The Dark Knight Returns Once More!

"Well, that was anti-climatic." Zan muttered under his breath as the wolf-like Navi was devastated by the attacks of the cloaked being.

"Sire," Runeknight chided. "That warrior came to our aid. Shall we stand here and insult his courage or shall we help him from his current predicament?"

"Yeah, yeah. You're right. Let's see what we can do to help him out."

"Sire, that nexus within Uni's cloak seems to be attempting to consume our benefactor. How shall I proceed?"

"Well, I don't know anything about stopping black holes, but perhaps we can distract Uni or at least turn his attention to us for the time being. I'm sending you two BattleChips. The first may help our new comrade while the second should aid in distracting the mage. Attack from behind and draw his attention away from Shinokami."

"I am loath to strike such a roguish blow, but we must protect our erstwhile comrade."

Runeknight nodded to himself, steeling his nerve for the onslaught to come. In order to protect his newest comrade, he would be forced to rush headlong into danger and he accepted that. Such dangers were a part of his life, a large part that contain his ideals and his code of honor.

Runeknight held out his hand, the jet black armor that covered his form flashing momentarily as a small cube materialized in a flash of cobalt light. The cube was roughly four square inches in diameter. It floated a few inches above his armored palm and rotated slowly, an inner light flashing crimson ad cobalt in alternating strobes. Runeknight knew that the magic of the cube was fickle, but he had to have faith. He lobbed the cube into the sky and said a silent prayer.

The cube grew as it ascended. It doubled in size and kept on doubling until it was larger than the Navi himself. It rotated faster now, its lights flashing at a rapid pace. The entirety of the battlefield was bathed in alternating blasts of crimson and cobalt light. Where the cube would stop, Runeknight had no idea. He merely kept his faith as the cube continued to throw long shadows across the Net.

Smiling grimly beneath his visor, Runeknight charged. He did not run towards his opponent, but around him, strafing the mysterious magician that seemed to control the very stars with his wondrous cloak. He dodged behind Uni, hoping to get a good view of the Navi, hoping that his attacks would not faze right into the cloak that seemed to have become a veritable nexus of gravitic energy.

Runeknight raised his left hand, a flash of cobalt light signaling the emergence of one of his weapons, and his black lacquered crossbow responded. It appeared in his hand, a single arrow already locked and loaded. A small wooden case appeared in the Navi's other hand and he connected it to the stock of his crossbow. The case merged perfectly, allowing the arrows within to be loaded into the crossbow at a rapid pace. The Navi took aim, the center of Uni's chest aligning with the sights mounted on the crossbow. He slipped his finger over the trigger and squeezed back with a light touch.

A multitude of crossbow quarrels ripped through the air, heading straight toward the cloaked figure of Uni.

Runeknight tossed aside his crossbow and brought up another shield. He hoped that his attack was enough, that he could distract Uni long enough for his companion to retreat or heal and continue the fight.

Knightly Aura is Active(Damage Reduction of 10 for 2 hits)
1. DBLCube(30) to Uni or heal(30) to Runeknight and Shinokami
2. Dodge behind Uni
3. Vulcan2(5x15) to Uni
4. Guard1 to self
((Laziness post away! Sorry, hooked on my new hardware set-up))

Shinokami was left almost for dead after the flurry of attacks, yet he still stood upright, although partially using Kafziel as a crutch. His strength was ebbing away, however Shinokami had a strategy in mind...

"You are strong, however you are still out gunned. Can you defeat that which you cannot target?"

Shinokami went into full defensive, dashing around erratically. He was no match for Uni, but he could possibly prove to be a distraction. After all, Uni had vocally expressed hatred for Shinokami alone. On a quick pass, he whispered to Runeknight.

"I cannot overpower this foe, however I shall act as a decoy, as my Master wishes. Know that if my Master wishes my return, I shall do so immediately."

((1/2/3 - Get the f**k away from the Black Hole and/or dodge like mad))
Uni: 905

Runeknight: 125 (Guard1)
Shinokami: 40 (Trapped! No actions available!)

Shinokami's efforts to get away are in vain, and he's sucked into the Black Hole that is Uni's cloak.

Runeknight's DoubleCube hurts Uni, and he's too distracted to dodge the Vulcan shots as well. After he sucked Shinokami in, however, he turned towards Runeknight and spoke. "Now that I've gotten rid of that annoyance... shall we resume?"
As Shinokami disappeared into the black vortex, Kamoku watched on in horror, her breath coming in short gasps and her eyes reduced almost to pin-pricks. She was shaking. This enemy was way too strong. In the Net, her portrait appeared on a monitor screen, between Uni and Runeknight. She had thrown her arms out and glared at Uni, almost as if throwing herself between the two.

