A red column of light crashed into the Dentech academic network and reformed in the appearance of Red_Riding_Hood.exe. Myun appeared shortly afterward.
"Alright, let's go get some money!" Red cheered, pointing forward. She and her support unit charged forth.
((Red: 190 HP
Myun: 90 HP
Learning Power!
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The smell of mushrooms permeated the air as Red entered a particularly grassy area. She saw two Mushy viruses hopping over normal panels, spreading their spores everywhere while a small group of FishyEXs seemed to watch over them.
FishyEXA: 120 HP
FishyEXB: 120 HP
FishyEXC: 120 HP
MushyA: 80 HP
MushyB: 80 HP
Terrain 50% grass, 50% normal ((checkerboard))
Red: 190 HP
Myun: 90 HP
[Battle 1 - Begin!]
FishyEXA: 120 HP
FishyEXB: 120 HP
FishyEXC: 120 HP
MushyA: 80 HP
MushyB: 80 HP
Terrain 50% grass, 50% normal ((checkerboard))
Red: 190 HP
Myun: 90 HP
[Battle 1 - Begin!]
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"Tra la la la la- Oh what's that?" Red sang, stopping only to point at the enemies in front of her. Myun bounced to halt as well.
"Well, this is a nice setup. At any rate, I've done some upgrading since last time. I've also noticed that you've become more attuned to the Wood element so lets land on those grass panels, shall we?" Shin advised, slotting in two chips. "Try to make short work of these guys, be careful about those Fishys too."
"Roger that! Here we go!" Red exclaimed, warping toward a grass panel in line with the Mushys. Now that the setup was complete, the red-caped wonder activated the next chip in the sequence, slamming her hand on the ground and sending forth a burning line of flames toward the Mushys, hoping to burn them up completely. Just in case though, the crimson crusader called upon the next chip's power, having her fist burst aflame. Wincing at the opposing element attack that she had to use, the fairy-tale fighter sent a flaming punch roaring toward where she supposed the second Mushy was, just in case it didn't get caught by the Flameline.
Keeping her position, Red snapped her fingers, asking for something wide to hit the Fishys with. Shin complied by sending in two Wideshots. Grinning, the wind mistress muttered a low incantation, before summoning two mighty dragons made out of water. The beasts bellowed ferociously, opening up their gaping jaws that were three viruses wide. Gesturing forth toward the Fishys, Red commanded the dragons to strike. Howling in obedience, the leviathans surged through the netscape toward the FishyEXs, hoping to catch at least most of them by the fangs, attempting to fatally crush their existences for good.
After this onslaught, Myun took the initiative and headed toward where she thought one of the Fishys would be, and sent a powerful punch in its direction, following up with two hits from her ears.
Navi and support program watched themselves, ready to move out of the way of incoming attacks. The slight breeze from the netscape swirled around the caped crusader's feet, ready to assist if need be.
Turn Summary:
1. Areagrab on a Grass panel in line with Mushy group [Teleport, Dodge, Movement, +1 Accuracy]
2. Flameline1 to MushyA,B [70 Fire DMGx2(Elemental Weakness)+100%(Grass)=210 DMG]
3. Firehit to MushyB [60 Fire DMGx2(elemental weakness)+100%?(Grass?)=140/210 DMG]
4. Wideshot1 at FishyEXA,B,C [60 Aqua DMG]
5. Wideshot1 at FishyEXA,B,C [60 Aqua DMG]
*Gust: Dodge
Grass Effect: Regen 5
Myun's Actions:
*Run Myun Run: Movement into Melee Range of FishyC
1. Attack FishyC [35 DMG]
*Rhythm Boxing to FishyC [2x10 DMG]
2. Dodge
"Well, this is a nice setup. At any rate, I've done some upgrading since last time. I've also noticed that you've become more attuned to the Wood element so lets land on those grass panels, shall we?" Shin advised, slotting in two chips. "Try to make short work of these guys, be careful about those Fishys too."
"Roger that! Here we go!" Red exclaimed, warping toward a grass panel in line with the Mushys. Now that the setup was complete, the red-caped wonder activated the next chip in the sequence, slamming her hand on the ground and sending forth a burning line of flames toward the Mushys, hoping to burn them up completely. Just in case though, the crimson crusader called upon the next chip's power, having her fist burst aflame. Wincing at the opposing element attack that she had to use, the fairy-tale fighter sent a flaming punch roaring toward where she supposed the second Mushy was, just in case it didn't get caught by the Flameline.
Keeping her position, Red snapped her fingers, asking for something wide to hit the Fishys with. Shin complied by sending in two Wideshots. Grinning, the wind mistress muttered a low incantation, before summoning two mighty dragons made out of water. The beasts bellowed ferociously, opening up their gaping jaws that were three viruses wide. Gesturing forth toward the Fishys, Red commanded the dragons to strike. Howling in obedience, the leviathans surged through the netscape toward the FishyEXs, hoping to catch at least most of them by the fangs, attempting to fatally crush their existences for good.
