Magna.exe: World's Biggest Bait

After Magna uploaded the new chip, a length of silence stretched itself between the two Navis. Granted, Magna wasn't the most proactive talker, but most would be able to feel the awkward tension in the air.

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"So, uh, what are you doing here, anyway?" He asks airily, looking about as if he had come out on a simple stroll himself. There's a rather greedy glint in his 'eyes', as he begins walking, seemingly expecting Magna to chase after him.

Mill quietly typed in a response for his Navi, still not wanting Magna's bluntness to screw this mission up. After receiving the script, Magna began walking behind the NormalNavi and said, "Looking for something." Not very specific, but not technically a lie, either.

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"I'm only asking because usually, I don't see that many viruses in these areas of the net. Do you have something on you attracting them or something?" He asked politely, a tiny hint of a smirk on his face.

Rather than immediately type an answer like before, Mill leaned back in his chair and pondered for a moment. That's a good point... Did the NP bug the tracker with some kind of virus bait? It'd definitely make it difficult to get away with... Hmm. Knowing that the NormalNavi was waiting, Mill shook these thoughts out of his head and mashed away at the keyboard once again. Magna, in turn, answered, "All I have is some zenny on me. I don't think viruses are usually attracted to that, though..." Magna feigned some uncertainty on that last phrase, and to a good degree considering his voice has only had pitch for a few moments.

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"...Hey, wanna get a cup of net-drivel data-caffeine? We can talk it over or something. I'll pay for it, too."

Since they couldn't really leave this guy at this point, Mill prompted Magna to nod in acceptance before continuing behind the suspicious Navi.
When they got to the Cyber Café, the other navi went and ordered drinks with ridiculously long names that were even frozen, and thus were obviously not coffee. They were also sweet. Perhaps his definition of 'Coffee' was 'Caffeine'. In any case, he handed Magna the drink, took a seat, and motioned for the navi to do the same.

"My name is uh-- Doctor Patcher, I'm with the netpolice, usually." The navi's eyes lit up as he drank the 'Coffee'.

"I'm kinda supposed to be... on duty right now--- yeah-- but I guess I could spare a moment to talk with you. See, that cube could break the entire concept of viruses and chips. I could write my dissertation on it! It's a virus that is a chip, instead of a fragment of a virus. If I could get that thing and analyze it-- It'd only take a day or so, I could find out a whole lot. Sorry for asking so much of you, but do you think you could let me do it?"

Magna's sense motive comes up that there's something rather fishy about a guy that takes a couple moments to recall his own name.
Magna just stared into the drink he was handed, utterly at a loss as to what it was. He gave it a shake... then another... But the damn thing barely budged. Can this really qualify as a drink? Come to think of it... Why did he even have this drink? Navis don't need to do so. This was completely extravagent and superficial.

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My name is uh-- Doctor Patcher, I'm with the netpolice, usually." The navi's eyes lit up as he drank the 'Coffee'.

Having been snapped out of his thoughts on the metaphysical properties of digital beverages, Magna turned his head to face the good "Doctor". And if that was suspicous (which it totally was), what was with that "usually"? Impersonating a doctor... Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Rather than analyze the Navi's words like Magna was, Mill realized a bigger conflict... They were doing this job for the Netpolice. They warned of a thief plaguing the area... So what was an NP doctor doing out here? Even if they changed their mind and decided to send someone of theirs out, wouldn't it have been someone more combat-capable? There were way too many holes in this.

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"I'm kinda supposed to be... on duty right now--- yeah-- but I guess I could spare a moment to talk with you. See, that cube could break the entire concept of viruses and chips. I could write my dissertation on it! It's a virus that is a chip, instead of a fragment of a virus. If I could get that thing and analyze it-- It'd only take a day or so, I could find out a whole lot. Sorry for asking so much of you, but do you think you could let me do it?"

And there was the icing on the cake. He totally just wanted to gank the chip. This guy was so the thief. Still... No proof. Mill scratched his head for a moment... Then there was an idea. Mill grinned as he started typing in some more lines for Magna.

