Another Reasonably Priced Charge+1

I have another Charge+1 going on sale now. It will go to whoever pays the best price for it.

875 a guard1 and a recovery10 chip? How does that sound? I'd really need that NCP fast!

- Sieg
If you increase it to 950 and the chips it is done, otherwise I will wait for a better offer.

More cash instead of the Recover10 is also acceptable.
Quite frankly, I have most of my trades planned out well in advance, so I simply can't give more than 875... but how about I throw in a rageclaw too? Though then I'd have to lower the money to say... 275.

- Sieg

You should really stop this babbling. If he doesn't want the offer, fine, I bet there are lots of people who want to get rid of their NCPs for a good price.

- Valkyrie

I deem this an acceptable trade:

Attached: Charge+1

- Sieg

Attached: Rageclaw, Recov10, Guard1 and 275Z.
No Shigure here, right? I heard about him from Persephone and she told me he's a total j-- I mean... Let me do your trades quickly.

To Chad: 1x RageClaw chip; 1x Recov10 chip; 1x Guard1 chip; 275 zenny.
To Sieg: 1x Charge+1 NCPart.

Have a nice day, folks.