After this onslaught, Myun took the initiative and headed toward where she thought one of the Fishys would be, and sent a powerful punch in its direction, following up with two hits from her ears.
Navi and support program watched themselves, ready to move out of the way of incoming attacks. The slight breeze from the netscape swirled around the caped crusader's feet, ready to assist if need be.
Turn Summary:
1. Areagrab on a Grass panel in line with Mushy group [Teleport, Dodge, Movement, +1 Accuracy]
2. Flameline1 to MushyA,B [70 Fire DMGx2(Elemental Weakness)+100%(Grass)=210 DMG]
3. Firehit to MushyB [60 Fire DMGx2(elemental weakness)+100%?(Grass?)=140/210 DMG]
4. Wideshot1 at FishyEXA,B,C [60 Aqua DMG]
5. Wideshot1 at FishyEXA,B,C [60 Aqua DMG]
*Gust: Dodge
Grass Effect: Regen 5
Myun's Actions:
*Run Myun Run: Movement into Melee Range of FishyC
1. Attack FishyC [35 DMG]
*Rhythm Boxing to FishyC [2x10 DMG]
2. Dodge
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The two Mushys were incinerated by the fire attacks, leaving no trace of them behind; the smell of mushrooms was quickly replaced by the smell of a vegetarian BBQ. The FishyEXs, now alerted to Red's presence, turned to charge her. One was engulfed by a torrent of two aquatic dragons and another missed. The third was intercepted by Myun who laid into the virus with a flurry of fierce punches before bounding away successfully.
FishyEXB: 120 HP
FishyEXC: 65 HP
Terrain 30% grass, 70% normal ((checkerboard))
Red: 190 HP
Myun: 90 HP
FishyEXB: 120 HP
FishyEXC: 65 HP
Terrain 30% grass, 70% normal ((checkerboard))
Red: 190 HP
Myun: 90 HP
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"Alright, we'll be able to deal with this a bit more smoothly. Use your signature attacks to finish them off," Shin commanded, slotting in the Boomerang just in case.
"Alright! You guys ready for some candy? I've got a lot, right, here!" Red called out, whipping a metal canister out of her picnic basket and slamming it into the group, causing towers of caramel to erupt out of the ground and try to engulf the Fishys and stun them.
Trying to finish this as quickly as possible, Red sent twelve pies flying out of her picnic basket, one by one, at high speeds toward one of the Fishys. These were certainly not the delicious sort, but more like the ones her friend the Fridge had fired off a while ago. They were dangerous pies, that exploded in the distance as they contacted with something, but Red couldn't tell what. Her support unit had bounced her way over to the next Fishy and let loose with a one-two-three-four punch from all the things she could use to punch. Her target, the Fishy.
Deciding that she could take a bit of precaution, the crimson crusader pulled the Boomerang out of her picnic basket and swirled it mightily around her head before sending it spinning menacingly through the air, trying to catch the most enemies possible.
Taking a defensive stance, the red-caped wonder got ready to evade any more attacks coming her way. A slight gust of wind hovered around Myun, ready to push her out of the way too, if need be.
Turn Summary:
1. Caramel Stickiness to FishyB,C [Stunx1 to FishyB, Stunx2 to FishyC]
2. Pasty Bomb to FishyB [12x10 DMG]
3. Boomerang1 to FishyB,C [60 Wood DMG +10 (Bonus)=70 Wood DMG]
4-5. Dodge
*Gust: Help Myun Dodge
Myun's actions:
*Run Myun Run: Movement into Melee Range of FishyC
1. Attack FishyC [35 DMG]
2. Attack FishyC [35 DMG]
*Rhythm Boxing to FishyC [2x10 DMG]
*Gust assisted dodge
"Alright! You guys ready for some candy? I've got a lot, right, here!" Red called out, whipping a metal canister out of her picnic basket and slamming it into the group, causing towers of caramel to erupt out of the ground and try to engulf the Fishys and stun them.
Trying to finish this as quickly as possible, Red sent twelve pies flying out of her picnic basket, one by one, at high speeds toward one of the Fishys. These were certainly not the delicious sort, but more like the ones her friend the Fridge had fired off a while ago. They were dangerous pies, that exploded in the distance as they contacted with something, but Red couldn't tell what. Her support unit had bounced her way over to the next Fishy and let loose with a one-two-three-four punch from all the things she could use to punch. Her target, the Fishy.
Deciding that she could take a bit of precaution, the crimson crusader pulled the Boomerang out of her picnic basket and swirled it mightily around her head before sending it spinning menacingly through the air, trying to catch the most enemies possible.
Taking a defensive stance, the red-caped wonder got ready to evade any more attacks coming her way. A slight gust of wind hovered around Myun, ready to push her out of the way too, if need be.
Turn Summary:
1. Caramel Stickiness to FishyB,C [Stunx1 to FishyB, Stunx2 to FishyC]
2. Pasty Bomb to FishyB [12x10 DMG]
3. Boomerang1 to FishyB,C [60 Wood DMG +10 (Bonus)=70 Wood DMG]
4-5. Dodge
*Gust: Help Myun Dodge
Myun's actions:
*Run Myun Run: Movement into Melee Range of FishyC
1. Attack FishyC [35 DMG]
2. Attack FishyC [35 DMG]
*Rhythm Boxing to FishyC [2x10 DMG]
*Gust assisted dodge
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The remainder of the battle was hardly fair and Red and Myun emerged victorious over the last two FishyEXs.
