"[Holoß.net] installed and fully operational"

Pain shot across Holoß's face as he landed. This crashing into the ground bit is becoming an all to common occurrence... the Navi dryly noted as he pushed himself back to his feet. As he dusted himself off, he saw something rapidly approaching him from the direction he was just knocked away from. In a flash of claw and fur he raised his well worn RageClaw, ready to make a retaliatory strike against... the textbox. Lowering his guard, he took a cursory glance at his current situation, the black square dutifully shrinking down and flying behind his head screen.

"We're almost out of ranged chips," reported Aelieth, twiddling his lone remaining chip around his fingers. "Actually, we're about out of chips, period... I'm gonna hold off on sending you the Shotgun until you get closer. We need to make what hits we have left count, and firing at this range risks missing entirely."

Holo nodded his acknowledgement.

"In the mean time, he's at the advantage so long as he keeps us at range. I mean, it's practically a shooting gallery with all this open space... Let's see if you can't give him a bit more sport." Aelieth grinned.

The Navi nodded again, a determined glint in his eyes. Sidling up to face the Navi, Holo stood at the ready, clenching his fists as the the pair had their standoff. Without warning, Holo attacked, electricity arcing between his projectors as he angled them to target the HeelNavi. Lances of blinding light exploded out from Beta, all of the energy deflected forward to speed towards the Vulcan-toting Navi. Once more his projections faltered, briefly fading before the generators were able to compensate for the power they'd just launched at his foe. Holo began to move, sluggishly at first, but rapidly gaining speed as he serpentined across the battlefield.

1. Brightness Spike (30 damage + Elec + Blind + 10 Untapped Power)
2. Brightness Spike (1 action recovery)
3. Dodge (moving closer to the Navi if I can)

[RageClaw active: 13 uses until break]
[Brightness Spike: 3 TCD remaining]
Holo blasts the Heelnavi with a burst of blinding light, disorienting the Navi. He fires randomly with his Vulcan in retaliation, but the combination of his obscured vision and the large distance Holo avoids the shots easily. He manages to close the gap, but is still a ways away from melee range.

HeelnaviA: 50 (Vulcan1 equipped) [1 Action away] [Blind]
HeelnaviB: DELETED

Holoß: 60 (Rageclaw1)
"Alright, he's blinded! Time to take him out!" cheered Aelieth, whooping as he slotted in the busting duo's last Battle Chip. Holoß responded by breaking out of his serpentine dodging. Ready to use his visually challenged enemy's weakness to the full effect, he charged the HeelNavi, legs pounding full bore as he fought to close the gap before the advantage was lost. As the distance between the two flew by, Holo readied the ranged battle chip.

Just before he was about to collide into his enemy, Holoß planted his clawed hand onto the ground, pushing up with tremendous force and launching himself into a spinning vault over the Navi. At the point where the mass of projectors and claw were directly over a seemingly unaware target, Holo's legs flashed white, two ornate shotgun barrels materializing from the waist down. He swung the cylinders to bear on the Navi and a duet of explosive volleys rained down upon him. He landed on the other side, his legs reverting to normal as he touched down.

Better not leave anything to chance... he thought, tensing in a crouch before springing up to meet the purple ((or is it black in this case?)) Navi with his claws. A powerful upward strike sent the razor sharp talons slashing at the HeelNavi. He let the momentum of the attack carry him through, spinning to the side before he turned to see if he had hit true...

1. Close the gap
2. Shotgun (50 damage + spread 1. HeelNaviA)
3. RageClaw, just to be sure (40 damage + slashing + 10 Untapped Power. HeelNaviA)
Holo somersaults into the air and blasts his Shotgun at the Heelnavi, before descending upon the miscreant with the justice of his Rageclaw. All was well.

HeelnaviA: DELETED
HeelnaviB: DELETED

Holoß: 60

Get: 2000z
Holo relaxed as the last fragments of the HeelNavi floated away. He allowed the RageClaw to dissipate, a regular hand reaching out and grasping the reward data. Accessing it, he dutifully transferred the funds to the PET, Aelieth watching as the numbers continued to rise.

"Cripes, they had a decent amount on 'em..." He commented, closing the reporting application. "Alright, let's see what we can burn this money on..." He said, grinning. Holo nodded, then disappeared from the Net.