Gungnir in Yumland

The Firehit set the first Kilby to flames. The next found itself hurled into perfect position for Gungnir to incinerate both of them with the same Heatshot blast.

MagtectA: DELETED!
MagtectB: DELETED!
MagtectC: DELETED!

Gungnir.EXE: 90 HP


Get: 1000z!
Gungnir stretched out widly, sighing and absorbing the data as he saw the last viruses get destroyed. Sieg did an almost backflip as he saw that he had made out well, and called down to him,

"Rawk! This was a good payoff! Lets get going some more, we'll be able to do really well in this mission we got if we keep this up!"

Gungnir nodded, his bleeding wound dripping as it slowly tried to seal up again. He slowly trodded into the net as he searched for more enemies.

Will O' The WispA: 10 HP
RoninA: 150 HP
RoninB: 150 HP
ENGBallA: 100 HP
PowieA: 60 HP
PowieB: 60 HP
PowieC: 60 HP

Gungnir.EXE: 90 HP

Gungnir looked upwards, finding a new troupe of viruses coming up at him speedily. There was only one here he recognized from the entire group, everything else was completely new. This was not concerning to him, but something to consider. Sieg saw the new viruses as well, but was only concerned with one of them. He pulled a couple of chips from his deep pocket as he eyed them tenatively,

"Gungnir, that one over there, it's HP is so low. I don't trust it at ALL, so lets send it to Hel," he said in a cautious tone, a foreign frame of voice for him, and slotted in the chips, "Try these, take out the ENGball first, and move on to the Ronin afterwards. Ringlog, Boomerang slot in, download!" he said, picking back up to his normal insanity by the end. The chips clattered out of the PET by the time another bolt of lightning struck.

Gungnir absorbed the data, sending it through his body as he assimilated it. He focused the important data where it should be, summoning the green energies of the boomerang and Ringlog into his arms. The green aura flowed from his left arm to the blade, turning the gems in his Vulge first, and then the rest of the swords themselves. He gripped the blade tightly and clenched his fist, turning first to the ENGball and the Ronin. He pushed off and began running, his titan steps destroying the footing he had as he moved in. He pulled his arm to the side, the green energy lilting around his arm as he formed the Gleipnir, the metallig energylinks solidfying and locking onto the blades handle. As he neared the viruses, he swung out his arm, letting the Gleipnir grow in length and swing widely from him.

He ran closer to the enemies, the ground tearing wildly as he moved. The ENGball hovered in the air a small distance from him. As he moved in to it, he hoped he had covered enough distance. His Green hand left a dancing aftertrail with his whipping scarf as he raised his arm above his head. The lasertrail was elevated and he ran next to the virus. He moved past the virus, almost lining himself up with the Ronin as he pushed his hand to his side, pointing at the virus. The Rolling log tore down from the sky and landed on the ground whirring in place for a moment before bouncing in the air and slamming down upon the viruses location with a great force. The resutling explosion blew back Gungnirs hair, but he pulled up his hand at the splinters and woodfragments that were kicked up.

As soon as the Debris settled, he turned to the Ronin viruses, gripping the Vulge powerfully and running over to them as fast as his feet would carry him. As he came up on the twin viruses, they turned to face him. That was good, he could respect a foe who would meet it's death so willingly. He dove into the air and pulled back the Vulge, the Gleipnir still haning from it. As he swung it back, he thrust it forwards, releasing it in a downswing and letting it spin like a saw. Gleipnir lengthened as the yoyo from hell descended on the Ronins, the blades almost seeming to extend to reach both. As the huge circular saw slammed into the earth at their location, it tore the ground to peices, an enormous explosion of debris and dust blocking the pair from his view. He gripped Gleipnir with both hands, pulling the still rotating blade back to his hands as he landed hard on the ground again, rending the ground asunder.