Terrain 30% grass, 70% normal ((sorta checkerboard))
Red: 190 HP
Myun: 90 HP
[Battle 1 - Victory!]
Get: 26 Bugfrags, 800z
Terrain 30% grass, 70% normal ((sorta checkerboard))
Red: 190 HP
Myun: 90 HP
[Battle 1 - Victory!]
Get: 26 Bugfrags, 800z
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"Woohoo! That was great!" Red yelled cheerfully, pumping her fists into the air as Myun gobbled up more bugfrags.
"Alright, let's see what more we can do. Charge forward!" Shin yelled.
And so they charged forward.
((Battle 2))
"Alright, let's see what more we can do. Charge forward!" Shin yelled.
And so they charged forward.
((Battle 2))
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A small wall of Armadills move in on Red's location. Behind them, a pair of Magneakers walk around, not focused on the impending battle just yet. Near the edge of the group, a Trumpy hops around. Patches of grass are set around the stage, including under Red.
ArmadillA: 100
ArmadillB: 100 (grass)
ArmadillC: 100 (grass)
MagneakerA: 70
MagneakerB: 70 (grass)
Trumpy: 90
Terrain: 70% Normal, 30% Grass
Red: 190 (Grass)
Myun: 90 (Grass)
Battle 2 Go
ArmadillA: 100
ArmadillB: 100 (grass)
ArmadillC: 100 (grass)
MagneakerA: 70
MagneakerB: 70 (grass)
Trumpy: 90
Terrain: 70% Normal, 30% Grass
Red: 190 (Grass)
Myun: 90 (Grass)
Battle 2 Go
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"Incoming viruses!" Myun announced, putting her dukes up.
"Hmmm... these guys probably have a wide range of abilities. Those Armadills might be a problem moving around. Make them hold still. Take out the Trumpy next, then the Armadills, and save the Magneakers for last. These three should do it," Shin suggested, slotting in the MistConv, FireTower, and Boomerang.
"Alright! Let's roll! Have you had your snacks today? You'll be swimming in them soon! Hah!" Red shouted to the Armadills, slamming a metal canister into the ground and causing a giant torrent of caramel to burst from the ground. The sticky sweet substance attempted to engulf the Armadills and hold them in position while Red focused on other enemies.
Synchronizing the next chip's data with her right hand, the crimson crusader let out a low breath before striking her hand upward. On cue, a giant steaming hand burst out of the ground from underneath the Trumpy. The fairy-tale fighter clenched her fist in one swift motion, and the MistConv did the same, trying to crush the Trumpy virus before it could cast its infamous fanfare on the rest of its group.
Stretching her raised limb back, Red let out a battlecry as she punched the ground, causing more stuff to burst out of the ground, but instead of caramel, boiling towers of lava erupted from underneath the battlefield and marched fiercely toward the supposedly stunned Armadills. Their aim was to incinerate the viruses in one fell swoop, and hopefully it would work.
"By my natural element, I command you guys to die!" Red cried at the Magneakers, whirling her recently drawn Boomerang around her end before sending it buzzing menacingly at the targeted viruses. Myun took the initiative to hop away for the moment. Red too, took precaution, the wind ready at her feet if need be.
Turn Summary:
1. Caramel Stickiness to ArmadillA,B,C [Stunx1 to each]
2. MistConv to Trumpy [100 Aqua DMG]
3. FireTower1 to Armadill group [100 Fire DMG + Piercing + Ground Attack + Group Attack]
4. Boomerang at MagneakerA,B [60 +10 DMGx2(Elemental Weakness)= 140 DMG]
5. Dodge
*Gust: Dodge
Myun's Actions:
1. Dodge
2. Dodge
"Hmmm... these guys probably have a wide range of abilities. Those Armadills might be a problem moving around. Make them hold still. Take out the Trumpy next, then the Armadills, and save the Magneakers for last. These three should do it," Shin suggested, slotting in the MistConv, FireTower, and Boomerang.
"Alright! Let's roll! Have you had your snacks today? You'll be swimming in them soon! Hah!" Red shouted to the Armadills, slamming a metal canister into the ground and causing a giant torrent of caramel to burst from the ground. The sticky sweet substance attempted to engulf the Armadills and hold them in position while Red focused on other enemies.
Synchronizing the next chip's data with her right hand, the crimson crusader let out a low breath before striking her hand upward. On cue, a giant steaming hand burst out of the ground from underneath the Trumpy. The fairy-tale fighter clenched her fist in one swift motion, and the MistConv did the same, trying to crush the Trumpy virus before it could cast its infamous fanfare on the rest of its group.