"... Sounds interesting," began Magna's reciting, "In fact... I'd like to see this. Truthfully, my Operator is reluctant to give up the chip, but he'd be more willing if I could come along. We could provide a little funding too, if need be. There's about 10000 zenny in our account right now, so if this turns up something... You could really go places." And so, in the most abyssmal example of haggling ever seen, the bait was set. Also set was the drink, which remained completely full, since Magna never really figured out how to swallow it.
He makes a gulp so obvious that even a golem could notice it.

"Ten- thousand? Why would you carry that amount with you?" he glances back and forth. 'Doctor Patcher' seems extremely flustered now, as he shoves his chair back, his drink toppling over and spilling all over the table. The act attracts some attention.

He makes his excuses, mopping up the mess as he glances back and forth.

"Well uh, we'll have to go deep into the heart of this net to look for a similar... happenstance, that's the word. If we can verify this, you could get a portion of the cash as well!" His expression is one of 'smiling winningly'.

"Gosh, well- look at the time, Uh, Well I guess you could come with me on my-- patrol! Yeah, my patrol!" The words are forced, and the navi quickly hustles out of the shop, and waits outside for Magna to follow.

Magna lifted his head to watch "Doc" fumble around like an idiot, but got bored and turned back to face his frozen mystery of a beverage. For some reason, he was just utterly fascinated by it. Ignoring Magna's quanderies, Mill chuckled.

"He freaks out really easily, doesn't he? Some professional."

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"Well uh, we'll have to go deep into the heart of this net to look for a similar... happenstance, that's the word. If we can verify this, you could get a portion of the cash as well!" His expression is one of 'smiling winningly'.

"Gosh, well- look at the time, Uh, Well I guess you could come with me on my-- patrol! Yeah, my patrol!" The words are forced, and the navi quickly hustles out of the shop, and waits outside for Magna to follow.

Having finished his spasmic mopping, Doc hurriedly rushed out, probably expecting Magna in tow. Not one to disappoint, Magna got up, leaving his mysterious drink for another time, and began trailing behind the good doctor.
As he headed out the door, Magna saw 'Doctor Patcher' talking to someone in a whisper over some sort of communications device in his helmet. Or he was talking to himself. Either way, the navi suddenly stopped, saying 'I'vegottago-' in an extremely hurried tone before he turned to Magna once more.

"Haha, well, we've better get going, friend! I've got things all set up with an appointment! You better not be thinking of ditching out, man. This is the discovery of the uh- uh-- annum!"

He ran straight back into Netopia net, apparently the Coffee break was over. Magna probably should have taken the coffee. He'd be needing the caffeine.
Noting that he was beyond anxious, Magna sped up his pace to keep with Doc. For a professional thief... this guy wasn't very smooth. Mill just shook his head at the poor acting as he watched his Navi run along in tow.
The navi listened intently to his helmet for a couple moments, then his eyes widened. He seemed even more nervous than before, although it wasn't in Magna's direction this time. Patcher appeared to have his problems with himself, or maybe someone he knew.

"Uhoh, looks like my line wasn't as secure as I thought..." The navi muttered to himself as he continued to walk with Magna. He whipped around, giving Magna a cautious smile. Apparently, he had forgotten himself.

"Uh, we might be getting visitors from.. the er--- netmafia! They might be able to enhance their own technology with this chip or something! We should hurry to Scilabs where we can get this thing into safer custody!" He begins to hustle, not quite running yet, but enough to suddenly break into a sprint if needed.

"Come on, hurry it up! I'm not equipped to deal with what they have!"
Oh great. While Magna was chasing Patcher, apparently there were others chasing them. "Nefmafia", he said. Magna and Mill wouldn't be suprised at this point if it was the Netpolice chasing them down themselves. Well, whatever. The job was to get robbed, then beat the crap out of this guy. Anything else that gets in the way is just more to wail on...

Magna once again increased his pace, trying to keep up with the now frantic Navi.
The hustling suddenly stopped.

"Oh no." The navi who was no longer quite by Magna's side whispered as he stared straight ahead at a navi who had jacked in quite literally in front of them.

