Cleaning the Bath

"That went well." announced Mill in a surprised voice. It was pretty rare for one of his plans to go off without a hitch... Oh well, he wasn't about to complain. He uploaded the zenny to his PET's account and loaded the new chip data onto a blank while Magna performed a new scan of the area.

"... That way." said Magna as he pointed in one of many indistinct directions.

Mill stared off into the distance for a moment, saw nothing, then replied, "... I'll take your word for it." Magna nodded and continued the search.

(Battle 4 Start)
Magna wanders further in...

...and finds himself ankle-deep in water. It would be knee-deep for the normal sized navi but ankle-deep would have to do.

It seemed to be raining, as evidenced from the rainclouds above, but if Magna peered closely, some of the rainclouds stood out from the others, about four, as a bit more... tangible.

The purple giant soon heard a bunch of splashing in the water. A telltale fin appeared here and there as he trudged on a bit, so he stopped and examined the situation.

The apt conclusion was that he was surrounded. Oh boy.

The viruses didn't seem to hide themselves well as the activation of the battle routine quickly pointed out how many there were, but HP values were kind of hidden.

CloudyA: 80 HP
CloudyB: 80 HP
CloudyC: 80 HP
CloudyD: 80 HP

-Swimming Around, Submerged-
LarkA: 100 HP
LarkB: 100 HP
PiranhaA: 60 HP

PiranhaB: 60 HP
PiranhaC: 60 HP
PiranhaD: 60 HP

SenbonA: 80 HP
SenbonB: 80 HP

100% Sea

Magna.exe: 120 HP

Magna had waded his way through the water for a while now, having failed to see any dry land in the past few minutes. Thankfully, the water wasn't too deep, and Magna could still hop through it without too much resistance. It could've been worse, Magna thought... until it started raining. Clouds had rolled over surprisingly fast, and drops of water began falling out, landing on Magna with a quiet plop. Mill was watching this, and couldn't help but wonder, "... How, exactly, is it raining in a water filter? No wonder this thing's broken...".

The repititious sound of the rain falling was soon broken, however, by a sudden splash a few feet off. Then another. And another... Damnit. Neither Mill nor Magna had thought to check for viruses underwater. And to make matters worse... Magna looked up at the clouds, and noticed that a few of them... had eyes. Now aware of the situation, Mill counted off the viruses through his PET, ending up with... "12?! Damnit, we totally messed up." groaned Mill. All the water around was making it hard to tell what kinds of viruses they were dealing with, too. Mill sighed, muttering something along the lines of not knowing where to start.

In response, Magna pointed upwards. "This rain only furthers the threat of the water." stated the purple giant matter-of-factly. "Dispelling the rain should be the first step."

"And how are we supposed to do that?" retorted Mill. "Turn this rain shower into a thunderstor-" Mill paused, having stumbled onto an idea. "Actually, that isn't a bad idea. DollThunder incoming, Magna."

Sure enough, within a few seconds, a scarecrow doll appeared in Magna's hands. He stared at if for a moment, trying to decide what to do with something so... non-weaponlike. In the end, his shifted his grip moving his hands down to the base, wielding the doll as if it was a baseball bat. Mill blinked, then asked, "You... sure you know what you're doing?".

"Creating a thunderstorm." confirmed Magna. He twisted his body around to get in a swinging stance, then waved the doll around a few times to get a feel for it. Once comfortable, Magna let go, giving a big heave as he yanked the doll forward. And, as the chip promised, a bolt of lightning arced out of it and straight up into the clouds. Magna could hear a few crackles as the electricity disappeared into the airborne mass, but at that point all he could do was let it take care of itself. One thing he had noticed, though... that bolt of lightning illuminated the area for a moment, showing quite a few shadows nearby under the water. That's... bad.

Mill looked around the immediate area in hopes of finding an escape route, but that came to no avail. "Blast it... If we could just get rid of all this water, these viruses wouldn't be a problem." Mill began counting off his options: evaporate the water... No. He didn't have nearly enough high-heat chips to do that. Drain the water... Well, Magna could try using his Shutter Tornado, but there's no way he'd be able to suck it all up. Mill ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, coming to the conclusion that this was bad. If he could just move the water somewhere else... Or... could he? That... could work! "Magna. How high can you jump in this?" questioned Mill suddenly.

Magna, unphased by the surprise question, took a moment to think before answering, "... Jumping out of this water would reduce my maximum altitude by about... 25%." Magna nodded to himself, satisfied with that number.

