Increased evasion. (Melody) -
Binder1Damage: 60 x 4 possible hits.
Accuracy: D
Description: Summons a Melody virus to stomp on random enemies. After the first target is attacked, the virus will bounce around the field randomly, possibly hitting other enemies or the same enemy again, up to 4 times total.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Though the user has no control over the virus beyond the first attack, this chip cannot harm the user.
Trader Rank: D,
ColorBall1Damage: 40 + Rebound(4)
Accuracy: C
Description: Throws a bouncy rubber ball that can repeatedly rebound off enemies and objects.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Rebound(4): This effect allows an attack to ricochet around the field. It will attempt to bounce off of enemies or objects until it has attacked four additional times, with the damage of the chip reducing by 10 for each attempted attack. Each attack against a given target lowers the chip's accuracy by 2 ranks against that target.
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
Dynamite1Dynamite1 (Dynamite)
Area: Netopia, Beach
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Null + Line attack
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Sets a 30 HP laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. The beam can see through Invisibility.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Dynamite1, Zenny
Special: Objects and creatures that cross the sensor beam after it is set will trigger the bomb.
- Immobile objects and creatures that are in-line with the bomb's sensor beam when it is first set will not trigger the bomb.
- Dynamite viruses cannot set off the laser trip bombs of other Dynamite viruses. (Dynamite) -
Dynamite1HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D
CannonGuardCannonGuard (CannonGuard)
CannonGuards are automatically in guard mode unless they are attacking. When guarding, the turret is protected by a shutter that will stop any and all non-breaking attacks from the front. This shutter cannot be destroyed, even by a breaking attack, so long as the virus exists. The shutter does not protect the turret portion of the virus against attacks from the back or sides. The base of the virus is also immune to non-breaking damage.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Lockon
Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and attacks
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MarkCannon1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Target's evasion counts less against this virus.
Special: Can guard against attacks. (CannonGuard) -
MarkCannon1Damage: 70 + Seeking + Lock-on
Accuracy: A
Description: A highly accurate cannon whose automatic aiming system locks onto heat signatures and fires.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Lock-on: Same effect as an automatic Take Aim.
Trader Rank: D
"Any of these blighters grabbin' yer fancy there? Just let me know which one ye want to tangle with, and I'll get ye signed on and ready to wrangle!"
"Well howdy there, little miss! Ready to get to some wranglin', are ye? Let's take a li'l look and see what critter need their numbers roped in today!" The sound of over-taxed system fans whirred up for a moment, before quieting again and the prog's hat lifted up, allowing a slip of paper to slide out and drift onto the counter in front of Tem.
Puffy-APuffy-A (Puffy-A)
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Spread(8) + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a 10 HP bouncing bubble which explodes after hitting an object or enemy or being destroyed.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Spreader1, BubbleSpreader1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile. (Puffy-A) -

Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot explodes on impact to hit nearby enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots a bubble blast that explodes on impact to hit nearby enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
NightmareNightmare (Nightmare)
Nightmare viruses only appear in battle when Missing Terrain is present, and only one Nightmare may appear per panel of Missing Terrain. Nightmares do not dodge, and they only move by teleporting before and after attacking an enemy. Nightmares have permanent Shadow, unless they are attacking. Teleporting before and after their attacks does not require an action. They will always end a turn while floating over Missing or Hole Terrain. If the Hole terrain is altered in any way, they will instantly teleport to unoccupied Missing Terrain. Nightmares cannot share ownership of a Missing Panel with other viruses that require Missing Terrain to be on the field. If for any reason there is not enough Missing Terrain to accommodate a Nightmare at the end of a turn, the Nightmare will Escape from the battle immediately.
Area: Sharo, Hades Isle, NAXA, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Wide Attack + Slashing
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Attacks at close range with black sword.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SummonBlack1, Zenny
Special: Permanent Shadow status, except when attacking. Not even being hit by Slashing or Beam attacks causes this virus to lose this effect.
Special: Moves by Teleporting. This is not treated as a formal Teleport, and does not confer any bonuses. (Nightmare) -

