In Search of . . . Something

14 years ago
Seeing that the situation was not to his advantage, Boeman did the smart thing and took cover. The Bunnies kept launching their rings of electricity while Boeman rested, the cube he was behind absorbing the blows. He took out one by firing a Cannon, but that was basically it. His cover wouldn't last for very long if he stayed there.

((Bunnies surrounding Boeman))
BunnyB: 50 HP
BunnyC: 50 HP
BunnyD: 50 HP (behind Rockcube A)

((Rockcubes scattered around))
RockcubeA: 200 HP
RockcubeB: 200 HP
RockcubeC: 170 HP

Boeman.EXE: 90HP [Normal] [RageClaw 5/6]

Terrain: 100% Normal
14 years ago
Boeman nodded with satisfaction when the shot hit the bunny. He quickly ducked back behind the rockcube, which wasn't going to last much longer if the remaining rabbits kept hitting it with their energy surges.
"Your fort is going to give way," Fai said nervously.
"Yeah, I'm feeling better though," Boeman answered. His body was still sore, but the pain was mostly gone by now. "Send-" he cut off when the data hit him and he realized that Fai had already sent the shotgun. "Thank you." he finished with a smirk.
"Any time."
"Alright, here we go," Instead of using the shot gun first however, Boeman raised himself to see over the rockcube and raised his free arm. He gave it a mighty horizontal swing over the top of the cube, "Gust!" the command created a strong gust of wind. Thanks to the swing of his arm he gave the rush of wind a wide opening, in hopes of hitting both of the bunnies at once, and pausing their barrage of attacks long enough to get to different cover. Whether the attack worked or not however, he couldn't wait to find out as his current rockcube was about to give out. Boeman moved quickly, darting away from his rockcube, and summersalting behind a new one. Once there he immediately raised his shot gun and fired a shot on one of the, hopefully, disabled bunnies.

1. Gust: (knockback)
2. Move to: Rockcube B
3.BunnyB: Shotgun: (50 dmg + scatter)
14 years ago
The swing of his arm over the cube alerted the Bunnies, and they pointed their ears towards him in readiness of attack. Suddenly, the gust of wind hit one of the Bunnies and knocked it over, bowling over another of its allies. Making a break for it, Boeman then sprinted for the next cube, firing a Shotgun at the Bunnies as he went. He only managed to hit one of them, however, and that was with a lucky scattering of his shot.

((Bunnies surrounding Boeman))
BunnyB: 50 HP
BunnyD: 50 HP (behind Rockcube A)

((Rockcubes scattered around))
RockcubeA: 200 HP
RockcubeB: 200 HP
RockcubeC: 170 HP

Boeman.EXE: 90HP [Normal] [RageClaw 5/6]

Terrain: 100% Normal

[It's somersault, by the way, not summersalt. :P]
14 years ago
"Boe . . . you don't have anymore long range weapons," Fai's voice was shy and nervous, killing the rush of victory Boeman had felt from actually hitting the bunny with his shotgun. With all the running around, barely having time to aim, he knew it was by sheer luck that the shot had landed at all.
"I know, send over the Rageclaw."
"But . . . Getting in that close is really dangerous. Maybe we should quit while we're ahead-"
"Fai," Boeman said warningly, "Enough of that, we are NOT loosing to a bunch of bunny rabbits, got it?" He lifted his face guard and glared dark eyes determinedly for Fai to see.
Nervous laughter was the only answer from the operator before the Rageclaw reappeared in Boeman's hand.
"That's better. Right then," Boeman slammed his face guard back down and went to work. He bent his knees, bracing himself. Around him the wind began to stir, ruffling his shirt and making his pony-tail sway. Silently summoning airstep, he lept into the air. A rush of wind came up from below, catching Boeman's body and lifting it high into the air, away from the rockcube and up over the bunny. Boeman grinned, enjoying the flying sensation. Boeman front flipped through the air in an attempt to dodge any airborn attacks the bunny would send his way. He swung the Rageclaw as he came back down, slashing it horizontally upon the bunny like a baseball bat.

1. Jump: Airstep
2. Dodge (front flip)
3. BunnyB: Rageclaw: (40dmg + slash)
14 years ago
[Ehh, I'll give you the rageclaw this time, but in future, remember that if you dismiss the RageClaw in-RP, you can't re-use it.]

As soon as Boeman appeared in the air, the Bunnies started to launch their rings at him, but of course missed due to cool acrobatics and stuff like that. His slice raked through one of the rodents but was not enough to delete it permanently. The other rodent came out of hiding to join in the blasting stuff.

