Mission: Aquatic Archeology Adventure

Armoury boarded the platform, dusting off her coat a bit as she had a look around, glancing back at the open ocean with the slightest bit of discomfort. For a moment she pondered the wisdom of taking a mission she knew full well was going to put her around vast quantities of deep water. This conundrum of course was compounded by the fact that she really had no idea how involved she would have to be with said deep water at this point. The mission description was quite vague on that matter.

It wasn't the water itself she was concerned about. In fact much like her operator she found a hot bath to be quite relaxing. Nor was it the threat of rust, the exposed alloy of her arms being impervious to oxidization. However, rust resistant as it was, this metallic substance wasn't known for its buoyancy, and it was known only to Armoury just how much of her body was made up of the material. She could keep her head above water for a time, but as negatively buoyant things are wanton to do, she would eventually sink quite quickly. The thought of drowning didn't much appeal to her.

She pushed that line of thought from her mind as she made her way across the platform towards the other two navis. Doing her best not to appear like some sort of hitwoman she managed to offer up what she hoped was a slight, friendly smile to them.
"Hello, I'm here about the mission request you posted. It didn't mention exactly what sort of assistance you needed, but I am at your service."
The scuba navi turned to look at Armoury, then slowly nodded his head. He shifted his body to face her and gave a quick, official salute. "Good, they sent someone. Welcome aboard. My name is ScubaMan; this is my associate, Angler," he greeted the new arrival, waving his hand over to the tall woman to acquaint the two.

Angler gave a pleasant smile and bobbed her head. "Nice to meet ya!" she chirped, then returned to respectful silence.

"I'll explain the situation quickly so we can get right to work," the man continued. His voice was very authoritative and clear, which was helpful, as otherwise it would be hard to understand him through the steady, krrrrrshhhhh that his breathing produced through his mask. "We've been trying to salvage the wreckage of a navi vessel from beneath the sea here for a while now. It wouldn't be terribly difficult work, but we're undermanned. We honestly don't want to bring in too many to help because we can't afford to split the payload too many ways... that and I have a special interest in the salvage," he admitted. "Our method is this: one of us mans the hauling equipment, the other travels underwater to secure the line. Unfortunately, the vessel seems to have become infested with aquatic viruses; as a result, any attempt to move the craft results in a swarming virus attack on our platform. We're forced to disengage whenever this happens, being unable to man the equipment and defend the platform simultaneously."

"If only I was a little stronger or a little faster at securing the line, this wouldn't be so dang hard," the girl sighed, wringing her hands in front of herself sadly.

"You have a couple of options. The first: you stay up here and help Angler defend the platform while I dive and secure the tow. The second: you work the equipment while angler defends; might be better if you're not very confident in your fighting strength. The third: we give you one of our extra scuba suits and you come down and help me with the line... if we could fix it up quick enough, we wouldn't need to worry about defending the platform at all. Anyways, it's your choice. Tell us how you can best support us," he instructed her, then crossed his arms behind his back and waited for an answer.
Armoury stood and ponders her options for a moment, looking at the hauling equipment, and then looking a bit apprehensively at the sea. The wide brim of her hat hid the brief moment of discomfort on Armoury's face as she once again entertained the thought of sinking to the ocean floor. Diving suit or not she wouldn't be nearly as mobile as Scubaman, she'd probably more of a hindrance down there. She then looked to the controls on the platform again and flicked her tail gently, they didn't look too complicated. Of course she'd never used such equipment before and it sounded as though mistakes couldn't be afforded in this situation, which really left only one option for her. Luckily she was well suited for the job,

"I believe I shall stay topside to defend the platform. My operator and I shall support you as best we can."
"Alright then, I'll work the controls again. Hopefully having you hear will make it easier to focus. I get nervous with too many viruses around," Angler admitted.

ScubaMan nodded, seeming to agree with the arrangement. "Fine then. I'll do business as usual and leave the defense of Archer to you," he finished. It was hard to tell, but he seemed uncertain about something. He kept turning his head towards Angler, then back to Armoury. "Well, be safe."

Angler lowered her eyebrows, looking offended. "That's it?" she asked, crossing her arms irritatedly.



"I love you, honey," he sighed, turning and walking to the edge of the platform. Angler sighed and smiled affectionately as she watched him walk to the edge of the platform and dive off.