"Yamete! Stop it!"

She barely knew what she was doing, but she was on auto-pilot.

"Why ... Why do you attack others! Why do you cause this mayhem!"
"Hm?" Uni looked at the viewscreen for a moment, chuckling. "Me? 'Cause this Mayhem'? Dear, I think you've got things backwards. I was having a perfectly acceptable duel with this man here before you and your navi interfered! Now, if you'll excuse me..." Uni shattered the viewscreen with a single punch, and began to walk slowly towards Runeknight, "...I have some unfinished business to take care of."
Runeknight hesitated, moving slowly away from adversary. His erstwhile companion had been consumed by the strange cloak worn by Uni, despite Runeknight's attempts at aid. The knightly Navi was at a loss for what to do. His opponent was protected by strange and powerful magics that the Navi had no idea how to combat. He raised his unbroken shield up high, using it as a barrier that stood between him and the mystical monster that stalked toward him.

"Why ... Why do you attack others! Why do you cause this mayhem!"

A screen had appeared within the Net and Runeknight could hear the voice of a girl shouted at Runeknight. He could not see the girl, but he could hear her anguish. Her voice sounded shaky, like she was unsure of what she was saying, but had to say it anyway. Her voice comforted the Navi and steeled his determination. He was unsure if Shinokami was even alive, but he had to do what was possible to help his new ally.

He could hear Uni responding to the image between the two Navi. Runeknight raised his hand and summoned his crossbow, the black lacquered wooden bow appearing in a flash of cobalt light. A single arrow was locked within the bow, the tip of the quarrel glowing with an azure light. Runeknight took aim at the center of the screen, waiting for the inevitable. There! The screen shattered as Uni slammed his fist through it. Runeknight adjusted his aim with a quick movement and let loose the arrow, its streaking light taking on the shape of a tumbling ocean wave.

Dodging back a few quick steps, Runeknight dropped his bow and took up a quick chant as more BattleChip data was downloaded into his system. A sphere of crimson flames ignited within his free hand and Runeknight thrust his fist toward Uni. The sphere of flames erupted into a wave of fire. The inferno burned bright, threatening to decimate and destroy anything that stood in its way. Perhaps the flames would consume Uni's cloak and free Shinokami from its forbidding grasp.

Knightly Aura is active (Damage Reduction of 10 for 2 hits)
1. Maintain Guard1
2. WideShot1(80) to Uni
3. FlameLine1(70) to Uni
4. FlameLine1(70) to Uni
((Twi was going to mod this, but then the long post Twi had written got deleted when Firefox crashed.

Suffice to say, I'll do it tomorrow.))
((Making sure Twi does as he's told.))

((Also, banpu))
Uni: 755

Runeknight: 125
Shinokami: 1 (Trapped! No actions available! Critical! -1 action!)

Uni was caught off-guard by Runeknight's Wideshot, but he dodged the first Flameline, being struck again by the second. He growled. The serene images faded once again, and the black hole reappeared on the front of the cloak; rather than sucking something in this time, However, it spat Shinokami out at Runeknight's guard, which reflected the physical force (80) and sent Shinokami... right back into the Black Hole again. It disappeared again shortly afterwards. Uni was almost speechless. "Well... that was unexpected."
Blackness again. Shinokami should have felt right at home in the inky mass, but this was a soured darkness. Standing on death's doorway and trapped. Shinokami couldn't be defeated like this. The enemy was strong. Very strong. Shinokami just had to do what he could. His Master wouldn't be happy if he just laid down and took it.

He drifted through the void slowly, flipping over a few times before his feet found something solid. The darkness was just too much. He couldn't even see his hand in front of his face. This wasn't a natural darkness, it was something more, clouding even his other senses. However, he could still hear. His voice echoed in the nothingness, ringing through the halls.

"Your nihilistic tendencies..." he groaned, clutching his arm to stifle the data seeping out. "...they will not ... not deny me my ... my being!"

