I had another cool idea. My powerblast would already be used, but...
Powerbolt(all)+Powershot(Majin)+Another Powerbolt(LHH)
70x4+50+70=400 Damage.
Not too shabby, plus it'd make a GREAT roleplaying opportunity.
Other ideas:
Energycannon (FZ only)(Energybomb+cannon)=40x3+40=160
Silencing Sword(LHH only)(Enjoy the silence+Swordspam)=315
Flaming Cannonball (PA Only)(Heatshot+Cactiball+Cannon)=(40+30)x3+40=250
Doubleflaming Ringlog (Majin only)(Ringlogx2, lit on fire by heatshot)=(50+40)x2=180
Widereflect (PA+FZ) (This one's kinda complex, so... S=Squalo (=Guards ^^^=Wideshots </>=Where the wideshots would reflect to)
^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^
Wideshotx2, all three hits=80x2x3=480REPLACED BY:
Double Electricblade slash! (Electric Drain+Wideswordx2, reflected off of guards)
Bubble'd Squalo=1680 damage
Heatgun (FZ, LHH)(Shotgun+Heatshot)=50+40(x2 due to size?)=90(180?)
Flaming Markcannon (PA only)(Markcannon+Heatshot)=70+40=110
Needlerain (LHH only)(2xAquaneedle)=20x3x2=120 damage
Doubly Sexy Winks: Sexy Winkx2 (Since Squalo is a Cybeast, it may take quite a bit to stun him... even if it
is sexy.
Add the total possible damage, of just these and the aforementioned combo, and you get...
2725 damage.
Now, for this to work, you'd need to use the following for each person...
LHH: Silencing Sword, Needlerain, Heatgun,Powerboltx2 (Part of Powerarmageddon combo), Thunder (Part of Electric Death combo)
Majin: Flaming Ringlogs, Powershot+Powerbolt (Part of Powerarmageddon combo)
FZ: Wideshot+Guard (Part of Widereflect combo), Heatgun, Powerbolt (Part of Powerarmageddon combo), Thunder (Part of Electric Death combo), Energycannon
PA: Wideshot+Guard (Part of Widereflect combo), Flaming Markcannon, Powerbolt (Part of Powerarmageddon combo), Electric Drain+Electric Storm+Powerblast (Focus of Electric Death combo)
So... yeah. Turn breakdown, now:
1,2. Free actions.
3. Electric Drain (Get 60 HP barrier next turn)
4. Dodge
1,2,3,4. You decide. Just don't use anything needed for a combo.
1,2,3. Flaming Ringlogs
4. You decide. Probably dodge.
1,2. Heatgun/Needlerain (You decide)
3,4. You decide.
1. Siphon Electric Drain into Electric Blaze (Necessary action for +80 power)
-Turn splice while FZ and LHH launch Thunders-
2,3. Electric Death Combo (Electric Blaze+Electric Drain+Powerblast+Thunder+Thunder=530 damage, and triple stun)
4. Dodge like hell, 'cause Squalo's gonna be pissed
-Listens to Electric Death Plan-
1. Thunder to in front of Voltman (To be absorbed by Electric Death)
2,3. Energycannon/Heatgun (You decide)
4. Dodge (Probably, that is. You can decide)
1,2,3,4. Free turn! You decide. (Just don't use either of the power____'s)
-Listens to Electric Death Plan-
1. Thunder to in front of Voltman (To be absorbed by Electric Death)
2,3. Needlerain/Heatgun (Whichever you didn't use before)
4. Dodge (Probably, that is. You can decide)
1. Powerbolt (Part of Powerarmageddon Combo)
2,3. Flaming Markcannon (110)
4. Dodge
1. Sexy Wink (Lowers accuracy, stun)(Combined with Majin's Sexy Wink)
2. Powerbolt (Part of Powerarmageddon combo)
3,4. You decide.
1. Sexy Wink (Lowers accuracy, stun)(Combined with FZ's Sexy Wink)
2,3. Powerbolt+Powershot (Part of Powerarmageddon combo)
4. You decide
1,2. Powerboltx2 (Part of Powerarmageddon combo)
3,4. Whatever
NOTE: Powerarmageddon= 70x5+50=400 DamageTurn 4: Prep for Electric Widesword bubble combo
Turn 5: Majin uses bubstar. PA uses guard/Widesword/Electric Drain. FZ uses guard.
And that's about it. That leaves FZ with either Energycannon or Heatgun (Whichever you didn't use), and LHH with Silencing Sword (To be used with caution!)
And then, we cross our damn fingers and hope for the best. ONWARD TO BATTLE!
Responding to other posts:
Quote (ForteZanzo)
Majin and I could prolly take turns givin' it the ol' Sexy Wink to pin it down, but I can't do a whole lot aside from that, strategically anyway.
Are you kidding? Look at all that you do! Our Widereflect combo shall kick royal @$$!
Quote (LordHothead)
I can do 315 in one turn with Enjoy the Silence + Swordspam. That's the best single turn I can do by myself.
True, but your Thunder is part of Electric Death.
And Majin...
Thank god for Sexy Wink. Without it, and Nac's copying powers, we'd have a whole lot more Squalo deadliness on our hands.