Save the Hospital! Group One <EVENT>

A lark and a billy are taken down by the dancing blade of valkyrie as she positions herself to take blows for their presents. Teethmans cannons manage to take down two more viruses, but as Lavaman deletes another stove, the remaining lark hits Valkyrie and Lavaman! The last billy manages to lob off a thunder that homes in on teethman, but his sheild deflects it.

LarkB 100HP
BillyB 50HP

Datapresents 200HP

Lavaman 60HP
Valkyrie 120HP
Teethman 100HP
Teethman felt the thunder surge through his shield as the strain on the systems forced his arms back into their regular form with violent spinning motions. He could tell that his allies had taken hits trying to defend the presents. Luckily, however, their defense seemed to have been largely successful. Maybe Teethman really had gotten reliable allies for this mission.

Hal's face quickly popped onto a screen next to his Navi, dark bags still visible beneath his eyes from having just woken up. He let out another yawn, then quickly got to yawning with a more serious tone. "You've all done a great job defending the presents so far. By the way, my name's Hal Belfast, but I'll introduce myself later. For now, it's important that we don't let those viruses lay a hand..." he reconsidered his words after some thought, "an attack on those packages. Everyone, for this turn, stand back and simply pepper the enemy with fire. Stay out of eachother's way and don't let anything get through your line of defense. Give it your all, folks!" Hal said, with a grin and thumbs up that seemed almost inentionally directed toward Valkyrie. As the screen cut off, Hal smiled to himself, confident that his charm and charisma would have a profound effect even on the somewhat creepy female Navi and her undoubtedly charming female operator, having not heard the voice Teethman had.

Teethman gave a nod to his alllies, hoping they would comply but having his doubts after giving a nervous second glance at the brash female and, frankly, somewhat shady-looking male. With that, he began to recieve the data for the arsenal he would use to take down the remaining enemies. The first weapon his arm shifted into was again the five-barreled shotgun of the Vulcan chip. He quickly leveled it with the enemy Billy, bracing his feet against the ground as shells flew from the gun in quick succession. A particularly loud blast accompanied the final round, and smoke drifted from the barrel. That smoke was quickly flung into vapor, however, as his arm took its original shape and then shifted, one block over the top end, to allow a barrel to protrude from the tip. He quickly shifted his aim to a flying virus, what should be the only remaining target. As the blast left the cannon, his arms began rapidly disbanding. Teethman needed no chip data for the final assault: he firmly held his ground and allowed the lasers from his now-floating arm blocks began to rain down on the virus's position in the dust... hopefully, if his final assault didn't finish the enemies off, his allies would take care of it. He watched them with notable anxiety as his arms began to lock back into place, each connecting with a loud shock.

(UPBoost) Vulcan2 to BillyB, [4x10, 1x(10+10)]
Cannon to LarkB [40]
SparklingWhites to LarkB [60]
"You forgot to dodge."







"Just gimme a Sword already!"

"Alright, but you're keeping the claw."

Lavaman's arms became very mismatched - one very furry claw and one very sharp, glowing sword. Then he saw Hal's picture appear from nowhere.

"Screw that," said Rafael from Electown. "You can't aim for nuts, Lavaman."

"Damn straight," replied Lavaman, and ran towards the Lark, while staying well away from Teethman's line of fire. As he passed him, he whispered - "I told you I'd slice them up."

As he neared the Lark he somersaulted high into the air, then came down to the ground and using the momentum given to him by the fall, lowered himself so he was only inches from the floor. He swung out his sword in the direction of the Virus, then swung upwards. However, rather than aiming for the lark, he continued the swing up, and finally his body going with it. He stabbed hard towards the Billy, then landed on the ground near his package softly. Without hands - letalone thumbs - he couldn't do much in the way of holding the package, so he simply readied to dodge by grounding himself and bending his knees. He folded his arms - and weapons - into a ready-to-use position.