Giggling, Angler headed over to the controls and pressed a button to start unloading the reel from its hook. "He's bashful about telling people we're in a relationship. He's so cute when he's like that though, I just can't stop putting him on the spot," she laughed. It was hard to imagine how she could see a man in a full dive suit with no distinguishable features and a distorted voice as being cute. "Anyways, I'm sure that you'd rather focus on the mission, so I'll tell you what to do. Once our anchor hits into the ship, we'll start securing the line. As soon as that movement starts in the ship, the viruses will come out and get angry. When that happens, it's up to you to stop them from messing with the line topside. Scuba will handle himself below the water, so don't worry about him; just take out any virus you see."

Armoury figured there would be just a little time before the action started, so if she had any other questions to work out, she needed to ask them quickly.
Valis just watched for now, her image not showing up to the Navis as she knew it probably wasn't particularly good form to appear with poofy shower hair and a mouthful of cereal. She wasn't normally too concerned with her appearance, she didn't even really own any makeup, but she figured this was at least semi professional, being a mission and all. Armoury appreciated the thought, still being able to see Valis on a tiny display in the HUD of her left eye. The Navi nodded to them both and looked to Angler,

"I'll make sure they don't get anywhere near the rig so you'll be able to concentrate." She didn't want to look intimidating, but at least wanted to seem prepared for the job as Scubaman headed for the edge of the platform. It was strange, she didn't much care for making up appearances, but this was her first paying job, and it now seemed like it mattered. For the most part she was simply her normally collected self, eying the water then perking her ears as she noticed the moment of tension between the other navis. She hid a small grin with their exchange before he disappeared into the waves, she could just about see a hint of red through his mask.

Armoury kept her ears turned towards Angler as she did a quick circle around the small platform, getting an idea of how much room she had to work with while she listened. Things might get tight, but she should be able to handle it, if the two of them were able to escape more than once before it shouldn't be too bad. She then gave a quick nod to Angler,

"Understood, though I should probably know where the extra diving gear is just in case." Armoury didn't really have much interest in knowing why Scubaman was so keen on acquiring the old navi vessel, it wasn't really her business. The two of them seemed honest enough navis, she seriously doubted it was for any nefarious purpose or they wouldn't have made a request in an open board. If they chose to tell her later that would be their choice, though Valis was certainly curious about it. Maybe it would be brought up once the operation was over.
Angler looked up from her controls, then pointed one leather-gloved hand towards the supply cabin. "I have a spare in there. It might be a little big on you, but I'm pretty sure you could make it work," she called out as she worked the machine, bringing up a lever slowly. The whirring of the reel made it hard to hear her any further, but staying observant, Armoury quickly noticed what she was supposed to be looking for next.

The water bubbled as the point tops of viruses started to slowly emerged. Enraged, the creatures began to swarm around the platform. "Try to take them out before they can attack the equipment!" Angler yelled through her cupped hands, then went back to her controls. As Armoury expected, they seemed terribly numerous; fish bodies moved quickly across the waves before her. Far out at the back, a strange looking virus that looked something like a buoy with a fisherman's hat and a clenched, angry set of teeth beneath it, bobbed back and forth. It yelled loudly and annoyingly, but it was still very far away.

--Platform-- (50% metal, 50% sea surrounding)

Armoury: 120 HP
Angler: 100 HP
Line/Equipment: 200 HP

--Close to platform-- (1 movement away) (100% Sea terrain)

StarfishA: 60 HP
StarfishB: 60 HP
PiranhaA: 60 HP

--Further out-- (2 movement away) (100% Sea terrain)

StarfishC: 60 HP
PiranhaB: 60 HP
PiranhaC: 60 HP
Lark: 100 HP

--Even Further Out-- (3 movements away) 100% Sea terrain)

PiranhaD: 60 HP
PiranhaE: 60 HP
Strange Virus: ??? HP

Armoury simply nodded to Angler over the noise of the machinery, taking up her position at the edge of the platform she surveyed the situation. This might end up being a little more difficult than she originally thought, hopefully she had the firepower to hold them back. She wanted to stay out of the water if she could help it as the viruses would probably be a lot more mobile than her.

