Netfrica Research (Event OOC)

Seraphim bragged something about "you don't need divine intervention, you've got me," so here's hoping he does something about it now.
Can you not pretend we did that little 15 damage by showing the teamwork of Divinity and Druidman? Please, I'm sick of this event...
Me too. I'll mod at school.
Erh... I promised Eon I'd wait for him. He has a reason to post a tad later. This time, but this time alone, wait for him. >_>
I think it was alot of my fault for us not getting this done faster. I can't wait for this thing to be done with......WAIT! I have one extra chip. Can you let me change my post and stick that in? Then we can just say we killed em!

Quote (Chat Room)

DigiShuryou: Eon. How long will it take for you to finish that post?
Dethis: I'll most likely do it tomorrow.
Dethis: My fuel is running on past empty
Dethis: I've gotten 12 hours of sleep for the past 7-8 days
Nalerenn has joined.
Pringer_K: Hai, Nale.
Dethis: So I'll spend tonight recuperating
Dethis: and tomorrow I'll do that stupid post
Nalerenn: Well, after hours of exhaustive testing in Zone of the Enders 2, I can safely say that Vic Viper is the strongest of the lot
Dethis: and work for finals.
Pringer_K: : P
Dethis: On the other hand
Dethis: if you could get me a newly forged sword
Dethis: I could do it in half the time
Dethis: and do my post today.

He'll post.
....................??? You sure you don't want me to change my post? If I do, we can kill Drachuen faster and Eon wont need to post
*cues Final Fantasy victory theme*
I can jack out right?
so now we go and post in that internet city police bbs thing right?