One he was done he shouted to Valkyrie, "Hello. I'm Lavaman, and I'll be your pyromaniac for today."

He grinned, and Rafael did as well.

Sword at LarkB (80)
Sword at BillyB (80)
The lark swept past Valkyrie sweeping her off her feet. She hit the ground, followed by the loud clinging noise of her armor colliding with the substance that the panels of the area were made of.

-That must've hurt...
- Nah, it was great! I like getting knocked down by... what the?- she tried to stand up but her legs barely moved. The armor felt heavier than ever before, almost suffocating her with its wight. After a long struggle, she managed to force herself into a kneeling position, trying to support her legs with the lance.
- Great... you get pwnd by a bird...
- Stop babbling you insolent fool! What happened to me?
- Remember the joke about your CPU heating up? Guess what? It was not a joke. Since you did not let me optimize your code, your actions take up a lot more memory to process. You are eating up memory on a rapid rate, which means you get fatigued a lot faster. Especially when you run a marathon... Sit down and chill.
- No! Battle awaits! I won't just stand here idling...
- Yes you will. Guard, Recov10.

The guard chip took effect, forming a barrier in front of Valkyrie, cutting her off from the battle, while also protecting her and the packages. Meanwhile, the Recov10 also activated, healing some small wounds and cracks on the armor, which took only a few seconds. However, the female navi didn't stop spouting curses for much longer time...

1 Nothing
2 Guard
3 Recov10]
With blasts of energy and slash of swords, the remaining viruses fall anf the pathway of the navis is unblocked! The presents are all unlocked, each with a name of a navi in the group appearing on it, one for each!


Datapresents 200HP

Lavaman 60HP
Valkyrie 120HP
Teethman 100HP


Rewards: 500z each
(placeholder. I have to go to work now, and won't be back for 12 hours.... I'll edit in this post, for the time being, we pick up the boxes after arguing about how Val is a warrior, not a lackey)
"Yet another kick-freaking-ass victory by Rafael!"

"And Lavaman."


Lavaman went over to his package and sat on top of it. He coded a small program, working from the PET.


"What, Rafael?"

"You always get something wrong when you code."

"This is different, it's a simple program."

"Better work..."

Lavaman continued to code, and after a couple of minutes a small, hovering platform materialized. He placed his package on it, and smiled. He announced to the party his magnificent creation.

"This platform will follow me, on the ground, about ten metres behind. It will suck the package onto it, not allowing it to fall off."

As he finished, the package put a whole through the floating platform and slammed into the floor.

"Or I can just carry it..."
"Fine..." Teethman said, blinking a bit vacantly as he stared at his ally's unsuccessful platform. "I- I view you... erm... dribble in crypting? My guide proceeds a tidbit of such, however I..." Teethman went on awkwardly, staring off in another direction and letting the uncomfortable discussion trail off.

Hal's face appeared on a screen next to his Navi, saving him from the discussion besides. "Expert work, everyone," Hal commented, giving a thumbs up and grin and appearing less weary. "You're all doing a great job protecting those presents, and I can tell you put a lot of heart into it. That's the way to take one for the team! With you all to help, we'll have these presents delivered in no time, and in perfect condition. Teeth," he said, turning the screen to face his Navi directly, "grab that present and make sure to do your part, okay? Those sick Navis are counting on us!"

"Concerning path!" Teethman responded, giving his operator a relaxed salute. "The opponent shall never place a digit upon these."

"That's what I like to hear. Keep it up, everyone!" Hal finished his pep talk, the blipping into darkness and then disappearing.
The last virii had exploded a (relatively speaking) long time ago, but Valkyrie was still going on, and on, and...
-...miserable little piece of...
- The battle is over you know? Would you mind taking up a box and join the others?
- Know what? Do it yourself! I had enough of you.
- Look, I'm sorry....
- I don't give it a f@ck! How dare you interfere with my battles? Do I Boss you around?
- All the time...- It seems that Sieg wasn't loud enough, as the female navi didn't really pay attention
-... What am I, kind of peon or something? Carrying boxes...
Valkyrie walked to the box with her name on it, and picked it up, placing it on her shoulder without much of an effort.
- Don't get me wrong. I'm doing this because you made me accept the job. I can't turn back now.
- And here, I was thinking you took pity on the poor hospitalized navi..

