Here I go!

((For the entirety of this topic, send 2-4 10 damage missiles with one stack of homing on them at Frag at random intervals. Yes, this means that you can pelt him with hard-to-dodge missiles whenever you feel like it, but make sure to do so at least once every four turns.))

A swarm of blocks descended from the sky, gathering in a pile on the floor--

A few seconds later, Frag emerged, reassembled and ready to try out this "upgrade" Joseph was talking about...

Rotating his limbs gingerly, he stomped around, feeling the shocks flow up his legs, feeling how much faster his reflexes were--

Of course, he couldn't really see any differences. Shrugging, Frag began looking for something to test his upgrades on--

(BATTLE 1! :D)
Here comes the virus batch!

KabutankA: 80 HP
KabutankB: 80 HP
KabutankC: 80 HP
DBLCUBEA: 100 HP (Blue)
DBLCUBEB: 100 HP (Blue)

Terrain: Checkerboard of Metal and Normal (50% Normal, 50% Metal)

Frag.exe: 100 HP

-Let's battle-
The stage was set, some sort of modern chessboard--except it was only a lone king against an army of barbarians...

Tapping the metal panel underneath him gingerly, Frag grinned at the deep, solid clang it made.

Hot plates. The entire field was littered with hot plates. "No wonder they say white always has an advantage..." Frag chuckled. Hell, he was even going first.

Well. This was too good of an opportunity to pass up, Frag decided. This entire field... was a deathtrap. A sadistic gleam flashed in Frag's eyes, as he leapt off the metal panel, landing on an adjacent patch of normal flooring.

"Let's just fry everything, Joe." Placing one hand on each of the metal panels to his left and right, Frag awaited his Operator--

Before his hands even touched the cool steel, sparks had already began leaping from fingertip to fingertip. His hands aglow, Frag allowed a final dark grin, staring down the pawns and rooks as he plunged his hands down, releasing twin thunder dragons at his foes. Gleaming with primal hunger, the coils of current splashed through the field, transversing the metal panels like serpents from pools of blackened water, their brilliant bodies annihilating all those that dared to reside in their domain.

1. Analyze.
2. Step onto Normal Panel.
3-4. Elecreel1 x2 (80 elec, chains to others) metal panels.

Giga Screen Eraser, yes? :'D
((No... Oh wait... TWO OF THEM? D: ))


Terrain: Checkerboard of Metal and Normal (50% Normal, 50% Metal)

Frag.exe: 100 HP

Get: DBLBEAM1, 400z
"Hah! Who's the king? I'm the king!" Frag reared back, laughing maniacally as the smoldering ashes breezed over the cleared chessfield.

"Is there nothing... nothing that can challenge me?" He demanded, as he stomped through the field, the occasional clang as his foot connected with steel...

((BATTLE 2!))
Frag comes up on another group of viruses!

MarkcannonA 60HP
MarkcannonB 60HP
MarkcannonC 60HP
DBLcubeA<RED> 100HP
DBLcubeB<RED> 100HP
DBLcubeC<RED> 100HP
DBLcubeD<RED> 100HP

Terrain: Normal

Frag 100HP

"What's with these things?" Frag grumbled, as another set of cubes showed up. "Are they totally trying to copy my style or something? And... weren't the last ones blue?!"

"They register as the same virus--I'd wager they have different abilities in each form." Joseph adviced sagely, as he scanned the field--the DBLCUBES weren't their only opponents. "Frag, there's a series of turrets behind the 'cubes!"

"Don't just sit there! Send me something!" Frag exclaimed, as he focused his thoughts--he would take out the evil he knew before facing these strange things...

With a light "ping", Frag's body lit up--

"Bubbler! Heatshot! Boomerang!" Joseph slotted as fast as he could. As he glanced at his PET, he couldn't help but grin--So the new upgrade had already granted Frag new abilities. This should be interesting.

Time drew to a halt. In Frag's mind, he didn't see from his point of view--no, he saw the battlefield from a bird's-eye view, spotting the Markcannons' locations precisely. As a part of his mind calculated the path he would have to take to get within range, another was busily lining up the DBLCUBES in pairs--and another was calculating the risks of letting the blocks live.

Analysis was complete. His path was set. With a sudden thrust, Frag took off at blinding speed, both arms loaded. First releasing the Bubbler, he siezed the kickback and added his own push to it, using the forces to propel himself. Careening over the mass of imitators, Frag discharged the fiery burst behind him at the second pair, using the second blast to boost his speed as his left arm grasped the Boomerang tightly. The parabolic path had already been calculated for wind speed and velocity--Frag hoped that his predictions were correct, as he instinctively hurled the Boomerang, sending the deadly vortex to carve up the viruses--

1. Block: Tactics! (3x Tactical Movement)
*Tactical Movement! Line up DBLcubeA and B!
2. Bubbler (50 aqua, spread) DBLcubeA and B
*Tactical Movement! Line up DBLcubeC and D!
3. Heatshot (40 fire, spread) DBLcubeC and D
*Tactical Movement! Align Boomerang!
4. Boomerang (60, wood, multiple targets) All viruses, focus Markcannons
The boomerang and cannonshots tear into their targets, three markcannons falling to the boomerang as the cannons whale on the cubes. Their colors shift for a moment, and all four of the cubes glow dully, restoring their HP's

MarkcannonA DELETED
MarkcannonB DELETED
MarkcannonC DELETED

Terrain: Normal

Frag 100HP
"Man, totally weak." Frag drawled, as he watched the now blue blocks regenerate. "At least put up a fight, yano?"