Stretching her raised limb back, Red let out a battlecry as she punched the ground, causing more stuff to burst out of the ground, but instead of caramel, boiling towers of lava erupted from underneath the battlefield and marched fiercely toward the supposedly stunned Armadills. Their aim was to incinerate the viruses in one fell swoop, and hopefully it would work.
"By my natural element, I command you guys to die!" Red cried at the Magneakers, whirling her recently drawn Boomerang around her end before sending it buzzing menacingly at the targeted viruses. Myun took the initiative to hop away for the moment. Red too, took precaution, the wind ready at her feet if need be.
Turn Summary:
1. Caramel Stickiness to ArmadillA,B,C [Stunx1 to each]
2. MistConv to Trumpy [100 Aqua DMG]
3. FireTower1 to Armadill group [100 Fire DMG + Piercing + Ground Attack + Group Attack]
4. Boomerang at MagneakerA,B [60 +10 DMGx2(Elemental Weakness)= 140 DMG]
5. Dodge
*Gust: Dodge
Myun's Actions:
1. Dodge
2. Dodge
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Red made quick work of the viruses in a flash. The Armadills were burned to crisp by the towering inferno, Magneakers cut in a perfectly horizontal half by the boomerang, and the trumpy crushed like a aluminum can with the watery fist.
Godness, what ticked off Red today?
ArmadillA: DELETED
ArmadillB: DELETED
ArmadillC: DELETED
MagneakerA: DELETED
MagneakerB: DELETED
Terrain: 90% Normal, 10% Grass
Red: 190 (Grass)
Myun: 90 (Grass)
900z, 27 BugFrags
Godness, what ticked off Red today?
ArmadillA: DELETED
ArmadillB: DELETED
ArmadillC: DELETED
MagneakerA: DELETED
MagneakerB: DELETED
Terrain: 90% Normal, 10% Grass
Red: 190 (Grass)
Myun: 90 (Grass)
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"Woohoo! Let's keep going!" Red cheered, exuberant about the quick battle.
"Alright, alright. We'll totally get the cash we need at this rate! Let's keep it up!" Shin commented.
"What's all it for anyway?" Red inquired.
"Well, upgrades of course! We have that tournament coming up soon, so we've got tons of work to do! Give it your best shot, kay?" the ace advised.
"Ok! To battle!" the crimson crusader exclaimed, dashing forward into the net.
((Battle 3))
"Alright, alright. We'll totally get the cash we need at this rate! Let's keep it up!" Shin commented.
"What's all it for anyway?" Red inquired.
"Well, upgrades of course! We have that tournament coming up soon, so we've got tons of work to do! Give it your best shot, kay?" the ace advised.
"Ok! To battle!" the crimson crusader exclaimed, dashing forward into the net.
((Battle 3))
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A large group of viruses was slowly heading towards Red and Myun! Two pairs of Metools were carrying Hardheads on their helmet and dropped it on the ground with a heavy thump. With the thump, came two BombCorns sprouting out from the ground with a happy smile over their face. The Metools was trying to catch their breath for carrying such a heavy load, but the Hardheads looked as if they were sleeping silently. The Metools finally caught their breath and prepared for battle!
Metool EXA: 70
Metool EXB: 70
Metool EXC: 70
Metool EXD: 70
BombCornA: 70
BombCornB: 70
BombCornC: 70
HardheadA: 60 [Hardhead Group: Iron Body]
HardheadB: 60
Red: 190
Myun: 90
Terrain: 100% Normal
Metool EXA: 70
Metool EXB: 70
Metool EXC: 70
Metool EXD: 70
BombCornA: 70
BombCornB: 70
BombCornC: 70
HardheadA: 60 [Hardhead Group: Iron Body]
HardheadB: 60
Red: 190
Myun: 90
Terrain: 100% Normal
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Observing the troupe that just came in, Red felt a bit sorry for the Metools...
...so she decided them to put them to rest first. Isn't she nice?
"Shin! Boomerang, Areagrab, Flameline, and Wideshot please!" Red requested cheerfully, ready to kick some virus butt.
"Is that enough? I don't think we'll make a dent in those Hardheads with just those," Shin inquired, slotting in the chips.
"Don't worry silly~ I've got Myun here to help me with that!" the crimson crusader replied cutely. Sighing, Shin folded his arms over his head after laying the PET down next to the telephone booth.
"Well, do what you want. This little run of ours is for your upgrades after all," Shin commented.
"Thanks Shin!" the childish navi giggled, whipping out a Boomerang from her picnic basket. "I'll be sure to make it quick~ <3"
"Don't get too overconfident," the ace said, taking out a can of lemonade from his pack and popping it open.
"It'll be fine, It'll be fine," the fairy-tale fighter affirmed, whirling the Boomerang gracefully over her head, before sending it spinning at the Metools. Imbued with the power of her natural element, the curved wooden blade sang through the air as it headed toward its targeted group. Hopefully the poor things would get a nice song before they died, if they died from the Boomerang at all.
"Next up!" Red announced, warping to be in line with the Bombcorns. "Let's have some barbeque!" With that, the red-caped wonder took out a cane and lightly tapped the ground in front of her, twice. A scorching stream of flames bursted out of the ground and roared toward the BombCorns, hoping to make short work of them.