"I see..." mumbled Mill, trying to piece this together. "Oh, wait... If you had some extra propulsion, would you be fine?" queried the Operator after seeing the Cannon in his folder.

"Most likely, yes." confirmed the Navi.

"Alright then. Magna, you're going to take a dive." announced Mill proudly, confident in his plan. "No swan dives or jack-knifes or any of that weird stuff, though... You're going to be making a cannonball dive. Make as big a splash as you can, okay?"

"Understood." replied Magna, prompting Mill to give him the Cannon. The Navi looked towards the sky once more, seeing nothing but dark clouds above. Unable to find out what was still up there, Magna was left with no choice but to just go for it. He shifted around in the water a bit, trying to find the right position before locking that into place. Just to help himself out a little more, Magna counted it down. 3... 2... 1... In a near-simultaneous action, Magna pushed himself off the watery ground and fired the Cannon straight downwards, propelling his massive frame upwards and into the clouds. Inside... it was dark. Very dark. He couldn't tell which way was up in all this. It was like a pitch black fog... Magna could still feel himself moving, though, and he could tell that gravity had just taken ahold of him. Moving downwards... faster... even faster... Soon enough, he broke back through the clouds and could see the water he was about to crash into, speeding downwards like a purple lightning bolt. With no more time to waste, he curled himself up into as much of a ball as he could and ran his strongest signature program, putting all of his available energy into the impending impact. All that was left now was to close his eyes and wait... CRASH!

1. DollThunder (80 damage, Elec, Better vs. Airborne) @ Cloudy group/Create thunderstorm
3. Cannon-Assisted Jump (Reach High Altitude)
4. CANNONBAAAAAAAALL... Golem @ Sea (15 HP Sacrifice, create wave, displace water)

Cannonball Golem - 3 turns
Magna swings the DollThunder to the skies, blasting the Cloudies out of the air, and making all the clouds go away. Whee~

At the prodding of Mill, the purple giant launches into the air and cannonballs in the water, blasting away quite a bit of the sea, returning it to normal, but not all of it.

The giant happened to squash a Lark, good for him.

Suddenly, Piranhas! Four of them! Leap out of the water and fire their sharp teeth at the robotic navi at once. Two of each trio of sharp objects manage to miss Magna, but the rest land right on.


-Swimming Around, Submerged- (Sea)
LarkB: 100 HP

SenbonA: 80 HP
SenbonB: 80 HP

-Out- (Normal)
PiranhaA: 60 HP
PiranhaB: 60 HP
PiranhaC: 60 HP
PiranhaD: 60 HP

50% Sea, 50% Normal (In Center, around Magna)

Magna.exe: 40 HP
That water... wasn't really as deep as it should've been. Everything was kind of a white fuzz... Magna had heard a big splash, so at least he hit the water... Then... Ow? Something just hit him. And something else. And another. Those sudden strikes of pain shook Magna out of his crash-induced daze, prompting the Navi to push himself up off the now-dry ground. As his vision cleared, he saw... fish. Piranhas, to be exact, and probably what had attacked him. Soon after that, his hearing returned, and Magna realized someone was talking.

"-gna! Magna! Snap out of it, already!" yelled Mill in a mix of concern and frustration.

"Yes... Operator?" responded Magna shakily as he eyed the four viruses surrounding him.

Mill sighed, grasping his temples in his hand and rubbing them thoroughly. "Jeez... You could've at least tried to brace yourself for the landing, you know."

"Understood. I will provide correction on the next attempt. However, the current priority should go to the group of viruses surrounding me." confirmed Magna, ending on a rather urgent suggestion.

"Oh, right. I hope you're coherent enough to use this." said Mill as he slotted his Boomerang chip into the PET hastily, causing the angled weapon to appear in Magna's palm. Not waiting for the Piranhas to take another shot at him, he threw the weapon, letting it chop its way through the air as it attempted to avenge its thrower.

After using the Boomerang, Magna felt a sharp jolt run down his body, alerting him to the fact that he was actually pretty damaged. Having a solution literally in-hand, though, the metallic golem moved his way over to the water's edge, where he saw the shadow of a round-looking virus. He stuck out his left hand and opened up the shutter on his palm, letting it suck in air with violent force, inadvertantly drawing in a fair amount of water as he tried to suck away the virus's energy.

