In Pursuit of Strength

(Jack in from ACDC Town)

Fictious smiles slightly as he takes in the area. ACDC Net is a pretty peaceful place. The streets look well maintenance, and it is known for having very mild viruses. It's the perfect place to start off.

'Morin may be unstable, but at least he isn't stupid.'

"Alright, where are we heading too?"

His creator's voice reaches his ears, "Nowhere in particular. Let's see if we can track down some mystery data, perhaps. We need money, chips, and battle experience. Thus..."

Fictious grins widely, holding a black crystal sheathed hand in front of his face, palm open. His eyes widen slightly as the white ring around his wrist spins faster, glowing with the white light in response to his anticipation as he speaks, "Finally, I can test my strength."

He walks forward into the depths of the net, eyes alight with excitement.

In the real world, Morin smiles subtly, '"Finally, I can test my strength?" Hypocrite...I knew he understood drama. Then again...maybe he doesn't. It would really be for the best.'

[Awaiting First Wave]
Starting off slow and easy, Fictious began his virus busting at the peaceful ACDC network. As luck would have it, he did come across a mystery data within minutes of his little journey...But it was unfortunately guarded by three pesky Metools! Now is the time to show your strength and prove your worth, go for broke!

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

GMD: 15 HP

100% Normal

Fictious.EXE: 100 HP

With three Metools standing sentinel over the Green Mystery Data, Fictious smirked. This was going to be fun.

"3 Metools-good start. Can you send down some Chip Data, Morin?"

Outside Morin withdrew his four chips, looking forward to increasing that number in the near future, and glanced over them.

"Yes,this should do well. Let's open with RageClaw1" His ferocious smile widened greatly as he inserted his a chip, or three, for the first time.

His smile was replicated on Fictious's face when Chip Data bloomed in his mind. Long clawed gauntlets of red crystal formed around his hands, the crimson blades shining as the white light from his wrist ring poured into them and was transmuted into a ruby glow.

Not hesitating, he lunged for a Metool that was standing further to the side of the GMD (rather than in directly front of it), so as to avoid knocking anything into the object of his interest, and attempted to ravage it with a swipe of his long claws.

Hoping for a successful hit, he quickly turned towards another Metool that had been more centered to the front of the GMD and unleashed his second chip, lightning enveloping his hand as he fired a MaruBlaster1 into his new target at point-blank range.


1: Lunge for Metool.
2: RageClaw1(Null 40+Slashing)(Sword-type)
3: MaruBlaster1(Elec 60+Glitch)(Accuracy A after Sword or Melee)

Climatic Finish: Ready
[Just a note, you [b]must[/b] specify targets for your actions in the summary so we know exactly what you are attacking with each action. It just helps things over all, accuracy is also helpful to add]

Seeing the trio of what was probably the most common virus of all, the navi quickly rushed them and with his new clawed gauntlet sliced and diced one of them to bits, and with the rush of battle took aim and easily struck down a second one in a matter of seconds. Though the last remaining virus seemed quite unhappy over it all, as it quickly sent a shockwave towards the navi, only for it to have been a little too quick and missed him completely.

Metool A: Deleted
Metool B: 40HP
Metool C: Deleted

100% Normal

Fictious: 100HP

Morin examines the battlefield from his screen, watching as the Metool's attack misses, he contemplates their next move. 'The situation is fairly simple, is our debut. We should finish this with proper flare.'

Relief sweeps through Fictious as the shockwave goes wide, and he focuses his gaze on the source of the attack as he calls out to his Operator, "Well? Are you going to send the Chip Data, or should I just delete it without you?"

Fictious can almost feel his Operator's glare as he answers, "There is no way this fight will end so generically. We'll close this battle properly. Here, take this. Crush this virus."

As the Chip Data unfolds, in Fictious's mind, he nods decisively, "Gladly."

He glares at the Metool,"This is the end. You cannot escape, virus. I have come, and I will not fail." He raises his hand as if to summon his newly loaded Chip, and brings his will to bare.

With a bright glow, a shifting circle of purple, red, and silver text-Latin, to be precise-appeared on the ground where the Metool had been standing. The drama of the situation should force the Metool to stand and fight-or be deleted. If the Metool didn't overcome it and escape the scene, that is.

It doesn't matter much, however, as Fictious intends to make sure it is deleted either way.

Activating his Chip Data, which had been enhanced by his orchestrated scene, a cannon appears on his arm.

