CrushMan Enters the Big Wide Web

(Ah, now this is more like what I was expecting out of Netfrica. Yikes. Alright, let's see how things go.)

"CrushMan, stop. You have some friends who wish to play." Alerted of the enemy's presence, CrushMan moved to find his foes. "And it appears that there are quite a few this time. 5 against 1, yes, that seems about right. So they've decided to stop hiding and fight, have they? How typical of the low class. To simply allow the invader to leave despite the destruction of their fellows and come to fight only once their homes are invaded. Not a shred of honor in these scum, is there CrushMan? Not that one could blame them, caught between the choice of fighting you and the chance to live on, no matter how slim that chance might be." Master Weatherbey laughed airily a moment before saying, offhandedly, "Let's start things off with a bang. CrushMan, ready yourself."

A moment later, the Navi's arms were weighted down, if only slightly, by foreign data, the square launcher of a cannon and the cylindrical tube of a shotgun. "One shot each, same target." CrushMan moved to engage the enemy, halting only briefly as the cannon subsystem interferred with his visuals. The target was painted with a red crosshair, so that, "Even you could understand," as the master had said. He discharged both weapons almost simultaneously and dropped them soon after, cringing slightly as the cannon's influence slipped away. "Good, that should do it for that insignificant little threat. Let's move on. The next target is... Oh drat, that's right, you no longer have the targetting system. Well then, that one over there. You see it, don't you? Come on now, it's not like I can point the thing out for you. The system recognizes at as something called a Volgear." CrushMan moved uncertainly towards one of the virii. "No you moron, that's a MagTect. One of the other enemies. Come now, there are only two, certainly you can figure it out from there?"

CrushMan changed targets and ran forward as quickly as he could to assuage the master's growing ire. "Yes, there you are, much better. Strange little monsters here, eh Crush? Let's have a little more fun. Simply reach out and grind it to dust. You know the procedure." Indeed, the Navi was more than familiar with the attack, the young master's favorite move, and CrushMan charged towards the enemy, arms outstretched.

1. Cannon to MagtectA - 40 Damage -
2. Shotgun to MagtectA - 50 Damage -
3. Bear Hug to VolgearEXA - 60 Damage -
MagtectB: 90
MagtectC: 90
VolgearEXA: 60
VolgearEXB: 120

Crushman: 60



VOLGEAREXA IS NOW.... been hugged... and he liked it, I think you should back off for now, he might get hot.

The other viruses attack and 2 hit.
CrushMan grabbed a hold of the enemy in his great arms and started to squeeze. With all his might he pulled and crushed, and the sound of shattering metal and breaking glass filled the air. But something was wrong, the enemy still lived. CrushMan tried harder, trying to grind the enemy into dust, when he noticed that the virus was started to warm, to become blazingly hot. The navi was forced to drop the enemy and then back away quickly or otherwise be scorched. "Idiot!" came the master's cry. "What are you doing? The enemy is still alive, go back and..." The navi staggered forward slightly as he was struck in the back, not once but twice. The master shrieked in frustration. "Can't you do anything right? No, don't just stand there, we've been over this! Move! Back to one of the other enemies! I swear, sometimes, your incompetence is staggering in it's immensity!"

"Now listen carefully. There's a good fellow, get going. We must punish them for their audacious behavior. Truly, that is the only way one of these fools could attack us, in numbers and from behind. Cowards. Thin their numbers." A spiral tube with a wide ended snout manifested itself directly to CrushMan's right arm as Charles spoke. CrushMan aimed his new weapon a moment before firing, never breaking his stride as he continued towards the enemy. The discharged weapon disconnected and fell towards the ground. "Good. Now, I need you to do something very important. I need you to practice that technique we've been practising. You know, that technique." CrushMan continued forward and made his best to obey. Long and hard the pair had practiced on a way to lessen the blows of enemy attacks. For a 10 foot tall navi to always dodge an enemy attack was simply unreasonable, so instead he'd been taught to move with an enemy's strike, to lessen or even negate it's effectiveness. CrushMan remembered the pain such training had caused him to endure. "Don't let a single one of them hurt you. Don't show any weakness. Just use your will and body to crush the enemies into nothing. Entertain me."

CrushMan felt a jolt run through his body as foreign data surged through him and made itself manifest. His gaunletted hands suddenly curved violently, a completely unwholesome feeling, and his fingers took on razor sharpness. His hands looked nothing more than like claws of steel. Beyond personally crushing the enemy, this was the master's favorite technique. CrushMan never could get over that feeling of wrongness, and yet it was only so much worse than the invasiveness of the cannon chip. He would survive, and he would strike down the enemies for the master.