As he did that, Magna noticed a much larger shadow a little further into the water. Decided that bigger was better, and by association more dangerous, Magna marked it as the next target. Mill noticed the tracker pop up on his PET, and started wondering how to deal with it. "Well... I guess we could try the chip we got in the last battle. We'll have to figure out how it works soon enough anyway." So, in a venture of mild curiousity, Mill slotted in his new MistConv chip.

Magna felt the chip energy enter his hand... but nothing happened. Confused, he stuck his hand out towards the target... and a positively huge steam-composed hand erupted from his own and stretched all the way out to over the virus. "... Whoa" was all Mill could say. Magna's hands were already big, but... this didn't even compare. In a cautious expirement, Magna just nudged the hand down, and... BOOM, the hand slammed into the water, potentially crushing the virus underneath before evaporating into nothing. Both Mill and Magna were utterly speechless at the chip's power at this point, leaving Magna to just get away from the water in case that attack spooked the remaining viruses swimming about.

1. Boomerang1 (60 damage, Wood) @ Piranha group
2. Shutter Tornado (50 Drain) @ SenbonA
3. MistConv (100 damage, Aqua) @ LarkB
4. Dodge

Cannonball Golem - 2 turns
Shutter Tornado - 3 turns
Taking revenge, the robot sends his Boomerang whirling around at the outer foes, slicing them in half completely.

Next, he sucked in some more water, as well as a bit of health, from the Senbon, revealing it, and causing it to puff up in alarm. After smashing down the Lark with all due force, two spikes from the remaining viruses landed in his shoulders.

He was in the last stretch.


-Swimming Around, Submerged- (Sea)

SenbonB: 80 HP

-Out- (Normal)
SenbonA: 30 HP

40% Sea, 60% Normal (Centered on Magna)

Magna.exe: 70 HP
"Just a little further..." whipsered Mill under his breath as he discretely slotted a RageClaw in. Having already performed several experiments and damaged Magna several times in the process, Mill was more than ready to fall back on an old friend. Sure enough, the clawed appendage assembled itself on Magna's hand in its appropriately larger incarnation to accomodate Magna's size. Having not used it in a while, Magna threw a few test swings before thrusting the weapon straight at the Senbon he had sucked out of the water.

With that deed done, Magna turned his attention to the other Senbon still cloaked by the water. Seeing as his RageClaw wasn't much of a ranged weapon, Magna waded his way back into the water in pursuit of the virus. As the purple Navi chased after the viruses, occasionally taking swipe with his RageClaw, it looked like a bear trying to grab a salmon out of the water. The key differences in this case, though, were that the "bear" was made of metal and the salmon was actually a blowfish that Magna was trying to chop into sushi.

1. RageClaw (40 damage, Slashing) @ SenbonA
2. Pursue SenbonB (Movement)
3. RageClaw (40 damage, Slashing) @ SenbonB
4. RageClaw (40 damgae, Slashing) @ SenbonB

Cannonball Golem - 1 turn
Shutter Tornado - 2 turns

Both of them. He missed the second one, but hit it on the second go. Slippery little devil.

Whatever, Magna succeeded, why complain?

RewardData: 1375 Zenny, AquaNeedle1
Magna gathered up his slightly moist rewards, then dragged himself back out of the water to give himself some time to dry off. With the pressure of a virus attack now gone, both Mill and Magna had time to notice that there was a lot more water around than when they first jacked in. Heck, it was even raining a little while ago. Maybe this meant that they were getting close to the real problem... With only one way to find out, though, Magna continued the search.

Noting that Magna still had some leftover damage, though, Mill loaded his last MiniEnergy subchip to repair his Navi.

(Battle 5 Start; MiniEnergy used, +50 HP)

Magna wanders across now fairly normal terrain, not surrounded by water, exploding geysers, or anything, just normal terrain, yup. Where'd the water go?

This must be where the control panel is.

The purple giant walks in a little more and hey! There's the control panel.

and a prog.

which looked distinctly purple...

...with huge bug-eyes purple, a large wide open mouth, and fat red lips...

Was this... the administrator prog for the water filter?

"CHOCOLATE RAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!" the Prog sang, off-tune, horribly, and annoyingly.

I wonder what's up?

As soon as the program began its disgusting wailing, Magna put his hands to his head, reflexes trying to cover his non-existant ears. Mill, meanwhile, was desperately attempting to lower the volume on his PET as the sound split his eardrums. After some fumbling, Mill managed to silence the open channel, leaving him to open a private line with his Navi. "Agh..." grunted Mill as he tried to get his ears to stop ringing, "You think that's the control program, Magna?"