"Ah, so the prodigal son finally arrives. I hear you've got a nice big bounty on your head--- and that special chip you were talking about sounds iiinteresting. Reeaaaal interesting. If you know what's good for you, you'll come quietly, Sunny. And you, shorty-- you'll give me that special chip of yours." The navi in question is about 7 feet tall, he's wearing what appears to be wearing angular armor, with hard edges, somewhat resembling plate mail. His helmet could be described as a football helmet, except with a knight's visor instead of a grate and mouthguard. What hair that can be seen is a dark greenish, and his eyes are a nice baby brown. The glare that he's giving the two of them isn't very encouraging, though. What with all the chin rubbing he's doing, anyway.

He could be planning their demise perhaps, and starts cracking his knuckles as the terrain literally starts rising up all around him, forming a barrier...

With turrets.

Fortunately, they're completely and totally unmanned. Whew.

Then a small green light flickers on next to the barrel of each of them, and they begin to focus on Magna and 'Sunny'. Shit.

"You should have heard him, telling his great boss about how he was taking you for a ride. I think you should just hand over the chip now and walk away, boyo. Still a chance to, after all. My friends'll be here in just a bit." His grin grew even wider, as he tapped his feet impatiently.

"Oh gods of the net--- please, help me!" 'Sunny' pleaded Magna, "I only wanted some zenny! I don't want to die!" He may be overstating the matter, maybe even being melodramatic, but who knows. And does Magna really care?

Find out, on the next episode of 'The World's Biggest Bait'!

Blockade: 100 HP [Hardbody]
---Turret: 20 HP
Blockade: 100 HP [Hardbody]
---Turret: 20 HP

Armored Navi: 300 HP
--Helmet: 30 HP
--Chestplate: 100 HP
--Greaves: 30 HP
--Gauntlets: 30 HP

Magna: 120 HP
'Sunny'?: 160 HP
"Operator?" queried Magna, wanting to hear his Operator's choice on what to do about the Rockcube.

Mill got a little nervous when the big guy mentioned "friends", but like hell was he about to show it. Forcing a crooked grin onto his face, Mill answered, "You know? I just so happen to remember you saving that virus. By my logic... That makes the Rockcube ours. I don't think I'll be wanting to give it up."

"Understood," answered Magna, a grin now beginning to show on his face too. Before he got too far ahead of himself, though, Magna turned back to dear old Sunny. "Doc, Patcher, Sunny... I am not interested in your name. All I want is a confession. Do that, and I might want to end up keeping you alive." stated Magna matter-of-factly, not leaving much room for questions. With that tiny matter out of the way, the compressed Navi turned his attention back to the new assailant.

"I've enjoyed this "ride" so far. Unfortunately, I will be giving the directions from now on. Hope you enjoy your turn in the passenger seat." Despite the confident tone, Magna's eyes trained straight through his visor to the wall-mounted turrets. Yeah, not too much fun.

Taking note of his apprehension, Mill asked, "Need some chips?". It would be a problem if his Navi got deleted, after all.

"... Shotgun," responded Magna decisively after thinking for a moment.

"That's it?" questioned Mill, a little suspicious of his Navi's plans.

Magna just silently nodded, leaving his Operator to sigh in defeat and slot the lone chip into the PET. In an all-too familiar process, a swarm of data descended from the sky and enveloped his arm, transforming it into the classic gun weapon. Magna eyed it for a moment, before moving his focus to the attatched piston above it. Yeah, that'll do. Having decided, Magna promptly punched the ground with his gun-arm, driving the piston into the ground and forcing up a large earthen spire as big as he was. Then, with strength resembling that of his original form, he ripped the collection of stone off its base, taking it as a shield for himself. Hopefully this will repel the turret attacks... For long enough, anyway.

Having no preparations left to make, Magna slammed his piston into the ground once more, this time using it as a means of propulsion as a cloud of steam poured out of the exhaust vent and trailed behind the moving Navi. Holding his shield up as he flew foward, Magna hoped this would keep his chest relatively bullet-free. This wasn't the time for hope, though, as the Navi was rapidly flying towards the first blockade. With a roar, Magna pulled back his piston gun-arm once more, this time focusing all its power into pure offense, running one of his strongest signature programs and channeling all its energy into his arm. Since braking in midair was usually quite difficult, Magna did what he knew best: crashing into the blockade. He poured all his accumulated energy into a single piston strike, swinging it at the blockade in an effort to topple it and the turret above in one fell swoop.