Mustering the all the strength his critically injured body could muster, Shinokami held both arms out to his side. Although he couldn't see it, he could feel the familiar black flames forming in his hands, then reforming each into their own unique weapons. In one hand, Kafziel, the scythe of the light. In the other, Irkalla, the scythe of the dark. Shinokami was struggling to stand, beaten, bruised and bloody, but he wasn't going to let the void take and destroy him, or let Uni use him as a tool. The only one allowed to use him was his Master.

"I can sense ... your presence. Though I cannot pinpoint it, I will ... never be used by the likes of you]!"

Shinokami emphasized the last word with a cross-slash of his scythes, almost collapsing from the effort, yet willing himself to stand and fight. He couldn't see anything to hit, yet he could feel it. All around him. Smothering him. Drowning him. The one presence he had come to loathe...



Kamoku kept staring at her PeT screen, madly pressing buttons to try and re-gain a view of the battle. Since Uni destroyed the screen on his side, the view was replaced by static fuzz. Hot tears streamed down her face as every attempt failed, only making her cry more. Out of sheer frustration, she bashed her PeT down, then hugged it tightly, her tears running over it in her embrace.

"Shinokami ... why ... please ... come back to me..."

She clenched the PeT tighter to her chest, screwing her eyes shut entirely.

One solitary droplet landed directly on the screen, sliding off moments later.


"Well... that was unexpected."

The battle between RuneKnight and Uni still raged, if it could be called 'rage', on. However, a voice began to appear, interrupting the two in whatever it was they were doing.

"...ack ba ... kami, ple..."

It slowly faded in and out of focus, growing steadily stronger as time passed. An orange glow began slowly walking into the area from behind RuneKnight, the voice becoming clearer. It sounded young. And female. And tearful.

"...ive him back...Shinokami! Come back!"

The glow slowly began to take form, becoming a small girl that would be instantly recognizable as Shinokami's Operator, Kamoku. However, at the same time, it wasn't Kamoku. Perhaps it was her emotions given form in the Net, perhaps it was a being that fed on emotions and took their form. But whatever it was didn't matter. It had a message to convey to Uni in particular, running up to him and staring him right in the face. It attempted to grab his shoulders, but it couldn't. It didn't have a physical form. However, it still pushed its arms back and forth, as if trying to shake Uni.

"Give him back! Give him back to me! Give me back Shinokami! Give him back!"

The figure kept repeating itself, crying tears that streamed down its face and down onto the ground, where it disintegrated after splashing against the floor. The figure slowly dropped to its knees, staring at the floor dejectedly and sobbing uncontrollably, its arms up against Uni's chest.

"Please ... give him back to me ..."


Shinokami's strength had failed him. He had been fighting on will alone for a while, but the inky blackness had sucked even that out of him. He collapsed to one knee, panting heavily and letting Irkalla and Kafziel clatter on the ground near to him. His grey eyes only took in the inky blackness and nothing more.

I am sorry, Master... he thought to himself. I cannot fight any more. I am simply too weak to go on. I ... I have failed you...

Shinokami felt as if he would collapse into a heap at any moment, letting himself die at the hands of the oppressive gloom. He began to hear a single voice echoing out to him that sounded similar to Kamoku's, though he simply thought it was his mind playing tricks on him. At least until they kept growing.


Through the inky blackness, he could hear the goings on outside. Something similar to Kamoku was shouting at, most likely, Uni. The words themselves hit Shinokami hard as he listened, his efforts spent in simply listening.

"Give him back! Give him back to me! Give me back Shinokami! Give him back!"


Then 'it' appeared. Shinokami got a glimpse of what was going on through Uni's eyes for a split second, but that was all it took. The image was enough. A Kamoku-like figure staring up into Uni's eyes, tears streaming down her face, pleading with him. Shinokami's eyes darted instantly forward, shocked deeply by what he had just seen. At that same moment, he changed. His grey, lifeless eyes had been replaced by eyes of a bright yellow color. Though seemingly minor, his eyes weren't the only thing that had shifted.

"Kaamokuuuu! I'm coming!"

Through sheer force of his newly replenished will alone, Shomikami grabbed his weapons and quickly rose to his feet, running forwards as fast as he could. Though both the image and voice were gone, they rung loudly in Shinokami's head, driving him forwards. He tightly clenched Kafziel's white handle in his grip, focussing all his energy into that arm. His very being was on the line, and the outcome would be determined by what happened next, but that wasn't what Shinokami cared about. It was Kamoku. Deep inside him, the emotions welled up and broke through his steely surface. It didn't matter, any more. Kamoku needed him, and he needed Kamoku.