As it was, all he had to do was to dispatch them faster than they could heal. "Send me my sword, Joseph." As a blood-red cleaver extended from his right arm, Frag easily walked from cube to cube, running the blade across two of the cubes as he walked easily past them.

Facing the two remaining DBLCUBES, Frag scratched his chin with his free hand, muttering... "No, this isn't right. I need more flair--Joseph, what's that new chip we got?"

Rough schematics of the PhoenixShot beamed itself into Frag's mind, his eyes widening in glee as he realized the destructive potential of this chip. "Send it!"

Chortling darkly as fiery plumage sprouted along his right arm, Frag let the realization sink into the DBLCUBES as he unleashed a brutal torrent of flame, bathing them in destructive heat--

1-2. Sword 2x (80), DBLcubeC-D
3. Line up, prepare
4. PhoenixShot (70, wide), DBLcubeA-B

MarkcannonA DELETED
MarkcannonB DELETED
MarkcannonC DELETED

Terrain: Normal

Frag 100HP

Get: MarkCannon1, 400z
"--And don't come back!" Frag taunted, as he pocketed his winnings. Toying around with one of the charred blocks, he wondered if he could use it somehow--

"Naaah. The material is complete junk." Chuckling, he tossed the DBLcube corpse into the air, firing a volley of buster shots into it for good measure before striding off again.

((Battle... 3?))
Even More Viruses!

ChampuA: 60 HP
ChampuB: 60 HP
ChampuB: 60 HP
BoomerA: 60 HP
BoomerB: 60 HP
BoomerC: 60 HP
StarfishA: 60 HP
StarfishB: 60 HP
StarfishC: 60 HP

Terrain: Normal

Frag.exe: 100 HP

In the middle of his walk, Frag suddenly felt a sharp pain running throughout his entire body, as if entire subsystems that he had no idea existed cried out and went silent. Clutching his chest as the pain subsided, he collapsed on the netscape, spasming--as his body promptly fell apart, the color faded and greyed in all of his blocks except the central white unit.

"Shit." Joseph cringed, as the system readout ran across the PET. He had expected this would happen, but not so damn soon... Frag's not ready... Is he?

"J-Jo! What's going on?" Frag's voice came as a muffled gargle, as his head was buried into the ground.

"Processing is not matching subunit demands and passive subroutines."


"Simply put, Your core can't handle the energy output of your body." Joseph growled, as he worked furiously with a stylus, slashing and trimming on what looked to be Frag's central unit. "Listen. I'm rerouting and reprioritizing your processing power to only your core. It should let you operate with no risk of this happening again--however, there might be a side effect. Just hold on."

"Side effect? What side--"

"Operation start!" Joseph roared, as he stabbed sharply with the stylus, sending all the commands that he had hurridly jotted down into motion. Frag frantically looked around, trying to figure out what was going on as the other blocks of his body began to pulse, shifting between the dull grey and their original colors--

Then, from each set of blocks, an orb of irradiant light erupted, taking all of the color and life from their previous abodes. Before Frag could process what was going on, the spheres had already assembled above him, circling together before merging into a solid opal mass and plunging into his central unit. Memories and thoughts flashed before Frag's eyes, all familiar yet none his own--or at least, not in this incarnation...

"It's good... to be back." Frag smirked, as the main central unit split apart, the outer casing fanning behind him as a stylized armored robot form emerged from within. Smashing his fists together, Frag smirked as a faceplate formed over his mouth. "It's been awhile, hasn't it, Jo?"

I guess he remembers, then. "Welcome back, Net Diver." Joseph cautiously replied, as he analyzed the results of the overhaul.

"No, call me Frag." Frag added, as he flexed his various parts. "I'm still Frag. I just know what I need to do now."

As if heeding his demands, a horde of viruses appeared before Frag, almost begging to be destroyed. "Just like old times..."

Reaching into his now nearly-limitless energy supply, Frag attuned himself for battle. Before him, the space warped and expelled three red blocks, all nearly as big as he was. As Frag gestured, the central red block expanded and split apart, forming a torso casing that fit tightly over his body. The other two blocks reshaped themselves into massive fists, floating beside Frag's body. Shifting his arms slightly to calibrate his systems, Frag nodded in approval as the floating fists followed his each and every movement. "Let's do this." He said, a maniacal gleam in his green eyes.

"Deal with the Champus later." Joseph concluded, as he slotted a pair of chips. "I'm sending in the Boomerang and the Heatshot."

Gathering a swirling mass of energy between his two floating gauntlets, Frag roared "TAKE THIS!" as he hurled what looked to be a blob of pure ectoplasmer at the central Champu before snatching a slender bent green beam out of the air and hurling it at the group of Starfish.

