Pizza Problems.

Cyclone beamed into the OVEN.comp in a flash of blue light, totally ignoring the boring cliche. As soon as he entered the area, Cyclone was aware of the intense heat all around him. He began to fan himself furiously, while starting, "Do I have to fight in this heat?"

"Yeah... Sorry, Cyclone." Shinko said, feeling guilty. His navi hadn't really been in any other areas besides basic ones, so this heat was new to him. He smiled, and said, "Well, get moving. We have to find those virii, and fast. Or else that guy on the phone's gonna punch our ticket good."

"Yeah...." Cyclone said, obviously annoyed. He began to hover along at a quick pace, scanning the area for any virii in the oven's steaming computer.
He finds Metools damaging the circuitry and STUF.

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

Cyclone.exe: 100 HP

Cyclone whipped around to face the viruses.

"There they are, Shinko!" he called out, pointing. He pulled out his propellerang, and got into fighting position. He was pumped up; he hadn't been in a virus battle for forever. Shinko smiled at Cyclone's audaciousness, and said, "Alright, Cyclone! Let's blast these viruses and deliver those pizzas!"

Shinko slotted in a Cannon Chip, and watched as the data streamed into Cyclone's right arm. His light blue armor gave way to the large, mechanical bulge that grew out of his arm, and formed a large, futuristic cannon. Cyclone took aim at one of the Metools, dodging the shock waves left and right. Once he got a clear shot, he let loose with a yellow beam the went hurtling at the first Metool. Right after firing, the cannon disappeared from his arm and returned to normal. Cyclone got ready to dodge any more incoming attacks.

1. Cannon(40) > MetoolA
2. Dodge
3. Dodge

MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

Cyclone.exe: 100 HP
(( What was I SUPPOSED to do?! ))

"Alright!" Cyclone cheered. "One down, two to go." He turned his head up to Shinko's monitor, and said, "Okay, Shinko! Gimme another chip, an' these guys're history." Shinko agreed silently, and slotted in his next chip, a Shotgun. This was his favorite chip so far, as it was the most powerful and could hit more than on enemy if shot correctly.

Once again, Cyclone's arm morphed into his weapon; a large, blue cylinder with an opening at the end. Repeating his previous strategy, he weaved in and out of the Mets' attacks until he was right up close, only about 7 feet away. Once he got into point-blank range, he fired multiple blue beams that aimed to pepper the Met before him.

1. Shotgun(50, splash) > MetB
2. Dodge
3. Dodge
Dead. Everything, just, died...

MetoolB: DEAD
MetoolC: JUST... DEAD

Cyclone.exe: 100 HP

Get: 200z
Cyclone quickly collected the Zenny, and turned up to Shinko again.

"So..." he began. "Shall we go?"

"No...Something's wrong!" Shinko exclaimed. "The oven hasn't cooled off yet... there's probably more viruses!" Cyclone's face formed a deep scowl, and he muttered, "Are you kidding me...those weren't the only ones? Before we even know it, we're gonna be on a full-fledged virus hunt."

Cyclone looked around, before flying off in a random direction in search of the rest of the viruses.
Some Bunnies and Canondumbs are damaging the enviornment. The evidence is in the terrain.

BunnyA: 50 HP
BunnyB: 50 HP
BunnyC: 50 HP
CanondumbA: 50 HP
CanondumbB: 50 HP

Terrain: 50% Normal, 50% Cracked

Cyclone.exe: 100 HP

((Ugh, sorry about not being here. I've been overflow'd with work and stuff, so now I shall post. :3 ))

Cyclone stopped dead as soon as he saw the viruses. He turned to Shinko's monitor, and said, "These viruses look a lot tougher than that last group..."

"I'll say." agreed Shinko. "These must be the right viruses. Since they don't seem to have noticed us yet, I suppose we should attack the strongest one first, for the element of surprise."

"Alright..." Cyclone said, pondering his options while inspecting the viruses. "We should probably focus of those Cannondumbs, there shots can be pretty damaging." Without further words, Shinko slotted in the Shotgun chip that he has used last round. Once Cyclone was armed with the weapon, he flew high into the air, and and pointed the gun straight down on top of the Cannondumb. In a blue burst, shots came raining down, hopefully destroying the virus that was aimed at. After firing, Cyclone came down, but remained a good 6 feet off of the ground, ready for the retaliation.

