Mission: The monster of the Viral Lab

XIII, this is the final push! Enigma yelled over the screeches of the monstrosity. Just a few more hits, and it's down!

Hit it with your absorb attack, and I'll give you a few chips, Ceres ordered, slotting in two of his last five chips as he did so. Cannon and Shotgun coming your way.

Fair enough, Enigma coughed, and then turned back to face the Snorgmorphophage. Narrowing his eyes, he began siphoning off what was left of his data into a small orb, and it shaped itself as it did so. Within a matter of seconds, a purple bottle had formed itself in front of Enigma, sparking and making all of the weird motions that Enigma's data bits make. And, on the front of the bottle was a large, commercial logo: "VICKS." I hope you like NyQuil, Enigma grinned, sending the bottle of cold medicine flying at the Snorgmorphophage, and when it got close, it exploded, showering the beast in purple liquid. What was left of the liquid sped back to Enigma, healing him as well.

I hope you get some better catch phrases, Ceres added, rolling his eyes. Now hit it some more, would you?

Not the time for that, Enigma grunted, and then carefully aimed the Cannon at the Snorgmorphophage's... eye cavities? Whatever it saw out of, anyways. The blue shot sped towards the snot beast menacingly, and before it could hit, a Shotgun was already fired, aimed for the same place; soon enough, many, many blue bursts were going to meet the Snorgmorphophage with some nasty noises. Jesus, if that doesn't kill it... Enigma grumbled, backpedaling a bit to get a good look at what the enraged, sped-up XIII would.


HP: 20 [+20]
1: Data Vampirism > Rampaging Snorgmorphophage [60 DMG, 20 [color=green]Lifedrain[/color]]
2: Cannon > Rampaging Snorgmorphophage [40 DMG]
3: Shotgun > Rampaging Snorgmorphophage [50 DMG, Spread1]
4: Autododge

Data Influx: Ready!
Data Vampirism: Just used. Ready... in a while...
Fluctuating Nature: Aimed towards Snorg.
Fluctuating Nature v2: n/a

Cannon: 40 damage. Accuracy: A
Cannon: 40 damage. Accuracy: A
Shotgun: 50 damage + spread 1. Accuracy: A
Shotgun: 50 damage + spread 1. Accuracy: A
Heatshot: 40 damage + spread 1. Accuracy: A Element: Fire
Heatshot: 40 damage + spread 1. Accuracy: A Element: Fire
Vulcan2: 10 damage x5 + spread 1. Accuracy: A
Airshot2: 30 damage and strong knockback. Accuracy: A
Wideshot: 60 + Wide Attack. Accuracy: A Element: Aqua
Rageclaw: 40 damage slashing, 20 impacting. Accuracy: B
BigHammer: 160 damage + Impact + Break. Accuracy: B
Dash Attack: 90 damage + Impact. Accuracy: C
Flameline1: 70 + 3 targets. Accuracy: B Element: Fire
AirRaid1: Summon 100 HP FighterPlane (Flying) [50 + Impact] [10x10 shots] Accuracy: A Duration: 3 turns
Areagrab: Teleports to another location on terrain. +1 Accuracy.
Enigma's words seemed to be lost on XIII at this point. Its wasn't that he was incapable of hearing the other navi, its was more the fact that XIII was completely unfazed by anything other than his target. Kasumi was eyeing the gauge on the side of her screen with increasing worry.
"Crap...." She muttered to herself. "The risk of corruption is rising faster than I expected. In a few moments, the fail safe I programmed in will activate; probably about enough time for one more good attack."

She reached into her battle-chip pack, but much to her chagrin, there were really no more chips for her to use. Basically just a counter, a rock cube, and a rage claw. The rage claw was too dangerous, since it could risk bringing the already damaged XIII deeper into harm's way, so she might as well prepare the other two. "XIII, hit him with a charged shot! Make it count!"

XIII just nodded, his bloodthirsty gaze never leaving his target as he slid the two energy blades back into each other. Once again, they appeared to be as a single sword residing in its sheath, the navi holding it at his side as his right arm hovered over the handle. It wasn't very visable normally, but due to the focused boost from the mode he was in, the charging energy managed to encase the entire sword in a sort of weird aura of fluctuating light.