"I seriously don't think you're supposed to overcook corn like that," Shin commented, sweatdropping as he took a sip of his lemonade.
"It's all in the style," Red stated, winking. Turning to Myun, she waved at the Support Unit, who took it as the signal to use her own ability to her master's advantage.
Red formed a pitcher's glove of blue energy in one hand and held it out toward Myun, as the rabbit fastballed an orb of pink energy at her master, who caught it with the glove. Smirking, the red-caped wonder clenched her fist and then sent a magenta wave of water at the Hardheads. This was no ordinary wave, it had the power to break through stone, steel, and more tough material. Yes, this was... the Break Powered Wideshot!
Satisfied with what she had done for now, Red's eyes scanned the battlefield, ready to dodge if need be. The wind of the netscape coursed around her legs, ready to push her out of the way.
Myun took quick boxing steps across the field as an evasive technique. There was no way she'd want to be attacked.
Turn Summary:
1. Boomerang1 at MetoolEX group [60 +10(Bonus) Wood DMG]
2. Areagrab to be in line with Bombcorns [Teleport, Dodge, Movement, +1 Accuracy]
3. Flameline1 to BombcornA,B,C [70 Fire DMGx2(Elemental Weakness)=140 DMG]
4*. Break Wideshot1 to HardheadA,B [60 Aqua Break DMG]
5. Dodge
*Gust: Dodge
Myun's Actions:
*Add Break to Wideshot1
1-2. Dodge
...so she decided them to put them to rest first. Isn't she nice?

"Shin! Boomerang, Areagrab, Flameline, and Wideshot please!" Red requested cheerfully, ready to kick some virus butt.
"Is that enough? I don't think we'll make a dent in those Hardheads with just those," Shin inquired, slotting in the chips.
"Don't worry silly~ I've got Myun here to help me with that!" the crimson crusader replied cutely. Sighing, Shin folded his arms over his head after laying the PET down next to the telephone booth.
"Well, do what you want. This little run of ours is for your upgrades after all," Shin commented.
"Thanks Shin!" the childish navi giggled, whipping out a Boomerang from her picnic basket. "I'll be sure to make it quick~ <3"
"Don't get too overconfident," the ace said, taking out a can of lemonade from his pack and popping it open.
"It'll be fine, It'll be fine," the fairy-tale fighter affirmed, whirling the Boomerang gracefully over her head, before sending it spinning at the Metools. Imbued with the power of her natural element, the curved wooden blade sang through the air as it headed toward its targeted group. Hopefully the poor things would get a nice song before they died, if they died from the Boomerang at all.
"Next up!" Red announced, warping to be in line with the Bombcorns. "Let's have some barbeque!" With that, the red-caped wonder took out a cane and lightly tapped the ground in front of her, twice. A scorching stream of flames bursted out of the ground and roared toward the BombCorns, hoping to make short work of them.
"I seriously don't think you're supposed to overcook corn like that," Shin commented, sweatdropping as he took a sip of his lemonade.
"It's all in the style," Red stated, winking. Turning to Myun, she waved at the Support Unit, who took it as the signal to use her own ability to her master's advantage.
Red formed a pitcher's glove of blue energy in one hand and held it out toward Myun, as the rabbit fastballed an orb of pink energy at her master, who caught it with the glove. Smirking, the red-caped wonder clenched her fist and then sent a magenta wave of water at the Hardheads. This was no ordinary wave, it had the power to break through stone, steel, and more tough material. Yes, this was... the Break Powered Wideshot!
Satisfied with what she had done for now, Red's eyes scanned the battlefield, ready to dodge if need be. The wind of the netscape coursed around her legs, ready to push her out of the way.
Myun took quick boxing steps across the field as an evasive technique. There was no way she'd want to be attacked.
Turn Summary:
1. Boomerang1 at MetoolEX group [60 +10(Bonus) Wood DMG]
2. Areagrab to be in line with Bombcorns [Teleport, Dodge, Movement, +1 Accuracy]
3. Flameline1 to BombcornA,B,C [70 Fire DMGx2(Elemental Weakness)=140 DMG]
4*. Break Wideshot1 to HardheadA,B [60 Aqua Break DMG]
5. Dodge
*Gust: Dodge
Myun's Actions:
*Add Break to Wideshot1
1-2. Dodge
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The Boomerrang whirls through the group of Metools, catching two of the viruses and taking them out. After that, Red warps and using a Flameline chip, torches the entire group of corn-style enemies. She also fires a Wideshot at the pair of Hardheads which, with Myun's help, takes out both. One of the Mets sends a shockwave Red's way but the navi dodges.
Metool EXB: 70
Metool EXD: 70
HardheadA: DELETED!
HardheadB: DELETED!
Red: 190
Myun: 90
Terrain: 100% Normal
Metool EXB: 70
Metool EXD: 70
HardheadA: DELETED!
HardheadB: DELETED!
Red: 190
Myun: 90
Terrain: 100% Normal
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"Phew, that took out a bunch of them," Red commented, wiping nonexistent sweat from her brow. "Two more, the MarkCannons, if you please!" Red called.