Embracing the power of the scene by taking careful aim at his enemy, he fires.


1: Climatic Finish: [Nerf: Charge Time 1] (Build Dramatic Tension)
2: Climatic Finish:[Multistage(Hold;Ground Attack(Accuracy B if target is on Ground) on Metool B ) Then (Take Aim+Strengthen 30 on Self)]
3: Cannon(Null 40, Knockback, Accuracy A on Metool B

Climatic Finish: 3TCD
[Just a quick tip or two: Strengthen should be listed into the attack you want to use it, and can be done so in any amount you want, anything not used will carry over to the following turns until used, but not into next battles, all buffs are lost at the end of a battle. Take Aim however needs to be used that turn as it won't carry over. Likewise, Take Aim can only boost a Battlechip up to A accuracy, it has no effect on chips that are already of that accuracy or better. Just some friendly tips ;)]

With a quick exchange and plans made, the navi decided to kick things off with a build-up and challenge to Metool ahead, though when the virus saw the ground below start to light up it quickly hopped forward in surprise at trying to avoid it. Completely missing that a cannon blast had been sent its way, promptly deleting it without a chance for it to see it coming, promptly ending the battle.

Metool A: Deleted
Metool B: Deleted
Metool C: Deleted

100% Normal

Fictious: 100HP [30 Strengthen]


—Battle 1, Victory!—
Fictious: 180z, Guard1

Quote ()

Effect: (1 Hit Shield) + (Reflect(up to 60 + Piercing + Line Attack): On Hit)
Accuracy: S
Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a hyper-fast damage ray.
Duration: Until broken or overridden.
Element: Null
Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact.
Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.

[Open GMD? ([b]Y/N[/b]?)]
[Thanks, Morisha. I'm still getting a feel for this, and truly appreciate your advice-it will be of great help in the future.]

As the Metool vanished from existence, a floating sphere of data appeared in its place.

Eagerly collecting Zenny and sending the Guard1 chip to Morin, Fictious took a moment to savor his first victory, "'s a wonderful feeling. The thrill of battle, the pride born of proving yourself, and the rush of obtaining a well-earned reward...this is what it means to feel alive."

While not disagreeing, Morin knew that it was but the first page of a very long epic, 'This one I look forward to living.' Choosing not to taint his Navi's pleasure by reminding him how much farther they had to go, he simply added the Guard1 chip to their folder and said, "Indeed, this is...wonderful. Now, let us see what lies secret in the heart of this beautiful gem."

Fictious quirks an eyebrow at his Operator's flowery language and decides to mess with him a little, "...what?"

Morin lets out a long-weary sigh, "...please, let's see what's inside that Mystery Data. I'm very curious as to what we have found."

Fictious just smiles at his creator's exasperation and moves to open the crystalline Data.
Stepping up and tapping the floating crystal of green, it would soon crack and finally shatter in a brilliant flash of light. Which, as it started to fade, left the remains of a new Battlechip!

[GMD Opened]
Fictious: NumberBall1

Quote ()

Damage: ?? x 3 Targets
Accuracy: C
Description: Player rolls out three balls towards the enemies, each one with an attack power equal to the players last two HP digits when they were launched (I.E. 140HP = 40dmg balls)
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Morin quickly added their new NumberBall1 chip to Fictious's folder, "That makes six. We're off to an excellent start."

Fictious nodded at his words, but was more focused on the chip itself, "This chip has a lot of potential, but you really need to buy an HP memory soon. This will do nothing if I'm my health is at 100."

Morin nodded, but made no move to jack out, "Indeed, it will soon be time for your first upgrades. I don't think we should do that quite yet, however. For now, let us head deeper. Upgrades do cost money, after all."

Fictious shrugged, "I won't complain. I'm still uninjured, and we've got new chips to try out. Let's see how far we can go."

Morin agreed, but was somewhat worried by his partner's confidence, "I agree, let us test our strength. I'll remind you, however, that we've only fought Metools. They're the weakest, most common virus on the net. Future battles will be far more difficult for us."

Fictious grimaced at the reminder, "I know that, but I'm not going to let it shake me. I may just be getting started, but I'm not going to hesitate. As you would put it, 'It has begun, and nothing shall turn me from my path.'"

Morin smiled slightly. That did sound like something he would say, "Very well, let us advance without fail. These viruses will fall before our power!"