"Not done yet!" shouted Magna abruptly amongst the chaos. Using whatever momentum he had left, he twisted himself around to face the other blockade. Once again raising the ever-useful piston gun-arm, Magna finally let the gun part have its turn in the spotlight. Overcharging the weapon round with Breaking energy, Magna let the weapon power up until he heard it start to hum, at which point he fired, unleashing an array of energy blasts towards the other wall. And finally, having completed his head-on assault, Magna backed away, trying to guard himself against whatever might go wrong...

1. Terrascaper (3-Hit Shield, 2TCD)
2. Cannonball Golem (100 damage, Break, -15 HP Sacrifice) @ BlockadeA
--Smash (Add Break to the following:)
3. Shotgun (50 damage, Splash, Break) @ BlockadeB/TurretB
4. Dodge.

Terrascaper - 2 turns
Cannonball Golem - 3 turns
The barricades toppled and crumbled almost melodramatically, falling on the netmafia navi quite comically. A muffled cursing is heard beneath it, before the rubble explodes outward.

"You! You-- YOU!" He can't seem to muster up anything but rage, and charges at Magna, who is- not plowed down as the netmafia navi is suddenly clotheslined by a whip lashed around his feet.

"Oh, hey, it worked!" He exclaims nervously, as he gets caught in his own trap and falls over, tangled in his own whip.

"I'll uh- I'll only explain if you get me out of this alive!" He whines out a rather truthful statement. If he's dead, he can't explain, after all.

"You... You're dead meat!" The netmafia navi rips off the whip, charging at Magna, who manages to skillfully dodge the first blow, but not the first kick, which connects shin first into Magna's shield, completely destroying it in one hit.

It sends him staggering back, just in time for the Netmafia navi to grab him and slam his helmet into Magna's face. (24+Stun1)


"Told you you weren't gettin 'way with nuthin! Nothing!" He doesn't seem too firm on his feet himself, and 'Sunny' provides Magna with a quick heal, "You're my only way out of this," He mutters as he also 'takes care' of the stun.

Blockade: DELETED
---Turret: DELETED
Blockade: DELETED
---Turret: DELETED

Armored Navi: 300 HP
--Helmet: 30 HP
--Chestplate: 50 HP
--Greaves: 30 HP
--Gauntlets: 30 HP

Magna: 111 HP
'Sunny'?: 160 HP [Equipped Varitails1]
Getting headbutted like that definitely sent Magna into a dizzy... Maybe worse if he wasn't wearing a helmet himself. Either way, Magna fell to the ground at the strike. He might have actually passed out had Sunny not thrown some healing his way. Maybe him actually being a doctor wasn't so impossible after all. With the fog in his head cleared up, Magna pushed himself up and looked at Sunny.

"It doesn't matter if you explain to me. As soon as we're through here, all your talking will be with the Netpolice. Until then... You will not be touched."

With his promise made, Magna finally noticed something... His visor was cracked, causing his view to split into two images. "Operator, my vision has been impaired by exterior damage." reported the Navi.

Taking a moment to go over Magna's status report on the PET, Mill then replied, "Yeah, looks like that headbutt did more damage than expected. Some minor repairs should do the job." With that, Mill slotted in the rarely-used Recov10 chip, causing the fissure in his helmet to glow for a moment before sealing back together. "That should do it. Now..." Mill glanced to the other side of the screen, giving him a view of the enemy Navi. "This guy looks tough. Scan him, Magna."

"..." Following orders, Magna stared at the Navi, gathering whatever information he could. "... The scan shows that the enemy's armor is not integrated into his design."

"Oh really?" responded Mill, filling his voice with intrigue. "I think I might have just the chip for him..." Mill reached into his folder, pulling out his Pulsar1 chip and placing it into the PET. The weapon possesses Magna's right arm, subtly charging it with energy without changing its form.