"Alright! Cook 'em up!" Shin replied, sending the two chips down. He took another sip of lemonade afterward.
The crimson crusader reached into the depths of her cape and the insides of her picnic basket and pulled out two bazookas as soon as she received the chip data. Setting the monstrous cannons over her shoulders, the red-caped wonder let the missiles lock-on to the remaining two targets. Once the lock was confirmed, the fairy-tale fighter licked her lips before pulling the trigger. Two streaming bolts of energy erupted from the firearam barrels and spiraled toward the remaining Metools, attempting to destroy them once and for all.
Not taking any chances, Myun lashed out at one of the Metools with both of her fists, before continuing to beat at the virus with her ears. The bunny bounced tactically backwards in order to dodge a possible incoming attack.
Red would wait, and if the Metools were still surviving....
A scorching heat burst up from underground upon the requested chip's activation. Roaring towers of flame marched disastrously over the battlefield, making their way over to the Metools and attempting to incinerate any remnants of them.
Satisfied with her actions, the red-cloaked warrior prepared to move.
Turn summary:
1. MarkCannon1 to MetoolEXB [70 DMG + Seeking + Lock-On]
2. MarkCannon1 to MetoolEXD [70 DMG + Seeking + Lock-On]
3. Firetower1 to MetoolEX group [100 Fire DMG + Piercing + Ground Attack + Group Attack]
4-5. Dodge
Myun's Actions:
1*. Break Attack MetoolEXD [35 Break DMG]
2. Attack MetoolEXD [35 DMG]
*Rhythm Boxing to MetoolEXD [2x10 DMG]
*Run Myun Run: Dodge
"Alright! Cook 'em up!" Shin replied, sending the two chips down. He took another sip of lemonade afterward.
The crimson crusader reached into the depths of her cape and the insides of her picnic basket and pulled out two bazookas as soon as she received the chip data. Setting the monstrous cannons over her shoulders, the red-caped wonder let the missiles lock-on to the remaining two targets. Once the lock was confirmed, the fairy-tale fighter licked her lips before pulling the trigger. Two streaming bolts of energy erupted from the firearam barrels and spiraled toward the remaining Metools, attempting to destroy them once and for all.
Not taking any chances, Myun lashed out at one of the Metools with both of her fists, before continuing to beat at the virus with her ears. The bunny bounced tactically backwards in order to dodge a possible incoming attack.
Red would wait, and if the Metools were still surviving....
A scorching heat burst up from underground upon the requested chip's activation. Roaring towers of flame marched disastrously over the battlefield, making their way over to the Metools and attempting to incinerate any remnants of them.
Satisfied with her actions, the red-cloaked warrior prepared to move.
Turn summary:
1. MarkCannon1 to MetoolEXB [70 DMG + Seeking + Lock-On]
2. MarkCannon1 to MetoolEXD [70 DMG + Seeking + Lock-On]
3. Firetower1 to MetoolEX group [100 Fire DMG + Piercing + Ground Attack + Group Attack]
4-5. Dodge
Myun's Actions:
1*. Break Attack MetoolEXD [35 Break DMG]
2. Attack MetoolEXD [35 DMG]
*Rhythm Boxing to MetoolEXD [2x10 DMG]
*Run Myun Run: Dodge
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Red whips out a pair of Markcannons and uses them to clear out the remaining Metools. Myun then punches where the Metools just were, perhaps too enthusiatic to care that they're already gone. For good measure, a wall of fire also pops up.
HardheadA: DELETED!
HardheadB: DELETED!
Red: 190
Myun: 90
Terrain: 100% Normal
Rewards: Guard1, 950z, 31 BugFrags
HardheadA: DELETED!
HardheadB: DELETED!
Red: 190
Myun: 90
Terrain: 100% Normal
Rewards: Guard1, 950z, 31 BugFrags
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"Wow! We're on fire!" Red cheered.
"Hopefully not," Shin said, not in tune with the joking. "Alright, keep on going. Two more should do it."
"Alright!" the crimson crusader replied, as she and her support unit went deeper into the network.
((Battle 4 and give me my Bugfrags))
"Wow! We're on fire!" Red cheered.
"Hopefully not," Shin said, not in tune with the joking. "Alright, keep on going. Two more should do it."
"Alright!" the crimson crusader replied, as she and her support unit went deeper into the network.
((Battle 4 and give me my Bugfrags))
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On fire, eh? Not the best choice of words right now. As Red and Myun tread deeper into the net, little sparks of fire appeared around them and slowly stalked them from behind. Before Red realized, She and her SP was surrounded by the spirit fire viruses!
Will O' The Wisp EXA: 100
Will O' The WispA: 70
Will O' The WispB: 70
Will O' The Wisp EXB: 100
Will O' The WispC: 70
Will O' The WispD: 70
Will O' The Wisp EXC: 100
Red: 190
Myun: 90
Terrain: 100% Normal
Will O' The Wisp EXA: 100
Will O' The WispA: 70
Will O' The WispB: 70
Will O' The Wisp EXB: 100
Will O' The WispC: 70
Will O' The WispD: 70
Will O' The Wisp EXC: 100
Red: 190
Myun: 90
Terrain: 100% Normal
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"Wah!~ Ghosts!" Red shrieked, she and Myun huddling closer.
