Training Session[Electown Net]

Jacking into the Net space reserved to Electown, Spectruman looked around. So far nothing but assembled data and the occasional Navi walking around, looking for enemy viruses. Pretty boring. He sighed and folded his arms, standing in the midst of such a glorious technological sight without the slightest hint of awe. Well, maybe it was because he was also a piece of advance technology. One can't be wowed by something they are themselves, y'know.

Hiro looked at Spectruman through his PET screen and smirked. He knew Spectruman would reacted like this. After all, he was a combat Navi, one of the best that he knew of, and being in the middle of a rather peaceful Net space with only the most minor Viruses didn't suit his style. But then again, Hiro had to make sure Spectruman didn't forget the basics. Otherwise, when they began to take on missions for money, Spectruman would be guaranteed to get the job done.

"Alright, Spectruman, let's see if we can find ourselves a Virus to bust, eh?" Hiro said, trying to feign enthusiasm to give Spectruman a little push in the right direction. It failed. Spectruman looked up into the ceiling of the Electown Net, though from Hiro's point of view, it looked like he was looking up at him, which Spectruman was going for. A look of complete hatred swiveled within his eyes.

"Bust? Hiro, never use that term again in my presence, it's childish. I don't 'bust' Viruses. I destroy them. I'm a Combat Navi, known for my speed and my special trait to control energy. Don't embarrass me by being the Operator to refers to his Navi's fights as 'Virus Busting'." He said in a low tone. Hiro winced at his blunt honesty. Sure, he knew he didn't mean to be rude or insubordinate, but Spectruman was the type of person who always spoke his mind and never sugar-coated anything for anyone's benefit.

That's just how he was designed. After all, when one was going for combat genius, why worry about perfecting conversation etiquette?
A number of viruses shuffled about on the edge of Spectruman's vision whilst he argued with his Operator, as if trying to decide whether to try and make a jump on him while he wasn't looking. Finally, one of the Metools hurried off, and the rest of the group reluctantly followed.

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
ShrubbyA: 50 HP
ShrubbyB: 50 HP

Spectruman.EXE: 100 HP

Deciding to not start up another verbal engagement between himself and Spectruman, Hiro simply nodded. There was truth in what he said, after all. He wasn't a child anymore. He no longer had parents, he'd been on his own for quite some time now. He should act like it. 'Virus Busting' was a term made popular by the tweens of this era. He was an adult, well almost. Why should he follow the trends of the adolescent? When no reason came to mind, Hiro decided that that settled it. And just in time, too. A group of Viruses caught his eye.

"Spectruman, we've got company..."

"I see them. I suppose these will do for now." Spectruman replied, before pushing his scarf from overtop of his right shoulder and spreading his arms out, as red energy began to gather within either hand. He then aimed at the two Metools coming at him and fired off two decent-sized energy orbs at them, which sped across the field, screaming a whispered noise as it went. He decided that the other two Viruses could pose a threat if they caught one of his open areas, and so he dodged them by jumped backward, back flipping once in mid-air to make distance between the group.

-----Action Summary-----
1]Buster Action - Metool*A[9]
2]Buster Action - Metool*B[9]
[Good starting posts. Us Moderaters like it if each action is numbered, because we're picky like that. So, if you could order your moves like this:

1. Buster shot to MetoolA (X damage)
2. Buster shot to MetoolB (X damage)
3. Dodge

Remember, when you dodge, you don't have to choose certain enemies to dodge around! One dodge works for every viruses. It's like a single avoid-one-attack-free card.

It'd be great if you could fix up your turn summary to include action numbering and damage listings. Once that's done, we'll continue the fight.]
OOC: Done and done.
Both shots found their mark in the Metool, which fell backwards head over heels. One of the Shrubbies rolled a log toward the Navi, but it swung wide as Spectruman stepped aside.