"Alright, let's get to work" Armoury said as Valis slotted in the first chip. She chose heatshot as she knew as well as Armoury that they had to drop the number of viruses as quickly as possible. Armoury felt the bands of her arm split apart as her internal mechanisms rearranged themselves, raising her arm as the incendiary explosive warhead came to rest in the barrel of the anti armour launcher. Her left eye gave an ominous glow as she focused on her target in the first wave of viruses. She knew she had to make every shot count, especially with multi hit attacks. As she carefully trained her sights on the lead starfish she started to move along the platform to line it up with the second starfish in the first wave. Once she was sure she opened fire on the viruses, the RPG round streaking towards its target while Armoury changed position again, watching the explosion of flame on the water, hoping it was on target.

She felt much lighter on her feet since the upgrades she received, her movements having become quicker and more precise. She was thankful for that now as she definitely had to keep moving if she hoped to fend off the waves of viruses. She eyed the larger one at the back warily as she drew her pistols, sincerely hoping that she'd be up to the challenge of dealing with whatever that thing was.

"Time to play boys," she said softly to Pegasus and Cerberus as the two revolvers cocked their hammers in response. "Eager are we?" Armoury grinned as she took aim at the leading wave once again, her weapons beginning to glow. The crack of her revolvers rattled over the deep whir of the platform's equipment as Armoury let loose with Double Magnum on the two starfish viruses she'd attacked before. The gleaming blue and sickly purple contrails ripped across the water behind the charged shots as Armoury looked on, assessing the damage of her attack.

Valis meanwhile watched the battle closely as she sat at her computer, slightly worried that Armoury might be in a bit over her head. The navi had taken on many viruses before, but not this many at once that she could remember. She always felt slightly helpless in these situations, not being able to do much more than supply Armoury with weapons. She wasn't much of a strategist and net battling was still quite new to her. It would be quite some time before she learned the ins and outs of how various chips and viruses behaved, she only hoped that she could learn fast enough to keep Armoury out of trouble.

"Think we can take out this many viruses at once?" Valis asked as she looked over the incoming baddies again.

"We just have to keep pushing them back" the navi reassured her as she repositioned herself on the platform again, checking over her shoulder to see how Angler was doing.

"Alright, I think this should help hold them off" Valis said as she slotted in a cannon chip into her PET. Armoury nodded as her arm started to reform, the large bore barrel of the cannon taking shape,

"This should do nicely." Armoury dropped to one knee to brace herself as she levelled the cannon on the Piranha in the front row that hadn't had any unpleasantness visited upon it up until this point. Armoury would see to that soon enough though, the cannon letting fly with a low baritone bark and a flash as the powerful ball of energy left its muzzle. Armoury looked on to see how her barrage of fire had fared, if things went according to plan, she'd be off to a good start, but already she was halfway through her projectile arsenal. This was going to be difficult.

1. Take aim (StarfishA/StarfishB)
2. Use Heatshot chip (StarfishA/StarfishB) (40dmg/fire)
3. Use Double Magnum ability (StarfishA/StarfishB) (2x20dmg)
4. Use Cannon chip (PiranhaA) (40dmg/knockback)
With precise aiming, Armoury managed to pick off the two approaching and nearest starfish. The heatshot and double magnum combo destroyed the two just as they attempted to board the platform. The aquatic viruses that Armoury had spotted on the waves swam in closer and the piranhas that moved amongst them all released their lock-on cursors, forming a light show of targeting arrows. All of them locked on to Armoury!

Luckily, no viruses had managed to board the platform yet, however. The navi's cannon knocked back the one piranha that attempted to move into the sea space close to the platform, denying his progress. Armoury's efforts allowed Angler and ScubaMan to make some good progress in getting the line hooked up. Angler called out to tell Armoury that the line was almost set, but it was hard to hear her over the whirring.

The strange buoy out at the back of the virus horde remained stationary, for whatever reason, not taking advantage of the opportunity to move closer and instead just growling randomly.

--Platform-- (50% metal, 50% sea surrounding)

StarfishA: DELETED
StarfishB: DELETED

Armoury: 120 HP
Angler: 100 HP
Line/Equipment: 200 HP

--Close to platform-- (1 movement away) (100% Sea terrain)

StarfishC: 60 HP
PiranhaA: 20 HP (Locked-On: Armoury)
PiranhaB: 60 HP (Locked-On: Armoury)
PiranhaC: 60 HP (Locked-On: Armoury)
Lark: 100 HP

--Further out-- (2 movement away) (100% Sea terrain)

PiranhaD: 60 HP (Locked-On: Armoury)
PiranhaE: 60 HP (Locked-On: Armoury)