Quote ()

"You're all doing a great job protecting those presents, and I can tell you put a lot of heart into it. That's the way to take one for the team! With you all to help, we'll have these presents delivered in no time, and in perfect condition."

- Oh Gods, another damn poser.
- He IS the Belfast PR mascot after all... its his job
- Alright, I'm getting tired with this. Lets get going.
Lavaman awkwardly carried the pink present under his arm, colliding with his maroon armour a lot. Finally he resorted to amusing himself trying to carry it on his head.

"Lavaman," said Rafael, his head appearing on-screen. "I wrote a quick program for you, it'll give the present wheels so you can carry it along with some rope tied to your armour."

"Are you saying I can't code?" replied Lavaman indignantly.

"Pretty much. I'm sendiong it to you now."

The wheels popped onto the bottom of the pink present, exploding from the floor, and a bright yellow rope appeared from nowhere, attaching itself to the back of his platelegs. Lavaman put the present down and continued walking, mumbling to himself.
- Why couldn't you make something like that?

The question didn't receive an answer for an extended period of time. There were some "munching" sounds heard before the voice of Sieg entered cyberspace.

- Hmmm? Sorry wasn't paying attention...
- Couldn't you code a cart?
- Must be some static distur-krshsks-ban-krshshskrsha-ce. Krshskrshskrsh. Krsh. Repeat please.
- Very funny...
- Seriously, say it again. It sounded like you asked for help. But that can't possibly be the case as you've just said a few moments ago to not to interfere with your matters...
- I was curious if you could make a cart, thats all.
There was a slight pause in the conversation while the operator considered his choices.
-Yes, yes... I could.

The pair remained silent as Valkyrie continued to walk in a pace that was suitable for her companions.

-... Well?
- "Well" what?
- Make a damn cart!
- I thought you didn't ask for it...
- Make. A. Friggin. Cart.
- Ask politely...
- Pl... ple...- There were sweat drops under the helmet of Valkyrie for the second time today. This time not from the physical, more so because of the mental stress. But it seems that she finally made up her mind:-...pleaeaea... screw this! Its not like pulling a cart that YOU code would be easier.
- Oh well. Saves me some work.
- Good.

The duo (or ,to be exact, the angrier half of it) continued its journey into the net...

- You know... I could store it here. You don't even have to carry it.
- What do you mean?

The packages in that the warrior navi was holding was enveloped in light, similar to how she traveled between links, portals, and of course, the net and the personal terminal. It disappeared fragment by fragment, leaving nothing behind in the end.

- Wow...
- Think smart, work... the least as possible. My motto. I know, it is nowhere near as elegant as our companions...

As the trio continues to follow their map, they are syphoned into a smaller alleyway of the town. As they walk down the dank alleyway, the path from which they entered is blocked by a row of viruses! the path before them is quickly filled with more bugs and the group is trapped!

LarkA 100HP
LarkB 100HP
LarkC 100HP
BillyA 50HP
BillyB 50HP
BillyC 50HP

CactyA 70HP
CactyB 70HP
CactyC 70HP

Lavaman 60HP
Valkyrie 120HP
Teethman 100HP

<(At the end of each post, state which direction your navi is facing, front or back )>
[You hate us, don't you?]

Lavaman realises he is trapped and unhooks the present from his back, laying it next to a rubbish bin. Rafael whispered a few things to him, but Lavaman wasn't listening.

"Don't rush. Be careful. We can beat them if we stay calm."