Magna stared at his energized arm for a second before asking, "Commence attack, Operator?"

"Just try not to get hit again." answered Mill, implying his orders.

Nodding at the response, Magna then leaped forward, charging the enemy. He snaked left and right for a bit, feinted left, and provided some more evasive actions as he tried to bait the other Navi into attacking. Magna finally stopped the acrobatics and rushed at the Navi, trying to get as close as possible before throwing his hand forward and unloading the Pulsar blast right into his chestplate.

1. Recov10 (Heal 10) @ Self
2. Dodge
3. Get in close (Tactical Movement)
4. Pulsar1 (70 damage, Object Triggered Splash 8) @ Chestplate

Terrascaper - 1 turn
Cannonball Golem - 2 turns
The netmafia navi dodges back, trying to avoid the attack altogether, his eyes widening in fear as he realizes that he does indeed have a horrible weakpoint that is being exploited by Magna.

He failed utterly, his mouth opening in shock as he stumbled back, his armor still in its coherent form. Little jags spread across it, while it glitched for a couple more seconds...

With a small tumultuous cascade of noise from the armor, it was gone.

And just like that, Magna had efficiently disassembled the navi's defenses. They simply crumbled before the pulsar, and the man from the netmafia went staggering back, falling hard on his ass.

He swipes feebly at Magna three times, missing all three in a spectacular amount of failure, although he does cold-cock 'Sunny', who goes sprawling into the ground like a bag of potatoes.

There isn't much to be said as the incoherent grumbling he's now making as an excuse for talking doesn't seem to be translatable.

'Sunny' makes a lash from where he's lying on the ground, grabbing the netmafia's arm before he can make one more attack at Magna.

Blockade: DELETED
---Turret: DELETED
Blockade: DELETED
---Turret: DELETED

Armored Navi: 235 HP
--Helmet: DELETED
--Chestplate: DELETED
--Greaves: DELETED
--Gauntlets: DELETED

Magna: 120 HP
'Sunny'?: 136 HP [Equipped Varitails1] [Stun2]
Mill just stared at the computer screen, needing a moment to register what just happened. The dodging... The attack... The armor... Again and again, it led to only one conclusion. "It... worked?" stuttered Mill, stunned as he watched the enemy Navi's armor crumble to dust. A grin soon broke out on the Operator's face, and that ended up turning into outright laughter. It worked!

Magna, choosing to do something a bit more progressive than revel in a job well done, twisted his body around to dodge a couple swings from the once-armored Navi. None of the attacks are all that difficult to avoid, giving Magna a clear hint that this guy was still phased by the Pulsar attack. As if the universe was giving him pity, though, Sunny came for just long enough to get nailed right across the head, causing the hapless Navi to crumple to the ground. Then... Well, it looks like fate only pulled the big guy up to push him back down. Despite having taken such a hit, Sunny lashes his whip out once more, managing to tie up the big guy's fist just before it takes another swing at Magna. Sure, he may have been trying to mug Magna and Sunny, but this... This is just mean.

Unfortunately for him, however, Mill and Magna weren't gracious spirits of charity. Oh no. What he was up against was a pair of greedy little bastards. While he was wrestling with Sunny's whip around his arm, Mill decided to say it:

"Hey Magna, the mission was to catch a thief, right?"

"Correct." nodded Magna.

"Then... what would happen if we bagged two thieves?" queried Mill, who was starting to feel a bit ambitious.

"... I would predict a greater reward." decided Magna after thinking for a moment. Oooh, so there's the goal.

Nothing else really needed to be said at that point, so Mill grabbed a random chip out of his folder and slotted it in. The mystery of the chip didn't last long as a Cannon assembled itself on Magna's arm, prompting Magna to fire it at his enemy in an effort to soften him up a bit. That, however, wouldn't be enough to subdue him...

It was then that Mill got an idea. He wanted the Rockcube, right? Well then, maybe he should get it. Hard. Taking out his freshest chip, Mill popped into the PET, causing the block to begin assembling in front of Magna. In the meanwhile, Mill asked, "... Didn't he call you 'Shorty' at one point?"

"He did." answered Magna promptly.