Accuracy: A
Description: Can only be activated if there is a broken or missing panel on the field. Summons one Nightmare virus to teleport up and slash an enemy. Can hit up to two additional nearby enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
Maru-01Maru-01 (Maru)
Maru are rather small floating spheres of electricity, with two beady black eyes. They never appear solo, and will always have at least one other Maru at their side. While they're exactly as sturdy as one would expect from a ball of electrical energy, they can inflict bugs with their electric shocks. Maru are highly intelligent for being what they are, and love to combine tactics with others of their kind to make sure they each get to shock the enemy at maximum efficiency. Their small size and ability to move in any direction makes them extremely hard to hit.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Glitch
Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Attack Description: Fires a small bolt of electricity that corrupts the data of whatever it hits.
Type: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MaruBlaster1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Taser: If this virus is within Melee range of an enemy, its attack's accuracy is A. If an enemy uses a close range chip, they may counterattack immediately following that attack as a free action. Multi-hit close range chips only trigger one counterattack.
Special: All attacks that target this virus are treated as being two accuracy ranks lower (i.e. A is treated as C) against that virus. (Maru) -

Accuracy: B (Special)
Description: A taser shot that bugs the enemy's coding.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: If the user used a Melee or Sword chip immediately prior to MaruBlaster, this attack's accuracy is raised to A.
Trader Rank: D
SenbonSenbon (Senbon)
Area: Yoka, Beach
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Aqua x 3 Attacks
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Launches three Aquaneedles in an arc to strike targets from above.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaNeedle1, Zenny (Senbon) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Three needles drop on enemies
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Variable Targeting: Allows the user to select a target for each individual hit of an attack. This means they may strike the same target multiple times, multiple different targets, or a mix of the two as they wish.
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D
CactyCacty (Cacty)
When a Cacty virus attacks, it creates two damage zones: the body and the head. Touching either the body or the head will cause damage to the player, but only the head is used as an actual attack. Cacty virus bodies are 50% resistant to all forms of damage except Fire. There is no defense piercing that bypasses this effect except the Fire Element. This effect applies only to the body of the virus, as the head of the virus sustains full damage as normal.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley
HP: 70
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood per hit + Act-Shot + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Throws its head at opponents. When it hits something, it bounces backwards one space, then tried to bounce forward again. When the cactus ball reaches the edge of the field, it appears again on the virus. This attack is stopped by objects.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CactusBall1, Zenny
Special: Act-Shot: This attack may hit each target a number of times equal to the virus' max actions per turn, but the virus may only attack once per turn.
Special: Divided: This virus has two Hit Zones when attacking. Both may sustain damage from a single attack as if they were separate targets. Damage is cumulative. (Cacty) -

Accuracy: C
Description: Rolls a spiked ball at an enemy, but if it ceases hitting its target, it will harmlessly roll off into the distance.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Attacks the same target up to four times, but the attack will end immediately if it misses at any point.
Trader Rank: D
OldstoveOldstove (Oldstove)
Oldstove viruses move and dodge at a very slow pace.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Line Attack(3) + Panel Crack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Flamethrower to one enemy.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FireBurner1, Zenny
Special: Slow Movement. Cracks Terrain. (Oldstove) -

Accuracy: A
Description: Looses a stream of fire that can penetrate enemies and keep going.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Line Attack(3): Attacks up to 3 targets in a straight line.
Trader Rank: D
SkarabSkarab (Skullavia)
Area: Netfrica, Hades Isle, NetVegas
HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Confusion + Homing
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Throws a bone that homes in on it's target.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Skully1, Zenny
Special: Collapses into a pile of bones when hit by non-buster attacks for one turn.
- Invincible while collapsed. (Skullavia) -

Accuracy: C
Description: Throws a spinning bone at an enemy, if it misses it will swing back around. Confuses enemy on contact.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
BrushmanBrushman (Brushman)
Area: Netopia, Dentech, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: Small Holy Terrain Change under one ally virus
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Dabs its brush on the net floor to change the terrain type.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HolyPanel, Zenny
Special: Can use effect multiple times a turn. One free dodge. (Brushman) -

Accuracy: S
Description: Creates a small area of Holy Terrain beneath you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
AppleSamuAppleSamu (AppleSamu)
More likely to use Primary Attack when accompanied by Fire Elementals or very little Grass is present. More likely to use Secondary Attack if target is on Grass or a lot of Grass is already present.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 70
Primary Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Small Area Grass Terrain Change
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Pops out of fruit shell, and spits a cluster of grass seeds.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RedFruit1, Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn.
- IronBody when not attacking.
- When this virus's HP is reduced to zero or lower, this virus will return another one virus still alive to full HP. AppleSamu is then deleted as normal. (AppleSamu) -

