.GMO Mission

Wondering if you have any random jobs on the reward level for a Level 12 .GMO mission. Hit me a reply back.

-Fujiwara Shin
Thank you for your interest. As of now, we have a report that an unknown being is present in the Dentech Areas, said to be harassing certain student Navis. We would like for you to investigate this disturbance, and, if required, to put a stop to it. Please respond if you are willing to take this mission.

~ Global Network Administration

(Moderator: Fera)
No problem, exterminating is my breakfast.

...or something along those lines. I'm ready.

-Fujiwara Shin
Good to see your enthusiasm. The latest report of the creature is attached. When you arrive at the Dentech Network, open the document attached and use it as you see fit. We hope to see good results from your expedition.

~ Global Network Administration

[ Attached: Report.docx ]
Leave it to me! And... docx? Wow, this brings back some memories.

-Fujiwara Shin
Shin here, we have defeated what originally appeared to be a giant perverted unicorn, but was actually a .GMO projected by possibly a navi, but "an incorporeal dark humanoid figure, black and void, floating in a creepy manner and holding a gigantic blade in its hand" would probably be a more detailed description.

Anywho, we have successfully accomplished defeated the presence.

-Fujiwara Shin
Hm, this is most... interesting. Your assistance is highly appreciated, Mr. Fujiwara. Here is the promised GMO base.


[ Attached: Blank.GMO ]
Thanks, hope to see you again.

-Fujiwara Shin