He watched the green aura fade from his sword, but in it's place, felt a biting wind swirl about it. He could see the winds and frosts of Hel encircling the blades and covering them as he ran forwards. His tremendous footfalls drew the two Ronin from the cloud of dust that he had generated as he ran past them. He pushed on, moving to the smaller ghostlike entity. The frost began building up on his swords, chinking on in bits and peices as he moved towards it. He closed in, chanting,

'The winds of Nifelheim guide my blades, the ices of Hel encase it,' as the sword exploded in icicles, 'They shall find their resting place in you, and you in they. Nifelheim' as he raised the sword spinning above his head, he brought it down, the spinning sword making two loud sounds of cleaving as he moved past the virus. There was a small pause, everythign seemed to go silent, but the cold swirling winds formed ice, which exploded upwards from the Will o' the Wisps position, forming an enormous glacier. He turned slowly, knowing that many viruses were still there, he turned on his heels and tried moving away from them all, hopefully he had done some damage.


Ringlog1, ENGball, PowieA <2x>50dmg <weakness>

Boomerang, RoninA/B 60dmg

Nifelheim, Will o' the Wisp 2x25dmg, freezing

The will o' the wisp takes the attacks, but gets broken out of the frozen spire by a stray ringlog. It dives into Gungir's chest, a Powie narrowly missing him as he drops to the ground, victim to an attack or two.

Will O' The WispA: 8 HP
RoninA: 90 HP
RoninB: 90 HP
PowieB: 60 HP
PowieC: 60 HP

Gungnir.EXE:40 HP [Possessed]
Gungnir grunts from the possession, reeling as he realizes his actions have been locked! He twisted his arms and pulled his legs, but it felt as thoguh he had been set on a rack! The Gleipnir-laden Vulge fell from his hands as he was pulled out. He looked as though he was being quartered, and could do nothing as the viruses assaulted him, knocking him back. He laid on the ground, grunting, but not flinching from the battering. Sieg was freaking out, shouting and calling to him,

"GUNGNIR, WHAT HAPPENED?! WHAT IS GOING ON?!" as he tried slotting in chips. Nothing worked though, he was becoming very worried.

'I...I cannot move, Sieg. Can you do anything?' He said, trying to flex his fingers.

"! I can't! Gungnir, you have to break out! You're stronger than this, I know it!" he shouted at him, tears starting to build up in his eyes as thunder crashed behind him, rain still coming down around the kiosk.

'I am not, I'm sorry Sieg. I can do nothing but get deleted.' Sieg was trying as hard as he could to force back his crying, his face horribly distorted as he listened to Gungnir, 'My parameters are not strong enough to break from this viruses control, I am sorry, master'

"DON'T SAY THAT! You're gonna let this pathetic BUG kill you!? Thats not the Gungnir I know, you would never let this insignifican whelp take you out or cause YOU to die!"

'But, Master, I'm not'

"SCREW THAT! USE MY POWER, THATS AN ORDER!" Sieg shrieked, tears erupting from his eyes as he shouted at Gugnir, trickling down the PET as Lightning flashed in the air again. Gungnir eyes widened for a moment, before going back down and nodding.

He tensed his body, closing his eyes, and scrunching his face, actually struggling visably as his torso spat blood into the air from his wounds. He grunted and fought, his fingers moving lightly as he did. The Will's body slowly became visable in his chest, tensing and shaking as he did. His fingers finally closed up into two fists, and he bent his arms forwards. His legs jerked as he pulled them up, and his arms came closer to his chest as he struggled mightily. His arms push up and the orb is pushed form his chest slowly, but then, it begins forcing it's way back in. His arms are pressed down again, and he struggled badly. Sieg shouted out,

"GUUUNNNGNNNIIIIRRR!" and Gungnir eyes snapped open, he shouted loudly and pulled his arms up, grabbing the ball of energy and tearing it from his body with a horrendous rip. All his wounds spurted blood as he threw away the virus from him and stood up slowly, drawing up to his knees and back to his standing position.

'Yes, Sieg?' he asked calmly as he looked up at him. Sieg just smiled through his tears and said,

"Heh, you big dumbass"


Free from Will o the Wisp
While Gungnir flailed around madly, trying to tear the Will O' The Wisp from his body, one of the Ronins took an infuriated swing at him. However, it was just a bit too slow, and the virus's blade missed by less than an inch. The Navi was successful in tearing the Will O' the Wisp free, and the virus retreated to form a cool blue aura that floated dangerously behind the other viruses.

