Please do not TL;DR.

As of the writing of this post, I have downloaded, installed, and tested Java 7u10 and 6u38, the latest versions. I have good news for all RE:RN-ers: Java 7u10 is officially Chat Safe. This means you can now use Java 7 with no issues, and you'll be able to enjoy the new features it adds to the chat.... finally.

What does this mean for you? This update is the last convoluted Java update you will ever need to do, and even with that, it's simpler then the previous ones. If you go ahead and perform this update now, you can use Java 7 while browsing and chatting, and then just set Java to update itself quietly in the background without ever having to do this again. No disabling java versions to chat, and enabling them to browse, or swapping versions so you can play MineCraft. This update gets rid of all of that nonsense.

What does this mean for me? Not having to write these posts anymore. Not having to badger you into updating before your web service cuts you off at the ankles and forces you to do it. Not having to worry about table breaking. Not having to worry about whether people can or cannot get on the chat, because they should after this for quite a while into the future.

I suppose Java 8 will be when this mess starts all over again, but we're a good 20 updates away from that yet. That's about a year and a half to 2 years from now.


I recommend downloading the x86 version of Java (which is 32 Bit) because most current browsers are still 32 Bit, and not 64 Bit. This guarantees the best level of performance when Java and Browser interact, regardless of what your OS is. Yes, it is okay if you run 32 Bit Java on a 64 Bit OS. The idea that this is a step backwards in your computer's setup is false. Please read on.

If you are a 64 Bit OS user, you are encouraged to download the x64 (64 Bit, duh) version of Java if you have a 64 Bit browser. There are currently a few 64 Bit browsers out there, which include Opera (not initially user friendly, requires a lot of setup), Internet Explorer (avoid using this if possible), and an unsupported version of FireFox (not recommended because of lack of support). If you have any of these browsers, or another that is not listed, and you know they are 64 Bit, then get x64.

Please note that if you do not use 64 bit java development or programming environments, a 64 bit browser, or MineCraft, 64 Bit Java is both unnecessary and may cause performance drops with 32 Bit Browsers. If you have a 32 Bit browser, and are using 64 Bit java, I cannot be held responsible if it freaks out on you from time to time.

You must follow the below steps without cutting any corners. If you skip a step, and something doesn't work, then you will have to start over from the beginning.

Okay, so here's how to fully and properly update Java for any and all browsers:

Step 1: Go to the two links I have posted below, and download the Offline versions of the Java files. x86 preferred, x64 if you have MineCraft and a 64 Bit OS. Remember to accept the ULA first.

Java 7u10

Java 6u38

Step 2: While these two files are donwloading, please copy the remainder of this post into Notepad, Wordpad, Office, or whatever word processor you have on hand. Also be sure to have the folder where you are downloading these files to open before going to step 3 so you can get at them without having to look for them later.

Step 3: Once your two files have finished downloading: Close your Browser.

Step 4: We are now going to remove your existing Java from your PC. First, you will need to get there. Here is how:

    [li]Windows XP users: Start Menu > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs

    [li]Windows Vista and 7 users: Start Menu > Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall A Program

  • Windows 8 users: Start Screen > Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall A Program
Step 5: A window or screen will appear on the monitor. Wait for it to load. There will be a list of programs. Find Java in this list. There may be more than one Java. That's okay. Remove or Uninstall all instances Java 6 and Java 7 from your computer using this interface.

Step 6: Once all Java 6 and 7 is removed from the system, close the window and flip over to the window that has the downloaded Java installers inside it. Run one of them.

Step 7: Once the first installer has completed it's task, run the other.

Step 8: Once the last installer has run: Start your browser. Many users will be done at this step. For those that are not....

Step 9: When starting your browser, a screen may appear asking you for permission to install a Java control extension or plugin. Allow it and restart the browser. You should be done after this step.

Happy browsing. : )

You must follow the above steps without cutting any corners. If you skip a step, and something doesn't work, then you will have to start over from the beginning.

If there are any problems unrelated to the steps above or something goes terribly wrong (no idea why it should, but hey, it happens), please contact me by Forum PM.