Accuracy: S
Description: Places a large red apple at a random spot on the field. The first person to attack the apple (enemy or ally) will recover 80 HP.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
MelodyMelody (Melody)
Melody viruses move, dodge, and attack by jumping. There is no distinction between these 3 actions.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, Dentech
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Jumps on the enemy.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 3 attacks
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Bounces around with complete disregard for whoever or whatever is in the area. Can hit obstacles as well as enemies.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Binder1, ColorBall1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Increased evasion. (Melody) -

Accuracy: D
Description: Summons a Melody virus to stomp on random enemies. After the first target is attacked, the virus will bounce around the field randomly, possibly hitting other enemies or the same enemy again, up to 4 times total.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Though the user has no control over the virus beyond the first attack, this chip cannot harm the user.
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: C
Description: Throws a bouncy rubber ball that can repeatedly rebound off enemies and objects.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Rebound(4): This effect allows an attack to ricochet around the field. It will attempt to bounce off of enemies or objects until it has attacked four additional times, with the damage of the chip reducing by 10 for each attempted attack. Each attack against a given target lowers the chip's accuracy by 2 ranks against that target.
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
Dynamite1Dynamite1 (Dynamite)
Area: Netopia, Beach
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Null + Line attack
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Sets a 30 HP laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. The beam can see through Invisibility.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Dynamite1, Zenny
Special: Objects and creatures that cross the sensor beam after it is set will trigger the bomb.
- Immobile objects and creatures that are in-line with the bomb's sensor beam when it is first set will not trigger the bomb.
- Dynamite viruses cannot set off the laser trip bombs of other Dynamite viruses. (Dynamite) -

Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D
CannonGuardCannonGuard (CannonGuard)
CannonGuards are automatically in guard mode unless they are attacking. When guarding, the turret is protected by a shutter that will stop any and all non-breaking attacks from the front. This shutter cannot be destroyed, even by a breaking attack, so long as the virus exists. The shutter does not protect the turret portion of the virus against attacks from the back or sides. The base of the virus is also immune to non-breaking damage.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Lockon
Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and attacks
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MarkCannon1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Target's evasion counts less against this virus.
Special: Can guard against attacks. (CannonGuard) -

Accuracy: A
Description: A highly accurate cannon whose automatic aiming system locks onto heat signatures and fires.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Lock-on: Same effect as an automatic Take Aim.
Trader Rank: D
"Any of these blighters grabbin' yer fancy there? Just let me know which one ye want to tangle with, and I'll get ye signed on and ready to wrangle!"
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Having at last settled into an acceptable stance, Tem rolled her eyes at Wrangler’s folksy platitudes and dawdling manner. “‘Little lady?’ I beg your incredible pardon,” she scoffed, instinctively lashing out with her “inner” voice, “Perhaps if you weren’t spending your scant system resources on sounding like a slack-jawed yokel, you wouldn’t actually be one.”
With that, Tem attempted to snatch the newly-printed paper from the countertop, but only succeeded in brushing it to the side. Frowning deeply, she groped around the counter, struggling to pick up the sheet of paper. Motherboard &%$&ing fine motor control,” she thought as she slammed her palm down onto the paper, scrunched it up to retrieve it, and unceremoniously uncrumpled it to review its contents. Her icy blue eyes darted back and forth as she reviewed the viral list, pursing her lips in thought.
“The Dynamite viruses,” she said finally, pressing the now-crumpled paper down onto the counter in front of Wrangler with perhaps a bit too much force, “We should be more than capable of… as you say… ‘wrangling’ at least a few.”
With that, Tem attempted to snatch the newly-printed paper from the countertop, but only succeeded in brushing it to the side. Frowning deeply, she groped around the counter, struggling to pick up the sheet of paper. Motherboard &%$&ing fine motor control,” she thought as she slammed her palm down onto the paper, scrunched it up to retrieve it, and unceremoniously uncrumpled it to review its contents. Her icy blue eyes darted back and forth as she reviewed the viral list, pursing her lips in thought.
“The Dynamite viruses,” she said finally, pressing the now-crumpled paper down onto the counter in front of Wrangler with perhaps a bit too much force, “We should be more than capable of… as you say… ‘wrangling’ at least a few.”
last edited by Rogan
At the scolding, Wrangler only bobbed in place, still smiling. He watched Tem retrieved and red the paper while, beside himself, the affable prog began to nimbly spin a rope lasso with casual and dexterous ease, which, it had to be said, was remarkable given the limited nature of his hands.
"An' perhaps if ye saved some o' that there venom fer the viruses, you'd be gettin' paid already, missy!" He was still smiling, but as he spoke, the prog switched the lasso to the other side, passing his body through the loop in the process. Once Tem had selected her virus, the lasso cracked out to the side, though it seemed to disappear from sight as it passed the edge of the wooden stall. It came back looped improbably around a fresh sheet of paper which was deposited on the counter in front of Tem with another flick of the lasso.
Bounty Reward for Dynamite1 (Dynamite)
Area: Netopia, Beach
2 kills: 480z, turn-in available
5 kills:
Dynamite1HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D; OR 1200z
10 kills: 1920z
15 kills: 2880z
20 kills:
Dynamite2HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 150 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 150 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: C; OR
Dynamite1HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D + 3600z; OR 4800z
30 kills: 6000z
50 kills:
Dynamite2HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 150 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 150 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: C + 3600z; OR
Dynamite1HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D + 4800z; OR 8400z
"Dynamites! Careful with those ones, ye hear? They can catch ye unawares an' then it's gold rush time again. Meaning, everything gettin' blown sky high fer no good reason. Good luck, missy!"
"An' perhaps if ye saved some o' that there venom fer the viruses, you'd be gettin' paid already, missy!" He was still smiling, but as he spoke, the prog switched the lasso to the other side, passing his body through the loop in the process. Once Tem had selected her virus, the lasso cracked out to the side, though it seemed to disappear from sight as it passed the edge of the wooden stall. It came back looped improbably around a fresh sheet of paper which was deposited on the counter in front of Tem with another flick of the lasso.
Bounty Reward for Dynamite1 (Dynamite)
Area: Netopia, Beach
2 kills: 480z, turn-in available
5 kills:

Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D; OR 1200z
10 kills: 1920z
15 kills: 2880z
20 kills:

Properties: Light
Object Damage: 150 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 150 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: C; OR

Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D + 3600z; OR 4800z
30 kills: 6000z
50 kills:

Properties: Light
Object Damage: 150 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 150 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: C + 3600z; OR

Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D + 4800z; OR 8400z
"Dynamites! Careful with those ones, ye hear? They can catch ye unawares an' then it's gold rush time again. Meaning, everything gettin' blown sky high fer no good reason. Good luck, missy!"
last edited by
Tem’s features hardened at Wrangler’s ostentatious show. "Of all the arrogant, pompous, self-important junk data... who the hell does this twerp think he is?" she thought....
...or at least, she thought she thought. "Wait, did I say that out loud?"
The ascended subsystem blushed in embarrassment and frustration, and bit her lower lip as she once again slammed her palm downward to catch the errant paper, moving quickly but still taking the time to gingerly slide the bounty document off the edge of the counter. “Your concern, is greatly appreciated,” she growled through gritted teeth, glaring daggers at Wrangler as she pushed her body off of the counter. Turning around with deliberate vigor, Tem took off in a huff, making several frustrated - but ironically quite natural-looking - strides away from the bounty booth toward the netportal.
If there was anything owed to Wrangler for assisting Tem in the development of her fine motor skills, this was lost on her. Whirling around as she stepped onto the telepad,, she crossed her arms across her chest contemptuously and shot a particularly sour look toward Wrangler as her body disappeared in a flash of black light.
...or at least, she thought she thought. "Wait, did I say that out loud?"
The ascended subsystem blushed in embarrassment and frustration, and bit her lower lip as she once again slammed her palm downward to catch the errant paper, moving quickly but still taking the time to gingerly slide the bounty document off the edge of the counter. “Your concern, is greatly appreciated,” she growled through gritted teeth, glaring daggers at Wrangler as she pushed her body off of the counter. Turning around with deliberate vigor, Tem took off in a huff, making several frustrated - but ironically quite natural-looking - strides away from the bounty booth toward the netportal.
If there was anything owed to Wrangler for assisting Tem in the development of her fine motor skills, this was lost on her. Whirling around as she stepped onto the telepad,, she crossed her arms across her chest contemptuously and shot a particularly sour look toward Wrangler as her body disappeared in a flash of black light.