By this time, Lavaman had jumped onto one of the walls of the alleyway, rocketed off it, grabbed onto a ladder suspended on the other side and surveyed the virii. Eventually he made his decision, and launched himself towards the nearest Billy. As he neared the ground he put out his sword, firing at it like a deadly rocket. As his head neared the ground he rolled forward and struck out at the next Billy, then backflipped towards his package, ready for an attack.

Sword at BillyA (80)
Sword at BillyB (40)
Facing the Back]
<(Nope, exact same group for everyone )>
A group of virii... no, better yet, two groups of virii! Its time for battle! Where she faces all dangers alone, not having to care about anything but herself and her enemies...

- Virii? Again? ...Guard the chips, let your allies will take care of the virii.
- Do you enjoy ruining my fun?
- This is too big for you to handle...
- That is exactly why I am going try and beat them.
- You know, I knew you'd say this...

A barrier appeared in front of Valkyrie as Sieg used a Guard chip to to block the narrow alley, cutting her off from the virii, and defending their back in the meantime.

- ...and thought that you won't have anything about facing only half at a time, right?
- Clever. You have made it look like you are using strategy, while in reality, you just like to control my actions.
- Do you know how much repairing a deleted navi costs?
- Do you know how I don't care about your personal problems?

Done with the idle chitchat, the female navi prepared to face her foes. They were fairly close, close enough so that she didn't have to take more than a few steps to get next to the Larks. While reaching her foes, a blade formed on her right, blazing with the oh-so-familiar blue light, while her left transformed into a gruesome claw, ready to tear apart any virii she encounters. She took a few quick steps to close the small gap between them, while raising the transformed left arm to slash at her target. Bones will break... or not, since virii doesn't seem to have bones. Takes a bit of the fun away, not being able to hear the crackling of bones, but hey, you gotta work with what you've got. But the fact that they don't have blood either, IS a bit disappointing. Oh well. Then she has to find a way to spice things up a little.

She brought the claws down at the lark, but instead of simply slashing it to shreds, she clenched her fist upon impact. Trying to get a steady hold on the virii, she turned around, swinging the arm behind her, then bringing it down on another one of the larks, attempting to crush them with each-other. Then, without a moments delay, she thrust forward with her sword, aiming to impale the bird. The blue light lit her helmet, revealing her girm smile, that was covered under shadows. Its payback time.

1. use Guard, block back
2. RageClaw(20x2) LarkA into LarkB
3. Sword(80) LarkA
+ Sword dance dodge
Facing front]
"The bugs appear toward possess us encroaching," Teethman commented nervously. He saw that his improvised 'friends' had jumped forward to the battle at the front; he turned his own attention behind to the menacing group of supercharged Metools and and thorny Cacty, recalling the unappealing prick of thorns in his teeth as a stale memory from his glory days. "Fine, I may simply presume that because my comrades are tending with the foes at the main, they need like me to mess with the behind. Hal, may I acquire-" the Navi's sentence was stopped short, as he saw his operator fallen asleep and snoring at his breakfast table. The lack of sleep from the prior night seemed to have taken its toll on the eighteen-year old. "Hal!" Teethman called with urgency, "present is never quite the moment!"

Hal suddenly bolted upright, returning to his senses. "Oh, man! Did I fall asleep in the middle of an operation? The last thing I remember is that Lava guy with his platform thing... viruses, huh?"

Teethman nodded with a bit of impatience, giving dry silence to the inquiry.

"Eherm... well, looks like you're taking the back," Hal said, scratching the back of his head and raising an eyebrow. "Now, dealing with these guys, the only elemental advantage we can take is against the Cacty type, and the only chip we have to do that with is Heatshot. I'm going to upload that first, but know that this might prove to be a kind of tricky fight: you're going to be working off of your own strength more than my help."