It happened in what seemed like an instant, not even long enough to blink completely. XIII drew the first sword from its "sheath" to land a lightning fast slash across the enemy, and immediately after the second blade (the "sheath") flew across the same path, the energy blade extended out from it.

"Counter1, Slot in!" His operator cried, sliding the chip into the side slots. This was more a precautionary measure, since due to a combination of the nature of that attack and the jarring from the berserker mode wearing off, XIII would have been wide open to attack otherwise.

Charge attack (Mach 13 AT style)(32 + 20 berserker damage Normal/Sword) to Rampaging Snorgmorphophage
Counter1 (70 + Impact + Break) activated

((Berserkr Gester Ljos wears off next turn))
[Post Save. Expect modding on Monday]
= I'm guessing I should do a post save as well... I'm leaving Sunday, be back Friday. XD =
Enigma's and XIII's attacks all but dissolve the gooey mass that is the Snorgmorphophage. A single, floating, purple orb lies where the abomination once stood...

...and it was gathering mass.

"Now's your chance, Miss Kasumi! Have XIII catch that core data with the NetSword!" Professor Falceon advised.

The Rampaging Snorgmorphophage: DESTROYED.

Core Data: (Gathering Mass)

Terrain: 100% Normal

XIII.exe: 41 HP [Mach 13, Another Type] (One whole goddamn turn to catch the Core Data with the Netsword)
Engima.exe: 40 HP (Doesn't need to do anything)

Quote (Netsword)

-A sword handle, with a long handle and butterfly net coming out of the end. The net looks perfect for swiping that core.
The emergency shut down to the berserker program activated, and XIII found himself staring down the destroyed remains surrounding the core, feeling exhausted and injured.
"XIII!" Kasumi yelled into the microphone. "We can't give it a chance to escape or reform itself!" The jammed the Netsword module into the open slot on her PET.

The Netsword formed up in his hands, and the navi mustered up the remaining ounces of his strength to surge forward, blurring in the air as he went.
"'To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee'!" He yelled at the core, and thrust the tip of the Netsword through the core with surgical accuracy. XIII landed behind the core after the jumping lunge, striking an awesome and dramatic pose.

His operator blinked a couple of times. "That thing you said XIII, that was Herman Melville wasn't it?"
XIII relaxed and slumped down to the floor. "Yeah, Moby Dick. I thought it seemed rather appropriate, considering the circumstances."

Dramatic quotation of 1800's American novelist
Netsword attack (capture) to the Core
Dramatic finishing pose!
[Screws waiting on Hiko, because it'd be better for him to not worry about posting]

XIII dramatically captures the Core Data, and the Netsword and said data fuse, to turn into a steel box.

Well, time to plug-out and hand this over to the Professor face-to-face.

The Rampaging Snorgmorphophage: DESTROYED.


Terrain: 100% Normal

XIII.exe: 41 HP
Engima.exe: 40 HP

XIII LOSE: Netsword.
XIII GET: 1000z, Package.DAT [Key Item]
Enigma GET: 1000z
Enigma, quite pleased with himself to say the least, turned to XIII with a huge grin on his face. Good work! I'll look forward to busting with you again, he congratulated his partner, and then turned to Ceres. Leave them your e-mail, would you?

It's N-O-T-A-R-A-one at z-mail dot com. Got that? Notara1@zmail.com, Ceres explained, and then crossed his arms and smiled. I'm not going to lie, that was satisfying. Anyways, I hope to catch you two later! Ceres grinned, and jacked Enigma out.

Enigma and XIII's friendship has mysteriously increased!

Engima GET: 5 FXP
((Sorry for the delay. Family issues and internet troubles))

XIII immediately broke his cool pose, threw his hands up in the air, and shouted "Woooooooo!"

Kasumi wiped her brow too. It was finally over. "Wow, we did it, finally. And thank you very much Enigma and Ceres. We really couldn't have done it without you."

The navi ran up and grabbed the captured data, and without a moment's hesitation, Kasumi hit the jack out button. Normally the transmission of data between the PET and the net is nearly instantaneous when a navi is jacking in and jacking out, but in all honesty XIII couldn't leave that place fast enough. He had been knee deep in and almost killed by disgusting muck, and if he ever saw slime again it would be too soon.

(to be continued in Dentech university thread))