Will O' The WispA: 8 HP
RoninA: 90 HP
RoninB: 90 HP
PowieB: 60 HP
PowieC: 60 HP

Gungnir.EXE: 40 HP
Gungnir looked as he forced the virus from his body, pulling himself back up just in time to twist his head, his eyes went wide as he saw the samurai virus coming up next to him. He pushed out his legs, diving to the side as he felt the cold slice of air next to his face, three strands of his hair being sliced of as he rolled. He looked up, his face no longer devoid of expression, btu a mixture of relief and rage as he saw the Wisp retreat from the fore to behind the other viruses. He gripped Gleipnir, giving it a forceful pull and snapping his Vulge back to his hand as he stood up, hearing Sieg call to him,

"Gungnir! You're allright! Gods I was so worried!" as he wiped his cheeks and eyes, sniffling and staring at his navi. But his eyes went a little wide as he saw Gungnir's face contorted into an angry look, staring down the Ronins. "Whats Wrong, Gungnir?" he asked, almost worried in the change of demeanor in his navi. Gungnir looked back up at him,

'These dispicable viruses, one permeated my body, Violating my being and trying to hold me to die at the hands of these other pathetic bugs, you were right, I cannot stand for this,' his hand flexed around the vulge again, 'I will exact retribution on the worms!' he shouted, spinning the vulge as cold winds swirled around the blade. Arctic frosts built on the blade as he turned it, raising it above his head and holding it up. The biting winds solidified the frost, making the sword stab upwards in a spire of ice. He shouted out,

'You despicable beings would have my life, but your numbers are naught for my power and the powers inside of me! I summon the Wolfson to assist my vengance, hsi frozen fangs shall be the bringers of your death!' and with that, he slammed the swords icicle spike into the ground, frosting it instantly and sending twin shockwaves of ice speeding along the ground, 'FENRIR!' he let roar as the plots beneath the two viruses froze instantly, spreading wide for a breif moment. It suddenly shifted, each frozen plot stabbing up towards the sky in an enormous tooth of ice. The viruses were for a moment missing, but he slowly saw them stagger out as the twin fangs slowed their heaven-bound ascent and stood as monuments to his attack.

"Gungnir, they're still there!" Sieg shouted, reaching into his pocket and pulling out another chip, 'I know, and I believe you know what I will need to finish this fight with them,' he said as he stood back up, his face still furrowed as he jerked his sword clean from the ice. "Haha, then this must be what you're talking about! Rageclaw slot in, download! Show them who you are, Gungnir!" Sieg shouted intot he PET as he slammed in the chip, sending the data to Gungnir. He pushed forwards, moving faster as his feet destroyed the ground around him. He ran to the first virus before him, one of the Ronins and gripped his vulge as he felt the data from the chip wash over his sword and Gleipnir, the whole mess becoming bright red as he ran with tremorous footfalls. He pulled forwards the vulge, but instead of trying to slam the sword into the virus, he threw forwards the Gleipnir, sending the red chain out and wrapping it around his foe. The Ronin seemed to be taken by surprise, but if it wasn't the next part surely would do so. Gungnir ran clean past it, diving into the air and flying towards the Spire of ice from Fenrir. Gleipnir was pulled taut, and the virus was jerked after him, flying through the air by his chain as he soared at Fenrirs spike. As he landed on it, he dove again, his powerful push destroying the spire as he flew through the air over the other Ronin. The one in tow was still coming as he jerked it again, slowing his own flight as the ronin sped up. He spun his vulge about his body in midair, swinging it and contorting his body to face the projectile virus. As it came almost face to face with him, he swung downwards, slamming the vulge into it and sending it flying downwards at a tremendous speed. he twisted the Gleipnir withhis arm, freeing it before he was pulled along, and watched as it slammed into the ground, both viruses blocked from his view by the ensuing dustcloud.

