Proving grounds

Mekka entered the Electown net, looking around carefully while Leila watched from above, looking over the chips she had.

"So, how do you prefer to battle Mekka?" Leila asked as she pondered what chips would be most useful. Mekka stopped for a moment, she's never really fought anything before, but she had more weapons at her disposal at melee range.

"I'd probably fight more in close quarters, I'm not really that great a shot, but I could probably keep out of trouble if I stay close to the enemy." Leila nodded and then simply continued to watch,

"Alright then, I'll keep that in mind."

((Requesting battle 1))
*Ramalama ding bump*
((The profile links in your tabs go back to your old op and navi, please fix. =P))

The standard trio of Metools greeted Mekka's first battle out of the hospital. Let's see what we can do here, hm?

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Mekka.EXE: 100 HP

Mekka stretched a little as she looked over the three viruses that just appeared, her short sword extending from her right arm as she limbered up.

"Aww they don't look so tough" the navi said with a grin while she eyed the metools.

"Well best to keep your guard up anyway," cautioned Leila "I think I know which chip you can's your aim in close?" Mekka got up on the balls of her feet, bouncing a little as she started to move in, watching the metools for movement.

"I suppose there's not much chance I can miss at short range, what sort of chips do we have?" Leila slotted in two of her three chips, hoping they'll even the odds with Mekka being outnumbered,

"I've got a Rageclaw and a Shotgun chip...looks like you can either slash or throw stuff with the claw, and if you get a good shot you can hit two viruses with the shotgun." Mekka blinked as her sword split, forming a trio of wickedly curved blades, looking them over a little before turning her attention back to the metools. She readied the shotgun as well, the small repeater barrel extending from her right arm before it shifted apart, adding sections to the barrel and growing larger to accommodate for the weapon. Mekka thought for a moment as she got within striking distance of the metools, constantly on the move as she bounced on her feet, doing her best not to present an easy target.

"Alright, I think I have an idea what to do with these, keep watch on the one on the end there for me" the navi said as she swiftly moved in on the group of viruses.

"Will do, let's show them what we've got Mekka" replied Leila with a soft but confidant smile. Mekka dashed forward with lightning speed, striking out with those curved blades, attempting to snatch up one of the metools and whip it jai alai style at another. While still in tight quarters she takes aim at the same metool she just tried to throw, hopefully getting two of them to connect, making this shot much, much easier as she levels the weapon at her intended target. A loud crack split the air, the recoil of the powerful weapon rocking the body of the small navi a little as she braced one arm with the other to fire. Her gleaming armour flashed in the spit of flame from the barrel, but once the shot was taken she immediately sprung back into her ready stance. The robot looked just a little surprised as her repeater returned to normal,

"Wow...that's got quite a bit of kick to it....I like that one." Leila snickered as she kept an eye out for Mekka, watching the metools to let her know about any counter attack they mounted while the navi continued her energetic dance about her targets.

1. Use Rageclaw chip on MetoolA/MetoolB (20dmg/impacting)
2. Use Shotgun chip on MetoolA/MetoolB (50dmg)
3. Dodge
Mekka fastballed one Metool into another before blasting them both with a shotgun. She proceeded to dodge out of the way of a shockwave from the last metool.

MetoolC: 40 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Mekka.EXE: 100 HP [Rageclaw: 5 swings left]
Mekka stayed light on her feet, dancing around the counter attack as two of the viruses ended up deleted.

"Hey alright, you got 'em" Leila said with smile, looking up a little more data on the viruses as the battle continued. Leila kept a busting guide open on her PC while she watched Mekka through her PET,

"It says here that Metools can hide out under their helmets, makes them invulnerable to most attacks....maybe if you got it in the air it won't be able to hide." Mekka eyed the last virus as she nodded, pondering that a moment,

"Is that third chip a gun too?"

"Yes, it's a cannon chip, should be able to take out that metool in one shot."

"Alright, send me the chip, I can finish it off" Mekka said as she quickly moved in with the curved blades of the rage claw poised to strike. As Leila slotted in the chip the repeater on her right arm extended again, the barrel starting to reform, but this time making a much wider, shorter barrel. The small navi quickly circled the virus, trying to get in behind it as her claws sparked against the ground, attempting to hook up under the metool and toss it skyward. Leila watched closely as her new navi took aim with the large weapon on her arm, Mekka bracing as she opened fire. The kick from the cannon was almost as much as the shotgun, the robot navi rocking slightly from the recoil as the heavy projectile rocketing up towards the hopefully airborne target.

1. Dodge
2. Use Rageclaw chip to throw MetoolC into the air
3. Use Cannon chip on MetoolC (40dmg/knockback)
*B to the ump*
Mekka quickly circled her target before flinging it into the air and blasting it with a Cannon.

All right, that's over with.


Terrain: 100% Normal

Mekka.EXE: 100 HP

Get: Guard1, 200z
Mekka quickly turned to scan her surroundings, her claws at the ready, but the fight was already over as her repeater slid back into her arm. The small robot navi then jumped gleefully into the air,

"Alright we got 'em!" Mekka cheered as she stepped down out of battle mode for the moment and smiled back up at her netop. Leila chuckled to herself and nodded with a warm smile

"That we did, you looked fantastic out there, and you've never fought a battle before?"