"Uh-oh! Those are Will'O Wisps!" Shin warned, taking off his sunglasses while leaning closer into the screen. The ace studied the viruses with s serious expression.
"W-will'o wisps?" Red stuttered, glancing nervously at her opponents while clinging onto Myun, who looked kind of bored with the whole ordeal.
"They're viruses that take control of a navi's body, kind of like how dead spirits can possess humans sometimes," Shin explained, grimacing. "They're fast, but their initial attack is kind of straightforward, as long as you time your dodges, you should be fine."
"Th-that's great and all, b-but I'm completely surrounded!" the crimson crusader wailed, shivering in fright from the appearances of the ghostly viruses, they looked so... dead. Its not like the Spookys she had encountered before, those made really silly faces and were pretty cute, but these... ghosts... Will'O Wisps. The aura they gave off just emanated with creepiness.
"Concentrate hard on this first attack, then burst through and follow up with this," Shin advised, slotting in two chips. "Battle routines set!"
"E-e-EXECUTE!" the red-caped wonder hollered, whirling a quickly drawn Boomerang around her head. Red grimaced as she focused her senses on the smaller spirits. To her, they were creeping steadily closer every second, but in reality, they probably weren't doing anything of the sort. The Boomerang twirled faster and faster above the fairy-tale fighters head as her paranoia finally set in as she imagined all of the spirits diving straight at her body.
Screaming, "GET AWAY!" Red let the Boomerang fly. It's destination, the Will'O Wisps. Humming like the Grim Reaper's chainsaw, if he had one, the curved wooden blade spun menacingly through the air, focusing on the destruction of the smaller spirits. The brave weapon vowed that these foes would never frighten its user ever again, and rotated with more intensity, cutting through the air as it attempted to cut down its mistress' enemies. The boomerang could feel the power of Red's natural element imbuing it with power, granting the weapon a green hue as it soared through the battlefield, slicing at the enemies it hunted for. Its... prey.
Without a second thought, Red pounded on the ground frantically with her hands, trying to activate the Firetower. She had really snapped, she imagined the ghostly viruses hauntingly floating in the scariest patterns imaginable, a myriad of monstrous lights, waiting to devour her.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" the red-cloaked warrior cried, slamming her fist on the ground once more. Lava erupted terrifyingly from underground. The towers of flame let out a earthshaking roar as they bulldozed toward the bigger Will'O Wisps. The flames of hell had been unleashed upon the battlefield, they would march until the end of the world, attempting to torch these ghosts from the purgatory they lingered on in this battlefield, trying to blast the viruses to artificial spirit realms where all deleted data compiled, to make these Will'O Wisps rest in piece.
Shin, trying to think of something else, accidentally slipped the Elecsword into the PET. Startled, the ace tried to eject the chip, but his navi had already taken hold of it.
"Wait! Red! Stop! You need to preserve-" the operator started, but was cut off by a bloodcurdling scream from his navi.
"GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY! G.O. A.W.A.Y!" Red screamed, brandishing her elecsword wildly, the lightning on her blade sparking madly about. She swung at the viruses, insanity in her eyes as she tried cutting down whatever remained with wide swings that blasted electricity with each hit. Furiously and maddeningly she toiled, slashing there, slamming here, cutting over here... those ghosts had really picked the wrong person to scare.
Panting heavily, and sword still crackling, the wind mistress glanced nervously around the battlefield, tear-filled, bloodshot eyes darting quickly every-which-way as a mighty gust gathered under her feet, ready to push her out of the way at her command.
Myun, astounded by the display, backed slowly away from her ally and watched her own back, ready to run with quick boxing steps.
Turn summary:
1. Take Aim at Will O' The Wisp Group [+1 Accuracy to next attack]
2. Boomerang1 to Will O' The WispA,B,C,D [60 +10(Bonus) [color=green]Wood[/color] DMG]
3. Firetower1 to Will O' The WispEXA,B,C [100 [color=red]Fire[/color] DMG + Piercing + Ground Attack + Group Attack]
4. Elecsword to anything left [80 Elec DMG + Wide Attack]
5. Elecswrod to anything left [80 Elec DMG + Wide Attack]
*Gust: Dodge
Myun's actions:
1-2. Dodge
"Uh-oh! Those are Will'O Wisps!" Shin warned, taking off his sunglasses while leaning closer into the screen. The ace studied the viruses with s serious expression.
"W-will'o wisps?" Red stuttered, glancing nervously at her opponents while clinging onto Myun, who looked kind of bored with the whole ordeal.
"They're viruses that take control of a navi's body, kind of like how dead spirits can possess humans sometimes," Shin explained, grimacing. "They're fast, but their initial attack is kind of straightforward, as long as you time your dodges, you should be fine."