Once more, Shinokami threw his will behind a single action, but this time, he took it further. He put his whole energy, will and being into a single downwards slash with Kafziel, hoping and wishing that it would be his deliverance. Even if his strength gave out once more, he wouldn't stop there. Kamoku was waiting.
Runeknight stood still, quite shocked by the events that had just transpired. He had been holding his shield high, ready to protect himself from the wrath of his adversary. Uni was a powerful foe, a wielder of strange magics that granted him control of the very cosmos. Runeknight's shield had flashed with a golden aura, the spells engraved within the blackened steel strengthening it to defend the Navi from any assault. However, Runeknight had not been prepared for the projectile that came hurdling from the darkness within Uni's cloak. Shinokami, the strange Navi that had proffered Runeknight aid against his foe, had been hurled bodily from the nexus within Uni only to smash into the golden shield and ricochet right back into Uni's cloak.

"Sire," Runeknight was not sure what had just happened. "Is...What?"

"He's hurt bad," Zan gritted his teeth. "But he's still alive in that strange cloak."

"This Uni is a vile fiend...Using our own allies against us in such a way."

"Just keep focused. This guy is still going strong despite everything we've thrown at him. I'm sending you a few more BattleChips. Make them count."

"As you say Sire."

Runeknight nodded as he began to circle his foe. He held his spear lightly in booth hands, the tip held out and low toward Uni's gut. It was a defensive battle stance, one that would allow him to swing either the tip or the shaft of the spear to counter Uni's strikes. The armored Navi circled and strafed, unsure of how to proceed. He could feel the power of Zan's BattleChips surging through him, their energy strengthening him for the ordeal to come, but he was hesitant. Perhaps he could defeat Uni, but what would happen to Shinokami trapped within the powerful Navi's cloak?

"...ack ba ... kami, ple..."

A ghostly voice sounded from behind him. Runeknight pivoted quickly and backpedaled to avoid this newest threat. An orange glow had appeared in the area behind where he had stood, the glow slowly gaining focus and form to take the shape of a young girl. The voice coming from the strange image was familiar, but Runeknight could not quite place it. The figure ran toward Uni, attempting to shake the cloaked figure.

"Give him back! Give him back to me! Give me back Shinokami! Give him back!" The figure cried desperately.

Runeknight was unsure of what was going on, but he decided to use it to his advantage. He stalked behind Uni, crimson flames erupted along the length of his spear. He hefted the weapon with one hand, holding it overhand and ready to throw. The flames grew hot, gathering en mass at the tip of the spear with trails of fire dancing all along the shaft. Runeknight hurled the weapon at Uni's back, hoping to impale the powerful Navi and end the duel right there and now.

Another surge of energy ripped through Runeknight's body and another weapon formed in his outstretched hand. It was a large boomerang, wooden but for a band of metal wrapped around each tip to give it more weight. Runeknight hefted the weapon as he had his spear, calling out to the mystical energies within the Net with a loud, chanting voice. Cobalt flames sprung up around the boomerang, dancing across the wood, but not charring it in the slightest. Runeknight took aim at Uni, hoping to hook the boomerang to strike Uni from a different angle than his spear had. Runeknight flung the boomerang, his chant reaching a crescendo as the cobalt flames spiraled around the wooden projectile.

As Runeknight finished his chant, he raised his left arm to cover his body. The blackened steel of his armor twisted as it morphed to form a jet black and cobalt shield that rested stoutly on his arm. Runeknight hefted the shield, keeping it between himself and Uni's mystic powers. It was his last true defense against Uni's might. After this he would be forced to merely dodge.

Knightly Aura is active (Damage Reduction of 10 for 2 hits)
1. FireHit(60) to Uni
2. Boomerang(60) to Uni
3. Rune Blast(90) to Uni
4. Guard1 to self
((Congrats Nal, the dice favor you... this time.))

Uni: 545

Runeknight: 125
Shinokami: 1 (RAGE MODE ACTIVATE! Double damage dealt! Actions set to 6! Improved dodge/hit! All sig cooldowns reset and now usable!)

With a sudden flare of light, a tear appeared in Uni's cloak. Then another. Then another. Until finally, a small spatial distortion filled the entire frontal space. Uni seemed perplexed.

And then Shinokami burst outward, covered in an aura of fire. The following words echoed in his head... "My love will keep you safe... my desperation will push you onward... my will shall make you strike harder than you have ever struck before... Now go."