"Fine, so wide as you proceed toward slotting snacks, I shall get concern of the remainder," Teethman replied, turning his back to his allies and trusting them to take care of attacks from behind. In preparation, his arm blocks began shifting as usual. They took on the stacked form necessary for a gun, including the pipe running to his rocket-propelling backpack that would provide fuel for his fiery shot. Hopefully, the Heatshot would be clear out some of the shrubbery, but that was all he could expect as a handout this match. Raising his right arm, which had already begun to burn hotter than before, he leveled the flaming shot with the shivering mass of greenery and thorns and released a fireball that blazed through the alleyway. Instead of allowing the blocks to reclaim their normal arm position, Teethman skipped the middleman and simply began releasing his arm blocks as they were, the tube-like extension withdrawing as the lasers began to charge on the detached appendages. Finally, the six pieces released a laser that tore through the air in a steady line, aiming to blast a MetoolEX off of the Net.

Feeling the alley was too cramped of a distance for him to use his tumbling manner of dodging anyway, for now Teethman would rely on his shield to protect himself. As the arms snapped back into position, they began to whirl and elongate in their familiar fashion. Soon, they had claimed the rectangular shape necessary to protect every square of his front: now, he only hoped his allies had taken care of the attacks from behind.

Heatshot to CactyA [40 + 10 (UP boost) x 2 = 100, splash]
Sparkling Whites to MetEXA [70]

[Facing back]
The virii are attacked by the navis they have surrounded, damaging and deleting many of them around as they try to dodge. A lark and two billies are torn down as Two cacty's are burnt down and a metool blown away by orthodontic goodness. As the virii retailate, a lark fires a blast at Lavaman, but luckily, he dodges. As a billy launches a shot at Valkyrie, Teethman brings up a shield, covering her back. Seeing that the virii had been blocked, she manages to pull her shield around in time to rebound a shockwave aimed at lavaman, and dodge another of her own. However, the cacty finds it's target, slamming into lavaman, while the remaining lark blasts Valkyrie.

LarkB 100HP
LarkC 100HP
BillyC 50HP

CactyB 70HP

Lavaman 40HP
Valkyrie 100HP
Teethman 100HP
[ You are so nasteh, I'm gonna have to jack him out if this gets too hairy. AND LAVAMAN HAS A CAPITAL L! ]

"Ah -" here, Rafael put in a censorship program resulting in a beep which blocked out Lavaman's word. "That f-beeeeeeep- hurts!"

"Deal with it," came Rafael's head. "One more hit and I'm pulling you out."

"Ugh... I am so infecting your toaster."

Rafael advised Lavaman what he should do this time around to play it safe.

"A little birdy told me," he started. "That you can pump out more each time. We've been underestimating your power."

"You're joking!" said Lavaman. "Dammit! Beeeeep." Rafael hit the button too late.

"So, go full on, and then I'll tell you what to do."

"Yes, mother."

"You don't have a mother."

"Shut up."

Lavaman rotated his shoulders and cracked his neck, then launched himself at LarkB. Using his momentum, he jumped forward so that he was like a missile, but rather than just have his sword out, both his hands were straightened as if he was diving. Technically it was the same technique, though. He swung with his sword in a downward motion, then used the tip once it had hit the ground to fly himself into the air.

He came down like a rocket, striking out with his Sword once more. When he hit the ground he was already in a rolling motion, so he rolled onto his feet and jumped backwards, so now he was diving but face-up. The Sword was once again out in front, flying maniacally. He put his hand on the Rageclaw on it to the ground, and used sheer upper body strength to flip through the air and land next to Valkyrie. Sweating, he poised himself ready to dodge.