"Heh... We'll see how long that thought lasts." grinned Mill evilly as he pulled out his last chip for this round: the GutPunch. Before using it, though, Mill tapped a few buttons on his PET, overriding the lock on the Compressor GMO and reverting Magna back to hit normal golem body... Which effectively doubled the Navi's size. Imagine anyone's suprise to see a Navi, who was previously shorter than the Rockcube, suddenly burst out and tower a good 5 feet over it. Suddenly... You might think that you have picked the wrong fight.

Either way, Mill activated the GutPunch chip, causing Magna's newly resized hand to be encased in heavy yellow armor. "You want this?" asked Magna (now back to his monotone voice) towards the Navi, pointing to the Rockcube with his weapons-grade hand. "Take it, then." With that, Magna thrusted his fist at the Rockcube, slamming its hefty yellow armor into the bricks that composed it. Giving one big heave, Magna shoved the popular object towards his target, trying to crush him in a wave of rock.

1. Cannon (40 damage) @ Armored Navi
2. Rockcube (200 HP object) between Magna and Armored Navi
3. Remove Compressor.GMO
4. GutPunch Rockube (200 damage, Impact) @ Armored Navi

Terrascaper - Ready
Cannonball Golem - 1 turn
In short terms, Magna owns him.

In long terms, he owns him through superior strategy and dramatic irony.

The cannon shot hits with little trouble, but the netmafia navi shrugs it off and rips the ninetails off his arm, but while he's preoccupied in doing so, Magna generates the much-wonted rockcube. The other two navis make almost 'squeals' of excitement, as they both look at it with similar greed in their eyes, momentarily distracting them both.from the fight.

Magna, however--

Did something unexpected.

The sudden reveal didn't really surprise 'Sunny', as he had seen it before, but the netmafia navi, on the other hand...

He fell over.

"What the fu-"

With a large crushing noise, the rockcube impacted on him, the net equivalent of a Hit & Run. The pieces scattered and dissolved, leaving nothing but the slightly twitching navi who now probably had serious internal injuries, and appeared to have lost his advantage in a couple seconds. The tables had quite clearly turned.

Suddenly, there was a rather annoying voice. It was shrill and piercing, and clearly female. It sounded like the sort of person who would steal your stuff and fight you with it, or simply run off with it all. "Oh my gawhd, I leave you alone for a couple minutes, and what happens? You screw everything up! My gawhd, why didn't you use that chip I gave you?"

"Y-you didn't give me a chip before you left.." The netmafia navi was apparently her navi, and answered accordingly.

"Oh, well you should have used one anyway! You pansy navi, I should have bever bought you!" The illogical retort was indignant with supposed righteousness and pretended unignorance.

"I could attempt to continue... if you'll just..." Mister Netmafia was nearly pleading now, as he attempted to argue his case, but was cut right across by that voice once again.

"Well, uh, I guess we're out of this fight. I'll get you for this, you lousy-- lousy-- chess piece!" It seems that's the worse insult she can throw, as her navi jacks out, leaving a couple bits of remnant data.

"Well uh, that was intense..." 'Sunny' says, somewhat creeping away from Magna now. It seems he's trying to stay out of his range, now that Magna is almost twice his size. "Uhm, er, I think there's going to be another navi coming to try kill us and take that chip?"

It sounds like a horrible excuse, but with the other (now jacked out) navi's statement of reinforcements, it just might be true.

Magna's Reward: Ironshield1, 350z
"That's entirely possible." answered Mill to Sunny, switching over to the open audio channel. The Operator ran a quick scan of the general area, and while nothing popped up on that, he figured it couldn't hurt to go ahead and get out. "And all the more reason to make that promised trip to the NetPolice, isn't it?" Not expecting or wanting an answer, Mill gave Magna a written order to grab (and restrain, if necessary) Sunny.

Magna, back to his familiar towering presence, moved his way over to Sunny and extended his hand out. "You are in no danger of deletion if you surrender. We will escort you all the way there should you cooperate. It is unknown when we will be attacked again, so please take my hand so we can begin moving." Magna's monotone voice echoed out of his static mouth in a somewhat spooky manner, which probably wasn't doing much good for his negotiation attempts. Either way, though, he needed to deliver Sunny back to the NP station since the original tracker plan went for bust. Hopefully, Sunny wouldn't put up a fight and they could get going, but... Well, if he's going to be dead weight, Magna was prepared to make this luggage a lot more quiet.