((Bunnies surrounding Boeman))
BunnyB: 10 HP
BunnyD: 50 HP

((Rockcubes scattered around))
RockcubeA: 200 HP
RockcubeB: 200 HP
RockcubeC: 170 HP

Boeman.EXE: 90HP [Normal] [RageClaw 4/6]

Terrain: 100% Normal
14 years ago
Having successfully hit the bunny, Boeman started to make a turn to finish it, when a second finally decided to come out of hiding and attack.
"Damn, forgot about him," Boeman grunted.
"Go! Go!" Fai's voice encouraged from above. Boeman didn't need to be told, and made a barrel roll off to the side to dodge the onslaught of rings. He wanted to take cover again, but with only the close range of the rageclaw, he didn't have much choice if he wanted to finish this. Still, Boeman had a feeling this was going to hurt.
"Gust," Boeman grunted, he gave his arm a wave, creating a gust of wind that would hopefully knock over the no-longer-hidden bunny, and pause its attacks long enough for Boeman to make his.
That taken care of, Boeman ran forward and swiped the rageclaw through the air upon his former opponent.

1. Dodge
2. BunnyD: Gust: (knockback)
3. BunnyB: Rageclaw: (40 dmg + slash)
14 years ago
[Gust is a free action, you don't need to take an action to use it.]

As Boeman started to attempt dodging attacks, the Bunnies began firing more electrical rings. Pushing one of the bunnies over interrupted it, but as a consequence, the other's attack hit him. (10, Stun) It was thus forth rewarded by being sliced clean in two.

((Bunnies surrounding Boeman))
BunnyD: 50 HP

((Rockcubes scattered around))
RockcubeA: 200 HP
RockcubeB: 200 HP
RockcubeC: 170 HP

Boeman.EXE: 90HP [Normal] [RageClaw 3/6] (1 action left)

Terrain: 100% Normal
14 years ago
Boeman heard Fai's nervous whimper as the attack hit him. He managed to ignore the pain long enough to take out the bunny, then slipped to his knees, doubling over with hands around his stomach.
"Boe get up!" Fai shouted. Boeman looked over his shoulder. The bunny he had knocked over with the gust would be retailiating by now. His eyes darted toward the rockcubes. Would he make it . . .?
Luckily, he didn't have to. A stream of data hit him, and the guard1 battlechip suddenly came into play. With his free hand Boeman developed a shield and held it in front of his crouched body to block any attacks from the final bunny.
"Good thinking, thanks," he panted, glad Fai was finally getting the hang of it.
"No problem. Do we need to jack out?"
"One more left, I can take him."

1. Initiate guard1 battlechip
14 years ago
As Boeman pulled out the shield to cover him, he finally felt the paralyzing effects of the Bunny's earlier attack come, washing over his body with an immobilizing wave.

((Bunnies surrounding Boeman))
BunnyD: 50 HP

((Rockcubes scattered around))
RockcubeA: 200 HP
RockcubeB: 200 HP
RockcubeC: 170 HP

Boeman.EXE: 90HP [Normal] [RageClaw 3/6] (Guard1) (Stun! -1 Action)

Terrain: 100% Normal
14 years ago
Boeman tried to disguise his expression of pain from Fai, dropping the eye shield from his helmet over the top half of his face. Still, his body was so sore now he could barely move, except to shudder violently from the wave of pain caused by the earlier attack. He remained crouched and hidden behind the shield, trying to catch his breath. He didn't have much left in him, but he was determined to finish it.
"Boe-?" Fai started, but Boeman didn't let her finish, knowing she would probably jack him out against his will if he didn't act.
The injured Navi pushed himself to his feet in a quick lunge, ignoring the pain that seared through him. He raised the rageclaw. He didn't move the shield out of the way until the last second when he was forced to push it aside, slashing the rageclaw in a straight horizontal against the bunny, then swooping it around and slicing down vertically for two finishing blows.

1. BunnyD: Rageclaw: (40dmg + slash)
2. BunnyD: Rageclaw: (40dmg + slash)
14 years ago
Dead bunnies hooray.

((Bunnies surrounding Boeman))

((Rockcubes scattered around))
RockcubeA: 200 HP
RockcubeB: 200 HP
RockcubeC: 170 HP

Boeman.EXE: 90HP [Normal] [RageClaw 3/6] (Guard1)

Terrain: 100% Normal

-- BATTLE 02, VICTORY!! --


[ZapRing1] Battlechip, 240z
14 years ago
"Yes! Yes!" Fai's exclamation of victory rang through Boeman's ears. The Netnavi managed a smile before his shield and sword disappeared, and he slipped to his knees.
"Ah! Boe! Okay, now we're jacking out," Fai insisted. Boeman finally sighed and nodded.
"Probably a good idea,"[/colored] he said, his tone was strained and tired, but he leaned forward and gathered the data left by the bunnies.
"Great job Boe," Fai said, though it was full of concern, Boeman could hear the hyper tone in her voice, lacking in fear for once. He smiled again before the plug was pulled, and he disappeared from Electown in a flash of blue light.