The blob was actually pure energy, with the power to alter data as Frag saw fit. In this unrefined form, however, it would merely explode--and create a solid wall between Frag and his opponent. Confident in his abilities, Frag leveled the Heatshot, lining up the shot the best he could with his disconnected arm.

He felt a little tired after his distracting blast, but he could feel his body revitalizing nearly instantly. He knew, instinctively--those who hadn't paid attention to him before would soon regret it.

Passive: Block: AutoRebuild! (Regen 1)
1. Block: Strength Form! (40 HP casing, Empower[1, 4], Self-Slow)
2. Block: Creation Blast! ChampuB (Sacrifice 1, 60 (+8) damage, Stun 1, 10 HP object in front of target)
3. Boomerang1, StarfishA-C (60 (+8) Wood damage, group)
4. Heatshot, BoomerA-B (40 Fire (+8) damage, Spread 1)
((Demon, you're breaking mah balls))

Frag does some weird shit with blocks and HP and super special moves. The result is, he apparently has armor, took a single HP of damage which'll be healed next turn, and killed some virus. He then hurls a boomerrang to take out two of the starfish and then burns two boomers to death. Both Champu's then beat on Frag, but all they manage to do is get rid of his armor.

ChampuA: 60 HP
ChampuB: DELETED! (10HP blcok where he used to be)
ChampuB: 60 HP
BoomerC: 60 HP
StarfishA: DELETED!
StarfishB: 60 HP
StarfishC: DELETED!

Terrain: Normal

Frag.exe: 99 HP
5 down. 4 left to go. Frag's mind was on fire, as he plotted his next actions--his red armor had shattered from the previous assault, but the gauntlets were still hovering beside him--

He could do it, he realized. Just barely, but it would suffice.

"Let's get the big guns out." He lifted both arms up, the gauntlets twitching in anticipation--

"Bubbler and Shotgun, then." Joseph decided on his own, as he slotted another pair of chips in.

"Bah!" Frag snarled in displeasure, but grabbed the two guns anyhow. Shifting crablike across the terrain, Frag lined up the Champus that had wrecked his battle suit earlier. "You'll get yours..." He growled, as he immediately pivoted and strafed, tumbling across the ground with the Bubbler extended. Before the Champus had realized it, he had already fired the Bubbler into the pair, before discarding the weapon and gripping the Shotgun with both hands.

This would take a bit more power, Frag decided, as his eyes began to glow. White energy rose from his core, swirling into the Shotgun and imbuing it with an eerie light. Combined with the crimson reflection of his gauntlets, the Shotgun was a virtual lightshow.

Thankfully for Frag, the Boomer and the Starfish virus families weren't exactly known for their... mobility. He took his sweet time in lining up the two survivors before cheerfully sending them to the Net's Recycle Bin.

Passive: Regen1 (5HP recovery with each action)
1. Line up Champus.
2. Bubbler (50 Aqua (+8), spread) ChampuA-B
3. Line up Boomer/Starfish.
*Untapped Power! (+10 total damage)
4. Shotgun (50 (+8) (+10/2), spread) BoomerC, StarfishB
Frag fires the bubbler and hits one of the champu. Unfortunately, the block he placed earlier where the middle champu had stood blocks his shot from hitting the last virus. Then, unleashing a slightly powered up shotgun, Frag takes out the other two. During his movements, Frag recovers his lost HP and manages to throw off the last virus's aim enough that its fists only hit air.

ChampuB: 60 HP
StarfishA: DELETED!
StarfishB: DELETED!
StarfishC: DELETED!

Terrain: Normal

Frag.exe: 100 HP
Eyeing the last Champu, Frag chuckled at its futile attempt. "At least you've got spirit." He drawled, as he motioned for another chip. Scooting closer to the Champu, he gave it a few seconds to realize that there was a large green reticle placed squarely over its head. Patting the MarkCannon like an obediant pet, Frag grinned.

"I'm feeling generous today. Go find me something that I wouldn't likely find by myself, and I"ll let you live. Come back soon, though--" His eyes flashed dangerously "--or I'll hunt you down and give you a deletion far, far worse than this."

With the MarkCannon starting to purr, Frag awaited the virus's answer...

1. Prep MarkCannon1 (80 + LockOn), ChampuB
2. Offer. Find an interesting item/battle or die right here. :'D
3-4. Wait for response.
Virus r dum so Farg killz it.

StarfishA: DELETED!
StarfishB: DELETED!
StarfishC: DELETED!

Terrain: Normal

Frag.exe: 100 HP

Rewards: Bubblestar1, 600z
"Warn'd ya." Frag chuckled darkly, as he wiped the smudge off of his MarkCannon. "Now, I wonder if I'll get a challenge?"

((BATTLE 4!))
Virus Attack!

BillyA: 50
BillyB: 50
BillyC: 50
GunnerA: 60
GunnerB: 60
GunnerC: 60
MagtectA: 90
MagtectB: 90
MagtectC: 90
GunnerEXA: 90
GunnerEXB: 90

Frag: 100

Terrein: 15% Metal 85% Normal
One metal patch is in the middle of the field, one is under Frag and the other is a few yards behind the enemies.

Battle 4 Begin