Magna, though, had taken the liberty to disable his own hearing, and as a result didn't hear a single word of his Operator's. Sighing, Mill fiddled with the private channel to have it running on Magna's end as well. "As I was saying..." grumbled Mill, who didn't like repeating himself, "Is that the control program?"

"Possibly. I can not locate any distinct identification on it." reported Magna.

"Hmm... Well, judging from that and its behavior, it's most likely corrupted beyond repair. Since we're replacing the whole filter anyway, there shouldn't be any harm in deleting it." explained Mill, giving justification to remove the source of his annoyance.

"Understood." answered Magna, also having no qualms about this. So, without another word, Magna lifted his hand and fired a series of buster shots and the program.

1-4. Buster Shot (4x8 damage) @ Prog
Disregarding trying to figure out what was wrong, Magna went and blasted the Prog full of holes.

The only problem was, it wasn't deleted yet.

"IMMAH CHARGIN MAH LAZOR!" the stupid thing announced annoyingly, something blue forming in the depths of its mouth.

Magna's battle routines went into action, he had to destroy that thing, and fast.

He might want to watch out for that aforementioned laser too.

Malicious Prog: 468 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Magna.exe: 120 HP

"Wait... It's actually strong?!" exclaimed Mill in utter shock as Magna's buster shots barely left a mark on the crazed program. It had stopped singing, thankfully, but in return... it looked like it was collecting eneregy for a laser attack in its mouth. Needless to say, something had to be done about that. Knowing their luck, though, trying to disrupt the attack would just earn Magna a face-full of laser. So... defense, then. Mill slotted in his Rockcube, causing the block to appear in front of Magna, prompting the Navi to hide behind it. However... Magna was far too big to get any sort of useful coverage from the object. Realizing this, Mill quickly switched Magna over to his far more reasonably-sized Compressor form, then the shrunken Navi dove for cover as the program continued its charge.

Magna, nervous at the fact that his only clue as to what was going on was the sound of a laser charging, asked Mill, "Should I provide suppresion fire?" hoping that perhaps he could throw off the programs attack entirely.

While he had ruled out that possibility before, Mill figured it couldn't hurt since Magna already had a defense up. "It might help, so... Here, the Boomerang. You should be able to throw that from behind the Rockcube." The chip entered the PET with a single click, and the angled weapon materialized in Magna's hand. With a quick glance around the Rockcube's corner to verify the coordinates, Magna hurled the Boomerang and watched it arc back around his object and out of his sight.

With little time left, Mill slotted one more attack chip in, wanting to figure out what his new AquaNeedle did. As soon as the chip activated, a trio of spikes appeared in the air over Magna's head. Then, without any prompt or command, all three of them shot through the air and straight towards the program. "Wow, that's convenient. You didn't even have to turn around for that." noted Mill, impressed with his new chip. Magna nodded in agreement as he braced himself for the incoming assault.

1. Rockcube (200 HP Object) in front of Magna, between him and Malicious Prog
2. Activate Compressor.GMO, hide behind Rockcube
3. Boomerang1 (60 damage, Wood) @ Malicious Prog
4. AquaNeedle1 (3x20 damage, Aqua) @ Malicious Prog
(... Is everyone really that opposed to modding me? Bump, for Christ's sake...)
Magna, for fear of his life, put up a Rockcube, and then shrunk, impressively.

The compressed navi followed through with his attack, as the laser still charged, and the Boomerang hit the Prog in the side of the head.

"SHOOP DA WOOP!" the freaky thing shouted as it fell on its side, blasting a laser at the Rockcube....

...which didn't destroy it at all, but pretty much took a big dent out of it.

Magna activated his Aquaneedle, or Mill did, rather, and three spikes rained down from the heavens where the corrupted program advised (to himself it seems), "DO A BARREL ROLL!" before getting hit in the antennae with one of the spikes. He did manage to, however, roll away from the other two spikes.

Malicious Prog: 388 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Rockcube: 120 HP
Magna.exe: 120 HP
Mill sighed in relief as the laser attack subsided against the Rockcube, which had suffered some moderate burn damage on the front, but overall was still surprisingly intact. The Boomerang hit, the AquaNeedle only nicked it... Overall, that went pretty well. An added bonus came to Mill as he realized... that was the program's strongest attack, probably. And now that it's dodging, that probably meant that it had exhausted most of its power. This was the chance to strike! "Magna, I'm sending you some chips. Don't hold back one bit." announced Mill, ready to jump in with guns blazing.