Sword at LarkB (80)
Sword at LarkB (80)
Sword at LarkB (80)
Facing Back]

[ Credit to Knight for telling me about the uber Sword Type Navi 2 Melee and you get a free Dodge thingo ]
"Fares all decent?" Teethman asked his allies, taking a glance around him as the shield on his arm began to spin back into place as it discharged the electricity it had absorbed in the attack. He was surprised to find what an offensive the enemy had put up, but then again there was no reason he shouldn't have expected it. The Navi could tell his allies had been dealt a less favorable card, however, and he felt it was now his duty to get in on the action to end this. There would only be so much he could do to prevent attacks with his shield: the wisest idea was to get in there and finish it. With a proper offensive, the team could probably quell the remaining forces in a minutes' time, assuming they could stand up to enemy retaliation during that frame.

"All right, Teeth, I'm counting on you to get in there and make this one count. Fighting on a distance gives us a higher chance of letting missed attacks bypass us and hit our allies. Let's take the fight to them, and take control of the action," Hal told his Navi, slotting in chips for Teethman to use. He had to force fire into his words, he knew, as his tightly clenched fist shook from the tired support of his arm rested on the table. "I'm sending you two chips. Take down the remaining Metools now, and leave the rest to your allies."

"I lay onto it," Teethman responded, already shifting his right arm into the tubular shape that signified a coming weapon. The end skin faded to reveal a metal plate from which five nozzles extended. He took aim at one virus and began moving in as the barrel began to rotate, releasing a short spray of fire as the bullets clinked off onto the floor of the Net. Already closing in, Teethman two of the gun tips retract as the remaining three aligned horizontally and extended. Soon, the arm had taken a claw form, and the Navi flexed his arm experimentally as he continued his lunge. "Heading toward you!" he yelled as he dove in for the Metool that had endured his gunfire, attempting to ball his fingers around the edge of the round hardhat. Though the fingers responded mechanically, he couldn't actually get any feeling in them: he had relinquished that without regrets long ago when he accepted his new high-tech form. Still, the intensity in his chest told gave him assurance as he threw a devastating pitch of whatever he had gotten in his clutches toward the injured target.

With his throw accomplished, Teethman's arm began to shift as his rocket-backpack released a burst of jet-fire. His legs had left the ground and he took a striding backstep, attempting to dodge oncoming attacks and get a better view of the action. Were his allies able to clean up, and had they taken care of themselves?

Vulcan2 to MetEXC [10x5]
Rageclaw MetEXC to MetEXB [20 , 20 + 10 UPBoost]
"Fares all decent?" Valkyrie was slowly getting the hang of to the strange figure of speech "Teeth" was using. Anyway, he seems like reliable meatshield for the time being. Lavaman on the other hand... well, there isn't much left anyway. These are just a bunch virii after all, and they are group of... "warriors". Yeah. They are warriors. At least, she certainly is. The blast that the lark fired at her, didn't hurt too much. It did damage the armor, but the protective gear also reduced the damage by quite a lot. All in all, Valkyrie was in a perfect shape for homicide.

- That Lavaguy.. you should help him. If he dies, we loose part of the data we are transmitting, and the mission fails.
- When will you learn that...- She raised the sword to point at her next target, the lark that was lucky enough to land a shot.
- Best defense is offense!

She let out a bone chilling battlecry, charging at the lark to get in range for her sword. However,, while on her way, she got a better idea; instead of striking with the sword, she lashed out with her claws, trying to impale the lark. But she didn't stop here. She thought about how good is that she is not an angel. Is this even possible with wings? She grabbed on to the lark holding it with the massive strength that chip granted her, then activated the jets on her back. The virii was dragged on the ground till the destination, where Valkyrie raised it above her head, and tried to smash the Billy into pieces with it, using all the power of the screwed up cavalry charge.

'Now all that is left is to clean the mess... good that I kept the sword' She swept at the lark, bringing down the sword with a blatant, very unoriginal downwards slash. She was pretty sure that there was nothing left to fear, and turned around to face the remaining virii, that Teethman handled alone so far...

Valkyrie Ride
Rageclaw LarkC(20) into BillyC(20+40)
Sword LarkC
Sword dance dodge
Facing front]