Advancing quickly on the earlier attacked target, CrushMan forced himself to remember the lessons of their training, forced himself to ready his entire body to move at any given moment, so as to lessen the impact of the enemy strike. But two great holes burned in his back, the remnants of his most recent encounter with viral matter. His life's stuff burned and CrushMan felt agony, but the master's orders were absolute. No weakness. And destroy the enemy. Now within striking range, CrushMan lunged forward, his ravaged hands leading the way.

1. Shotgun to MagtectB - 50 Damage -
2. Dodge
3. RageClaw to MagtectB - 40 Damage -
Somehow, Crush escapes unharmed.

MagtectB: 40
MagtectC: 50
VolgearEXA: 60
VolgearEXB: 120

Crushman: 60
(Hmm... It took me a moment to notice that something didn't seem quite right. CrushMan hit the wrong target! Aha! So that's what happened! So, because I like things to be give myself more work for some reason, I imagine something like this...)

CrushMan dove forward, his altered hands tearing at the enemy, but found himself striking at nothing. Where his claws should have struck, there was now nothing but air. Still, he'd put too much strength in his charge. He turned about suddenly and slammed his claws towards the ground, but found his recovery interrupted by the familiar feel and sound of metal being torn and crushed.

(...happening. Yes. That should do it. Better to hit the wrong enemy than to not hit at all, right? And now, to continue.)

"You clod!" shrieked the master. "How could you fail at such a simple thing? The enemy was ready to be crushed and you failed! No matter! Just go and do it again and don't fail me this time! Wait, no, hold on." CrushMan wrenched himself violently as he moved to best obey, moving and halting at the same time, then simply waited. His armor was beginning to show the effects of this latest of battle's, the thumps and crashes, the forced data entries and corruption instances, this all added with his cut across the chest showed the hardships the giant Navi had endured, perhaps even appeared more battered and broken, his wounds more grievous and terrible, due to that same great size. "The enemy will be predicting you to stay back. Oh now don't just stand there, go forward. The other type of enemy, attack them. Yes, in fact, attack the one you have yet to injure. Oh don't tell me you can't tell the difference? It's fairly obvious that the enemy with the dented sides and the various scrapes on the front is the one you tried, and again failed I might remind you, to defeat. Yes, that's it, go after him."

CrushMan moved forward, steadily, though he was somewhat distracted from his quarry by his altered self and the enemies behind him. "Now listen. You just attempted that attack, so the enemy is bound to be predicting it. Let's shake things up a bit, throw them for a loop. That, and let's not forget these enemies here. We've ignored them too long, who knows what they might be up to? Go rough him up a bit, make him think twice about doing anything. After that, we'll return to the enemy and dispatch him then, be done with that. Once that's all done, all that leaves is the grand finale." There was a brief reprieve as the master chuckled. "Yes, we shall show them the true essence of the noble, grace, skill and power."

"Now, attack." CrushMan pumped his legs furiously as he rushed towards the virus. With a push of his knees he propelled himself forward in a giant leap, clawed hands outstretched and ready to strike. As he landed, out went the claws, rending and tearing at everything near. He felt the tear of his wicked nails against the 'earth' below him, on an outcropping rock, on a too small tree, felt his claws rend and slash.

"Quit messing around! You've done what you've intended to do, go back to the other one now!" With a dash, CrushMan burst out of the cloud of dust kicked up by his furious and desperate attack. Yes, desperate, that's what it was, CrushMan realized that now. Because he'd failed the master. He'd failed Master Weatherbey not once, but twice. Further he pushed the ability of his legs. Surely they could withstand a bit more, but could he just move a bit faster? He could not fail again! To fail a third time would be beyond forgiveness. Were he to fail again, the young master would punish him, CrushMan knew it. He lunged forward yet again at that one elusive enemy, that one foe who had risen the master's ire by evading his strike. CrushMan would not fail again, no, not again! Out went the claws once more, out went his fingers with their razor blade edge, out towards CrushMan's anger and fear. He would cut down the enemy, regain the master's favor, and once again things would be right!

"Stop! Stop already, you idiot! You're wasting time with those strikes, be more conservative with your attacks! Not that it matters, you're done with that bit. Take this and be rid of that ugly thing. It pleases me to know that the commoners have been put in their proper place, especially with such a devious instrument. But the time for that is over, you must now take on the guise of the noble's vassal. Do try to act the part." A large sword appeared right in CrushMan's reach, allowing him to grab a quick hold of the monstrously large weapon as his hands reverted to their proper state. The weapon was perfect, just in size with the rest of him, but it was too elegant. The claws, those fit CrushMan well, he thought, but such things did not matter now. The master seemed pleased, that was what mattered. "Shrug off their last desperate attacks and then let us be done with this rabble! I grow tired of our little game. It's almost time! The grand finale!"