"Understood." responded Magna in his usual fashion. First to come through the PET was the MistConv. Magna spawned his misty hand over his own and threw it towards the program, letting it clench into a fist as it tried to plow into its target's face. Not about to let up, Magna activated the next chip, overwriting the steam on his hand with the GutPunch's yellow plating. Rather than rush forward and punch the program, though, Magna slammed his fist into the Rockcube. Having served its defensive purpose, Magna shoved it forward in sacrifice to attack the enemy. Now, with nothing between him and his target, Magna charged forward, lowering his head as he tried to plow into the program. At the end of this flurry of attacks, Magna jumped backwards, wary of a potential counterattack from the program.

1. MistConv (100 Aqua damage, Impact) @ Malicious Program
--Equip GutPunch
2. GutPunch (Knockback) Rockcube (200 damage, Impact) @ Malicious Program
3. Cannonball Golem (100 damage, Break, -15 HP Sacrifice) @ Malicious Program
4. Dodge

Cannonball Golem - 3 turns
Magna launches into attack, punching the Prog off the ground with a steaming fist, sending it flying through the air. It screams, "IMMA CHARGIN' MAH LASER" again while the compressed giant sends a Rockcube hurtling after it, the attack connecting, but the charge wasn't interrupted.
Magna prepares his Cannonball Golem attack, but suddenly, A Taco appears in the Prog's mouth! "Huh? Oops! I swallowed mah lasor!" the corrupted program commented, "swallowing" this taco. This seems to have restored its systems a bit, but it still got the full brunt of Magna's signature attack...

...the dust clears and...

... DAMMIT, IT'S STILL ALIVE. The Rockcube strike must've been weaker since it was damaged! Or something.

...But it's kind of open to attack at the moment.

Malicious Prog: 68 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Rockcube: DELETED
Magna.exe: 105 HP
Mill and Magna were both fully irritated by this program now. Neither of them could really place a finger on it, but something about this thing was just... annoying. Very annoying. "It's way past time for that program to get deleted so we can finish this job, I think." said Mill matter-of-factly. "You already have the GutPunch, Magna, but I'll send you the RageClaw as well. Just finish it off, please..." Mill's patience was really at its limit, and he wasn't sure what would happen if he was pushed any further.

"Understood." answered Magna in usual fashion as he left hand morphed into a series of razor-sharp claws. Without even a moment of hesitation, Magna charged forward, using the momentum of his rush to thrust his RageClaw straight towards the program's face.

"The job is to replace the system's water filter." stated Magna flatly as he pulled back his RageClaw and made a hard right hook with his GutPunch.

"You are impeding the completion of the job." stated Magna again as he withdrew his GutPunch and took a vicious vertical slash with his RageClaw.

"I will not allow that." announced Magna in his flat voice as the GutPunch made a return appearance with a fast jab to the program's face. It was pretty obvious that Magna was angry, but since his monotone voice wouldn't allow him to express it, how he said all that was a little... creepy...

1. RageClaw (40 damage, Slashing) @ Mysterious Prog
2. GutPunch (70 damage, Impact, Knockback) @ Mysterious Prog
3. RageClaw (40 damage, Slashing) @ Mysterious Prog
4. GutPunch (70 damage, Impact, Knockback) @ Mysterious Prog

Cannonball Golem - 2 turns
Magna rushes forward with the fury of a thousand monkeys typing on a thousand typewriters at 1000 MPH. Baring his Claws and.... Fist, the purple mecha pounds into the Malicious Program, defeating it completely and utterly.

"I HAAAAAAAAAAAATE THAT HEDGEHOG!" screamed the Program as it was destroyed.

A clear female voice, announcing, "System Malfunction Eliminated" echoed throughout the system.

Ok, that was over with.

Malicious Prog: DELETED

Terrain: 100% Normal

Rockcube: DELETED
Magna.exe: 105 HP

Get: Powershot, 600z
"... Hedge...hog...?" queried Magna as the program dissipated into nothingness.

"Don't ask, Magna. Just don't ask." muttered Mill wearily. "Anyway, just turn off that security panel so I can finish replacing this thing."

"Understood." replied Magna as he pressed one of his finger on the big green button on the console. A "SECURITY DISABLED" message appeared on the console, informing Magna that it was in fact the correct button.

"Alright, time for you to jack out so I can get to work." said Mill to his Navi. Magna nodded silently as a beam of light engulfed him and returned him to his PET.

(Jack Out)