MetoolA: 22 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
ShrubbyA: 50 HP
ShrubbyB: 50 HP

Spectruman.EXE: 100 HP
Smirking, Spectruman swiftly sidestepped the log thrown at him by one of the Shrubbies, before pulling back his right hand, gathering energy within it. His entire body was illuminated in a fierce white glow from the color of the charging electrons, before he sent it forth as a spinning blade, aimed to slice clean through one of the Metools. Looking up, Spectruman indicated to Hiro that he needed some chips.

"I want to end this quickly." Spectruman said, and Hiro nodded, before pulling out the RageClaw battlechip. If anything would help end this battle, it'd be this one.

"RageClaw! Battlechip, in!" Hiro shouted, and inserted the chip within the slot on his PET. The screen showed the chip becoming active, and instantly, Spectruman's hands formed large, dagger-like claws. He smirked and rushed forward, before making a slice at both Shrubberies.

-----Action Summary-----
1]Buster Action - Metool*A[9]
2]RageClaw Action - Shrubbery*A[20]
3]RageClaw Action - Shrubbery*B[20]
The buster shot succeeded in stunning the Metool with a cunning blast to the middle of its face. The Rageclaw slashes tore through each of the Shrubbies, but Spectruman was unable to defend himself as the other Metool sent a shockwave his way.

MetoolA: 13 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
ShrubbyA: 10 HP
ShrubbyB: 10 HP

Spectruman.EXE: 90 HP
Spectruman snarled as he felt the pain sizzle away as the shockwave dissipated. He stood there, eyes glowing as he morphed his Rage Claw into one giant Rage Claw, and making a swipe at the unharmed Metool. As that chip went away, Hiro instantly pulled out another. Spectruman, knowing what Hiro was going to do, held out his right arm as his body shifted to the side.

"Cannon! Shotgun! Battlechip in!" Hiro yelled, and after the screen showed the Cannon and Shotgun chip loading up, Spectruman's arms morphed into a large, narrow-barreled cannons that fired off two red shots of energy towards the Shrubbery and the Metool.

-----Action Summary-----
1]Rage Claw Action - Metool*B[40]
2]Cannon Action - Shrubbery*A[40]
3]Shotgun Action - Metool*B[30]
[Oops! Hang on a second, my friend.

You see, Sword-type chips, including Rageclaws, can be used multiple times. However, every other type of chip can only be used once per battle! Once it's been used, it can't be used again until the next battle. That includes Cannons! But don't think that Rageclaws can be used for an indefinite amount of time, though--a Moderator can and will break your Rageclaw or sword if they feel that you've used it for too long.

Now you know!]
The Rageclaw tore up the surprised Metool, who thought that Spectruman would be going for its damaged comrade. A very well-aimed Cannon shot and a Shotgun took out a Shrubby and a Metool. The remaining Metool, furious, smashed its pickaxe down and sent a shockwave in Spectruman's direction.

MetoolA: 13 HP
ShrubbyA: DELETED!
ShrubbyB: DELETED!

Spectruman.EXE: 80 HP
Spectruman gave a wicked sneer as he let his visor move up into his helmet, revealing his sharp, orange eyes. He let his Cannon and Shotgun dissipate into nothing as his hands returned to monstrous claws. He walked forward with the pace of one who had just dominated his opponent. Hiro watched with mild satisfaction. At least Spectruman was strong. He was arrogant, evil, prideful, and on top of everything else, independent. Sometimes, Hiro wondered why he had such a powerful Navi, but he realized that power relied upon greater power, and so far, Spectruman still needed Hiro for that 'greater power', which would be the chips.

"Alright, you've got a shock-"

"I'm not blind, Hiro." Spectruman interrupted rudely, before cartwheeling to his right to try and dodge the attack, and then rushing forward to rake his claws through the last Metool.

"Nothing more than fodder for my ever-growing hunger for power, eh? Simple viruses..."

-----Action Summary-----
2]RageClaw Action - Metool*A[40]
With a single Rageclaw slash, the final Metool went down in a blaze of deleting data.

ShrubbyA: DELETED!
ShrubbyB: DELETED!

Spectruman.EXE: 80 HP


Get: Guard1, 100z!