As he fell back to the ground, building up speed, he heard Sieg grabbing at chips in his pocket again and pulling one free. "Gungir, good moves, lets see if you can take the same kinda revenge on the pathetic virus that was inside of you! Icewave, slot in, download!" he called to him, slotting it in forceably as he shouted, "We'll see that this never happens again, take that damned thing out now!" Gungir nodded as he saw the ground rush up to meet him. He slammed his feet into it, destroying the earth in a great explosion. Dust and debris were scattered all around the feild as Gungnir stood up in the middle, his sword once more becoming encased in a familiar blue glow. The dust almost settled before Gungnir lunged from the cloud, body curled with his sword over his front. The arua spread to the Gleipnir as he pulled it back, his body unfurling and letting his vulge fly above the enemies, not spinning much, but Gleipnir following in its stead. He landed on the ground once more, crackign and breakign it, and tugged the chain down, the ripple swinging towards the aqua Vulge. Upon reaching it, the weapon snapped downwards, slamming bladefirst into the ground and stabbing it in a frozen cut. The Ice shot forwards in an enormous shockwave, row after row of Icicles shooting up from the ground as Gleipnir fell to the ground before it. The enormous chain lay in between the two Powies as the Icewave exploded before the Wisp that had done him such wrong. As the Icicles slowed to a stop, they left an enormous iceberg behind the powies.

"Wanna get this done with Gungnir?" Sieg asked as he pulled one more from his folder. Gungnir coied Gleipnir around his arm some more and nodded slowly as he felt the data inside of him. The chain slowly shot forwards in a ray of green, encompassing the entire Gleipnir and Vulge as he gave the whole thing a jerk, popping the sword from the ground violently. As he saw it come up, he swirled the chain, slowly swinging the vulge in the distance and building up speed and rotation. As the blades began spinning faster and faster, they formed his bladed disc from Hel and he gave the chain a horrible jerk backwards, pulling his whole arm with the chain as the disc of green energy blades shot back towards him, spinning and swooping. The blades neared the powies with amazing speed, and as they turned to see it, the sounds of the sawblade became especially prominient. He could see data fly as the blade spun through their locales, and as it came to him, he reached up, snatching it from the air with his other arm and letting it fall back down loosely, still gripping the vulge. He hung there, hunched over as Sieg called to him,

"Gungnir! Are you allright?! That was great, did it work!?!" frantically and excitedly, but Gungir was exhausted, his open wounds still drizzling blood as he responded, 'I am fine, and I won't know right away, we can only wait and see...'


Fenrir, RoninA/B 70dmg

Rageclaw, RoninA->B 20dmg

Icewave1, Will o' the Wisp 80dmg

Boomerang, PowieA/B 60dmg
The icy spires shredded the two Ronins. If they had been expecting a break after the frozen attack, they didn't get it, because Gungnir then grabbed hold of one and hurled it into the other, destroying them both. More ice exorcised the Will O' the Wisp. One of the Powies teleported into place right above Gungnir's head and solidified into a huge steel weight that dropped onto his head, although the Navi leapt back up once the virus had disappeared. Its attack was returned in the form of a Boomerang that sliced through both Powies.

Will O' The WispA: DELETED

Gungnir.EXE: 30 HP [!WARNING!]


Get: Quake1, 700z!
Gungnir was smashed down by the weight, but his mighty boomer finally managed to wrap up the battle. He stood up slowly, coughing blood and dropping his blades, but he heard Siegs voice, and held on,

"My gawd! You got torn up! Come on, we'll get you to the PET to get you ready for the mission! We can afford the thing we need now, anyways! You did a great job!" he shouted loudly. Gungnirs face had returned to normal as he looked up at Sieg,

'Thank you, it was, indeed, very, very hard. But a short rest and I will be ready to continue'

"You'd damn well better be, cause we need you for this next job! I dun wanna fall on our asses first thing in this country! Lets go!" and as he said that, Gungnirs body exploded in three thunderbolts that shot towards the sky sequentially.