1. Shotgun(50) > CannondumbA
2. Dodge
3. Dodge

(( Once I get better chips, I'll do more original attacks. >_> ))
Cyclone blasts the Canondumbs to bits, then he dodges, but sometimes he steps on a cracked panel and makes holes.

BunnyA: 50 HP
BunnyB: 50 HP
BunnyC: 50 HP
CanondumbA: DELETED
CanondumbB: DELETED

Terrain: 50% Normal, 49% Cracked, 1% Hole

Cyclone.exe: 100 HP
(( Lol, procrastination. Sorry, I was on vacation in Florida, and couldn't risk coming onto the forums. :3 ))

Cyclone smiled as he watched the Cannondumbs explode, and kept moving around his enemies in a caravan-indian like style. He knew that his normal weapon was rather weak and mostly good for last results, so he muttered to his operator, "Send me a chip, will ya?"

Shinko responded by tossing in a Cannon. As Cyclone's arm once again changed to morph into the Cannon, Cyclone sighed. He wished he had stronger chips, since this one wouldn't be much against these guys. Either way, he quickly took aim at the Bunnies, be fore firing, but then flying into the air again. From there he took a normal, uncharged buster, and rained down shots onto the same enemy.

1. Cannon(40) > BunnyA
2. Buster(8) > BunnyA
3. Dodge
Cyclone hits a Bunny. Rabbit hater. D:<
Another one fires at him, but misses.

BunnyA: 2 HP
BunnyB: 50 HP
BunnyC: 50 HP
CanondumbA: DELETED
CanondumbB: DELETED

Terrain: 50% Normal, 49% Cracked, 1% Hole

Cyclone.exe: 100 HP
((I know I'm not supposed to post here.
1. Shotgun(50) > CannondumbA
2. Dodge
3. Dodge
1. Shotgun(50, splash) > MetB
2. Dodge
3. Dodge
Thought you couldn't use the same chips twice...??))
Those were also from two different battles, Hiko.)
((But the same thing...))
Those were different battles? *OBLIVIOUS BACKFIRE*
Sorry, Hiko. Ignore it.)
(( Short post, near sleep time. XD ))

Cyclone sighed. He knew that his attacks would not be able to destroy the Bunny completely, but it was severely damaged. Cyclone decided to finish it off then, as it would be easier to deal with two strong bunnies than three weaker ones. Once again firing off a round of shots, Cyclone moves as fast as he can to the other side of the field, also blasting the one of the other Bunnies with normal shots.

1. Normal Shot(8) > BunnyA
2. Normal Shot(8) > BunnyB
3. Dodge
One down.

BunnyB: 42 HP
BunnyC: 50 HP
CanondumbA: DELETED
CanondumbB: DELETED

Terrain: 50% Normal, 49% Cracked, 1% Hole

Cyclone.exe: 100 HP
Cyclone smiled, but he knew the battle was far from over. The Bunnies were quite agile, and had plenty of health to boot. He knew that it would be a good time to use his Signature move, Hurricane. It was easily strong enough to take out another Bunny, so his decision was final.

Cyclone suddenly stopped in his tracks, breaking the steady circle he was making as he strafed the virii. He put his arms out as wide as the could go, and slowly- but strongly- he brought his hands together, creating a large ball of wind in between them. The orb was a solid grey-blue, swirling and mixing as it pleased. Cyclone's eyes were closed in concentration, and once he was done gathering the energy, he slowly opened them. He muttered, "Hurricane" and tossed forth the ball, thrusting it forward with great speed.

Not 3 meters away, the ball suddenly burst, and a tall tornado was in its place. It charged forwards towards the hapless virus, a damaging twister of wind and debris. Almost immediately, Cyclone fell to his knees, out of breath from the attack he just made. He figured that he could fire off another round of shots at the one he hit before; no sense in letting the retaliate.

1. Hurricane(60) > BunnyC
2. Nrmlsht(8) > BunnyB
Your Tornado takes out one of the bunnies, and you wound one of the other ones. The last viruses fired a ring of electricity, which was dodged by Cyclone.

BunnyB: 34 HP
BunnyC: Gone with the wind~
CanondumbA: DELETED
CanondumbB: DELETED

Terrain: 50% Normal, 49% Cracked, 1% Hole

Cyclone.exe: 100 HP