1. RageClaw to VolgearEX B — 40 Damage —
2. RageClaw to Magtect B — 40 Damage —
3. Dodge

(What, no moddage? That means I must punish! Yes! I'll be rambling about things I've been thinking about this thread then. Ignore the rambling if you like.

I was a little frustrated with my last post simply because it didn't seem like it was CrushMan anymore, like there was a different personality thrown in. Of course, it could have been simply further character definition, which is what I'd like it to be, but it just doesn't add up to the CrushMan I had planned. Still, I do kind of like how the scene played out, except for one thing. It seems like he's attacking multiple times with the rage claw for each single attack, and that seems kind of, well, bad.

And there's another thing, it's always so hard to post melee attacks because you have to be so careful about things. You can't say he hit, you say he tried to hit, but wouldn't he see if he's that close? It makes sense to end on a melee attack, but during combat it's just so hard to describe it without saying, "I auto-hit, lol."

So yeah. Thoughts. And bump.)
((Yeah, Rageclaw is really bad about that. Just wait till you have to throw something instead of just slashing it. XD))

By the dictionary definition, CrushMan was successful, though who knows how that leveled with his master's expectations. A Volgear released more deadly and speedy flames, but Crushman just barely managed to get out of the way.

MagtectB: DELETED!
MagtectC: 50
VolgearEXA: 60
VolgearEXB: 80

Crushman: 60
"So much for intimidating them into not acting. No matter! Go! Cut down the enemy!" CrushMan launched himself forward with a mighty leap, wielding his sword above his head, as he neared one of the few remaining targets. "Grace!" The master shouted exuberantly as CrushMan struck out with the blade. Excellent! Ah, CrushMan, you truly can read my mind sometimes, I swear it. Simply finish off the last of them and you'll be done. Yes, this has certainly been an interesting battle. I should hope that we shall have others like it."

CrushMan remembered the gash on his chest, the blasted holes in his back, the roaring flames of the enemy that came too close. The master wanted it again. "We're not done yet though, my little friend. Finish them off!" He turned on the next foe and again made a mad dash forward. The sound of metal slamming against the false earth of the Netfrica soil and the clanking and creaking of his armor shifting on itself filled the air, drowning out even his own thoughts. CrushMan made a final leap, performing a great chop downwards with his blade. "Skill!" The master laughed. "Another one! Once more! But remember, you are the vassal of a noble! As such, you must show all of the qualities that I demand! It is too far late in the game to hesitate now, go forward. Do not fail in this last of endeavers, though. I demand satisfaction."

It was a test. The master was so fond of these tests, and yet CrushMan only succeeded in them rarely, inspiring the master's rage. And his punishments. The enemy was in his sights, a single foe that was dented on it's sides, it's front full of small punctures and scrapes. It was the foe he had hit earlier. He was the key to this final test, but what was the answer? CrushMan shook his head, unknowing, as he stomped towards the enemy, sword at the ready. The answer was to please the master by crushing the enemy! Destroying the enemy! Leaving nothing left of the ones who had angered the master! He readied his sword as he moved forward to this last of foes. But was it the last? Had his strikes been true? Had the sword obeyed his whims and struck down his foes, had they received his fatal strikes? But the master was correct. The time for hesitation had long passed. CrushMan made one final step forward before pouncing on the enemy, sword raised high and ready to strike.

1. Sword to VolgearEXB - 80 Damage -
2. Sword to MagtectC - 80 Damage -
3. Sword to VolgearEXA - 80 Damage -

(The first time I did this, bear hug was in slot three, but then I remembered the cooldown wasn't done. A shame, it would have made a good scene, but it should be fine like this as well.)
Each virus is pierced.

MagtectB: DELETED!
MagtectC: DELETED!

Crushman: 60

Rewards: Magbolt1, 500z
As CrushMan finally dispatched of the final enemy, he took note of his surroundings. It seemed quiet, serene, peaceful. The aftermath of a long battle. He'd won. Seeing that some data had been dropped behind by the enemy, he touched it once and then sent it to the master. But the master was quiet. CrushMan stumbled backwards in shock and fright. The master did not go silent often unless...

"Crush. You have failed, you do realize that, don't you?" Again, the Navi cringed. "It was a silent task. You were my instrument to do my bidding and yet you could not succeed in the smallest of things. Grace, skill and power, the three elements of a noble in battle, yet you failed to convey that final and most important of abilities! Remember? The enemies that we had to flush out to battle? What makes you think there are not more? With a show of power, crushing that final enemy to dust with your own power and not some borrowed strength, we could have struck fear into our foes for our next enounter! Power, that one element that you should represent above all others, and yet you couldn't do even that! You have failed!"

The Navi felt him being pulled back, being violently shoved back into his 'home', back into the master's device. CrushMan looked around him, sullenly, as his wounds burned his core data and as he was pulled back into his prison.