"Nope that was my first one, that was easy!" the navi beamed as she stood triumphantly over the leftover data. Leila slid a blank chip into her PET as Mekka gathered it up,

"Looks like we've got a new chip for the next battle, some kind of shield chip, should come in handy" said Leila as she tapped on her PC. Mekka was bouncing with enthusiasm as she looked about the netscape around her,

"Hey do you think we can do one more? Do we have time for it?" Leila blinked then pondered a moment before giving a gentle nod,

"We should have time for a few more rounds if that's what you wanted to do, sure." With that Mekka quickly headed off across the network in search of her next virus battle, she didn't think busting would be so much fun. Though in the back of her mind Mekka knew she had to make a good impression, Leila seemed really nice but she didn't want to let her down, she wasn't some worn out piece of auction garbage and she was determined to prove it.

((Requesting battle 2))
What appeared next was the simplest set of viruses anyone could imagine.

Two bobbing-headed Cactys peered out at Mekka while three Cannondumbs aimed their targeting vectors at the medical navi.

Not too much trouble, but its a bit harder than deleting Metools.

CactyA: 70 HP
CannondumbA: 50 HP
CannondumbB: 50 HP
CannondumbC: 50 HP
CactyB: 70 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Mekka.EXE: 100 HP

Mekka came skidding to a stop as she looked over the new group of viruses, for a moment just a little nervous staring down a trio of barrels she just saw dust a metool in one shot when it was on her own arm. Her sword slid from her arm as she took up an attack position,

"I might need that shield we just picked up to get in close, they've got a few guns backing them up." Leila nodded as she slotted in the guard chip,

"Just be careful, there are more of them this time, I'm not sure what those weird cactus viruses do, are you going to need your claws back too?" A large yellow shield with a green cross formed on Mekka's back from her backpack, a mechanical arm attaching it to her back.

"I think I'll take that shotgun chip again, I'll need to thin them out a little" she said as she started to dart back and forth while she advanced on the viruses as quickly as possible. Leila quickly slotted the chip is as her navi was on the move, watching closely for any attack from the viruses. She headed for the centre cannon as she did her best to avoid any fire from the cannons or the cactus viruses, this was probably going to be a lot more difficult, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. She leapt towards the centre cannon, trying to land on top of it, the small agile navi bringing her weapon to bare on the left cannon and the cactus on the outside of the formation.

Hoping that the cannon she was on couldn't somehow fire upward and that the shield on her back would protect her from attacks from the right side of the formation she took her shot. A thin spire of flame accompanied the blast of her shotgun as she fired nearly point blank at the adjacent cannon, hoping to catch one of the cactus viruses in the blast as well. It was a bold move, but if it paid off she should be in good positioning to press the attack. Leila looked on a little nervously as her navi got in close with the viruses, hoping the small robot navi had the firepower to take on the viruses at point blank.

1. Equip Guard1 chip
2. Dodge
3. Use Shotgun chip on CannondumbA/CactyA (50dmg)
The first Cacty was soon to step up as it threw it's head at Mekka, who put up a Guard1 on her back. Jumping over the Cactus head, she proceeded to blast the Cannondumb, felling it in one blow, but the shrapnel failed to reach anything as the head was disconnected.

A Cannondumb shot at Mekka's back, but was only rewarded by its attack being reflected back.

The Cacty got its head back on again... how? I have no idea.

CactyA: 70 HP
CannondumbA: DELETED
CannondumbB: 30 HP
CannondumbC: 50 HP
CactyB: 70 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Mekka.EXE: 100 HP
Mekka felt the shot ricochet off her back and the shield dissipate as the cannon behind her opened fire. She was a little disappointed when the cacty escaped her attack unscathed, but she still had plenty left to fight with. The blade of her sword extended and started to glow a deep green as she stayed crouched atop the cannon virus. She activated her only offensive special as she leapt from the cannon an arc of green appearing in the air as it's very difficult to actually make out the movement of Mekka's arm simply from the speed of the attack.

"I think I'm going to need that claw now Leila" said Mekka as she started to dart around her enemies.

"Alright it's on its way, watch yourself around those cactus things, it looks like you'll have to go for the head." Mekka watched them closely as her sword split, forming up into a trio of deadly claws, her own attack power wasn't particularly impressive, but the chips helped her to make up for it.

"Go for the cannons Mekka, they've both been damaged, you should be able to take them out" Leila suggested as she watched the HP counters on the viruses.

"Alright, I'm on it!" the navi said with a nod, turning her attention to the cannon that had suffered damage from the shot reflected off her shield earlier. With a flash of digital steel she swung at the cannondumb, aiming to take it out with a well placed blow and she still had one big gun left in reserve if she needed it. The fight was going well so far, she just needed to stay sharp and not let her guard down, but she was still in unfamiliar territory in her second battle, hoping that she could get out of it in one piece. She kept behind the one remaining cannon, both keeping behind it's gun and using it as cover from the other two viruses, hopefully she could keep them from scoring any meaningful hits.