Fictious just smirked, eagerly striding further into ACDC Net.

[Awaiting the second battle.]
Eager to test his strength, Fictious continued moving through the ACDC network...

He came across a trio of the turret virus, along with one Metool, that was eager to fight the navi head on. However, before the battle began, the Metool lodged its pickaxe down into the ground, causing the panels surrounding the viruses to crack and become brittle! Thinking that this was some tactic to ward off any one else from getting close...Will Fictious prove that this was a successful tactic or not?!

CannonDumbA: 50 HP
CannonDumbB: 50 HP
CannonDumbC: 50 HP
Metool: 40 HP

80% Normal
20% Cracked (Surrounding the Viruses)

Fictious.EXE: 100 HP

After running into a quartet of viruses, Fictious grinned in anticipation. If such an easy battle had been a rush, then a harder one...faint, slightly maniacal laughter slipped from between his lips as he imagined it. He almost missed it as the Metool of the group fractured the ground beneath it.

Thankfully, Morin was there to calm him down, "Focus, Fictious. Going berserk will just get you killed."

Fictious took a deep, calming breath and tried to evaluate the situation properly. The cracked terrain could be a problem...or perhaps not. "Send me that Shotgun Chip, Guard1, and the RageClaw1."

In the corporeal world, Morin frowns, "RageClaws? If you get onto that cracked ground, it could collapse under you.

"If I intended to fight on cracked ground, that would be a problem."

After a moment, Morin's expression eased into a smile, "I see...that should work quite well. I'm sending you your chips.

Fictious nodded, extending his hand to his side with fingers extended. As the crystal covering his lower arm vanished, said arm was reconfigured into something altogether new.

A long, angular barrel of green crystal extended outwards, linking back to the still-existent white ring, which had moved up almost as far as his elbow via long ribbons of similar crystal, slowly transitioning from green to white. The white light from the ring turned emerald as it filled the newly formed weapon.

Fictious approached the cracked area with haste, positioning himself so as to line up a shot to hit two of the, thankfully immobile, Cannondumbs. Bringing his newly formed Shotgun to bare he fired a shot at the front Cannodumb and hoped that the one behind it wouldn't be spared.

Firmly setting his feet, he reached inwards and ignited the program within him, transforming most of the cracked terrain into Solar terrain using his SetSolar program.

With the territory now his, he set his feet to prepare for the oncoming assault, and activated his Guard1 chip. As the bright yellow shield appeared in his grasp, he locked his gaze on his adversaries, "Let's see what you can do."


1: Approach and line up Cannondumb A and Cannondumb B in preparation for Shotgun blast.

2: ShotGun[Null 50+Spread1]; Accuracy A @ Cannondumb A with hopes of hitting Cannodumb B.

*SetSolar NCP

3: Guard1[(1 Hit Shield) + (Reflect(Up to 60 + Piercing + Line Attack): On Hit)]; Accuracy S; Negated by Break; Ignores Impact; Blocks Debuffs

Climatic Finish: 2 TCD

[I edited this after realizing that SetSolar was a free action. Is editing unmoderated posts allowed? If not, I will refrain in the future and change this back.]
((You can make as many edit as you want. Of course, you can't edit a post that has already been modded.

Also, the cooldown for signature attacks doesn't continue on from previous battles. All of them reset after each battle~))

Fictious made the bold choice to go on the offensive against the defensive viruses, running right at them with his weapon ready. This only made things easier for the CannonDumbs as they began to open fire at the navi, landing a solid blow directly to his chest.

However, the attack didn't stop the navi from firing his own as the shotgun successfully pelted the two turrets with ease, leaving only two viruses behind. The sudden change of the terrain had made things uneasy for the Metool who tried so hard to prepare the cracked panels, soon becoming agitated enough to attack Fictious, who thankfully had his guard ready to reflect the damage back!

CannonDumbA: DELETED
CannonDumbB: DELETED
CannonDumbC: 50 HP
Metool: 30 HP (Solar)

50% Normal
40% Solar
10% Cracked (Surrounding the Viruses)

Fictious.EXE: 80 HP [Guard Broken] (Solar)
Enjoying the surprise on the Metool's face as it's strength was turned back on itself, Fictious took a moment to smirk at the remaining Cannondumb-the one who had shot him earlier, "Thanks for that, by the way."

He didn't bother to explain, of course. Morin had always said that monologuing, while fun, always left you vulnerable. It was only good for building Dramatic Tension, which he had no need of at the moment.