Runeknight meanwhile took a few shots at Uni, who was too dumbstruck by the turn of events to dodge.
((*sings* Shinokami! FUCK YEAH! Here to save the mother-fucking day, yeah! >=D ))

Shinokami managed to burst free after all, the Kamoku-like figure merging into Shinokami's shape as he flew through the air and landing, skidding along the ground. However, he kept his footing, his yellow eyes staring back at Uni, reeling from the effects of the attacks. Shinokami closed his eyes, concentrating on listening to a certain sound. It wasn't hard for him to find it.

Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

Not one, but two sets of heartbeats. One was his own. The other? Kamoku's.


Kamoku's screen buzzed into life, this time giving a first-person view from Shinokami himself. The tears still rolled down her cheeks, but she was no longer upset. In fact, she had never been more relieved. She closed her eyes, as well, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness... Shinokami..."

She heard it two. Both sets of heartbeats, in complete unison. She knew what was left to do, as did Shinokami. The pain, the misery, the emotion ... both of them felt it. And now it was time to unleash those pent-up feelings, and put everything into a final stand.


Shinokami opened his eyes, glaring at Uni, holding only Kafziel, the flames dancing wildly around his form. Never before had the term 'Do or Die' apply to Shinokami as it did right now. He knew what he had to do, and how to finish it. Nothing would stop him, now...

"Uni ... I have to thank you. You gave me this gift. A gift unlike any other!"

The delay between Kamoku pushing in the RageClaw chip and Shinokami activating it was almost non-existent. However, it didn't activate in his free hand like it usually did, instead making the blade of Kafziel longer and sharper. Kafziel, the white scythe of Shinokami, was his reminder of Kamoku in Uni's void. Now, it would be the weapon to strike him down.

"These feelings you've given me give me strength! The strength to defeat you!"

Shinokami dashed forward, as fast as he could, the image of Kamoku in his mind and the sound of both heartbeats ringing in his ears. The beat was so fast, he could almost dance to it. Though not in time with the beat, he still performed some form of dance, unleashing a flurry of blows with Kafziel.

"This is my new power!"

He emphasized each word with by striking out with Kafziel, starting with a simple diagonal slash and ending with an upwards blow that sent Shinokami backwards in a wide half-loop, Kafziel primed and ready behind him. This would be it. The Do or Die attack, with his whole being behind it. It proved successful last time, though this one was riskier. He could flee, but he would never forgive himself for it. Ever.

"This will be the final blow! It ends now!"

It wasn't just Shinokami who yelled out. Kamoku joined in, too, going against her very nature to support him. And he was deeply thankful. Shinokami spun in the air twice, before letting go of Kafziel. He felt the boost of energy leave him as it did, and he landed on the ground, struggling to keep upright once more. But what happened next didn't matter. He gave it his all.

Kafziel, however, kept travelling. The power had left Shinokami and entered his weapon. It spun around quickly, the afterimage looking like a chakram of sorts, empowered by the unison of Kamoku and Shinokami's thoughts and feelings. It kept travelling towards Uni, on a collision course.

Kamoku ... Your voice helped me break free ... And your feelings let me turn the tide of this battle ... Arigato...

((1 - RageClaw1 (40*2=80) @ Uni))
((2 - RageClaw1 (40*2=80) @ Uni))
((3 - RageClaw1 (40*2=80) @ Uni))
((4 - RageClaw1 (40*2=80) @ Uni))
((5 - RageClaw1 (40*2=80) @ Uni))
((6 - Musou Tenshou Yoku no Jin (70*2=140) @ Uni))

((Total = 540 DAMAGE!! 200% AWESOME!!))
"Such power..." Runeknight marveled as he stared at the glowing figure before him. "Tis nigh impossible."

"And yet," Zan was similarly impressed. "There it is."

Despite his cobalt visor, Runeknight was forced to shield his eyes with his armored hand to avoid the fierce light emitting from Shinokami. The wolfish Navi had freed himself from the prison within Uni's cloak, his scythe shredding the very fabric of space in order to be reunited with his NetOp. And now he stood before Runeknight, bathed in searing flames that signified his inner turmoil.

"His rage," Runeknight murmured. "It is practically a physical entity. It grants him strength. His hatred grants him this power."

"Not so much," Zan corrected his Navi. "There is rage...There is hate, but those are not the true source of this power. It is the bond between NetOp and Navi. In times of intense stress, such a bond cant grant untold strength. Like when a mother lifts a car off of her child or when a person pulls his friend up from the edge of a cliff."