1. Use Swift Cutter on CannondumbC (20dmg)
2. Dodge
3. Use Rageclaw chip on CannondumbB (30dmg/slashing)
((Rageclaw is 40 + Slashing))

Mekka delivers an ultrasonic attack to one of the Cannondumbs, before rolling out of the way of another shot and cutting down another Cannondumb with her Rageclaw.

The Cactys seem to have a hard time turning their heads to launch at Mekka.

CactyA: 70 HP
CannondumbA: DELETED
CannondumbB: DELETED
CannondumbC: 30 HP
CactyB: 70 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Mekka.EXE: 100 HP [Rageclaw: 5 swings left]
Leila watched closely as her navi danced around the sluggish viruses, starting to find it hard to believe that she managed to pick Mekka up at some random auction.

"You've got them on the ropes Mekka, keep it up" Leila cheered her navi on, certain that even at this point that Mekka couldn't lose. The small navi nodded and immediately pressed forward her attack

"It looks like those cactus things can't keep up with me, this'll be easy." With lighting speed Mekka moved in towards the last cannon, knowing it couldn't take another hit she drove forward with her claws. With light, nimble movements the navi darted this way and that, her metallic boots sparking on the ground before she finally came full bore at the cannon, trying to blindside it. The reflection of the cannon flashed over the deadly claws before she struck, following through with the swing before she leapt back, changing direction again to try and keep the cactus viruses from getting a good shot at her. She wasn't the most durable navi so it was best for her to stay on the move and not get caught flat footed.

"Hey how about you try tossing those cactuses together, maybe they'll stick each other with those needles or something" suggested Leila as she looked on.

"Alright I'll give it a shot" the navi replied as she turned towards the closest cactus virus, glancing back at the other before she made her move. With any luck she wouldn't have to worry about that cannon anymore as she zigzagged towards the Cacty, keeping her movements erratic as she advanced. The small navi was already a bit of a hard target to hit but she wasn't doing the viruses any favours, weaving about before leaping over the cactus to line the two of them up. With a few short steps she lashed out with the claws, trying to hook the virus rather than slash at it, hurling it with all her might at the other cactus. She'd managed to get this far without taking a hit, and she planned to keep it that way.

1. Use Rageclaw chip on CannondumbC (40dmg/slashing)
2. Dodge
3. Use Rageclaw chip on CactyA/CactyB (20dmg/impacting)
((Oh, give us your bump, give us your bump, if ya know, what's good for you....))
((Did I mention the links to profiles in your signature tabs STILL lead to your old operator and navis? XD ))

Mekka cuts down the Cannondumb, deleting her third virus for the battle. She was going on a record.

But then Leila suggested something weird and everything went downhill.

Trying to slam the viruses together was harder than Mekka thought. It seemed the viruses were firmly rooted into the ground, and, as such, Mekka could only grab the first Cacty and crush it's life away.

It's partner, however, took the chance to throw its head at Mekka, landing on her head with a little *BONK* sound.

CactyA: 30 HP
CannondumbA: DELETED
CannondumbB: DELETED
CannondumbC: DELETED
CactyB: 70 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Mekka.EXE: 80 HP [Rageclaw: 3 swings left]
Mekka blinked in confusion when she found that she was completely unable to move the cactus virus, and the momentary pause in her movement cost her. The impact of the bonking attack knocked the small navi right off her feet, landing hard on her back as she hit the ground. Leila suddenly looked a little concerned, not really sure how durable the small navi was,

"Are you alright Mekka?" she asked as Mekka sprung back to her feet.

"I'll be fine, that wasn't too bad a hit, besides I used to work in a hospital, I know a thing or two about getting patched up." Leila nodded as Mekka's 'backpack' opened and a spherical object extended a little above her head, starting to glow with a deep emerald light.

"Sorry that plan didn't work out Mekka," Leila said a little sheepishly as her navi got back on the move,

"Hey I totally thought it would work too, how were we supposed to know they're stuck to the ground? I'll be fine, and these guys are still pushovers" Mekka replied, giving a thumbs up as she activated her signature move. The glowing orb released its energy, raining healing orbs of green light over Mekka while she repositioned herself before it retracted back into her pack. Feeling reenergised Mekka began her dance again, staying behind the damaged Cacty while using it for cover from the other. If nothing else she'd bashed the virus enough to bring it within one hit of deletion, and delete it she would as she drew her claws back one more time. Her digital green eyes narrowed as she struck hard at the stationary target, chances were that she wasn't going to miss.

1. Use Regenerator ability (Heal 40hp)
2. Dodge
3. Use Rageclaw chip on CactyA (40dmg/slashing)
((Rageclaw is still 40 Slashing DMG))

Mekka heals herself with a signature program, before dodging out of the way of nothing.

Shrugging, she proceeds to cut down the vegetation in the area.

CannondumbA: DELETED
CannondumbB: DELETED
CannondumbC: DELETED
CactyB: 70 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Mekka.EXE: 100 HP [Rageclaw: 2 swings left]