1-4. Negotiate with Sunny/Hopefully begin travel to NP station
"Fine... FINE! But you better tell them I came in all peaceful-like and even helped you and everything, if you don't.... I'll take my goddamn chances with the netmafia. I don't owe them that much money." He pauses.

"Did you hear that?"

And indeed, Magna can hear it. It was an incredibly large boom, and he could see the navi who had fired the giant mortar out of a Tankcannon. The enemy navi was about 400 meters away, and was reloading a second shot.

The first shot hit nearby, breaking nearby panels and sending 'Sunny' sprawling into the ground.

"That was a warning shot! Give me that thing that thief tried to steal from you, or I'll have to loot it from your dead corpse! You're at least 10 feet, I won't miss this time!"


"While you're at it, give me him, too! He's got quite a bit to answer for!" The presumable netmafia navi is clad in armor that looks like rings for gauntlets, with reasonable ballistics armor. No helmet, though. He's aiming that shot, and that seems a bit more important right now, though.
A few chunks of panel debris bounds off Magna's metallic body harmlessly in the aftermath of the blast, while Sunny, who didn't have nearly the same weight as Magna, tumbled to the ground with the attack's shockwave passing by. Magna's audio sensors were still ringing from the explosion, so he couldn't make out a single thing the assailant said. Thankfully, Mill had the foresight to filter out the blast noise from his PET so he could hear the new Navi talking.

"That thing...? Does he... not know what it is? This could work to our advantage, maybe..." muttered Mill over the PET's private channel, yet having a few doubts in is mind after noting just how powerful that blast was. Chances were pretty good that this guy was on a whole different level than the last one, so Mill had to tread very carefully. First off... This guy was far away. Really, really far away. He had never dealt with such a long-range enemy before. There was little to no chance that Magna would be able to span that distance quickly enough to not get hit. If there was only a way to draw him in... "Maybe... Can you try to get him to take the fake zenny first? It should still be trapped, so it's probably our best bet here. Just surrender, and either draw him to you or go to him. Make sure you key Sunny into this so he doesn't blab anything." Mill sighed after relaying his orders, because, quite frankly, he wasn't sure this was going to work...

Having understood the plan, Magna raised his large hands into the air as a sign of surrender and telling Sunny to do the same. Magna then beckoned the latest attack to them so they could "exchange the item". He then spoke quitely to Sunny, find a boon in the fact that his mouth didn't move when he talked. "Don't mention the Rockcube at all. If he questions you, trying to convince him that 'the thing' is my money. Other than that, don't talk, and we'll both walk away from this unharmed." Magna could have mentioned something about how Sunny was in this a lot deeper than he was admitted, but this wasn't really the time for that. All this time alloted for at this point was staring at the enemy off in the distance, hoping that this gamble would pay off...

1. "Surrender".
2. Beckon other Navi over.
3. Explain plan to Sunny.
4. Wait.
'Sunny' mumbled something noncommittal as he realized that he had been taken for a ride. Attempting to steal from a ten foot golem probably wasn't the best idea he'd had in the first place, but now he was properly humbled. He stopped his murmuring, and nodded in a somewhat defeated way as he assumed a more abject position, bowing his head and acting... more as if he had been captured.

The other navi began to walk over, and it became more evident as to his features. He had an almost ridiculously aquiline appearance, to the point where if he smoked a pipe and wore a bathrobe, he might appear to be a famous detective. He wore a bulletproof vest, with loose rings that floated around his arms as sort of a strange form of gauntlets. His greaves were loosely floating rings as well, and his boots were economically designed, overall-- he seemed like a somewhat boring navi with some decently interesting parts.

"Well, what're you waiting for?!" He demanded, seeming somewhat agitated, possibly because he wasn't used to doing this sort of thing, and he apparently didn't know exactly what to say.

"Hand it over!"