--Even Further Out-- (3 movements away) 100% Sea terrain)

Strange Virus: ??? HP
Armoury blinked as her HUD lit up with warning signals, the klaxons sounding in her head letting her know that she'd be careless. With multiple locks on her she knew she had to direct as much fire away from Angler and the equipment as possible.
"I'm going to need a little firepower Valis, we might be in a bit of trouble" Armoury said as she started to run for the far corner of the platform.
"Alright here it comes" Valis replied as she slotted in her shotgun chip, hoping it would help her navi cut down the viruses a little faster. Armory stood at the very corner of the platform on the side nearest the viruses, if the fired at her here there wasn't much chance of hitting the rig accidentally. Her arm started to split open as she received the chip data, the big leaver action twelve gauge springing from inside the mechanisms of her arm. She caught the weapon in her left hand, butting it to her shoulder as her right arm reformed and took aim. She could drop at least one virus and hopefully damage another if she was careful.

The navi also knew she was about to take a lot of heat, and she couldn't dodge every shot about to be thrown her way. Her eyes narrowed as she looked down the sights of the shotgun, her coat starting to shimmer as she made sure she'd be able to take at least one hit before her aim was thrown off. Dropping to one knee to both brace herself and make a harder target Armoury finally pulled the trigger, the roar of her weapon could be heard even over the platform rig as her body jerked from the recoil. Armoury worked the action on the shotgun, discharging the spent shell before the weapon digitized and evaporated from her hands. There wasn't much left to do but stand her ground and hope that she could avoid at least a few of the incoming attacks, at least they would be heading for her and not the equipment.

Valis looked on from her computer chair with concern, things weren't going particularly well. She could see on her screen that Armoury was lit up like a Christmas tree and didn't really have anywhere to run. Nor could the navi take cover behind the equipment she was meant to be defending. Valis did the only thing she could think of to help, slotting in her guard chip as Armoury kept her profile low on the edge of the platform. She could see Armoury activate the projector, angling it towards another one of the viruses as the volley of fire flew towards her. Valis still didn't know how to feel about this sort of thing, the battles were exciting and intense at times. Though at the same time she wasn't particularly fond of seeing Armoury hurt...though in some bizarre way the navi seemed to enjoy it. Armoury never seemed to ever truly be in pain, but rather revelled in the thrill of combat, pushing herself to see what she could achieve. Valis knew that her navi was usually pretty cool under pressure but she'd seen a more vicious side of her once or twice. She only hoped that it wouldn't land Armoury in over her head at some day.

1. Use Bulletproof ability (1 hit shield)
2. Use Shotgun chip on PiranhaA/PiranhaB (50dmg)
3. Dodge
4. Use Guard chip (1 hit shield/Reflect/Piercing/Line attack) (Attempt to aim reflected attack towards Lark)
Armoury took out one pirahna and injured another with the spread fire of her shotgun, then took to her own defense. The piranhas stopped their advance momentarily to make use of their locks, firing off a veritable hail of harpoon shots in the navi's direction. The weapons tore through the layers of defenses rather easily and dealt some damage; Armoury managed to dodge about four spears, but there were so many that she stood no chance of avoiding them all.

Gasping, Angler turned to Armoury, but kept her hands on the controls. "Are you alright? Hang in there, we've got the line secure now! We're hauling up the cargo!"

The viruses that had not attacked continued moving up closer. One of the starfish began to slowly make its way up the platform's edge, as well as the lark that Armoury had had her eye on. The movement of the cargo seemed to have set something off with the virus in the back, and it was now growling with unbridled VIRUS RAGE.

--Platform-- (50% metal, 50% sea surrounding)

StarfishA: DELETED
StarfishB: DELETED
StarfishC: 60 HP (sea)
Lark: 100 HP

Armoury: 90 HP (1-hit shield) (guard1)
Angler: 100 HP
Line/Equipment: 200 HP

--Close to platform-- (1 movement away) (100% Sea terrain)

PiranhaA: DELETED!
PiranhaB: 10 HP
PiranhaC: 60 HP

--Further out-- (2 movement away) (100% Sea terrain)

PiranhaD: 60 HP (strengthen 10)
PiranhaE: 60 HP (strengthen 10)

--Even Further Out-- (3 movements away) 100% Sea terrain)

Strange Virus: ??? HP (strengthen 10)