Instead he called up his crimson RageClaws and slashed ferociously for the still-surprised Metool, hoping to delete the unusually clever virus, and turned towards the Cannondumb with his claws at the ready.

Morin interrupted at that moment, however, much to Fictious's chagrin, "Here, use this." Fictious's irritation vanished as two pieces of Chip Data unfurled in his mind.

Activating the first, his claws shattered as lightning enveloped his right arm. Without hesitating, he smirked as he unleashed it upon the Cannondumb virus.

That would probably be enough. Even if it wasn't though, he still had his last chip.

Although slightly irritated that he'd had to be...realistic...and send that cannon to Fictious, Morin shook off his discomfort as he looked down at his Navi through the right screen of his PET.

Morin smiled.


-Turn Splice-

1: RageClaw1[Null 40 + Slashing (Attack)]; Sword Type; Accuracy B @ Metool

2: MaruBlaster1[Elec 60+Glitch]; Accuracy B (A after Sword or Melee) @ Cannondumb C


Climatic Finish: Ready
Though the Metool may have been caught by a surprise by all of Fictious' doings, it was still the same clever virus as it somehow dodged all of the swings and slashes from the navi! And at the same time, it was able to hurl its pickax at Fictious, wounding the navi even more.

The CannonDumb on the other hand... Sure wished that it had some legs to move away from the lightning attack, but unfortunately, it didn't have any and was simply zapped into bits of useless data.

The battle was still far from over, thanks to the dastardly Metool, but the solar panel Fictious was standing on slowly sent energy into the navi's body as it mended some of his wounds! How convenient

CannonDumbA: DELETED
CannonDumbB: DELETED
CannonDumbC: DELETED
Metool: 30 HP (Solar)

50% Normal
40% Solar
10% Cracked (Surrounding the Viruses)

Fictious.EXE: 80 HP (Solar) [1 Action left]
Morin grimaced at the sight of the surviving Metool, "That's unfortunate. Let us end this, Fictious.

Fictious rolled his eyes at the order, "...because I wouldn't have done that anyway, yeah. That's just excessive, Morin."

Igniting his chip, he decided to give it a little something extra. Strengthening it's potential for destruction, he allowed the familiar Cannon to form around his hand. Bringing it up quickly-he was still pretty closed to that Metool, and didn't want to be attacked while distracted-he fired directly for the obscenely common virus, hoping that the shot would hit.


*Smash (Subtype Ability; Adds Break)
3: Cannon [Null 40+Knockback+Break]; Accuracy A @ Metool


Climatic Finish: Ready
As if he was killing him out of mercy, Fictious shot the poor Metool right up close, deleting the last of the group for good. More money was to be found from the remains of the viruses, giving more wealth and power to the navi!

CannonDumbA: DELETED
CannonDumbB: DELETED
CannonDumbC: DELETED

50% Normal
40% Solar
10% Cracked (Surrounding the Viruses)

Fictious.EXE: 85 HP (Solar)

Fictious happily accessed the sphere of data left behind by the Metool. Collecting the Zenny, he quickly loaded it into the PET.

Morin's voice sounded in his ears, "Alright, that makes 540z. An excellent start, but not enough. Are you alright for another round?"

Fictious rolled his eyes (an action which-in his opinion-was far too familiar to him), "We've barely gotten started. I'm not going anywhere except forwards.

Morin smiled at his Navi's confidence, "Very well, but don't let your guard down."

Fictious headed deeper into the Net.

Outside, however, Morin was rather busy. His Navi's left screen had been filled by something new.

His smile vanished completely as he stared down at the face in front of him, "Anton Vinter, you were my father's first partner. You are also his first betrayer.

A cold, sadistic smile crept across Morin's face, "I look forward to breaking you."[color=grey][/color]

[Awaiting the Third Battle]
Speaking of breaking, as if the world has developed mind reading just for the sake of reading Morin's, a pair of Oldstove and another pair of Beetank stood in Fictious' way. The fiery viruses were constantly spewing out streams of fire to keep the navi at bay, while the tanks fired warning shots as the bullets broke a good chunk of the ground they were standing on!

OldstoveA: 50 HP
OldstoveB: 50 HP
BeetankA: 80 HP
BeetankB: 80 HP

80% Normal
20% Cracked (Random)

Fictious.EXE: 85 HP