"Sire..." Runeknight paused for a long moment as he merging of Shinokami and his "Master". "Sire, shall we ever achieve such a bond?"

"Heh, I like to think we already have. In our case, we are rarely forced into such dire straits that we are forced to test the strength of our unity. But don't just stand there gawking Runeknight. Uni seems a powerful opponent and I don't think Shinokami can take him on his own, no matter what reserves of energy he has tapped into."

"As you say, Sire."

Runeknight's crossbow appeared in his hand in a flash of cobalt light, the black lacquered wood glinting in the light offered by Shinokami's glow. The armored Navi was determined to make this the end of his duel with Uni and was prepared to unleash whatever he had left in his arsenal. He cocked back the bow, fitting an arrow into the slot and taking aim.

As he steadied his arm, Runeknight metered out a low chant, his low, melodious voice grasping each familiar syllable and carrying over the battlefield. Runeknight's black armor took up a glow of it's own, a light blue aura that ran along the few cracks in his defenses and began to shore them up. As Runeknight's chant grew louder, a circle of darkness opened below Uni. The darkness boiled just beneath the surface, the strange energies begging for release. Runeknight reached the crescendo, practically shouting now, His armor was blinding in its brightness and a pillar of black flame responded to the light and lurched up from beneath the circle of darkness below Uni. A second pillar followed the first and the mystic flames attempted to encircle Uni as twin snakes would fight over their prey.

Runeknight loosed his arrow into the center of the spiraling pillars, the arrow streaking forward in a blaze of light. Countless more arrows followed the first, each ripping through the air toward the cloaked figure of Uni. As the final arrow was loosed, Runeknight dropped his bow and moved toward Shinokami, unsure of the condition of his ally. Could the battle be over? Was Uni defeated?

Knightly Aura is active (Damage Reduction of 10 for 2 hits)
1. Rune Purge(70) damage to Uni with (25) heal to Runeknight
2. HeatShot(40) to Uni
3. Vulcan1(3x10) to Uni
4. Cannon(40) to Uni
The barrage of fire struck Uni from every angle. Every burst of fire or pounding attack crushing and breaking his already weakened frame...

And then came the final attack, a single shot from a cannon... there was a bright light, and Uni was gone, the only remaining trace of his existence being his cloak.

His cloak which flew into the air, releasing tiny fragments of data that rained upon the battlefield, shining like stars before coalescing into two piles of data on the ground...



Runeknight: 2000z
Shinokami: 1800z
Shinokami slowly got back to his feet, smiling widely. Though the battle had left him almost for dead, he had come out of it a lot stronger. And a lot closer to Kamoku. He took a moment to catch his breath, before addressing his partner.

"I probably shouldn't have got involved ... but we did it, in the end."

Shinokami scooped up the Zenny data, throwing it into the air to transmit it to Kamoku.

"Sorry to fight and run, but I'm in no shape to continue. Good luck on the road ahead."

After RuneKnight had said his farewell, Shinokami flew upwards and out of sight, returning to Kamoku's PeT.
Runeknight breathed a sigh of relief as Uni vanished from the Net. The battle had been hard fought, but in the end they had triumphed. It was an interesting feeling, to be battling with comrades once more. Runeknight's spear vanished in a flash of light as he saluted Shinokami, fist to chest.

"You are a valiant warrior, Shinokami, and a faithful companion, especially since this fight was not your own. I thank thee."

"Yeah," Zan added. "We'll have to meet up again sometime."

As Shinokami vanished into the skies of the Net, Zan transfered his email address to the wolfish Navi's NetOp. He was always glad to meet new allies for Runeknight. The knightly Navi gathered up the remaining data and headed off further into the Net.

((Battle 16! Runeknight should be at full health due to the Rune Purge in my last battle post))
Hordes of viruses attack.

SpikeyA: 90
SpikeyB: 90
SpikeyC: 90
SeedbatA: 50
SeedbatB: 50
SeedbatC: 50
ShrubbyA: 50
ShrubbyB: 50
ShrubbyC: 50
BunnyA: 50
BunnyB: 50
BunnyC: 50
MetoolA: 40
MetoolB: 40
MetoolC: 40
CanondumbA: 50
CanondumbB: 50
CanondumbC: 50
SpookyA: 50
SpookyB: 50
SpookyC: 50

Runeknight: 140

-Looks like your went to a buffet and tried a little bit of everything-