"Th-that's great and all, b-but I'm completely surrounded!" the crimson crusader wailed, shivering in fright from the appearances of the ghostly viruses, they looked so... dead. Its not like the Spookys she had encountered before, those made really silly faces and were pretty cute, but these... ghosts... Will'O Wisps. The aura they gave off just emanated with creepiness.
"Concentrate hard on this first attack, then burst through and follow up with this," Shin advised, slotting in two chips. "Battle routines set!"
"E-e-EXECUTE!" the red-caped wonder hollered, whirling a quickly drawn Boomerang around her head. Red grimaced as she focused her senses on the smaller spirits. To her, they were creeping steadily closer every second, but in reality, they probably weren't doing anything of the sort. The Boomerang twirled faster and faster above the fairy-tale fighters head as her paranoia finally set in as she imagined all of the spirits diving straight at her body.
Screaming, "GET AWAY!" Red let the Boomerang fly. It's destination, the Will'O Wisps. Humming like the Grim Reaper's chainsaw, if he had one, the curved wooden blade spun menacingly through the air, focusing on the destruction of the smaller spirits. The brave weapon vowed that these foes would never frighten its user ever again, and rotated with more intensity, cutting through the air as it attempted to cut down its mistress' enemies. The boomerang could feel the power of Red's natural element imbuing it with power, granting the weapon a green hue as it soared through the battlefield, slicing at the enemies it hunted for. Its... prey.
Without a second thought, Red pounded on the ground frantically with her hands, trying to activate the Firetower. She had really snapped, she imagined the ghostly viruses hauntingly floating in the scariest patterns imaginable, a myriad of monstrous lights, waiting to devour her.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" the red-cloaked warrior cried, slamming her fist on the ground once more. Lava erupted terrifyingly from underground. The towers of flame let out a earthshaking roar as they bulldozed toward the bigger Will'O Wisps. The flames of hell had been unleashed upon the battlefield, they would march until the end of the world, attempting to torch these ghosts from the purgatory they lingered on in this battlefield, trying to blast the viruses to artificial spirit realms where all deleted data compiled, to make these Will'O Wisps rest in piece.
Shin, trying to think of something else, accidentally slipped the Elecsword into the PET. Startled, the ace tried to eject the chip, but his navi had already taken hold of it.
"Wait! Red! Stop! You need to preserve-" the operator started, but was cut off by a bloodcurdling scream from his navi.
"GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY! G.O. A.W.A.Y!" Red screamed, brandishing her elecsword wildly, the lightning on her blade sparking madly about. She swung at the viruses, insanity in her eyes as she tried cutting down whatever remained with wide swings that blasted electricity with each hit. Furiously and maddeningly she toiled, slashing there, slamming here, cutting over here... those ghosts had really picked the wrong person to scare.
Panting heavily, and sword still crackling, the wind mistress glanced nervously around the battlefield, tear-filled, bloodshot eyes darting quickly every-which-way as a mighty gust gathered under her feet, ready to push her out of the way at her command.
Myun, astounded by the display, backed slowly away from her ally and watched her own back, ready to run with quick boxing steps.
Turn summary:
1. Take Aim at Will O' The Wisp Group [+1 Accuracy to next attack]
2. Boomerang1 to Will O' The WispA,B,C,D [60 +10(Bonus) [color=green]Wood[/color] DMG]
3. Firetower1 to Will O' The WispEXA,B,C [100 [color=red]Fire[/color] DMG + Piercing + Ground Attack + Group Attack]
4. Elecsword to anything left [80 Elec DMG + Wide Attack]
5. Elecswrod to anything left [80 Elec DMG + Wide Attack]
*Gust: Dodge
Myun's actions:
1-2. Dodge
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Taking aim with her boomerang made all the difference as the weapon chopped through three wisps before disappearing over the horizon. The Firetower wasn't as effective but still managed to incinerate a single EX version swiftly. This was when the counter attack came. Two wisps, one of each type, charged her simultaneously. Her frantic sword swinging deleted the smaller one but the larger wisp endured and plunged into her petite chest.
She dropped her sword as her fears had come to pass.
"Hello..." An eerie voice inside of her whispered, "Hello.."
Will O' The Wisp EXA: 100
Will O' The WispA: DELETED
Will O' The WispB: DELETED
Will O' The Wisp EXB: DELETED
Will O' The WispC: DELETED
Will O' The WispD: DELETED
Will O' The Wisp EXC: 20 [possessing Red. RP to remove]
Terrain: 100% Normal
Red: 190 HP [possessed] [Elecsword broken]
Myun: 90 HP
She dropped her sword as her fears had come to pass.
"Hello..." An eerie voice inside of her whispered, "Hello.."
Will O' The Wisp EXA: 100
Will O' The WispA: DELETED
Will O' The WispB: DELETED
Will O' The Wisp EXB: DELETED
Will O' The WispC: DELETED
Will O' The WispD: DELETED
Will O' The Wisp EXC: 20 [possessing Red. RP to remove]
Terrain: 100% Normal
Red: 190 HP [possessed] [Elecsword broken]
Myun: 90 HP